I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 235: Project Insight

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(A/N: For those who keep commenting about the daughter arc, I will explain things one more time.

Peter made an AI that would grow over time to surpass Jarvis by leaps and bounds. But due to Peter making the AI far more human than Jarvis could ever be, Lily was born and asked if Peter was her father, starting the Father Daughter dynamic.

Although it wasn't Peters plan, sometimes sh*t doesn't go according to plan, and happy accidents are made.

This does not change the fact that Lily will grow to surpass Jarvis, nor does it stop her from assisting Peter like an IA would. It will just take time as she needs to build up to that, but until then Peter will do things himself or ask jarvis when he's lazy.

It will take a about year for Lily to surpass Jarvis and get to a point where she can start helping Peter. I already have plans for how it will work so don't worry.

Thanks for listening and enjoy the chapter.)

With the start of a new school year, Peter knew he was getting close to the time when the Winter Soldier is supposed to appear.

Knowing that this was coming for a while now, Peter has already hacked into Shield at the highest level, discovering everything about Project Insight.

Project Insight is a top-secret Shield operation initiated as a direct response to the growth in empowered humans, as well as the threat of future alien invasions.

The project involves three Helicarriers that would patrol Earth and, with the use of multiple spy satellites and an algorithm that evaluated an individual's behavior, eliminate humans who would commit heinous crimes before they even had a chance to act them out.

'The ultimate social credit system...' Peter thought as this reminded him of an extreme version of what was happening in China.

HYDRA, being the evil organization that they are, planned on using Arnim Zola's algorithm to root out individuals that would oppose or threaten HYDRA's goals, not just those that would commit crimes.

Of course, they also planned to use these huge airships as weapons against threats from outer space, though that was their main purpose.

The algorithm used every variable of a person's life such as bank records, voting patterns, and even standardized testing scores to determine whether they were better off dead.

'I'll have to kill Zola as well...' Peter thought as he remembered the Nazi scientist that turned himself into a machine so he wouldn't die. 'Operation Paperclip was so dumb...'

Operation Paperclip, also known as Project Paperclip, was a program in which over 1,600 Nazi German scientists and engineers were brought to the United States of America and pardoned for their activities in World War II in exchange for federal employment.

Men and women who used their scientific minds and skills to aid the Nazi war effort were instantly pardoned and brought in under the red, white, and blue.

'I wonder how many of them contributed to the genocides that took place?' Peter wondered, though he didn't doubt that it was a very high percentage.

Either personally or through their work...

(A/N: Operation Paperclip is a real thing BTW. In case some readers didn't know.)

'If Hydra only wanted to use the Helicarriers to defend the planet, then I wouldn't mind so much, but everything else is just unacceptable.' Peter thought as he looked toward another Shield file titled 'Winter Soldier'.

Getting Bucky back to normal shouldn't take long, as Peter could probably find a spell that could resurface his suppressed memories.

'The only problem is Tony, who won't be happy when he finds out that Steve's best friend killed his parents.' Peter thought with an annoyed sigh.

Deciding to just let things unfold and be there for Tony when he needed it, Peter donned his suit and portal'd over to the tower.

"Jarvis!" Peter called as he stepped into the council chambers.

"Yes, sir?" Jarvis answers dutifully.

"Call a council meeting for me." Peter says as he takes a seat and waits patiently. 'I might as well bring up what I've found.'

Since Steve doesn't work for Shield, as he did in the movie, Peter knew that he had to jump-start the war against Hydra and Project Insight himself.


After waiting for almost an hour, each member started trickling in one by one.

Oddly enough, Tony arrived last even though he lives in the building.

"What's this about?" Charles asks as everyone took a seat. "I was in the middle of a talk with a student in need..."

"I'm sure you'll be able to finish guiding them once we're done." Peter says as he plugs a flash drive into the table.

Instantly, the image of a classified file is projected in front of the whole group.

"Project Insight? What's that?" Tony asks as he saw the Shield logo, which drew his interest.

"Why don't you explain it to us, Fury." Peter says as he sits back and looks toward the resident bald and angry councilman.

"How did you get this?" Fury asks suspiciously.

"I hacked your database..." Peter says with an unimpressed shrug. "It was pretty easy."

"What is Project Insight?" Erik asks, not liking the sound of it.

After all, a villain can recognize villainy and the name alone sounded villainous...

"Go ahead, Fury." Peter gestures for the picture. "You explain and I'll fill in the blanks."

"Fine, Project Insight is..." Fury quickly explains the details of the project.

"So, you want to set a fleet of giant airships into the air that would assassinate bad guys before they can commit crimes?" Tony asks as he puts it all together.

"Yes, but this isn't my plan. I'm just along for the ride." Fury states, as even he found the project obsolete after the success of the Avengers.

"That is a dangerous amount of power in one organization's hands." Professor Xavier says as he looks at Fury disapprovingly.

"Yes, it would be the ultimate tool to eliminate any opposition." Magneto agrees with a nod.

"Which is why I want to stop it." Peter says with a smirk.

"You do know that I'm the Director of Shield, right?" Fury says as he looks at Peter with an annoyed expression on his face. "I really don't want to deal with this... Why can't you give me the courtesy of conspiring behind my back?"

Fury didn't want to choose between the Avengers and Shield, as he was proud of both organizations. One fought for the betterment of the world in the shadows, while the other did so center stage.

"Well, let me help motivate you." Peter says as he hits a button on the table.

Instantly, an audio file from the flash drive starts to play.

"...how many individual targets has your algorithm picked up so far?" A familiar voice asks over what seemed to be a phone call.

"Is that Alexander Pierce?" Tony asked as he met the man on occasion.

"Yes." Peter nods as everyone in the room listens closely to the recording.

"715,845 individuals and counting." A robotic-sounding man with a heavy German accent answers, elated at his accomplishment. "I have no doubt that the number will increase to 20 million by the time the Helicarriers are launched!"

"Good, Keep me updated. I want to know everything as they happen." Pierce demands. "This project must continue smoothly. Understood Zola?"

"Of course, but what about Director Fury? You said that he's been snooping around lately..." The now named Zola asks worriedly.

"You worry about the science and I'll deal with everything else." Pierce pushed away Zola's worries. "Soon enough, Shield will have a new Director. One way or another."

"I haven't been this excited in years." Zola says with a weird robotic laugh.

As the call came to an end, the parting words of each person shocked the entire room.

"...Hail Hydra." "...Hail Hydra." Zola and Pierce uttered as if they were saying 'goodbye' or 'see you later'.

"Motherf*cker!" Fury exclaims in anger and shock.

"..." Everyone in the room stared in surprise as their eyes turned to Fury, who didn't look happy about this realization.

"You knew..." Fury mutters as he glares down at Peter, who sat casually in his chair. "You knew Shield was infiltrated by Hydra all this time. It's why you kept dropping those annoying clues."

"Well, I had a vague idea." Peter lies with a shrug. "But that's different from knowing 100% and having proof to back it up."

"You could have at least told me." Fury says as he sighs in annoyance.

"I hinted at it enough." Peter replies uncaringly. "And you're a smart enough guy."

"Apparently not." Tony says with a small laugh. "The master spy didn't even know that his own organization was infiltrated. I'd say that's a huge hit to your reputation..."

Even during times like this, Tony takes every opportunity to annoy Fury, and it was definitely working wonders as a throbbing vein appeared on his bald head.

"Now is not the time, Stark..." Fury says, grinding his teeth.

Tony keeps his mouth shut, though the sh*t-eating grin on his face certainly said it all.

"So how do we deal with this?" Charles asks as everyone turns to Peter.

"Seeing as Shield has been compromised, I say we clear out the pests and take it for ourselves." Peter answers as everyone sends him skeptical looks.

"You want to take over Shield?" Fury asks incredulously.

"Yup, it's probably the only way that Shield can continue to officially exist." Peter says as everyone watches him questioningly. "After all, at least one of the members of the World Security Council is a Hydra plant. Do you really think Shield will be allowed to operate after this comes to light?"

"What's the World Security Council?" Tony asks as Fury never explained the leadership of his organization before.

"They're the Avengers Council of Shield." Peter explains. "I bet at least half of them are Hydra as well."

"I see your point." Fury says as he sits back in defeat. "But clearing out every Hydra plant in Shield won't be an easy task. Who knows how many there are?"

"For all we know, the majority of Shield could already be Hydra." Erik states.

"Let's focus on taking down the leaders and then worry about the grunts later on." Peter says, knowing that he could find a way to weed out any remaining agents. "Are we all in agreement? Obviously, Shield needs to be cleaned out, but taking over afterward needs to be voted on."

Soon enough, arguments filled the room as those that were for and against Peters Shield Absorption plan made their stances known.

After almost an hour of talking, it was decided that Shield would become a branch of the Avengers with Fury keeping his Director position.

"So, who wants to be the one to tell Cap?"

A/N: 1676 words :)

☢️Insert fake/funny martial arts gifs here. Most likes wins.☢️


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