I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 226: Returning Home

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"What about it?" Peter asked as he knew that they would bring up the reality stone sooner or later.

"What are your plans with it?" Frigga asks worriedly.

She knew what the Aether really was, The Reality Stone.

Knowing this, Frigga and her sleeping husband didn't know how to handle the situation.

Thankfully, Odin was still hibernating.

"Nothing much." Peter answers with a shrug. "Probably learn how to wield it and use it for my usual hero stuff. That's about it."

"..." Frigga pursed her lips together in contemplation.

"I don't see what you're so worried about mother." Thor says uncaringly. "Even if the Aether is powerful, The Spider is a good man. He wouldn't use it for any nefarious purposes."

Of course, Thor stuck up for his friend, though he didn't know the true power of an infinity stone.

"It's not him that I'm worried about." Frigga says as she looks at Peter seriously. "There are some in our universe that would kill for the power you've been granted. Wielding the Aether will call these people to your doorstep, and they will do all they can to rip the Reality Stone from your body."

"Reality Stone?" Thor asks curiously.

"That is the true name of the Aether." Frigga explains briefly.

"If you're talking about Thanos, then you don't have to worry." Peter says, surprising the former queen of Asgard.

"How do you know that name?" She asks suspiciously.

"Because he sent an army to earth looking for something called the Tesseract, but we destroyed them before they could land." Peter says, earning an impressed look from Frigga.

"Do you have the tesseract as well?" Frigga asks as she knew what was inside the glowing cube.

At this point, Thor was merely listening along, as he had no idea who Thanos was nor anything about the Tesseract.

"No, but Thanos seems to think it's on Earth." Peter lies smoothly. "Either way, Earth has already drawn some unwanted attention, so the Aether or Reality Stone, whatever you want to call it, won't change much."

"..." Frigga remained quiet for a moment as she tried to figure out how to handle this.

On one hand, she didn't want to make any demands of her savior, and on the other hand, she knew her husband wouldn't like this.

Odin would want the Aether hidden once again. That way it could remain forever out of the hands of people like the Mad Titan.

"Fine, I will not interfere, but you should know some important information before making any decisions..." Frigga says as she goes into a long-winded explanation about the Infinity Stones and their origin.

"So there are six gems out there that can grant anyone god-like powers, and my friend here has one of them?" Thor summarizes everything simply.

"Yes." Frigga nods as she starts to second-guess herself. "Do you see why I'm so reluctant now?"

Although Frigga had some thoughts of confiscating the Reality Stone, she knew that Peter would simply overpower her should she try to take the Aether by force.

"No, if anyone can handle such a burden, then it's the Spider." Thor disagrees with his mother instantly.

"Thanks, Thor." Peter says genuinely. 'I wouldn't exactly call it a burden though...'

Yeah, having to worry about people like Thanos, and the possibility of blowing up from using infinite power was alarming, but the pros far outweigh the cons.

"Fine, I will not speak on this anymore." Frigga says with a sigh. "Just remember to be careful. Thanos will most definitely attack Midgard once again, and he most certainly won't be the only one."

"And Asgard will be there to defend its allies. No tyrants may attack the nine Realms without retaliation!" Thor says as he grasps Mjolnir and lightning began to spark randomly.

"And I will defend Asgard again should you need any help." Peter says with a smirk under his mask. "I would be happy to fight by your side when the time comes."

"Yes, as fellow Avengers!" Thor bellows happily.

"Sure, does that mean you want to join?" Peter asks.

"Of course! How could I not?" Thor says with a laugh. "I can't let Loki upstage me, after all."

"Alright, then you're hereby a member of the Avengers." Peter makes it official in an instant. "Usually the council would vote on any new recruits, but I already know that they'll say yes. I'll bring over some paperwork on another day, and you'll have to go through some training, but we can figure that out later."

"Training? I do not need training." Thor said as he had more training time than every Avenger combined.

"Everyone has to go through basic training. No exceptions." Peter says with a shake of his head.

"Thor is-" Frigga tried to argue for her son but...

"Fine, I'll accept the training." Thor agreed reluctantly.

"Good, I'll bring over some paperwork tomorrow and assign you a trainer as well." Peter said as he opened a portal. "Anything else before I go?"

"No, just remember to be safe." Frigga says, knowing the Aether will bring him nothing but trouble.

"I will."


As soon as Peter returned home, he finally had some time to sit back and think properly.

Firstly, he now has three out of six of the Infinity Stones, one of which he can actually use without any adverse side effects, making him a bonafide powerhouse.

What was even more shocking was how loyal the Reality Stone seemed to be.

Based on the way it could move on its own, and ignore the call of Malekith in their fight, Peter came to the conclusion that the red sludge liked him somehow.

At least, more than the dead Dark Elf King...

Peter wasn't sure whether that was playing a part in how easy the Aether is to use for him.

'This could explain why I slept for so long...' Peter thought, as Jane only passed out for a moment in the movie. 'The Aether must have agreed with me being its wielder, and kept me asleep for some reason? Maybe to get accustomed to my body?'

Although Peter thought that this was the likely answer, at the end of the day he had no idea if it was actually correct or not.

After all, Malekith must have had the Aether's consent at one point as well, yet Peter doubted that the Dark Elf King had similar control over the red sludge.

Or else he would have easily won against Asgard all those years ago.

Maybe if he had a conduit, like the one Peter was trying to build, then he could have possibly wielded similar powers.

Speaking of Conduits, Peter opened a drawer in his room, revealing six tiny wire-like pieces connected to small metal indents, which were made specifically to hold the Infinity Stones.

It only took King Eitri a few weeks to forge his order, and it only took that long because of the metals used as well as the intricacies of the blueprints.

"I may not need one of these anymore..." Peter muttered as the Reality Stone found a home in him somehow. 'Maybe I can use the extra conduit for something else?'

As for the rest of his order, the other Dwarves worked together to forge all 206 bones perfectly, earning their Vibrabium, which they split between themselves after a huge brawl to decide who would get the larger cuts.

Opening a larger drawer, Peter found the bones that would make up Lily's body.

'If I use the Reality Stone, I could make her a body today...' Peter thought, though he knew it would disappear without the Power Stone's help. '...'

Not only that, but using the Power Stone could also alert Thanos.

Otherwise, how would the Mad Titan know that the Space Stone was on Earth? He has to have some sort of tracker that lights up every time the Energy of an Infinity Stone is detected.

Suddenly, Peter realized something.

'He probably knows about the Reality Stone...' Peter thought with a frown.

After all, Peter used it once in the New York Sanctum and a bunch of times on Asgard.

Though, the Sanctum is most likely warded, so he may not know that it was originally on Earth.

As for Asgard, Peter wasn't so sure...

The reason Peter was so worried about Thanos knowing is that he didn't want to scare the Mad Titan away.

He would rather let Thanos underestimate him than anything else. After all, it's the enemy you underestimate who kills you.

'If the Sanctum is warded, then he may just think that the reality Stone is in Asgard...'

A/N: 1443 words :)

🚨Insert the fictional character that you wish never died here🚨


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