I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C134 Jedi Temple Plan?

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


Inside the Oval Office, the atmosphere was tense and filled with an undercurrent of confusion and curiosity.

President Clinton, still reeling from Peter’s revelation, nervously asked, "What do you mean by being originally from Earth?"

Peter leaned back in his chair, his gaze steady. "I was kidnapped from Earth as a child by some sadistic alien pirates. They took me away from my home, and what was left of my family. I thought I’d never see this planet again..."

“…” The room fell silent, everyone processing the gravity of his words. Windu and Yoda exchanged a few worried glances, clearly concerned about Peter's attachment to this planet.

Peter continued, "Later, after some not-so-nice weeks, I was rescued by Master Windu here. He brought me into the Jedi Order, where I was trained and raised from then on."

General Ross, intrigued, leaned forward. "The Jedi Order? What exactly is that?"

Before Peter could respond, Yoda took the lead. "Guardians of peace, we are. The Force, we use to protect and defend the galaxy from evil. Jedi, keepers of the light, we are."

Peter nodded, summarizing the explanation. "In short, the Jedi Order is an ancient group dedicated to maintaining peace and justice throughout the galaxy. We use our abilities, the Force, to protect the innocent and fight against those who would do harm,” he paused for a moment before adding, “when the Republic permits us…”

“The republic?” The president asked. 

"Well, the Republic is..." Peter continued, astonishing the politicians and military officials with just how vast and populated the galaxy truly was.

Alexander Pierce listened closely, his mind working to gather as much information as possible about the Jedi and the Republic. His eyes narrowed slightly as he considered the potential uses and dangers of these newfound allies, if they could even call them that. 

Suddenly, President Clinton asked an unexpected question, his voice filled with cautious hope. "Could Earth join the Republic for protection against future Kree attacks?"

Yoda smiled thoughtfully, considering the idea. But before he could respond, Peter interjected, shaking his head slightly. "Joining the Republic wouldn’t help us as much as you might think."

"Why not?" Clinton asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Peter leaned forward, his expression serious. "Earth is located in Wild Space, far from the core worlds of the Republic. This area is largely uncharted and holds little strategic interest for them. Even if we joined, it’s unlikely we’d get the protection you’re hoping for."

General Ross frowned. "But surely there must be some benefit to aligning with the Republic. What about the Jedi?"

Peter sighed. "While the Jedi are dedicated to helping those in need, the Republic’s resources are stretched thin. There’s also a significant risk that if Earth were to join, it would draw more attention to our planet, particularly to our unique inhabitants."

President Clinton looked puzzled. "Unique inhabitants?"

Peter glanced at Peggy, then back to the President. "Mutants, Mr. President. Earth has a large population of individuals with unique abilities. If the galaxy discovered this, it could lead to exploitation or worse. They might try to control or weaponize our people."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of Peter’s words settled over them. The potential risks and benefits of joining the Republic were clear, but so were the dangers of exposing Earth to the wider galaxy.

Pierce’s eyes gleamed with newfound information, his mind already calculating how to use this knowledge to his advantage. General Ross, meanwhile, looked conflicted, torn between the need for protection and the desire to safeguard his planet’s secrets.

Finally, General Ross leaned forward, a thoughtful expression on his face as he processed the discussion. "So, the rest of the galaxy doesn’t have mutants like we do?"

Peter shook his head. "Not in the way we understand them. The X-gene is unique to Earth. It awakens powers in certain individuals, giving them abilities that can range from enhanced physical attributes to more extraordinary capabilities like controlled Magnetism." He gestured over to Magneto. 

Yoda and Windu exchanged intrigued glances. "Interesting, this X-gene is," Yoda mused. "Potential for great power, it has."

Windu nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Such abilities could be of great significance."

The non-Jedi individuals in the room shifted uncomfortably, their concern evident. "What are you planning to do with this information?" General Ross asked cautiously.

Sensing their unease, Yoda raised a hand in a calming gesture. "No untoward intentions, we have. Seek to control, we do not."

Peter backed him up, his voice steady and reassuring. "You can think of the Jedi like peaceful monks. They have no interest in power or control. Their goal is to maintain peace and justice, nothing more."

The room relaxed slightly, the tension easing as they accepted Yoda and Peter’s assurances. The genuine sincerity in their voices helped calm the lingering doubts, though some still remained. After all, they barely knew each other. 

President Clinton, still grappling with the implications of their situation, turned to Peter. "If joining the Republic isn’t an option, what should we do? If we’re invaded again, I'm afraid we’ll be unable to resist, especially if we don’t have you here to assist us..."

Peter smirked knowingly; he had anticipated this exact question before arriving. "We need a long-term solution, which is why I propose establishing a Jedi Temple here on Earth for training and defense."

“?!” The room erupted in shocked murmurs, the idea catching everyone off guard, including Yoda and Windu.

Yoda’s eyes widened slightly. "A bold suggestion, this is," he said, his voice filled with curiosity.

Frowning suspiciously, Magneto voiced his thoughts, "While you claim to have no interest in us mutants, it seems to me that this temple is just a way to recruit my brothers and sisters into your order..."

Peter shook his head. "You misunderstand. The Jedi have no use for mutants. The X-gene may be interesting, even to us, but we use the Force. If someone doesn’t have a high enough affinity with the Force, whether they are a mutant or not, they wouldn’t be able to become a Jedi."

Someone in the room asked, "What is the Force exactly?"

Peter waved his hand, and the coffee table between them levitated a few inches off the ground before settling back down. Before anyone could ask, Peter explained, "I’m not a mutant. I simply used the Force."

The president then asked, "Can anyone use this Force?"

Yoda spoke up, "The Force is in all of us, it is. But only those with a high enough affinity can use it, as Knight Quill stated earlier."

“…” Pierce stared at the display of Peter’s powers with greedy eyes, wondering whether he could bring this Force ability into Hydra.

Ignoring Pierce's envious emotions, which Yoda and Windu certainly felt as well, Peter continued where he left off. "As I was saying, a Jedi Temple would justify leaving a portion of our war fleet here on Earth for protection. It would also provide the planet with a growing number of trained individuals who can help defend against future threats."

Alexander Pierce, ever the skeptic, scoffed. "And why exactly do you have a war fleet if the Jedi are just peaceful monks?"

Peter's gaze hardened slightly, meeting Pierce’s eyes with a steely resolve. "Because while the Jedi are peaceful, the galaxy is not. There are forces out there that would seek to exploit or harm us or others. Having a fleet is a deterrent, a way to ensure our safety."

General Ross nodded thoughtfully. "It makes sense. We can't rely solely on hope and goodwill. We need tangible defenses."

The room fell silent for a moment as the President and his cabinet members absorbed the information. Finally, the President spoke up again, his tone more measured. "I see. It seems we've been incredibly fortunate to have your assistance. Can we discuss the specifics of establishing this Jedi Temple and the defensive measures that come with it?"

From then on, the conversation shifted to a more detailed discussion about the logistics of setting up a Jedi Temple on Earth. They talked about potential locations, the size and structure of the temple, and the recruitment of Jedi recruits from the populace. 

General Ross, always pragmatic, asked about the chain of command and how the Jedi would coordinate with Earth's military forces. Yoda and Peter assured him that the Jedi would work closely with Earth's leaders to ensure seamless collaboration. 

One thing was made quite clear: they would not be anyone’s subordinate. They already had to answer to the Republic, and adding oversight from another government would cause more trouble than good.

The President nodded thoughtfully. "This sounds like a solid plan. Establishing a Jedi Temple here in the United States would not only enhance our defenses but also foster a deeper understanding and cooperation between our planet and the wider galaxy."

With a sense of resolution, the President and his cabinet agreed to move forward with the plan. The room was filled with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. "We agree to the establishment of a Jedi Temple on Earth," President Clinton declared, sealing the agreement.

As they prepared to leave the White House after a successful conversation, Peter sensed an opportunity. Reaching out to Peggy telepathically so others couldn’t hear, he asked, ‘Peggy, is Pierce one of your bosses?’

Peggy started, momentarily surprised by Peter’s telepathic communication. "Peter, how—" 

‘No time to explain,’ Peter interrupted. ‘We need to know. Is Alexander Pierce one of the people overseeing Shield? Answer in your mind. Don’t speak aloud.’

Peggy nodded subtly, understanding the urgency. ‘Yes, he’s one of the few people who oversee Shield. Why?’

‘Invite him to come along with us,’ Peter instructed. ‘We can use this opportunity to figure out if he’s a member of Hydra or not.’

Though doubtful and a bit concerned, Peggy's disdain for Pierce made the decision easier. She approached President Clinton as the group was preparing to depart. "Mr. President, may we borrow Alexander Pierce for a bit? I have much to debrief him on. He can return directly to you afterward. I understand you’re quite cross with him at the moment..."

Pierce, overhearing the conversation and desperate to escape the immediate fallout of his actions, jumped at the opportunity. "I’d be happy to assist Director Carter in any way I can," he said, adding more excuses to go with Peggy, unaware of what she and Peter had planned.

President Clinton, though reluctant to let Pierce off the hook so easily, ultimately agreed, too afraid of angering or offending his powerful guests. "Alright, but make sure he comes back for a full debriefing," he said, his tone stern.

As they loaded back up into their ship, Pierce tagging along this time, he turned to Peggy, asking, "So, what did you need to debrief me on?"

Peggy glanced at Peter, who nodded. Without warning, she took her cane and jabbed it into Pierce's stomach, activating its built-in taser. 

“Argh!” Pierce convulsed and collapsed onto the floor, unconscious.

“?!” Everyone on the ship besides Peter turned to find Pierce on the floor, unmoving. “What was that about?” Tony muttered. 

"That should keep him quiet for a while," Peggy said, a satisfied look on her face. 

Peter smirked, "Nice work, Peggy. Now let’s get back to the Red Room and figure out what he knows."

As the ship ascended into the sky, leaving the White House behind, everyone settled into the flight back to the Red Room. The atmosphere inside the ship was a mix of relief and lingering tension. Peggy kept a watchful eye on the unconscious Alexander Pierce, while Tony and Magneto conversed quietly about the day's events.

Peter leaned back in his seat, his mind racing with thoughts about their next steps. Suddenly, Yoda and Mace Windu approached him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and mild reproach.

"You didn’t tell us this was your home planet..." Windu said, his tone carrying a hint of disappointment.

Peter simply replied, "You didn't ask."

A/N: 2043 words :) 🚨Patréon Link🚨

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