I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 225: Nobility?

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After the death of Malekith, Peter walked through the palace, helping the Einherjar guards with the remaining Dark Elves that were still sieging the place.

While Peter was dashing through the halls, killing Dark elves left and right, he ran into Thor, who was covered in sweat and tiredly making his way through the palace.

"Yo!" Peter called out with a wave. "What happened to you?"

"That doesn't matter..." Thor shook his head as he looked at his friend curiously. "What are you doing here?"

"I came all the way here to defend your home, and that's all you have to say?" Peter says as he playfully sulks.

"Thanks for the help..." Thor smiled as he started walking again. "We need to get to Jane and my Mother."

"I've already sent them to your father's chambers." Peter says as he follows behind Thor, who sighed in relief.

"Thank you, my friend." Thor says genuinely.

"No problem." Peter shrugs as he explains everything that has happened so far. "...As for the army outside, I brought some backup..."

Just as Peter says this, the two of them arrive at the front balcony of the Palace, where Thor was welcomed by a saddening sight.

"This is horrible..." Thor muttered as he saw smoke rising from the once prestigious city of Asgard, as well as the invasion force that flew all over the place, bringing chaos and destruction with them.


Before Peter could utter any comforting words, hundreds of small enemy assault ships exploded, while one of the few remaining gigantic Dark Elf Harrow ships folded in on itself before squishing into a giant ball of metal.

"What was that?" Thor asks as he watches in awe at the decimation of Asgard's enemies.

"I told you that I brought some backup, didn't I?" Peter says as the figures of Magneto, Professor X, and Iron Man rise up above the destroyed ships.

"Haha!" Thor started to laugh as he wiped a single tear from his eye. "It seems that my debt to you only keeps rising. Do you want to be King of Asgard? Because at the rate you're going, that's the only thing I can offer..."

"Eh, don't worry about it." Peter says as he smiles under his mask. "I have enough problems to deal with on Earth as it is."

"No, you must be rewarded-" Thor tries to offer but...

Suddenly, thousands of spears flew up into the air and rained down on a large group of Dark Elf assault ships, destroying hundreds of them at a single time.

"?" Looking closely, Thor and Peter found Heimdall leading thousands of Asgardian soldiers, who all waited for the ships to crash before retrieving their spears.

"It seems that your subordinates are fighting back as well." Peter comments as Thor starts spinning Mjolnir in his hand.

"I can't just sit on the sidelines, can I?" Thor says as he throws his hammer and launches out of the palace.

"Meh, I don't think they'll need my help..." Peter muttered as he strolled back into the palace, where he found Fury skulking around like a thief in the night.

"Yo, find anything interesting?" Peter asks as he appears behind the sneaking baldy.

"!" Fury jumps slightly as he turns to see Peter looming over his shoulder. "What?!"

"Don't be so angry..." Peter commented as a large group of Dark Elves came running their way. "I'll leave these guys to you."

After giving Fury a quick shove toward the incoming enemies, Peter walked off and left him behind.

It was easy for him to tell that Fury was up to no good. He was most likely trying to steal Asgardian technology or find some worthwhile information, so Peter decided to throw him to the wolves as punishment.

Looking back, Peter watched as Fury fought his way through the swarms of Dark Elves, who seemed to have no end to their numbers.

'He'll be fine...' Peter thought to himself as he strolled off.


Within a few hours, thanks to the combined effort of Asgard's forces and the Avengers, every Dark Elf was taken care of, leaving nothing but dead bodies and wrecked ships behind.

Sadly, Asgard was significantly damaged, but they would be able to rebuild with enough time and effort.

Though, they wouldn't be able to bring back those that were lost in battle, as well as the innocents who were slaughtered like animals in their own homes, neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces.

The city could be rebuilt, the dead would always remain that way.

Once Thor was sure that every last enemy was finished off, the clean-up officially began.

Every Asgardian came together to clean up their home and mourn the loss of their loved ones.

Luckily, Asgard has many sorcerers in their ranks, so the clean-up was quickly taken care of.

Of course, rebuilding would take much longer, but at least there won't be any rotting bodies laying around to spread diseases.

Speaking of the bodies, the Asgardians were all brought together for a proper funeral ceremony, while the Dark Elves were simply burned in large piles, leaving nothing but ash and dust behind.


"...and I would like to thank our Midgardian friends for their assistance in Asgard's time of need..." Thor mentioned Peter and the others in his speech at the ceremony for the fallen.

Due to the fact that a funeral was being held, the Avengers Council hadn't returned to Earth just yet, as they wanted to show their respect before leaving.

"Without them, we may have lost far more than those here today..." Thor started as he turned to look at his mother, who was still alive thanks to Peter's interference.

'Well, I couldn't just let her die.' Peter thought as he was saddened by her death in the movie.

Frigga always came off as a loving mother, who wanted nothing but the best for her children.

It's certainly possible that she made some mistakes with Loki, as it couldn't be all Odin's fault for the way he turned out, but that isn't enough to warrant her death.

In short, Frigga didn't deserve the end that she got, which is why Peter made sure to find her and save her as soon as possible.

Once Thor's speech came to an end, the dead Asgardians were loaded onto ornate boats and pushed across a large lake, where they were each set ablaze with fiery arrows from a distance.

This part of the ceremony took a long time, so Peter ended up sending Erik, Charles, Fury, and Tony back home.

They all had responsibilities to attend to, after all.

Though Peter stayed behind, as Thor asked him to stay for some reason.


"So, what's up?" Peter strolled into the throne room and asked.

Thor, who just finished with the funeral proceedings, sat on his throne with his Mother, Frigga at his side.

"Spider, come forward and kneel!" Thor orders in his serious kingly tone.

"Uhh, do I have to?" Peter asks as he walks over.

"Just do it..." Thor sighed as he felt like the atmosphere that he was cultivating was completely ruined.

"..." Reluctantly following his friend's words, Peter knelt down on one knee.

"Spider, as thanks for your many deeds in service of Asgard and its people, I hereby grant you citizenship as well as the noble title of Duke, second only to members of the royal family." Thor states as a smirk forms on his face.

"Uhh... Thanks?" Peter answers unsurely.

"No problem, my friend." Thor smiles happily on his throne.

"It's the least we can do after all that you've done." Frigga says from the side.

"I don't have to do any work, do I?" Peter asks, completely ruining the moment.

"Haha!" Thor started laughing instantly. "See, mother! I told you he would say that."

"No, you won't have any duties, unless you want them, of course." Frigga says with a sigh.

"Good..." Peter sighed in relief. "I don't mean to be disrespectful. It's just that I'm already extremely busy on Earth, so my schedule doesn't have room for any more responsibilities."

"It's alright, My Friend." Thor says with one last laugh. "We mainly gave you this title for the respect of it. No Asgardian can afford to look down on you now."

"Were they doing that before?" Peter asks curiously.

"Some." Frigga spoke up. "You have to understand that Midgard isn't exactly known for its strength. It will take time to change people's minds."

"Well, whatever." Peter shrugs uncaringly. "It's not like I care what other people think."

"I see, well at least you can enjoy the perks of citizenship. You did say that you wanted to buy a vacation home here." Thor says with a shrug of his own.

"Since we have your reward out of the way, let's talk about the Aether..." Frigga says as the room turns serious in an instant.

"What about it?"

A/N: 1486 words :)

🚨Insert your most hated fictional character here🚨


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