I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C133 Meeting the President

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

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"Hey, I think you dropped this."

Peter, Yoda, Windu, Peggy, Tony, and Magneto stood confidently on the White House lawn, the deactivated nuke resting on the ground before them. The arrival of their ship and the presence of the nuke had already caused a significant stir within the White House, and it wasn’t long before the response was visible.

Countless armed Secret Service members rushed out, forming a tight perimeter around Peter's group. Their weapons were trained on the newcomers, eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. The agents were wary of both the nuke and the unexpected visitors who had so boldly approached the seat of American power.

"Relax, we're not here to fight. We just want to talk." Peter called out, his hands in his pockets.

Inside the White House, the tension was palpable. Alexander Pierce and General Ross watched the scene unfold from a nearby window. Pierce's eyes narrowed as he immediately recognized Peggy standing behind Peter. 

“Hmm… Look who it is…” He smirked, seeing an opportunity to further his agenda. "You know," he began, his voice low and conspiratorial, "Director Carter’s presence here is rather... curious, don’t you think? Standing with the alien invaders and all."

“?” The president’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly. 

General Ross frowned, his loyalty to Peggy causing him to bristle at Pierce’s insinuation. "Peggy has always been a loyal person. There must be a reason for her actions."

Pierce shrugged, feigning indifference. "Perhaps, but can we truly be sure of her loyalty?"

Ross's confusion deepened, the seeds of doubt taking root. "What are you suggesting, Pierce?"

Pierce’s smirk widened, his tone smooth and manipulative. "I'm suggesting that she might have turned to their side. Maybe she knew we couldn’t win."

General Ross shook his head, struggling with his conflicting thoughts. "Peggy Carter has dedicated her life to protecting this planet. I refuse to believe she’s betrayed us."

"Believe what you want," Pierce replied nonchalantly. "But look at the evidence: she arrives with them in an alien ship and even brought along the nuke we launched just after I called to warn her about it... It doesn't exactly look good, does it?"

President Clinton, who had been listening to their exchange, turned to Pierce. "What are you proposing, Alexander?"

"Simply put, we might have a traitor amongst us, Sir," Pierce's eyes gleamed with calculated intent. "But we can easily verify everything. Let's take them into custody. If Peggy truly is with them, we'll hold her accountable. And if she's not, we’ll still have alien hostages to bargain with. It's a win-win situation."

Clinton considered the suggestion, the weight of their situation pressing down on him. "It might be the best option we have," he admitted reluctantly. "We need to show strength and control."

General Ross, still conflicted, could see the logic in Pierce’s words despite his reservations. "Alright," he conceded, "but we do this carefully. We can’t afford to make any more mistakes."

Pierce’s smirk remained, satisfaction evident in his eyes. "Agreed. Let’s move forward with the plan."

The tension in the room heightened as they braced for the worst…

Suddenly, one of the military officers' beside General Ross muttered, "Hey, isn't that Tony Stark?"


Outside, Peter remained calm despite being surrounded by the armed Secret Service members. In fact, most of his group didn’t seem too worried about the situation. Their faces showed a mixture of confidence and resolve, except for Peggy, who was visibly tense. She stepped forward, raising her hands in a placating gesture.

"We came to speak with the President," Peggy urged, her voice steady but urgent. "We need to resolve this peacefully."

The lead Secret Service agent, his face hard and unyielding, replied. "Standby, ma'am. We’re waiting for orders."

Ignoring her, the agent radioed the President for further instructions. A tense silence fell over the group as they waited, the weight of the moment pressing down on everyone. Seconds later, the response crackled through the radio. "Detain them. All of them."

The agents moved in, their intentions clear. Peggy tried one last time. "Wait! Trust me, you don't want to do this—"

Before she could finish, Peter raised a hand, flinging the approaching agents across the yard. “I think that’s enough talk,” he said as they sailed through the air, their weapons flying from their hands as they crashed into the side of the White House, falling unconscious upon impact.

The sudden and unexpected action triggered the surrounding Secret Service members, their training and instincts taking over. In shock and fear, they opened fire on Peter and his group, bullets flying towards them.

“?!” Tony’s eyes widened in fear and shock as the surrounding gunfire deafened his ears. 

Hundreds of bullets shoot in their direction at incredible speeds. But thankfully, Magneto was faster. With a casual flick of his hand, he stopped all the bullets mid-air, the projectiles hanging suspended in front of them. 

The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, the agents’ eyes widening in fear and confusion. “!?”

The tension in the air was palpable as the Secret Service agents stood frozen, their bullets hanging in the air like deadly ornaments. Peter took a deep breath and addressed his allies. "Alright, guys, let’s go easy on them. They're just doing their job after all..."

Magneto scoffed, his disdain evident. "If you say so," he muttered, letting the bullets fall harmlessly to the ground. With a wave of his hand, he magnetically yanked the guns from the agents' hands, disarming them in an instant. “But you won’t be needing these anymore…”

Peter, Yoda, and Windu sprang into action, their movements a blur as they rushed forward. They didn't ignite their lightsabers, choosing instead to rely on their physical prowess and the Force.

Peter reached the first agent with lightning speed, his fist connecting with the agent's jaw in a powerful uppercut. The agent's head snapped back, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious before he even hit the lawn.

Yoda leaped into the fray, his small size belying his immense power. He landed on an agent's shoulders, using the Force to amplify his strength as he flipped the agent over and slammed him into the ground. The agent groaned and lay still, dazed but alive.

Windu moved with fluid grace, his hand chopping down on an agent's neck, rendering him unconscious. He sidestepped another agent's clumsy punch and delivered a swift kick to the knee, causing the agent to collapse in pain.

“You know, It’s been a while since we’ve fought together like this…” Peter commented as he continued his assault, ducking under a wild swing and delivering a rapid series of punches to the agent's midsection. 

“It hasn’t been that long, has it?” Windu deflected an incoming punch with ease, twisting the agent's arm behind his back before bashing him in the back of the head. 

"Hmm, nice to get out of the temple and stretch, it is." Yoda somersaulted through the air, landing behind an agent and delivering a swift kick to the back of the knee.

Almost done, Peter took down two agents by smashing their heads together, their unconscious bodies crumpling to the ground.

Finally, the last agent standing, eyes wide with fear, found himself standing face to face with Peter and his two masters. 

"Stand down," Peter commanded, his voice calm but firm. The agent, seeing the futility of resistance, raised his hands in surrender.

The lawn was now littered with unconscious and groaning Secret Service agents, all incapacitated without a single fatality. Peter, Yoda, and Windu stood among them, their breathing calm and controlled. 

Watching the Jedi in awe, Tony suddenly realized that he still had his exosuit on. "Uh, was I supposed to join in on that?"

"Yeah, but you can just help out next time..." Peter shrugged as he turned to Peggy, who had watched the scene with a mixture of awe and concern. "Let's go talk to the President."

Peggy nodded, her expression a mix of relief and apprehension. "Lead the way."

From the windows of the Oval Office, President Bill Clinton, Alexander Pierce, General Ross, and the rest of the emergency cabinet watched in fear and awe as Peter and his companions swiftly demolished the Secret Service agents. The sight of the effortlessly defeated agents sent a chill through the room, the realization of their powerlessness sinking in.

The President, sweat forming on his brow, turned to Pierce, his voice strained with panic. "This was all your idea, Pierce. What do we do now?"

Pierce, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on him, froze. He had never truly expected the situation to spiral so far out of control. 

Now, with all eyes filled with blame and fear, he found himself unable to answer. His confident facade crumbled, replaced by a look of uncertainty and fear.

General Ross, feeling the tension, tried to offer support. "We need a plan, Pierce. Now."

Pierce, however, saw no hope for success. His mind raced, and he could only think of one thing: self-preservation. 

Unable to bear the accusatory stares and unwilling to stay and die with these ungrateful people, he turned and bolted for the door, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Pierce! Come back here immediately!" the President shouted, his voice filled with desperation. But Pierce didn't look back. He was determined to escape, leaving the others to face the consequences of his failed plans.

But, just as Pierce reached the door, ready to flee, it suddenly slammed shut in front of him, the sound echoing ominously through the room. “!” He tugged at the handle, but it didn't budge. Panic set in as he struggled with the door, his heart racing.

Behind him, the bulletproof window shattered with a deafening crash. Shards of glass flew in all directions, and Pierce whirled around, his eyes wide with terror.

Peter stepped inside through the shattered window, his expression calm but filled with purpose. "Where are you going? We just got here," he said, his voice carrying a dangerous edge.

The room fell silent, the weight of the situation pressing down on everyone. Pierce stood frozen, his eyes darting between Peter and the locked door. The President and the other officials watched in stunned silence, their fear palpable.

Peter's gaze swept over the room, his presence commanding and unyielding. "Let's talk," he said, his tone brooking no argument.

The President swallowed hard, his eyes flicking to Pierce and then back to Peter. "Y-Yeah, let's talk," he agreed, his voice trembling slightly.

After stepping inside, Peter’s group followed him into the Oval Office. The atmosphere inside was thick with tension and apprehension. President Clinton, Alexander Pierce, General Ross, and the other emergency cabinet members sat with worried expressions, their eyes darting between Peter and his companions.

Peter took a seat across from the President, his demeanor calm but authoritative. "Let's clear a few things up," he began, his voice steady. "The aliens who invaded this planet have been dealt with, and the immediate threat is over. The Jedi have come to assist us in this matter." He gestured to Yoda, who smiled amiably toward the president.

The President, clearly uncomfortable but trying to maintain his composure, nodded awkwardly. "Thank you... all of you," he said, his voice faltering slightly as he addressed Yoda, his eyes wide with surprise.

Yoda nodded serenely. "Welcome, you are."

Peter continued, his tone serious. "You have nothing to worry about anymore. The invasion has been dealt with and the Kree most likely won’t return. At least for the time being."

There was a moment of awkward silence, the room filled with an uneasy gratitude. Finally, the President spoke again, "We appreciate your help, truly."

Peter's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing as he leaned forward. "But you should have known we were handling this already. Didn't Peggy tell you? Why would you launch a nuclear missile at us?"

The President flinched under Peter’s stern gaze, the memory of the earlier confrontation with the Secret Service fresh in his mind. "She... she didn’t," he stammered, turning to Peggy with a look of blame.

Peggy shrugged, her expression defiant. "Don't look at me. I told him that I was dealing with the invasion." She pointedly gestured at Pierce, who instantly looked away. "I don't know why he wouldn't tell you."

The President's glare shifted to Pierce, his frustration evident. "I'm beginning to wonder why as well."

Pierce, caught off guard and unable to come up with an excuse, stuttered, "Sir, I... uh..."

Before he could say more, the President cut him off. "Keep your mouth shut! I’ll deal with you later..."

Ignoring Pierce, the President turned back to Peter, a forced smile on his face as he reached out to shake Peter's hand. "Thank you again for your help. Where exactly are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?"

Peter smirked, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Missouri, sir. Born and raised."

The President blinked in surprise, taken aback by the answer. "Missouri? You're from Earth?"

Peter nodded, his smirk widening. "Yep, at least originally."

Yoda and Windu exchanged glances, their eyes widening with a mix of shock, understanding, and concern as they realized this was Peter's home planet.

A/N: 2240 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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