I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 261: Divided They Fall

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"Gamora isn't responding..." Corvus Glaive frowned as he lay in bed with his wife.

"I said this would happen." His wife, Proxima Midnight comments, draped over her husband's lean naked alien body.

(A/N: Corvus is sorta ugly so enjoy picturing that. Ps- They are married in the MCU. Google it.)

"She's just like her sister. Traitors, all of them." Proxima scoffs in distaste.

"It does seem that way, doesn't it?" Corvus nods.

"I never understood how Father could fawn over them so much, especially that sl*t, Gamora." Proxima hisses in jealousy.

After a while, the Mad Titan started to treat the Black Order and its members more as subordinates instead of adopted children.

This turn of events was easily noticed by their members, especially Proxima, who practically worshipped the ground her Father walked on.

Even Nebula, who was constantly verbally and physically abused by their father was the subject of Proxima's unending jealousy.

In her mind, Nebula was at least receiving the attention of their father.

Proxima would gladly undergo the same hellish 'upgrades' that were forced upon Nebula as long as her father would pay even the slightest bit of attention to her.

"It seems that we'll have to act before Father grows even more impatient than he already is..." Corvus ignores his wife's usual hate toward his other sisters as he untangles himself from her and climbs out of bed.

"Not only did that sl*t ruin fathers plans but now she's ruined our evening together as well." Proxima spat venomously as she reluctantly got up and paces off in a fit of anger.

'I can't wait for the day Gamora and Nebula are dead...' Corvus thought as he wouldn't have to hear his wife's complaining nearly as much.


With a long list of names and locations, thanks to the hypnosis spell he learned a few months ago, Peter turned to the orange-skinned Nova commander, who was looking at him with shock and awe written all over his face.

After all, he tried everything he could to get even a fraction of the information that Peter was able to get in less than a half an hour.

"Ready your men." Peter ordered as he left the Kree terrorist sleeping in his cell. "I want to hit every location at the same time. Once the properties are finished, we can start hunting the names on the list."

"Y-Yes, sir!" The Commander stuttered as he ran off to prepare everything.

"Dude, you'd tell me if you mind-controlled me before, right?" Quill asks nervously.

He wasn't the only nervous one in the group either, as each member of the Guardians looked at Peter with wary eyes.

"Quit looking at me like that. I would never use that spell on you guys." Peter rolls his eyes as they stare at him skeptically. "That's actually the first time I've ever done that to someone."

"Sure..." Rocket says in doubt. "Just keep your mind voodoo away from me and Groot. We don't consent to nothin'."

"I am Groot." Groot nods at his friend's words.

"I wasn't planning on it."


After waiting almost an hour for the Nova Corps to gather their members and prepare, Peter and the Guardians accompanied the Commander and his men, who would be assaulting the main base of the Sons of Ronan.

The Provincial Tower, floor 217.

"Talk about an easy payday." Quill says with a giddy smile on his face.

Peter and the Guardians were currently in a fairly high-end Nova ship alongside the Commander and his trusted soldiers.

Surrounding them were dozens of patrol ships, each filled with Nova Soldiers, ready to unleash hell on the people who have been terrorizing their planet.

It's safe to say that the Nova Corps took this situation very seriously.

"With all of these soldiers helping us, we'll all be 100 thousand units richer in no time." Quill smirked in greed.

Seeing the greedy look spread from Quill to Rocket, Peter couldn't help but roll his eyes. They both looked almost relaxed as if this would be a walk in the park.

"Just because we have help doesn't mean we should slack off." Peter reprimands them a bit. "Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."

"Yeah, whatever..." Rocket waves his hand uncaringly.

Hearing Rocket's response, Peter opted to remain silent.

If they wanted to act foolishly, then Peter would let them and, hopefully, it will lead to a good lesson for them.

"Who owns the 217th floor?" Gamora asks as they flew to the tall shard-shaped tower in the distance.

Drax and her seemed to be the only two members who took this mission even remotely seriously.

"That would be a company named Aronn Productions." The Commander says as he looked into each location before leaving.

"Seriously?" Peter asks incredulously as he instantly understood the anagram. "They scrambled the letters in Ronan's name and used it for their company and you never found out?"

Hearing Peter's words, the Commander's eyes went wide in shock as he just realized it now.

Soon, the ship was filled with all sorts of alien curse words, as the commander started reprimanding his men for missing such an obvious clue.


Arriving at the tower, the dozens of Nova patrol ships surrounded the place while others landed in order to evacuate the building.

While this was happening, the commander's ship landed on the roof.

"Alright, listen up!" Peter calls out as everyone exited the ship. "You follow my commands and-"

"We don't work for you, jacka*s." Rocket comments as he and Groot stroll passed Peter and enter the building.

"You know what, okay." Peter nods to himself as he steps aside. "Does anyone else want to work on their own?"

One by one, Quill, Gamora, and Drax entered the building, unused and unwilling to work with others.

"Sir, should we stop them?" The Nova commander asks.

"No, let them deal with the repercussions of their actions."

-Inside the Building-

"I am Groot..." Groot commented as he follow after Rocket, who held a large high-tech assault rifle in his hands.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Rocket asks as they enter the elevator and head down to the 217th floor. "We never needed nobody but us, and that ain't changing just cause you made some friends."

"I am Groot." Groot disagrees.

"If you like them so much, then go!" Rocket blows up on his longtime friend. "I don't need yah..."


Suddenly, as they were arguing, the elevator doors parted, revealing a line of blue-skinned men with weapons aimed in their direction.

"Oh, sh*t..."


Meanwhile, seeing that the elevator was already taken, Drax chose to instead take the stairs.

Driven by bloodlust, he rushed down as fast as he could, passing each floor swiftly as he grew closer and closer to 217.

Just as he passed floor 218 and turned to head down one more flight of stairs, Drax was too caught up in his own anger and drive for battle to notice the thin trip wire on the next step.


With a single step, Drax was blown across the stairwell by a hidden explosive, dropping his knives as he tumbled down the rest of the steps, where an armed group of Kree men and women stood.


Not nearly as dumb as Drax, Groot, and Rocket, Quill, on the other hand, chose to utilize the large ventilation system to make his way to floor 217.

Crawling through the metal vents, he endured many drops and slides before finally arriving at his destination.

Just one more drop and he would go from floor 218 to 217.

'Here goes nothing...' Quill thought as he maneuvered himself backward and fell feet first.


Sadly, unlike all of the other drops he took to get here, this one led directly to a grated vent, which instantly buckled and broke under his weight.

"Ugh!" Quill grunted as he tumbled out of the vents and crashed onto the floor. "Huh?"

Looking around him, Quill found himself surrounded by a shocked group of blue men and women, who instantly pulled their weapons on him.



As for Gamora, she watched all of this take place from the safer of the buildings security room, hoping to gain some useful information before facing the enemy.

She watched from the cameras in the stairwell as Drax blew himself up, and in the elevator when Rocket and Groot were forced to surrender.

As for Quill, she only saw him enter the vents but later assumed that a similar fate befell him as well.

"..." Thinking to herself for a moment, Gamora left the security room and made her way back to the rooftop, where she found Peter and the Nova Corps standing around leisurely.

"Gamora, your back." Peter smirked under his mask as he leaned back onto the nearby wall. "Did one of you finish the job already?"

"No, they're all captured." Gamora admits, taking a bit of pride in the fact that she wasn't among them.

"I see." Peter says uncaringly. "It's your turn now, I guess. Don't worry. I know you don't want my help so I won't interfere."

"..." Gamora instantly went quiet as a frown formed on her face.

"What? You forget something?" Peter asks.

"I was wrong." She admits and receives a knowing nod from Peter.

"And what were you wrong about?" Peter asks, enjoying the moment.

Rolling her eyes at him, Gamora plays along.

"We should have worked together as you said instead of rushing in separately." Just as she said this, a nearby Nova Soldier ran over with a tablet in hand.

"Sir, the terrorists want to trade hostages for free passage out of the building." He says as he hands over the tablet, which showed a live image of the captured Guardians with over a dozen rifles pointed in their direction.

All of them looked unhurt, except Drax, who seemed to be unconscious and slightly burned, though he was breathing steadily, which is good.

"Hello, who am I speaking to?" Peter says as the image changes to an elderly Kree man in a nice suit.

"My name doesn't matter." He says in a tired yet confident tone. "I have your men and if you want them back alive, then you'll let us go."

"Let me talk to the hostages one by one and you have a deal." Peter offers.

Of course, they wouldn't be leaving here, unless it's in cuffs, but Peter wouldn't say that.

"Why must you-"

"This isn't negotiable." Peter cuts him off. "You can listen in on our conversation, but this needs to happen before anything else."

"..." The elderly man seemed to think for a moment before nodding his head. "Alright, one moment."

Muting the tablet while waiting, Peter turns to the Nova Commander beside him.

"Are all of the civilians evacuated?"

"Yes, it's only floor 217 that's currently occupied." He nods.

"Good." Peter says as he unmutes the tablet and sees a Rocket on the other end. "Hey, Rocket. How's it hanging?"

"Fine, I got these punks right where I want 'em." He replies in fake confidence.

"Sure you do..." Peter says sarcastically, eliciting a glare from his furry acquaintance. "If you admit that you were wrong, I'll help you out."

"Not gonna happen, you witchy freak!" Rocket exclaims in anger.

"Are you sure?" Peter asks as he saw five different rifles pressed up against Rocket's head. "Because this looks serious."

"Yeah, I got this covered." He continues to lie.

"I am Groot!" Groot disagreed from off camera.

"Alright, if you say so then the deal is off." Peter shrugs as the tablet is instantly turned back toward the aged Kree man.

"You would leave them to their deaths?" He asks in confusion.

"If my men can't be team players, then what use do they really have?" Peter shook his head as Quill started yelling in the background.

"I was wrong! I'll be a team player! Just get me the hell out of here!" He called out.

"It's a package deal, I'm afraid." Peter says uncaringly. "Rocket would have to admit that he's wrong as well."

"That ain't happening!" Rocket yelled sharply.

"You know what?" Peter says as he looks the old man in the eyes. "I'll give you 10 minutes. If Rocket changes his mind by our next call, then our deal will be back on. Though please do remember that any physical actions taken against my men will result in the deaths of every Kree in the building, including yourself."

"Wait, this is not-"

"Bye." Peter ends the call with a wave.

"You're evil" Gamora comments with a smirk.

"Is it okay to do this?" The Nova commander asks worriedly. "You're companions may not make it out of this alive."

"They'll be fine." Peter taps his ear. "I'm listening in. If things get rough, I'll go down and end this, but until then, Rocket needs to learn how to play with others."

A/N: 2168 words :) Long boy today.

🐝Bzzzz🐝Hand over the💎STONES💎or get stung🐝Bzzzz🐝


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