I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 252: Godly Encounter

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"So, how long until we arrive?" Peter asked as he watched Quill stuff his face with McNuggets.

As soon as he took hold of the bag of fast food, Quill hoarded it all to himself, moaning with every new bite.

"About 8 hours..." Bereet answers as Quill had his mouth full at the moment.

"Okay, then I'll be back later." Peter says as he opens a portal and steps through.

"Varsh ghe gong? (Where's he going?)" Star-Lord asked after taking a bite of a delicious Big Mac.

Bereet merely shrugged with a disgusted look on her face.

'I can't believe I slept with that...' She thought self-deprecatingly.

As the portal snapped shut, Quill continued eating, as he was far too distracted to care about Peter's movements at the moment.


In a large Chitauri flagship, three very alien-looking people stood around a table, which projected a hologram of the galaxy as well as their current position in it.

"Father is growing impatient." A horned woman whose face is half pitch black, spoke with a raspy voice as she gripped her spear tightly.

[Insert picture of Proxima Midnight here]

"We must obtain the Orb as soon as possible." A long faced man with light purple skin spoke in a deep rumbling voice.

As he finished speaking, odd clicks were heard from his body, as if he was some sort of bug or something.

[Insert Picture of Corvus Glaive here]

"I've discovered that the man who took Fathers Orb has an agreement to sell it to an intermediary known as The Broker." A beautiful green-skinned woman with colored hair explains.

[Insert picture of Gamora here]

"Good, it seems that you aren't Father's favorite for nothing." Corvus comments and Proxima scoffs.

"You promised Father that you would retrieve the Orb for him." Proxima states as she glares at Gamora. "So, find this broker and get the Orb."

As the more Senior children of Thanos, Corvus, and Proxima far outrank the likes of Gamora and Nebula, though of course Nebula abandoned Thanos a while ago.

Though it wasn't all about seniority, as Gamora knew that these elder 'siblings' of hers could easily rip her in half.

The Black Order was no joke, after all.

Although the Black order was simply the congregation of Thanos' adoptive children, Gamora and Nebula were never qualified to join.

Only his strongest children were allowed membership.

"It would be my honor." Gamora accepted her orders dutifully, though she had other thoughts on the matter. 'After today, I will never step foot near Father or these 'siblings' of mine ever again...'

"Don't disappoint us, Gamora." Corvus spoke with a pointed glare.

"Your sister was already a disappointment enough for the both of you." Gamora heard Proxima's snide comment as she left the room, ready to leave this hellhole behind for good.

'I never thought I'd say this, but I'm jealous of Nebula...' Gamora thought as she packed her things and prepared to follow in her lesser sister's footsteps.


Arriving back at home, Peter climbed into bed next to his beautiful girlfriend and finally had the chance to sleep.

'I'll check in on Quill when I wake up...' Peter thought as he drifted off into unconsciousness.


"Dad... Dad..." A voice called out as Peter stirred from his deep sleep. "Dad! Wake up! It's already time for lunch."

"Uhhh..." Peter groaned as he hesitantly opened one eye and found his daughter standing at the side of his bed with a frown on her cute face.

Opting to ignore her and hope that she goes away, Peter closed his eye and tried to fall back into the sweet arms of unconsciousness.

"Hey! I saw your eye open!" Lily exclaims as she started shaking Peter's shoulder. "Wake up!"

'Drastic times call for drastic measures...' Peter thought as he swiftly grabbed his daughter and dragged her into bed with him.

"Ahhh!" Lily let out a high-pitched scream as Peter wrapped her tightly in the blankets and left her trapped in the bed. "Wait! Where are you going?"

"To find some breakfast." Peter says as he strolls out of the room.

"It's lunchtime!" Lily corrected him as she shook back and forth on the bed, trying to escape her bindings. "Don't leave me here! Mom!"


After spending some time with his family, while also working on the super virus detector and deleter, Peter was ready to head out once again.

Checking his phone for any emergencies, Peter donned his suit and portal'd near the Orb's general location.

"..." Stepping out of the portal, Peter arrived in an empty alleyway on Xander, the Capital of the Nova Empire. 'Where is he?'

Peter has been to Xander before so the sights weren't new to him. Looking around, he spotted Quill and Bereet in the distance.

As he saw them, Bereet wound her hand back and slapped the infamous Star-Lord across the face.

'Damn, I could hear the slap from here...' Peter watched her storm off as Quill held his reddening face. 'I guess they broke up?'

Suddenly, a familiar cynical voice filled the air.

"Xandarians. What a bunch of losers. All of them are in a big hurry to get from something stupid, to nothing at all. Pathetic." Peter turned to see a raccoon talking to a tall human-shaped tree, which was currently drinking from a large water fountain.

[Insert Pictures of Rocket and Groot here]

"Look at this guy! Can you believe they call us criminals, when he's assaulting us with that haircut?" Rocket makes fun of the pedestrians passing by.

As he laughs to himself, Rocket uses a clear glass tablet to scan their faces, hoping to find someone with a bounty to capture.

After making fun of a few people, including children, Rocket locks onto an elderly Xandarian man who was chatting up a pretty young woman.

'Holy sh*t...' Peter thought as he recognized the old man from their meeting in LA a while ago.

Stan Lee...

"Look at Mr. Smiles over here. Where's your wife, old man? What a class-A pervert." Rocket laughs at who is probably the god of this universe. "Right, Groot? Groot?"

Not hearing a reply, Rocket looks over to find Groot with his mouth wide open over one of the fountain's jets.

"Don't drink fountain water, you idiot. That's disgusting!" Rocket reprimands him.

"Mmm." Groot shakes his head pretending he didn't do it.

"Yes, you did. I just saw you doing it. Why are you lying?"

As they were arguing with one another, Stan Lee smiled at Peter and winked before walking off with a beautiful Xandarian woman on his arm, disappearing into the crowd.

Suddenly, Rocket's tablet starts beeping like crazy, which broke Peter from his shocking encounter.

"Whoop. Looks like we got one. Okay, how bad does someone want to find you?" Rocket instantly got to work.

Checking his tablet, Rocket caught sight of Quill in the distance and saw that there's a hefty bounty on his head.

"Forty thousand units?!" Rocket exclaims in excitement. "Groot, we're gonna be rich."

Looking over his shoulder, Rocket finds Groot drinking from the water fountain again and sighs in exasperation.


Ditching the two criminal bounty hunters for the moment, as he knew they would meet again soon enough, Peter quickly caught up to Quill, who was already in the Broker's shop.

"What is it?" Quill asked the broker as Peter listened in on their conversation from outside the front door.

"It's my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs." The Broker replies resolutely as he studied the Orb carefully.

"Yeah, well, I almost died getting it for you." Quill says as Peter turns to see a familiar green woman walking his way.

'Gamora...' Peter thought as he pretended not to notice her arrival.

"An occupational hazard, I'm sure, in your line of work." The Broker said uncaringly.

"There were these creepy grey bug-like soldiers. They just started clicking and shrieking at me and then all hell broke loose." Quill explains his encounter on Morag.

Instantly, the Brokers face goes pale.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Quill. I truly am, but I want no part of this transaction any longer." The Broker hurriedly gives the orb back to Quill and starts pushing him toward the exit.

Meanwhile, Peter noticed the arrival of Rocket and Groot, who were hiding behind some nearby bushes, waiting for the right time to strike.

"Woh! Woh, woh, woh! What's going on?" Quill asks as he's shoved out of the store.

"If there's even a chance that the bug-like soldiers you spoke of are who I think they are, then my participation in this deal has come to a swift halt." The Broker states as he locked the shop down with a single gesture.

"Hey! We had a deal, bro!" Quill yells as he kicks the reinforced metal door. "Ouch!"

"Smooth..." Peter comments as he watches the great Star Lord hop around while holding his aching foot.

"Where have you been?!" Quill turns to Peter and shouts.

"I have a life, you know..."

A/N: 1514 words



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