I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 270: Death In The Family

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While Peter was carefully looking through the Collector's museum, making sure to take what he wanted and destroy anything that could cause problems in the future, the Guardians finished up posting the extra ships for sale and headed out to the bar to unwind.

"So, can we pick up where we left off?" Quill took Gamora into his arms as they stood outside the same bar once again.

"I know who you are, Peter Quill. And I am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your pelvic sorcery." She refused him harshly.

Reaching up, Gamora pushes his face away before it could get too close and strutted into the bar.

"..." Quill's head snaps to her swaying hips. 'Damn... She's gotta be doing that on purpose-'

Just as Quill was enjoying the view, a furry figure flew past Gamora as a commotion started in the bar.

"Woh! Woh! What are you doing?" Quill rushed in to see what was happening.

"This vermin had a few drinks and started picking fights with my boys." Yondu spoke up from the bar.

Seconds after speaking, his many Ravager subordinates stood up from their seats and drew their weapons.

"Ain't we supposed to be on the same side here?" Yondu asks as Rocket pulls out his gun and aims it in his direction.

"That is true!" Rocket shouts drunkenly as he swayed on his feet.

"He has no respect." Yondu continued while leisurely enjoying his drink.

"That is also true!" Rocket yelled as Drax stood beside him with his blades drawn, ready to fight if needed.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Quill stood between the Bloodthirsty Ravagers and his drunken friend.

Meanwhile, poor Carina and her look-a-like were hiding in the corner, regretting accepting the invitation to join the Guardians for a drink.

"Keep calling me vermin, tough guy! You just wanna laugh at me like everyone else!" Rocket waved his gun around, scaring a few of the regulars who were watching the spectacle.

"Rocket, you're drunk. Alright?" Quill says as he slowly steps forward to take the gun for him. "No one's laughing at you."

"He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does! Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart, and put back together, over and over, and turned into some...some little monster!" Rocket broke down as he recalled some bad memories.

"Rocket, no one's calling you a monster." Gamora spoke from the side.

"He called me vermin! They called me rodent! Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots to your f*ckin' face!" As Rocket went to wave his gun around again, Quill rushes forward and ripped it out of his hands.

Just as everyone let out a calming breath, suddenly, the loud and powerful engines of a large spacecraft shook the building, confusing everyone inside.

"What the-" Quill muttered as he peeked out of the windows and found a fleet of Chitauri ships entering the mouth of Knowhere.

Even those on the streets outside were rushing back to their homes and ships, hoping to avoid the well known planet-culling army.

"Gamora!" He yelled nervously.

"?!" Rushing up to Quill with the rest of the bar following closely behind, Gamora saw some very familiar ships getting closer and closer. "We need to leave, NOW!"

"Why? What's so scary-" Yondu spoke casually as he strolled up and caught sight of the incoming army. "Back to the ship!"

Instantly, everyone rushed out of the bar just in time for the Chitauri riders to pour out of the ships and rush to the defenseless city with their weapons drawn.



"No, please-"

Gamora and the Guardians did their best to ignore the dying screams of the unsavory civilians of Knowhere as they hurriedly rushed back to the Collector's ship.

"Watch out!" Quill shouted as he drew his pistol and fired a few inches above Gamora, who was about to be beheaded by a Chitauri soldier on a hoverbike.

Luckily, his aim was perfect as the soldier took an energy bolt to the face and crashed into one of the many bars in the city.




"Quill!" Yondu yelled as an arrow came shooting his way.

'I knew it...' Quill froze as the arrow whizzed past his ear and tore through five different Chitauri soldiers behind him before returning to Yondu's holster.

"Get moving, you idiot!" Yondu said as he pushed Quill forward.

"Y-Yeah!" Quill stuttered as he rushed to catch up to everyone else with Yondu at his back.

As the group of Guardians and Ravagers ran through the city, defending themselves from the invading army, they could hear and see that everyone else in the city wasn't fairing so well.

Of course, they wouldn't rush to save these people, especially when their lives were on the line.

When they finally caught sight of the Collectors ship in the distance, the Guardians sighed in relief, though it might have been too early for them to relax...

"Hello, Sister..." A voice spoke.

Gamora froze as Corvus Glaive dropped in front of their path with a spear in hand.

"C-Corvus..." Gamora spoke nervously, still refusing to call him family.

Just as the Guardians were looking to turn back and run, another voice appeared from behind.

"Why so scared, Sister?" Proxima Midnight dropped down behind the group with a sword hung at her waist.

"You should welcome your family with open arms." Corvus reprimanded her.

"Unless, of course, you're a dirty little traitor who betrayed her family for some riffraff!" Proxima exclaimed angrily, though she was certainly enjoying the moment.

"Father took you in and raised you as his own child, Gamora." Corvus was the next to lay on the guilt. "Your actions disgrace his kindness."

"Kindness? Kindness!?" Gamora snapped after hearing that. "That lunatic killed my parents in front of me! Is that kindness? Was it kindness when he slaughtered half of my planet? No, you're right! It had to be kindness when that sick son of a b*tch ordered his men to behead the children I went to school with! My friends!"


"I didn't know you felt this way, little one." A deep rumbling voice spoke as a third much larger figure walked up the path behind Proxima.

Gamora's eyes widened as her entire body shook with fright.

Corvus instantly turned and dropped to his knees followed by Proxima, who looked absolutely shocked at Thanos' arrival.

"Father." Corvus greeted Thanos respectfully.

"Father, what are you-"

"Shush, Proxima." Thanos dismissively waves at his eldest daughter.

"Father..." Gamora ground out those words in distaste.

"Gamora..." Thanos looks at her like a regretful father. "Where is-"

"What's all this ruckus out here?!" Another new arrival entered the fray. "I was in the middle of-"

"-Spider-Man?" Thanos finishes his question as he turns to see the man himself come strolling out of the ship behind Corvus.

"Oh..." Peter grunted as he realized that Thanos was actually there. "I expected those two."

He points to Proxima and Corvus, who continued to bow to Thanos.

"But not you." He then points to Thanos. "What's the matter? Come to take your favorite daughter home, or looking for this?"

Peter held his hand up as the sealed Orb appears in his palm.

"Both." Thanos speaks plainly.

"I see..." Peter nods as he looks at the trapped Guardians and Ravagers.

Well, except Drax, who had his eyes trained on Thanos, ready for a battle.

"Can you guys fight?" Peter asks, knowing they've been through a lot today.

"Aaagh!" Drax lets out a war cry as he grips his blades tightly.

"Yeah, what he said." Quill nods as he held his pistol at the ready.

"Hey! Give me my gun back!" Rocket yells as he snatches his weapon from Quill.

"Ravagers are always ready for a fight. Right boys!" Yondu yelled as his clan let out their own war cry.

"Gamora?" Peter asks the stunned and frightened woman.

Thanos looked straight at her, waiting for her to make the choice.

"I-I..." Gamora was petrified by the mere presence of her 'father'.

"I see." Peter says as he waves his hand.

Suddenly, a portal appeared under Gamora, sending her away before snapping shut.

"Gamora!" Quill yelled as she disappeared.

"Where did you send her?" Thanos asks demandingly.


On earth, Nebula woke up early to watch the sunrise as she sipped a hot cup of coffee with extra milk and sugar.

Ever since she betrayed her father, Nebula has been staying in the Avengers tower, though she wasn't a member just yet.

Peter practically ordered her to enjoy life for a while before making any big life decisions, so that's what she's been doing.

Touring the world, Nebula tried all of the foods and drinks that caught her eye as she took in the sights.

Luckily, everything was paid for by Peter so she was able to enjoy her life like a rich young lady.

Of course, her inhuman appearance drew a bit of attention, but with the introductions of meta-humans, she wasn't bothered much.

'This planet is beautiful...' Nebula thought as a golden portal opened over her couch. "?"

She watched as a very familiar green figure tumbled out.

"What-" Gamora muttered as she looked up to see her scowling sister looking down at her with a mug in hand.

"What are you doing here?" Nebula asks in annoyance. 'I was having such a good morning...'


"She would either get herself or someone else killed, so Gamora can go visit her sister for a while." Peter says as Thanos nods his head in understanding. "You should come to visit as well. I could use a few more ships. You can never have a big enough space fleet, after all."

"I plan to but sadly, you won't be there to welcome me." Thanos states threateningly.

"We'll see." Peter shrugs as he looks at the kneeling Corvus Glaive. "Let's even the odds, shall we?"

As Peter spoke, a portal opened underneath Corvus, causing him to fall through just like Gamora.

Though, unlike his rebellious sister, the golden portal snapped itself shut a bit earlier, wrapping around his neck and decapitating the son of Thanos in an instant.

"CORVUS!" Proxima screamed in anger, disbelief, and despair as her husband's headless body fell in front of her and Thanos.

A/N: 1730 words

🚨Hand over the💎STONES💎and I won't break out the🔫Glizzy🔫on you...🚨


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