I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 234: First Friend

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(A/N: For those of you who may feel it's getting a bit too much like a slice of life, just know that we're getting back on track in the next chapter.)

A few months passed and the school year came to an end. Peter and MJ only had one last year of high school before they had to start thinking about college.

'Should I even bother with college?' Peter thought as he didn't exactly need to go.

As a millionaire who was most likely smarter than any professor, Peter didn't see the point in attending a college beyond going to the same one as Ned and MJ, as they would at least be able to spend time together.

Though he didn't know if they planned to go to college in the first place.

Ned has been all about fighting crime since his debut, so he didn't talk much about anything else.

The public gave him the name Black Noir, as his suit resembled the DC character from the Boys comic, which also exists in this world.

MJ has been fairly busy with the new daughter that popped out of nowhere, so she wasn't talking much about college either.

'I'll just wait and see what they want to do.' Peter thought with a shrug as he decided to follow his friends.

If Ned or MJ want to go to college, then he'll follow after them. If not, then maybe they can come together to do something else?

After all, the possibilities are endless.

Speaking of school, Peter enrolled Lily into a private middle school, so she'll start her first year of school after the summer comes to an end.

Peter wanted to send her to a normal public school, but he was outvoted on that decision.

The whole family came together and debated Lily's schooling and all of the women were in favor of the private school.

Of course, the grandmothers spent hours researching the best school, as they constantly repeated that Lily's education would be of the utmost importance.

"You do know that Lily will know more than all of the teachers by the time she starts, right?" Peter explained at the time. "She's only going to school to help her socialize with kids her age. As for the actual studying, Lily will be bored out of her mind."

When they realized this, MJ stepped in and helped find a private school with a lot of diversity and extracurricular activities.

Of course, those criteria would make a public school far more appealing, but the grannies insisted on private school.

"We have enough money to send her to a nice private school, so that's where she'll go!" Grace insisted as May nodded alongside her.

Because they didn't care that much and Lily didn't object, Peter and MJ decided to just let the grandparents win this time around.

As for Lily's paperwork, Peter was able to adopt her after becoming emancipated.


"..." May sat at the kitchen table and glared down at a small stack of papers.

"Here..." Peter places a pen in front of her awkwardly.

He could see the hesitance on his aunt's face and knew how she felt.

Usually, when a child is emancipated it's the fault of the parent. Either they were abusive or found lacking in some way by the state's standards.

Though, this wasn't the case.

May didn't want to sign away her parenthood, as she loved being Peter's Mother.

Even if he doesn't call her that.

The thought of signing her motherhood away made May want to burst into tears, though she knew that Peter needed this for Lily, her beautiful new granddaughter.

"Ahem..." May cleared her throat and held back tears as she peeked over at Peter for a moment before picking up the pen and signing the papers.

One by one, she quickened her pace until everything was signed. Once it was over she stood up and walked off in silence.

"Sigh..." Peter sadly watched her leave as he stashed the papers away.

He could hear her crying in her bedroom, which wasn't easy to listen to...

'I never thought that I would hate my super hearing...' Peter cursed his powers as he waited for her to calm down before following after her.

*Knock knock...*

Tapping on her door, Peter heard some shuffling from the other side.

"One minute!" May yelled as she scrambled to clean up her messy make-up.

"..." Rolling his eyes, Peter just opened the door and walk inside.

May jumped as she turned to Peter with her runny mascara, ready to tell him off for not listening to her.

Though before she could open her mouth, Peter walked up and wrapped his arms around her.

"Thanks, Mom." Peter said genuinely as May stiffened in his hold.

"..." The two stood there in silence for a while.

May was lost for words as she didn't expect Peter to call her that. Well, he has done it before but that was when he was younger.

"Why are you thanking me?" May asks as she separates from Peter and wipes a few stray tears from her eyes.

"For everything." Peter says simply. "You raised me and I know it wasn't easy to sign those papers."

"It's fine. I understand." May looks away awkwardly.

"I know." Peter says with a warm smile. "I just wanted to let you know that I love you. That paper doesn't change anything. It's just so Lily can officially join our family. After all, who would believe that she's mine and MJ's biological daughter? We would have been 7 years old when she was born."

Laughter filled the room as the sad atmosphere slowly disappeared.

-Flashback end-

After May signed everything, they filled out the paperwork with her lawyer friend and soon enough, Peter was recognized as an adult by the state of New York.

Once his emancipation was taken care of, Peter hacked into hospital and government databases and crafted Lily her own identity.

Lily Doe was an orphan born in New York Presbyterian hospital to an unknown mother, who abandoned her soon after she was born. Her father and other family are also completely unknown.

After crafting her birth certificate and other documents, Peter visited an adoption agency and worked a bit of magic to add Lily to their roster of available adoptees.

Of course, they wouldn't just allow someone as young as Peter to adopt Lily, so he had to trick the woman in charge with a spell that confused the victim, making them more pliable to suggestion.

'I really don't like using stuff like this...' Peter thought as he watched the dull-eyed woman in front of him get everything in order for Lily's official adoption into the Parker family.

Although making everything official didn't take long thanks to Peter's magic, the adoption agency still scheduled weekly checkups for the first month of Lily's 'adoption'.

Apparently, they don't just give out children without making sure that they're being treated properly.

Peter managed to bypass all of the preliminary checks, so he was surprised when a social worker with a clipboard came knocking at his door.

Thankfully, Peter was able to work some magic and put a stop to any more checkups after the first.

Just remembering the look on that social worker's face when she noticed his age, Peter has never witnessed so much confusion and worry on one person's face before.

Of course, he had to befuddle her a bit before sending her out with thoughts of a perfect home visit.

Though once that little mishap was fixed, Lily officially became Peters daughter, and they changed her last name to Lily Parker.

"Why don't I get emancipated?" MJ asked as she and Lily cuddled up on the couch, watching TV together. "I'm her mother too, you know."

Obviously, MJ wanted to adopt Lily as well but...

"You do know that increases the possibility of your father finding out about Lily, right?" Peter asked as he knew Fury would find out soon enough.

"Uhh..." MJ groaned in annoyance.

"I have a grandpa?" Lily asked in confusion as no one mentioned it before.

"Yes, and I'm sure you'll meet him soon." Peter says as MJ groans once again.

-Time skip-

After spending the summer as a happy family, the school year started once again, and Lily attended her first day of school.

"Umm, I don't think I want to go anymore..." Lily says nervously as she stares out of the car window at the countless kids rushing into the front doors of her new school.

Each of them wore matching uniforms, which Lily wore as well.

"What? I thought you were excited to make some new friends?" Peter asks, hoping to goad her confidence to rise.

"B-But I don't know what to say. What if they don't like me? How do I make friends?" Lily asks back as she turns to her father, revealing her teary eyes.

Smiling warmly at his emotional daughter, Peter motioned for Lily to come closer.

"I'll tell you the secret to making friends." Peter says as he leaned over and whispered into her ear. "..."

Hearing his words, Lily looked at her father in doubt.

"That's it?" She asked incredulously.

"Yup, now go and have fun." Peter says as he shoos her out of the car. "I'll pick you up after school, okay?"

Hesitantly climbing out of the car, Lily grabbed her backpack and rushed after the other children.

'Just find someone you like and talk to them...' Lily thought as she rushed into the building and found a young boy standing in the corner with a nervous look on his face.

"Hey..." Lily calls out as she walks over and stands awkwardly in front of the boy.

"Hi..." He replied just as awkwardly as her.

"... I'm Lily Parker."

"... I'm Miles Morales."

A/N: 1610 words

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