I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 253: Sh*t Show

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"What happened?" A voice asks as Quill turns to see Gamora leaning against the Brokers sealed shop.

"Uh..." instantly, Quill became infatuated with the beautiful green woman who appeared before him, forgetting that Peter was even there in the first place. "T-This guy just backed out of a deal on me. If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity. I'm Peter Quill, but everyone calls me Star-Lord."

Watching the Great Star-Lord turn into a simpering moron at the sight of a stunning woman, Peter laughed to himself as he enjoyed the show.

"You have the bearing of a man of honor." Gamora states, trying to flirt with her target.

'These idiots are made for each other...' Peter thought as he held back his laughter at the usually stoic Gamora's attempt at flirting.

Although her attempt to woo her enemy was lackluster, Quill fell for it without a second thought.

Playfully throwing the orb up and down in his hand, Quill did his best to look cool in front of the Mad Titans daughter.

"Well, you know, I wouldn't say that. People say it about me, all the time, but it's not something I would ever say about myself." He tries to seem less egotistic, but somehow Quill's words had the opposite effect.

'Here we go...' Peter thought as he made some distance between himself and Quill.

Suddenly, Gamora launches forward and snatches the orb from Quill's hand.

"Huh?!" He grunted in surprise and pain as she swiftly kicked him in the stomach before running off with her prize in hand.

Acting quickly and ignoring the pain in his stomach, Quill reaches into his coat and throws some sort of short magnetic rope, which wrapped itself tightly around Gamora's ankles and sends her tumbling to the ground.

As she scrambled to get the rope off of her legs, Quill catches up and tries to take back the Orb.

Sadly, Gamora managed to kick him off and mounted his chest, sending punch after punch to his face, which he did his best to block with his flailing arms.

"This wasn't the plan..." Gamora states in regret as she pulled out a long knife.

"Spider-Guy! Some help here would be nice!" Quill frantically yelled for assistance as he saw the knife appear above his head.

As Gamora was about to stab him in the head, a golden portal opened between her and Quill.

"I'll take that." Peter comments as he reached through the portal and took Gamora's knife away with ease. "Besides, you could poke somebodies eye out with this thing."

Staring through the portal in shock, Gamora caught a glimpse of Spider-Man, who waved at her before snapping it shut.

"That's my magician!" Quill exclaimed with a smirk as kicked Gamora off and jumped to his feet.

Before either side could continue the fight, a clothed raccoon appears out of nowhere and latches onto Gamora's back, knocking her down to one knee.

As Gamora is attacked, she drops the Orb on accident and reluctantly watches it roll in Quill's direction.

"Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag!" Rocket yells as he does his best to keep Gamora away from their target.

Hopping into action, Groot extends his roots and goes to grab Gamora, who was thrashing around like an angry bull.

"No! Not her, him! Learn genders, man." Rocket yells as Gamora manages to wrestle him off her back and tries to bite him. "Biting? That's not fair!"

'This is a sh*t show...' Peter thought as he watched in amusement.

As Rocket is fighting with Gamora, Quill uses this opportunity to grab the orb and runs off, though he wouldn't get far...

"Take it easy!" Rocket yells as he's forced to release Gamora, due to her excruciating biting power.

As she manages to free herself from Rocket and Groot's clutches, Gamora throws Rockets aside, picks up a piece of metal, and throws it at Quill's hand making him drop the orb.

As she rushes to pick up the Orb and tries to escape, Quill manages to catch up and tackles her to the ground, though Gamora was able to easily overpower him once again and take the dominant position.

"Fool! You should have learned." Gamora reprimands him with a glare, ready to beat his face in.

"I don't learn! It's one of my issues." Quill replied without any shame as he grabs the orb from her hand and slaps a small rocket thruster onto Gamora's chest. "Bye!"

Instantly, the favored daughter of Thanos was sent flying backward.

Just as Quill thought he was in the clear, suddenly, Groot appears behind him and places a bag over his head.

"What the..." Quill muttered as Groot wrapped the bag in his branches and carried it over his shoulder. "Hey! Let me go!"

"Quit smiling, you idiot. You're supposed to be a professional." Rocket admonished his wooden friend as he caught sight of Gamora heading towards them, looking extremely p*ssed off. "You gotta be kidding me..."

Kicking Rocket aside like the small animal he is, Gamora pulls out another knife and uses it to cut off both of Groots arms.

'Where was she keeping that?' Peter wondered as he sat comfortably on a conjured beach chair.

As Gamora slices open the fallen bag, Quill popped out and shot her with his gun.

Instantly, a blue current of electricity impacted Gamora's body, sending her crashing to the floor whilst shaking uncontrollably.

Before he could run off, Rocket pulls out his gun as well and aims it at Quill.

"I live for the simple things, like how much this is gonna hurt..." Rocket comments with a smirk as he squeezes the trigger, which shoots a ball of electricity at Quill, sending him shaking to the floor beside the future love of his life. "Yeah! Writhe, little man."

While Rocket was celebrating, he turns to Groot who was sadly staring down at his severed arms.

"It'll grow back. Quit whining." Rocket scoffs as they're all instantly surrounded by The Nova Corps.

'Should I stop them from going to jail, or join them for the fun of it?' Peter wondered as he knew where this whole situation was leading to. 'I do have a good relationship with the current Nova Prime...'

"Subject 89P13, drop your weapon!" A Nova Corps Soldier orders Rocket.

"Oh, crap..." Rocket mutters as he reluctantly drops his gun.

"By the authority of the Nova Corps, you are under arrest for endangerment to life and the destruction of property." A soldier states as they rush in and detain everyone.

Of course, Peter was left alone as he was a good distance away from the action.

"Alright. Come on up." A Nova Corps member arrests Quill and smirks as he recognized him. "Hey! If it isn't Star-Lad."

"Star-Lord." Quill corrects him with a frown.

"Oh, sorry, my Lord." The soldier nods sarcastically as he picks up the Orb.

"Hey, don't touch that! It's mine." Quill yells.

"Well, it's evidence now." A Nova soldier replies as he places the Orb into a clear bag. "You can claim it when you're released from prison."

"Magician!" Quill starts yelling and thrashing against his bindings. "Help! Open a portal or something!"

Hearing Quill's odd ramblings, the Nova Corps look at him like he's insane.

"He might taken some Stardust..." One of them reasoned as he pulled out a gun-shaped object with a small needle positioned at the end of it. "Let's just sedate him..."

"Spider! Help!" Quill exclaimed as the needle was pushed into his neck. "M-Magician..."

Instantly feeling the effects of whatever he was injected with, Quill becomes woozy as he swayed a bit before collapsing into unconsciousness.

"Fascists!" Rocket yells as he's thrown into a small cage, like an animal, and carried away.

While they were all being taken away, Peter stood up and casually left the crime scene.

-Office of Nova Prime-

"I cannot control the actions of others." A high-level Kree official spoke through a large screen. "These people mourn the death of their savior and see themselves as martyrs. Nothing will change that."

"Ronan is dead! These actions won't bring him back." Irani Rael, the current Nova Prime exclaimed in furious anger. "They are bombing civilian areas, schools and homes! These terror attacks on Xandarian soil must stop!"

Although Ronan's death significantly cut down on the number of attacks from radical Kree factions, it did, however, create a terrorist group that killed in the name of completing Ronan's dream of Xandarian Genocide.

"We signed your peace treaty, Nova Prime. What more do you want?" The Kree man on the screen asked uncaringly.

"At least a statement from the Kree Empire saying that they condemn these horrid actions." Irani replies in exasperation. "If you don't care for the victims, then at the very minimum you must see how cowardly these terrorists are. They hide like rats and only strike the weak and helpless. Is that truly the Kree way?"

Knowing how the Kree respect strength and battle, Irani tried to appeal to the officials baser instincts.

"That is your business. Now, I have other matters to attend to." The Kree official frowned at her words as he ended the call in a hurry.

"Prick." Irani spat venomously as she tiredly collapsed back into her chair.

"Hard day?" A voice asked out of nowhere, scaring the hell out of the Nova Prime.

"?!" Leaping out of her chair and pulling her pistol, Irani turned to find Peter leaning against the door to her office's balcony. "Spider-Man? What are you doing here?"

"I need a favor." Peter states as he walks in and takes a seat in front of her desk. "Though after hearing that conversation, maybe we can assist each other?"

A/N: 1641 words



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