I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 260: Hypnosis

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"What the hell happened while I was gone?" Peter asks as everyone started complaining all at once.


After hearing everyone throw their complaints at him, Peter let out a sigh as he put the puzzle pieces together.

"Let me get this straight." Peter speaks as all of them finished whining. "All of this started because you guys couldn't decide on sleeping arrangements?"

After Peter left, Groot was able to separate Quill and Rocket, though the petty arguments didn't stop there.

Soon enough, it came time to decide who slept where and the ship only had two bedrooms.

Of course, Quill being the love-struck man he is, offered the guest room to Gamora, leaving his bedroom as the only other option.

Luckily, Drax didn't mind and fell asleep on one of the couch-like benches alongside Groot, who didn't need much in terms of comfort to get a good night's sleep.

The only problem left was Rocket, who refused to sleep anywhere else but Quill's bed and wouldn't share.

Quill instantly refused and a fight broke out between the two, which eventually woke everyone up.

Groot was the one to break up the scuffle, though he took a small bit of damage in the process.

Whilst Peter was trying to figure out how to deal with this, both Quill and Rocket were sneaking peeks at Drax and doing their best to hold back their laughter.

'They must have done that to Drax before the fight broke out.' Peter thought as he saw a veiny p*nis drawn on Drax's forehead. "Drax, go and wash your face."

"Huh?" He grunts in confusion as he touches his cheek. "Is there food on my face?"

The low snickering of both of his assailants could be heard, causing Drax to grow even more confused.

"You'll see, just go to the bathroom." Peter says as Drax walks off, wondering what the hell's going on.

"While he's washing the graffiti off, I'll add some rooms to the ship so everyone can have their own sleeping space." Peter says as a loud shout could be heard from the nearby bathroom.

"Scoundrels!" Drax sounded p*ssed.

Before heading off to remodel the ship, Peter looked toward Quill and Rocket, who seemed nervous after hearing Drax's reaction to their little prank.

"If I were you, I'd either apologize and hope he forgives you, or find somewhere to hide until things blow over." Peter says as he walks off.

"Quill! Rocket!"


An hour later, Peter used his knowledge of the mystic arts to swiftly remodel the ship, turning the two bedrooms as well as some unused storage space into 6 medium-sized bedrooms with their own personal bathrooms.

One for each of member of the crew.

Although Peter didn't exactly need a room, as he could easily portal home and sleep, he made one for himself anyway.

'Maybe I'll give it to Mantis if she still joins the crew.' Peter thought as he arrived at the cockpit and caught sight of the busy space-faring planet of Xanov growing closer and closer. "Looks like you guys won't be getting back to sleep just yet."

"What did you do to my baby?!" Quill exclaims as he finally saw all of rooms Peter constructed.

He was far too busy hiding from Drax until now to notice.

"What? If we're going to be a crew, then everyone needs their own room." Peter says as Quill came storming over.

"Who the hell said we would be a crew?" Quill asked as he complained. "My bedroom is half the size it was before and most of the storage room is gone!"

"You didn't need that much space and the storage room was completely empty, to begin with." Peter argues with a shrug.

"That's not the point!" Quill shouts in exasperation as a faint beeping sound could be heard from the controls.

"We got an incoming transmission from the Fascist Corps!" Rocket yells as he hesitates to answer the call.

"Answer it." Peter leaves Quill to his tantrum and joins Rocket at a large screen, which lit up just in time for his arrival.

An older pink-skinned man in a Nova Corps uniform appeared, eyeing Rocket and Peter suspiciously.

"Unidentified Milano M-class ship, wait patiently while a patrol ship is dispatched for inspection. Failure to do so will result in your fiery deaths." The soldier warned with a stern glare.

"Damn Nova scum..." Rocket mutters just loud enough for the man to hear.

"Hello, I'm Spider-Man." Peter ignores Rocket's attitude and introduces himself. "Irani Rael should have informed your superiors about my arrival?"

"Please hold." He says as the screen darkens.

"I'm gonna clean my guns." Rocket turns and walks off. "Let me know when we land!"

Seconds after Rocket left, the screen lit up again, and a man who looked to be a much higher rank than the last appeared.

"My apologies for the harsh welcome." The orange-skinned man says with a reverent look on his face. "Ever since the Sons of Ronan appeared, we've had to up the planet's security by a large margin."

"It's no problem." Peter nods understandingly.

"That's good to hear." The Nova Official seemed to sigh in relief. "If you wait in your current position, I'll dispatch a couple of patrol ships to escort you to our headquarters."

"Sounds good. Please prepare all of the relevant information on the Sons of Ronan in the meantime. I'd like to get started as soon as we land."


Only 10 minutes later, two patrol ships painted in the colors of the Nova Corps appeared and escorted them to the Capital city of Xanov, Veirus.

"Finally, I can wet my blades with the Sons of Ronan!" Drax exclaims as he holds his dual knives at the ready.

"Well, we have to find them first." Peter says as they land at this planet's Nova Corps main base.

Stepping out of the ship, Peter and the Guardians were greeted by a congregation of high-level officials, who were being led by the orange-skinned man from earlier.

"Welcome!" He says as all of the officials look at Peter in either awe or skepticism. "Please follow me. I've prepared everything as you asked."

"Lead the way." Peter says as they're led into the building.

"As you already know, the Sons of Ronan have terrorized our planet ever since you killed Ronan and his men." The orange man explains as he hands a handheld tablet to Peter. "We've managed to capture a few of their members, but they're all fanatics who would never betray their 'cause'."

"Can't we just round up all of the Kree on the planet?" Quill asks as Peter scrolls through all of the information on the tablet.

"Sadly, no." The man shakes his head. "Although our Kree citizens make up the lowest percentage of our population, that number is still in the millions. We don't have the manpower or the authority to detain millions of law-abiding citizens."

"Where are these prisoners?" Peter asks as finished reading and handed the tablet over to Gamora.

"Follow me." The Nova official in charge says and leads them out of the room.


"This is our high-security prison." He says as they pass multiple security checkpoints before finding themselves strolling through the halls of what looked like a high-tech solitary confinement wing. "Each of these cells holds members of the Sons of Ronan."

Gesturing to the sealed doors, the orange man waits patiently for whatever Peter would ask next.

"Hmm..." Peter thought for a moment. "Which one is the highest level member?"

"This one." He replies instantly.

"Open it up." Peter practically orders.

"Are you sure?" The man asks but Peter simply nods. "Alright... Open cell 6257!"


A brief high-pitched sound is heard as the door swings open, revealing a scar-faced blue Kree man, sitting on the toilet with his pants around his ankles.

"That's disgusting..." Rocket comments harshly.

"I am Groot." Groot nods in agreement.

"Finish your business quickly." Peter says awkwardly as he swiftly closed the door.


Minutes later, the door opened once again and thankfully this time the man was fully clothed and off the toilet.

"Let's try this again, shall we?" Peter says as he strolls into the cell. "I'll ask once, where's the base of operations for the Sons of Ronan?"

"..." The man smirked and simply remained silent.

"Okay, let's start the fun."


After his door was sealed shut once again and he was left alone, the scarred Kree man could hear the screams of his comrades, who most likely chose to remain silent as well.

For days at a time, the Kree man was forced to listen to the excruciating wails of his people, growing antsy with everyone passing moment.

'Why have they left me alone?' He thought in confusion and dread for what was to come.


Suddenly, the screams stopped and a huge explosion rocked his cell, tearing a hole in the wall big enough for him to fit through.

"Thian!" A voice called from the other side of the hole.

"Gerin? Is that you?" The scarred Kree prisoner asked as he rushed up to the hole.

"Who else would it be?" The voice replied gruffly. "I'm here to save you, hurry up."

"What about the others?" Thian asks in hesitation.

"They're all dead, Thian." The voice says in sadness. "You have to hurry! We don't have much time."

Listening to the voice, Thian rushes through the hole just in time for his cell door to bust open with Nova guards swarming inside.


"What did you do to him?" Gamora asks Peter as he stood in front of the scarred Kree prisoner, who was currently staring forward in a hypnotic trance.

Peter never left the cell and only a few minutes passed since he stepped inside.

As soon as the prisoner refused to speak, he quickly formed a spell circle, which shot into the man's forehead and sent him spiraling into a fantasy world of Peter's choosing.

"Quiet." Peter shushed the crowd of onlookers as he stared into the dazed eyes of his mind-scrambled victim. "You have to escape, Thian. Find your comrades and bring about the future that Ronan dreamed of."

"I have to escape? Ronan's dream..." He mutters hazily.

"Yes, but where will you escape? The Sons of Ronan need you. They're hopeless without you. You need to find them as soon as possible." Everyone watched in shock as Peter manipulated the prisoner with ease.

"They need me..." He uttered.

"Yes, now where will you go?" Peter asks.

"T-The Provincial Tower, floor 217." He reveals.

Although he got what he wanted, Peter didn't stop there. No, he kept pushing for more and more information.

Peter constantly changed the scenario unfolding in Thian's mind, dragging the hypnotized Kree terrorist on a crazy journey whilst draining him dry of all relevant information along the way.

Throughout Peters manipulation, he was able to get 8 different locations, such as bases and safe houses, as well as the names and addresses of over 16 high level members of the Sons of Ronan.

And it took less than 30 minutes.

"Sleep." Peter orders as the man collapse onto his bed like a puppet without strings.

"That's the scariest sh*t I've ever seen..." Quill comments as everyone couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

A/N: 1904 words

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