I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 269: Loot

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"What the hell did you do!" Quill started screaming his complaints as soon as Yondu left the room. "Do you have any idea the sh*t storm you just brought on us... He will ruin everything... How could you think that this is a good idea..."

Waiting until Quill finished ranting, Peter finally found a chance to speak.

"I think it's a great idea for him to join, especially since I actually believe that he cares for you." Peter says as he watched Quill stare at him as if he were mentally unsound.

"What could have possibly given you that idea?" He asks incredulously.

"As I said earlier, I looked Yondu and his Ravager Clan up. When the other Ravager clans found out that your blue Daddy broke the code-"

"Ugh... Please, stop..." Quill hates hearing that.

"-by trafficking children, they exiled him and his clan. Then he went and picked you up on Earth for whatever reason." Peter explains as he places a hand on Quill's shoulder. "Why do you think he chose not to deliver you as planned?"

"Because he's a sick freak with an unhealthy obsession?" Rocket answered for him, though Quill certainly appreciated the backup.

"No, because he didn't want you to die. You were probably like the son he never had and chose to raise you instead of sending you to die." Peter explains clearly for Quill. "I'm not saying that he isn't an a*shole for what he did, but at the end of the day, I truly think that he cares about you."

"But does he have to join us?" Quill whined like a child. "Can't we just go our separate ways? He can even keep my portion of the jobs pay as long as he's gone..."

"Seriously? You would give him billions of Credits just to go away?" Peter asks as Rocket pulls out his gun again.

"Give me your share and I'll blow his head off for you right now." Rocket was ready to double his share in an instant.

"No, nobody is blowing anyone's head off." Peter sighs in exasperation. "Yondu has already joined the crew, so there's no changing that."

"What about his Crew?" Gamora brings up a slight problem. "Are we taking in his whole clan as well?"

"Maybe?" Peter says uncertainly.

"My ship isn't big enough to hold everyone." Quill states.

"Well, I was thinking we could use an upgrade anyway." Peter says as he gestures around them.

"It's a bit big..." Drax says in distaste.

"That's true..." Peter agreed as he thought for a moment. 'A smaller ship helps bring everyone together. If we switch to a huge one like this, it'll ruin the feeling.'

Looking toward Carina, who was standing at his side like an attentive servant, Peter spoke up.

"Does your old Master have any other ships?"


"It's like heaven..." Rocket muttered as they were shown to the ship's hangar, where around fifteen other ships were parked.

"This one could work?" Peter says as they toured the ships.

In front of them was a fully blacked-out Benatar Class ship, just like the second ship that the Guardians use in the movies, though it was a bit different.

First, it was about double the size of a normal Benatar M-Class ship, giving the Guardians more than enough room in case Yondu plans to take his Ravagers along with them.

Second, the whole thing was extremely high-tech and lavish, making it obvious that the Collector had it upgraded to a crazy degree.

"What about the other ships?" Rocket asks as he sees nothing but credits when he looks around the hangar.

"We could sell them." Gamora replies.

While the Guardians were figuring out the logistics, Peter followed Carina through the ship toward the Collector's vault.

"Have you ever been in here?" Peter asks as they arrived at a giant metal door, which was locked shut with multiple forms of security.

"No, Master never allowed anyone access." Carina replies dutifully.

"Well, he's dead now, so let's check it out, shall we?" Peter says as he waves his hand.

Before Carina's shocked eyes, the vault door transformed into a much smaller normal door, which Peter opened with ease.

Following him inside, Carina stared in awe at the contents of the vault.

In the center of the room, a giant pile of credits was stacked high up to the ceiling, which was definitely more than 4 billion as Peter thought.

"What is this?" Peter asks as he found many sealed containers of odd-colored liquids and what appeared to be white dust.

"That's what was collected from the mines." Carina explains.

"Oh..." Peter muttered in realization. 'It's blood, bone, brain tissue, and spinal fluid...'

As Peter eyed the containers filled to the brim with Celestial body parts, He suddenly had an idea...

'What would happen if I made the resurrection elixir with Celestial ingredients?' Peter wondered.

After a moment of thought, Peter opened a portal under the containers and sent them to Earth, where he would research them later on.

Carina's worship of Peter seemed to only grow as he continued to show his awe-inspiring abilities.

"You're amazing, Master..." Carina mutters as she covered her mouth, realizing what she just said.

Peter immediately felt something awaken in him. After all, a beautiful pink alien slave girl just called him master...

'It's every p*rn addict's wet dream...' Peter thought jokingly.

Quickly getting himself under control while also planning to visit MJ to relieve some stress later on, Peter turned to Carina with a stern look.

"Carina, you have no master anymore." Peter makes things clear. "Although I'm flattered, you should learn to live your life normally from now on."

"Y-Yes, sir..." Carina stuttered as she looked down at the ground like a scolded child.

"Good, now let's go back." Peter says as he empties the vault and strolls out with Carina following closely behind.


When Peter returned to the Hangar, the Guardians were taking pictures of the other ships.

"What are you guys doing?" Peter asks curiously.

"We're posting these ships online. We already sold two of them while you were gone." Quill explains as he pointed to two of the ships.

(A/N: Did the MCU have a name for the galactic/universal internet?)

"Nice, I have all of the credits, but it's far more than I can count at the moment." Peter says as he walks over to their new ship. "I'll dump them in the ship for now."


After leaving a huge pile of credits in a locked room of their new ship, Peter followed Carina to the Museum, hoping to find something interesting.

Everything else would either be sold, left behind, or destroyed based on how dangerous the items are.

"Who's that?" Peter asks as he was lead to a room with a sleeping Dark Elf and what appeared to be Carina's twin in some sort of torture device.

"The Collectors former slave." She explains without using the word Master this time.

"I see..." Peter nods as he waves his hand, releasing the poor girl in an instant.

She didn't seem to fully understand what was happening as she sat there with a dumb look on her face.

Once Carina explained what was happened to her, the poor traumatized girl broke down crying as she thanked Peter over and over again.

"It's no problem. You're free now just like Carina." Peter says warmly as he looks around the museum. "Would either of you know about anything interesting in this place?"


Following the two former slaves, Peter was shocked at the amount of weird and overpowered objects in this museum.

Biogram Image: Creates a controllable image of the wielder while hiding his real location.

Birthstones: Can summon a Vulture of Nepenthe, whose claws are allegedly electrified.

Boxers: Rectangular inter-dimensional traps that can weaken a victim's strength and sanity.

Coats of Hercules: Animated animal hides that engulf their targets totally, cutting off their oxygen supply enough to render them unconscious.

Etherion Armor: An armored battle-suit made of the alien metal etherion, which amplifies the wearer's strength to superhuman levels, and it has jets that permit flight.

"Tony would like this..." Peter muttered.

Dergosian Gun: A large artillery weapon fires pellets that freeze the surroundings upon impact.

Cosmic Viewer: A mirror that can be used to monitor events on various worlds.

'That could be useful...' Peter thought.

Electrified Comb: A comb that produced a low level of electricity, which allows it to stay attached to anyone touching it.

"That's extremely useless..." Peter muttered as he moved on.

Incendiary Capsules: Grenades that burst into flames a few seconds after being discarded.

Kymellian Flute: Can translate any language.

'I haven't really had to worry much about language barriers yet...' Peter chalked it up to being in a comic book/movie world, which was originally made in English.

Magic Beans: Seeds that can conjure up warrior Giants.

Obedience Potion: An Elixir that compels the drinker to do the suppliers bidding, though it wears off over time.

'I need to keep this out of the wrong hands...' Peter wondered whether he should destroy the potion.

Philosopher's Stone: A legendary alchemical substance capable of turning base metals into gold. It is also capable of creating the elixir of life that provides the user a semi-immortality.

The drinker wouldn't age and be immune to all sickness, but getting killed by other means was always possible.

'Damn...' Peter stared in awe at the stone before quickly stashing it away. 'I'll play with that later.'

Shockwave Gong: A gong that sends out a shockwave against enemies when struck.

The Poison: The most powerful poison in the known universe.

'I wonder if this would work on Thanos?' Peter wondered as he carefully stashed away the vial.

Tibetan Crystal Balls: Crystal balls that emit mystical rays.

Vampire Stones: When hit together, can summon or banish a swarm of vampires.

'Vampires exist?' Peter hasn't seen a single one yet. 'Maybe they're aliens?'

The Collector also had zoos of alien beasts, like one snake which Peter stayed far away from and even contemplated killing...

Snake-Eyes: An enormous alien serpent with hypnotic powers.

Though there were two objects in the collection that Peter was extremely tempted to use.

Ali Babba's Lamp: A lamp that can summon a four-headed Djinn with mystical powers.

Ali Babba's Flying Carpet: A Persian flying carpet, which could morph into a cape for personal use.

Obviously, one of these things is far more appealing than the other.

'Ali Babba's Lamp!' Peter stared at the Persian-style lamp with greedy eyes. "Has the Collector used this lamp yet?"

"No, he was incapable of summoning the Djinn." The newly freed Krylorian spoke up. "He toiled over that lamp for a year before giving up."

'Maybe it needs a magical nudge?' Peter thought as he was tempted to experiment on the lamp.

Genies or djinns are supernatural creatures from pre-Islamic and Islamic mythology. They are associated with shapeshifting, possession, and madness.

In later Western popular representations, they became associated with wish-granting and often live in magic lamps or bottles.

'This could be dangerous...' Peter thought as he quickly stashed the lamp and carpet away.

On one hand, he could get three wishes and that would be amazing...

On the other hand, the whole idea of granting wishes could be a lie, and releasing the Djinn could bring about some sort of untold calamity.

'I need to talk to the Ancient One...'

A/N: 1922 words

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