I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 233: Adoption?

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"That would be your granddaughter." Peter says as May and Grace turn around in surprise, not noticing him or MJ sitting nearby.

"Holy sh*t!" Grace exclaimed as she whipped her head around and stared at Lily's sleeping face once again.

"Shhh, you'll wake Lily up." MJ admonished her mother in a hushed tone.

"Holy sh*t." Grace whispered this time around. "She looks just like you when you were younger."

"That's Lily?" May asked rather loudly.

"Shhh!" MJ shushed once again.

"I mean... That's Lily?" May whispered in disbelief. "How did you do it."

"Peter stole my DNA and combined it with his." MJ says pointedly, as if she was blaming Peter for some horrible crime.

"How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry?" Peter asked as they already talked about this. "It's not that big of a deal..."

"You stole my DNA and made a child between us with it. I'd say that's a very big deal..." MJ refutes his claims.

"So you would rather Lily stay a machine forever?" Peter asks with a small hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Of course not!" MJ exclaims.

"Shhh!" Both May and Grace took great pleasure in returning a shush to MJ.

"Of course not..." MJ repeats in a much quieter tone. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to know when you plan to use my DNA for something so important."

"Okay, I promise to let you know if and when I need or plan to use your DNA." Peter says in exasperation.

"See, was that so hard?" MJ asks with a roll of her eyes.

"Did we just witness a couple's fight?" May asks Grace.

"I think we did." Grace replies with an amused smirk.

"I would call it more of an argument than a fight." Peter says as his and MJ's hostile mood slowly disappeared.

"Yeah, if we fought, the neighborhood would probably be destroyed." MJ nods.

"Whatever you say." May says with an uncaring shrug. "Fighting or arguing like that is actually healthy for your relationship. If you didn't fight at all or you fight constantly, there would be a serious problem. Like all things in life, you must find balance. Just make sure that you don't go to bed angry at each other. Because you'll just wake up in the same headspace and start arguing all over again."

"Did you learn that from your time with Uncle Ben?" Peter asks curiously.

"No, from a Korean Drama..." May says with a resolute nod.

'This woman watches too many Korean romance shows...' Everyone in the room thought at the exact same time.

"So, now that you two are done squabbling, should we wake the princess?" Grace asks as she wanted to meet her granddaughter.

"You could or you can sleep over and surprise her in the morning with a full breakfast." Peter says as he and MJ explain how their daughter reacted to the pizza and soda earlier.


After a moment of thought, everyone decided to let the princess sleep.

Grace would sleep in the guest room and she and May would make a grand breakfast in the morning for her royal highness.

As Peter didn't want to leave Lily in the living room, he moved her to the guest room directly across the hallway from his room.

Of course, he transformed the bed in that room into a matching princess one and returned the couch to the living room.

"We'll have to decorate her room." MJ comments as she and Peter were laying in bed together.

The room where Lily is currently sleeping would become her actual bedroom, but it is fairly barren at the moment.

"I can go and do it now if you want?" Peter asks as it would be easy for him to conjure some furniture and decorations.

"No, decorating her room would be fun for Lily. Let's not take that away from her." MJ shakes her head and Peter nods in understanding.

Just as MJ was about to fall asleep, Peter spoke up.

"I'm sorry about stealing your blood..." Peter says one last time, following his Aunts advice.

"I'm sorry that I overreacted a bit. You used it for something good, so I shouldn't have reacted that way..." MJ replies with her own apology as she buries her head in Peter's chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


"Wake up!" Someone yelled as the banging and clanging of metal filled the house.

"?!" Peter and MJ each took a pillow and wrapped it around their heads, covering their sensitive ears.

"What is happening?" MJ asks sleepily as the pillow did nothing to drown out the piercing sounds.

"It seems like the grannies are corrupting our innocent child..." Peter says as he picks his head up and sees Lily at the door, banging pots and pans together with a smirk on her cute little face.

Meanwhile, May and Grace stood behind her with cooking equipment of their own, making as much noise as they could.

"Ugh..." MJ wasn't having it as she sat up in an instant and shot multiple webs toward the loud bunch.

Before anyone could react, each web stuck to the pots and pans, and with one good pull, MJ yanked them all out of their hands.


As the pots and pans crashed to the floor in the corner of the room, both MJ and Peter sighed in relief and fell back on their pillows.

"That was so cool!" Lily exclaimed as she jumped on the bed and dived on top of her mother. "Can I do that too?"

"We'll talk about that another time." Peter says as he pulls himself out of bed and looks toward the two masterminds. "What's with the... grand wake-up call?"

"Breakfast is served." Grace says as if she were a butler.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Peter says as he walks past the grannies and heads downstairs to the food.

After all, Lily ate most of the Pizza yesterday.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Lily exclaimed as she detached from MJ and rushed to catch up to Peter.


Sitting around the dining table, which was filled with all sorts of breakfast foods, Lily excitedly tried everything one by one while everyone else ate slowly and enjoyed her reactions.

From things like pancakes and waffles to eggs and bacon, May and Grace made it all.

"Wad ish dish? (What is this?)" Lily asks with a full mouth.

"Bacon." Peter says as he eats some of his own. "It's the best breakfast food in the world."

Lily could only nod as she stuffed her face with more and more bacon.

'We might have to start a more strict diet soon...' Peter thought as he worried about Lily getting fat. 'Though maybe she has a very high metabolism, like me?'

She seemed to have a bottomless stomach. Last night she ate four big slices of pizza and now she's already on her second plate of food.

Once the spectacle of Lily's reactions and glutinous behavior died down, May asked a good question.

"So, when is Lily starting school?" She asked the one thing that Peter didn't think about.

"Oh! I want to go to school!" Lily practically jumps out of her chair in excitement. "Kim Possible goes to high school. I want to be like her!"

"The school year is almost over, so after summer you'll be in your first year of middle school." MJ explains.

"Well, she doesn't exactly have the right paperwork at the moment." Peter says as he hasn't crafted her identity yet.

To the United States Government, Lily might as well be a ghost. She has no birth certificate or any identifying paperwork whatsoever.

At least, not yet.

"Does that mean I can't go to school?" Lily's mood instantly dropped from cheerful to disappointed sadness.

"No, it just means that I have to get some things ready beforehand." Peter explains as Lily's mood flips like a switch.

"Yes!" She exclaimed as she started happily stuffing her face once again.

"Are you going to make her your daughter on paper?" May asks as she knew doing so would complicate things.

"I'll figure it out..." Peter mutters as he tries to brainstorm for the best-case scenario.


The only thing Peter could think of is adoption, which would be impossible due to his status as a minor.

"May?" Peter calls out of nowhere.

"Yeah?" She replies.

"Would you be willing to sign emancipation papers?" Peter asks and a frown appears on May's face.

In the State of New York, when a child is emancipated, it means that the child no longer lives with the parents and is self-supporting.

In other words, an emancipated child is considered an adult in the eyes of the government.

Peter was only a bit over a year away from turning 18, which is the adult age recognized by the government, so being emancipated now wouldn't really change much.

(A/N: Peter is almost 17 years old BTW. He'll turn 17 in a month or two and 18 near the end of his senior year of high school.)

"Are you sure?" May sounded a bit unwilling.

After all, she would be practically signing away her parenthood, which is far different than just letting Peter grow up on his own.

"Yes, it's the only way to 'adopt' Lily." Peter explains his plan.

Of course, nobody would allow some 16-year-old kid to adopt a child, but thankfully, Peter could easily use magic to bypass all of those hurdles.

"Okay, if that's what you want..."

A/N: 1599 words

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