I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 287: The Valkyries Downfall

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"Is she alright?" Genie asked as Valkyrie fell from her ship and landed in a pile of garbage.

"I think so." Peter nodded as she stood up and looked their way.

Her eyes were hazy and she stood with a sort of sway to her stance, but otherwise, Brunnhilde looked to be fine.

Unluckily, she held onto some dead alien beast's carcass for support, which collapsed due to decay, sending her tumbling back to the ground.

"Are you sure?" Genie asks as she lay sprawled on the ground for a moment before picking herself up again.

"Eh, maybe not." Peter shrugged. 'She might even be drunker than when she met Thor in the movie.

"Surrender!" She exclaimed as she stood and stumbled over to the bottom of her ship's ramp.

"Uh, ma'am. Are you alright?" Genie asks, not seeing her as a threat at all. "Do you need some help?"

"I'm fine. Now surrender before I get violent." Brunnhilde repeated, ready to fight at any moment.

"Look, lady. I don't know how much you've had to drink, but we can help." Peter decided to join in on the conversation. "You probably shouldn't be flying your ship in that condition anyway."

"You want my ship, huh?" She asks as she glance her metal gauntlets together which activate with a blue light.

"..." Peter quickly projected an eldritch shield as he knew what was coming.

"I love it when they choose the hard way." She holds out her fists as if she's operating machinery. "You look strong so hopefully you both survive..."

Instantly, her ship, Warsong whirls to life as the two main turrets shine in a blue light, matching the color of the energy on her gauntlets.

Clenching her fists tightly as if she were operating a two-handed turret machine gun, a horrible screeching noise filled the air as Warsong's turrets began to spin and open fire.

Aiming in their direction, a blue-hued spray of gunfire shot out, only lasting about three seconds before dying down.

"That should be enough..." Brunnhilde banged her fists together for a second time, deactivating the guns and sending her trusty ship back into idle mode.

As the smoke cleared, the confident look on Valkyrie's drunken face disappeared and was replaced with a frown.

Peter and Genie stood in the same spot without a single scratch on either one of them, surprising the former Valkyrie.

"That wasn't very nice." Peter mutters as Genie nodded beside him.

"Definitely not how you should greet someone." Genie said in disapproval.

"..." Brunnhilde sighed as she pulled a sword from her hip and marched forward.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Peter asks before she got too close. "The first attack can be forgiven due to drunken stupidity, but another one, and I'll have to retaliate."

"Shut up and fight." She started as she lunged forward and swiped her blade in Peter's direction.

"..." Peter, being the gentleman that he is, simply stepped back and avoided the attack. "One last chance?"

"!" Brunnhilde picked up the pace as she continued the attack.

Continuing to skillfully dodge every single sword swipe of hers, Peter watched as Valkyrie grew more frustrated with every failed blow.

Meanwhile, Genie walked off to the side and enjoyed the show.

After all, he was asked to keep his magic use to a minimum and his Master didn't exactly need his help.

"Why are you attacking us again?" Peter asked as he ducked under a sword thrust aimed at his chest.

"You'll find out soon enough!" She exclaims as she kicks her leg at Peter's ankles, trying to ruin his footing.

Sadly for her, he has his Peter tingle, so her plan was easily seen through.

Meeting her kick with one of his own, a loud thud was heard as the two crossed shins.

Although Peter didn't use all of his strength, as he didn't want to snap her leg in half, he did use more than enough power to send someone like Captain America to the hospital.

Though luckily, Brunnhilde is an Asgardian and not just any Asgardian but a former Valkyrie, an elite group of female Asgardian warriors that served as Odin's special force.

Her strength was on a whole other level, allowing her to match Peter's kick without harm.

"You're pretty strong." Peter muttered as he put a bit more power into his leg. "But not strong enough."

Suddenly, Brunnhilde was swept off of her feet and sent flying a few dozen meters, crashing into a big pile of junk in the distance.


She seemed to hit a large piece of metal upon impact while sending other small bits of trash flying into the air as well.

"Is she dead?" Genie asked as he munched on a bucket of popcorn with a pair of 3D glasses on his face.

"Nope." Peter replied as the hill of garbage that she landed in began to shake.

Seconds later, the trash dispersed, revealing Brunnhilde who was lifting a giant cube of metal over her head.

Without wasting any time, she wound it back for a moment before using all of her strength to hurl the heavy metal object in Peter's direction.

"Okay, I think that this has gone on long enough." Peter mutters as he remains still and reaches out with both hands.

"..." Brunnhilde watched as the cube smashed into her opponent.

Though, oddly enough, it seemed to lose all of its momentum and freeze in place.

"This thing is heavy." Peter commented as he caught the cube and easily lifted it above his head, as if it were made of styrofoam.

The expression on Peter's face betrayed the words that came out of his mouth, looking calm and relaxed as he lifted the metal and tossed it to the side.

With a simple throw, the cube was sent flying into the distance before crashing into a mountain of garbage, which exploded upon impact.

"?!" It was at this moment Brunnhilde knew that she f*cked up.

Quickly reaching into her pocket, she tried to pull out a small disk, which could be used to subdue stronger opponents...

Though sadly, she was too late.

Peter disappeared from his former position far faster than her eyes could follow.

"Why don't you take a nap?" A familiar voice whispered into her ear as something impacted her neck and everything went dark.


"Wooo, that's my Master!" Genie cheered as a foam finger in his red and blue colors appeared on his hand alongside other Spider-Man related merchandise.

"Thank you." Peter bows dramatically as he looks at Brunnhilde's ship. "Since there's nothing but trash as far as the eye can see, let's take her ship and find some sort of town or city."

"What about her?" Genie asked as he pointed to their knocked-out attacker.

"We'll take her with us. She could have some useful information." Peter answers as he reaches down and drags her to the ship.


In a barren black void of death, the sky opens up as a wave of women mounted on winged horses poured inside, each of them dressed in Asgardian armor and armed with spears, swords, and, shields.

Brunnhilde witnesses the event as if the moment was frozen in time, seeing herself among the sea of mounted Valkyrie.

"No! Go back!" She screamed to her sisters but no one seemed to hear her voice. "You'll die! Don't come any closer!"

Directly below the force of flying warrior women stood Hela Odinsdottir in all her glory, black lightning flashing all around her.

Suddenly, an infinite number of black weapons appeared around Hela and fired off toward the wave of Valkyrie, slaughtering them all as Brunnhilde warned.

"Please no... Not again..." Tears filled Brunnhilde's eyes as she watched countless Valkyrie falling through the dark space alongside their winged horses.

Soon enough, the ground below was littered with the dead and Hela didn't even break a sweat.

Brunnhilde cried as she watched her sisters die all over again. Her friends, mentors, teachers, rivals, and family members.

All of them were dead, again.

Through an open portal only a few meters away sat the throne of Asgard.

Ignoring the bloody scene around her, Hela advanced to the portal, but one Valkyrie stood in her way.

Brunnhilde, frozen in fear and shell-shocked.

Hela smirked as she stalked forward and conjured a pitch-black sword into her hand.

And just as Brunnhilde was about to be decapitated, one of her sisters dived over at the last second, shoving her back through the portal and taking the fatal hit.

"..." Brunnhilde watched it all replay, feeling just as useless and afraid as she did all those years ago. 'I should have done better. Lady Astrid would still be alive if I wasn't such a coward...'

Next, she watched her former self land in Asgard's Throne room, scrambling to her feet as she rushed to re-enter the rift and save the sister that offered herself up for her.

Or at the very least die alongside her.

But sadly, it was too late.

The rift closed and the last image she saw was Hela dealing the killing blow to the woman that saved her life before moving on to those who were too weak to defend themselves anymore.

"Aaahhhh!" Brunnhilde screamed in overwhelming rage and sadness.


Brunnhilde awoke with a start, her face uncomfortably smushed up against a curved wall of glass.

As her eyes groggily opened, she saw the hills of trash through the glass below and instantly knew that she was in her ships prison cell.

'I hate that dream...' She recalled the same nightmare that always haunted her dreams.

"What a rusty city..." A voice spoke from above. "The Tower is a bit gaudy for my tastes as well."

Looking upward, Brunnhilde found a familiar red and blue-clad man seated in the cockpit of her ship, gazing at the Capital city of Sakaar from afar.

It wasn't anything she hasn't seen a million times before. Just a city composed of salvaged items from all over the universe.

Lying in the small glass holding cell of her own making, Brunnhilde realized that all of her weaponry and gadgets were missing.

"..." Staying quiet, she tries to stand and work on her escape but...


Peter easily heard her movement and pressed a small controller in his hand, which activated the tiny metal disk attached to Brunnhilde's neck.

Instantly, she collapsed back onto the floor and began uncontrollably shaking in agony.

"Good morning!" Peter greeted her cheerfully as she stopped shaking. "Did you sleep well?"

Brunnhilde ignored him and tried to stand for a second time, but of course, she was sent tumbling to the floor once again.

"I really like this device." Peter muttered as he watched her flail on the floor for a second time. "I think I'll keep it."

"..." Brunnhilde chose to remain silent and bide her time.

"So, what's your name and why did you attack us?" Peter asks curiously, though he already knew. "Was it just some drunken rage or what?"

"..." Once again, she refused to speak.

"Whatever..." Peter shrugged as he already knew who she was and what happened to the Valkyrie.

Brunnhilde was one of the many Valkyrie sent by Odin to drive Hela back into her prison.

Although they succeeded in their mission, the Valkyrie were slaughtered, leaving only Brunnhilde as the lone survivor.

Being all that remained of the Asgardian warrior maidens, Brunnhilde exiled herself to the planet Sakaar where she served the Grandmaster as one of his best acquisition specialists to this very day.

Delivering him fighters and would be champions ever since.

'How can Odin waste such a cool group of soldiers like that...' Peter thought with a shake of his head. 'If I were him, I would have just got off my throne and spanked Hela myself.'

A/N: 1984 words

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