I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 286: Drunken Debut

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"Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself. You are now meeting the Grandmaster!"

After going through a quick LSD nightmare in the tunnel, suddenly Tony, Rhodes, Gamora, and Pepper appeared somewhere else, surrounded by weirdly dressed rich folks and a bunch of palace guards, like the ones that were outside.

Sat on an Ornate throne by the window, a tall mysterious man in golden robes eyed them with interest. His silver hair defied gravity, similar to his brother, the Collector.

(A/N: Yes, they are related.)

[Insert picture of the Grandmaster here]

He looks right at the group in question, though he doesn't know what to make of them. He's curious, thrilled, revolted, and titillated all at the same time.

Meanwhile, the many odd-looking guests enjoy what seemed to be a penthouse party while eyeing Tony's group curiously.

Sitting back on his throne, the Grandmaster turns to his trusty guard at his side. A round woman in black and brown armor with a spear in hand.

Although she doesn't look it, Topaz is one of the strongest guards in the Grandmaster's employment.

"They don't look very strong..." He lounges on his throne and looks over the group with an appraising eye. "Especially that one."

Of course, he pointed right at Pepper, who was still shaking a bit from the grand finale of the ride they were on.

Topaz merely shrugs uncaringly.

"Peps, are you going to take that?" Tony asked though she didn't seem to care one bit.

"Do you think any of them could be a contender?" The Grandmaster asked his quiet guard.

"No, they won't even last a day." She answers honestly.

"Last a day in what?" Tony asks curiously.

"The Grand Arena, of course!" The Grandmaster elegantly stands from his throne. "Sakaars number one form of entertainment, the Contest of Champions. A cosmic competition between the strongest fighters at my disposal. Did you not pay attention during the welcome ride?"

"Well, it wasn't exactly clear, was it?" Tony says as he steps out of the train cart and grabs a glass of what looked like orange champagne from a nearby waitress.

"Huh?" The Grandmaster finally noticed that at least one of his guests wasn't bound, as they were supposed to be. "Topaz, what the hell?"

"Don't look at me." She had no idea what was happening. "I'm not in charge of the welcome ride."

"So, you're the king around here or whatever?" Tony asks as he sips his drink.

Instantly, his eyes go wide as he looked down at his glass in shock.

"Wow, what is this? I've never tasted anything like it..." Tony asks as he takes another sip. "Pepper, come try this!"

"..." Hearing him, the rest of the group leaves the cart, showing that they weren't bound either.

"Sigh... remind me to figure out what's wrong with the ride later." The Grandmaster told Topaz as he looks back to his guests. "So, who are you?"

"Tony Stark, Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist. Ow!" Tony introduces himself and gets an elbow to the rib from Pepper.

Seeing the glare she was sending him, Tony quickly revised his statement.

"Sorry, Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist." He says as he looks to Pepper for approval. "And this is my dominatrix, Pepper Potts."

"..." Pepper just rolled her eyes as she sipped on the champagne.



The other two were short in their introductions, as they knew a fight would most likely break out soon enough.

"Wow, great..." the Grandmaster seemed bored by them.

After all, he was most likely hoping for stronger fighters, yet he received some normal-looking humans instead.

Whilst they were talking, a guard whispered something to Topaz, who instantly brought the information to her boss.

"We located your cousin." She reports.

"Oh good!" His bored mood flipped on its head as he turned to his guests. "Yeah, come on. I think you're gonna like this."

The Grandmaster struts forward with his robe fluttering behind him.

As he walked, Topaz and the other guards formed up around him, making sure the new guests don't try anything.

Strapped to a chair across the room, sat a terrified bald alien man with pale skin and golden eyes.

"There he is!" The Grandmaster welcomes the man's arrival with open arms and a smile on his face. "Hey, cuz. We almost couldn't find you. Where have you been hiding?"

The Grandmaster's cousin looked at Tony's group, weeping as he cowered in fear.

"So..." The Grandmaster utters as he watched his cousins display in distaste.

"Please, I'm sorry." He pleads for forgiveness. "I won't try to leave again. Just please don't kill me! Sakaar is my home, I swear..."

"Carlo..." The Grandmaster walks up and rests a comforting hand on his cousin's shoulder. "I pardon you."

"Thank you... Thank you!" The man sighed in relief as he smiled up at his cousin.

"You're officially pardoned...from life." The Grandmaster adds as he casually takes Topaz's staff and jabs it toward his cousin's chest.

"Tony..." Pepper didn't want to play the party guests anymore.

"I got it." Tony nodded as his body was instantly covered in red and gold armor.


Firing his palm thruster, Tony watched as it impacted the spear, knocking it out of the Grandmaster's hands and saving the bound mans life.

The sound of heavy breathing and whimpering filled the room as Carlo seemed to be having a panic attack from the near-death experience.

"Thank you... Thank you... Thank you..." He repeated over and over again.

As soon as the spear clanked onto the floor, every Sakaaran Guard in the room turned to Tony with their weapons drawn.

"Wait!" The Grandmaster stopped them from firing as he turned to see the armor covering Tony's body. "Excellent!"

He didn't care about the attack on his person at all. In fact, it helped reveal the possibilities of a new champion to him.

"Is that some sort of exoskeleton?" He asked as he started circling Tony and his group.

Of course, his guards kept their weapons trained on them, as the Grandmaster's safety is their top priority.

"No, I built it myself." Tony says as he turns to Pepper and Rhodes, who quickly activate their armor as well.

As for Gamora, she simply pulled a knife out of her belt and waited for the fight to start.

"Amazing. Could you make one for me too?" The Grandmaster asked hopefully. "I would be willing to set you free in exchange for a set of armor like that."

"Not happening." Pepper spoke for Tony, as she felt more confident in her blue armor.

"You heard the lady." Tony nods.

"What a shame..." The Grandmaster mutters sadly as he walks back to his throne. "Capture them though prioritize the armor. Feel free to kill them if you have to. Just make sure my armor isn't too damaged."

"Yes, sir." Topaz nods as she gestures to her men.

"Finally, the fun can begin."


-Mirror Dimension-

"Congratulations!" Genie exclaimed as fireworks filled the sky. "You are one of the few to ever pass multiple trials at once! I knew you could do it, Master."

"Thanks, though it wasn't that hard." Peter shrugs as he still felt an odd sensation in his body.

Seeing the look on his Master's face, Genie quickly spoke up.

"What you're feeling is your wishes. They've already been granted." He explains.

"Right, why does everything feel... tingly." Peter asked curiously.

"If I had to guess, I'd say you're evolving." Genie says as a chart of the human evolution appeared behind him.

From monkeys to cavemen to modern-day humans.

"Normal humans evolve slowly over time, but you're on the fast track, my friend." Genie says with a smile. "That tingling is you moving up the evolutionary ladder."

"Right..." Peter muttered as he wondered if the feeling would go away. "So, how long have I been away?"

"1 thousand..." Genie spoke dramatically as always, worrying Peter as he had family and responsibilities to attend to. "...seconds. It hasn't even been an hour, kid. Relax."

"Sigh. Please don't do that again." Peter let out a relieved breath.

"Hehe... so how were the trials?" Genie quickly changes the subject.

"Fine, but I should probably go." Peter says as he pulls out the Genies lamp. "I have to pick up a crew mate and check on a friend of mine."

Seeing the lamp in his hand, Genie instantly knew what Peter was thinking.

He was going to send him back into the lamp.

"Oh... Can I come?" Genie asked as his face morphed into the perfect set of puppy dog eyes.

"Uhh, can you disguise yourself?" Peter asked as he didn't need anyone knowing about Genie.

"Can I disguise myself? Is that even a question?" Genie asks incredulously as he snapped his fingers and morphed into a blue-skinned human figure. "See? How do I look?"

"That could work. You look like a Kree." Peter muttered in approval.

"What should I call myself? Glen? No... Javier, Coot, Sandra, Freddie?" Genie starts listing off names as his outfits changed to match them.

"Just stick with Genie." Peter says with a tired sigh. "Nobody would believe that your actually a Genie, so it's fine. Just keep your magic use to a minimum."

"Sir, yes sir!" Genie saluted.

"Good, also keep my secrets between us." Peter ordered seriously.

He didn't know what Genie knew about him, but there were many secrets in his mind, that he didn't want aired out to anyone.

"Hey? Do I look like that kind of Genie to you?" He asked almost offended that Peter would have to ask that.

"Just making sure." Peter sighed as stashed the lamp away and opened a portal. "Come on. Let's go."



When Peter stepped through the portal alongside Genie, he was expecting a pristine Kree ship, but that certainly wasn't what he found.

"Eww... are you sure you took us to the right place?" Genie asked as he eyed the rolling hills of space waste in the distance.

"Yeah, look over there." Peter points to a destroyed Kree warship. "That's our ship."

'Is this Sakaar?' Peter wondered as he looked up to see a sky full of wormholes.

"Oh, my condolences." Genie offered some kind words for the dearly departed.

"Yeah, it was a good ship..." Peter frowned at the loss of a very expensive warship.

"I meant for your friends." Genie clarifies.

"Meh, they wouldn't die so easily." Peter shrugged as the sound of a ship's engine fills the air.

Suddenly, a ship flew overhead before landing a few meters away. It was rather sleek and dangerous looking too, matching the name written on its hull.


As the ship's cockpit opened, an alien form of rock and roll filled the area as a beautiful yet dangerous woman stepped out with a liquor bottle in hand.

[Insert picture of Valkyrie/Brunnhilde here]

A ramp extends in front of the ship, leading all the way to the ground below.

As she stumbled drunkenly down the ramp, Brunnhilde stops for a moment to lift a half-empty bottle to her lips and chugs it down.

Swiftly finishing the bottle and smashing it on the side of the ramp, she continues her way down to Peter and Genie...

Though she veered off course and fell straight into a pile of trash.


A/N: 1890 words

🚨Hand over the💎STONES💎and I'll give you these mystery🥚¿EGGS?🥚WOW🤩 What could be inside?🚨


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