I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C135 Fury/Windu

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

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As the ship flew smoothly through the air en route to the Red Room floating base, the atmosphere inside was a mix of tension and contemplation.

Yoda and Windu, standing across from Peter, exchanged concerned glances before Windu spoke, "You didn’t tell us this was your home planet, Peter..."

Peter simply replied, "You didn't ask."

Yoda frowned. "Worried we are. Attachment to this world, you show," he said, his voice gentle but firm.

Windu nodded in agreement, his tone more direct. "If we had known you would use this break of yours to find your home world, we might not have allowed it in the first place."

Peter sighed, understanding their concern but also feeling a sense of frustration. "I’m sorry, Masters. But you must understand, Earth is where I was born and where my mother is buried. I’ll always feel a deep connection to this place, just as I do to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Both places are my home.”

“Is that why you want to open a temple here? Because it’s your home?” Windu asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice. 

“What do you mean by that?” Peter appeared confused. 

Yoda clarified. "A favor to your home planet, it seems."

Windu crossed his arms, his expression unyielding. "You must represent all planets, not just your own. And let’s be clear, if we agree to this temple being built, you cannot operate or be part of it,” he said, suspecting that Peter was trying to establish a home for himself on Earth.

Peter sighed, feeling the weight of their words. "I understand your perspective, but you're wrong about my intentions. I plan to leave this planet after dealing with a few things. I won’t be staying here for long. The temple is needed to protect Earth, just as the Jedi protect all in need. Unless, of course, our mission has changed since I left?"

The tension in Windu’s posture increased. "Our mission remains the same, but we cannot allow personal bias to influence our decisions."

“I agree,” Peter's gaze was steady, determined. "But this temple isn’t just for Earth; it's for the Jedi as well."

Peggy, Tony, and the others listened intently, pretending not to hear but unable to hide their curiosity. Tony, in particular, found the conversation fascinating. The idea that Peter was part of some galactic peacekeeping force that didn’t allow attachments was odd, to say the least.

Yoda's interest piqued. "How could a temple here benefit the Jedi?"

Peter took a deep breath. "We now know for sure that there’s a Sith Lord out there, likely controlling the Kree Empire. As a Sith, he will undoubtedly target the Jedi. He won’t rest until we are eradicated."

Windu frowned. "We know this already. Are you going to answer the question?"

Peter nodded. "This temple can be a secret fallback, even from the Republic.” He paused for a moment before explaining. “We need a place to retreat to in case of an emergency. After all, who knows what might happen? Even the Republic could turn on us at any time." 

They didn’t seem very convinced, so Peter turned to Yoda and asked, "How’s your former padawan? Still rising in the Senate? What’s his opinion of the Jedi again?"

Peter noticed Yoda's eyes narrow and pressed on. "We both sensed the Dark Side in him that day. Whether he’s a Sith now or merely a fallen Jedi, we need to be cautious.”

“?” Windu glanced between Peter and Yoda, confusion evident on his face, as neither had mentioned their encounter with Count Dooku until now.

Ignoring his silent questions for the time being, Peter continued. “If my fears prove true, we need a fallback plan. There are too many children in the Jedi Temple to leave unprotected. We must be both prepared and vigilant."

Windu's eyes narrowed. "But why this planet? We could find a hidden planet without any sentient life, a planet the Kree doesn’t know about. Why must it be Earth?"

Peter nodded, understanding their concern. "I see why you’d think that, but it's not why I chose this planet."

Yoda’s curiosity deepened. "Then why?"

Peter turned to Magneto, who had been listening intently. "Because of people like him."

Every head turned to Magneto, who raised an eyebrow in return. Peter continued. "This planet is on the rise and will soon become the most powerful and protected place in the galaxy. The appearance of powerful mutants like Magneto, Xavier, Storm, and others will create a force so strong that they could conquer the galaxy should they ever choose to do so."

Yoda and Windu stared at Magneto, their expressions contemplative. Magneto smirked arrogantly. "Of course we could."

Yoda frowned at the arrogance but responded with wisdom. "Arrogance, a flaw it is. Blind you, it can."

“…” Magneto scoffed. 

Peter seized the moment. "And that’s another reason we need a temple here. The mutant race is far too powerful to be left on its own. They need wise guiding hands to help them navigate their powers and the world around them."

Windu and Yoda’s frowns deepened, realizing the precarious situation. “…”

Magneto glared at Peter. "I thought you said you weren’t interested in the Mutants of this world? What happened to the ‘we’re just peaceful monks’ excuse from before?"

Peter shook his head. "The Jedi are peaceful monks. I never said we would be recruiting mutants. But that doesn’t mean we can’t help. You may not know this, but the Jedi are the best counselors and diplomats in the entire universe. We can help the mutant race grow in a peaceful and prosperous direction."

Magneto’s eyes narrowed, his distrust evident. "And why should we trust you?"

Peter’s expression was earnest. "You won’t at first, but in time you will. The Jedi have had supernatural powers for thousands of years. We may not get our powers from the same place, but we can help you understand where yours come from and how to control them."

Magneto was at a loss for words but his continued mistrust was evident. “…”

Yoda stepped forward with his cane, standing before Magneto. “Trust, we must build."

Magneto hesitated before replying, "Trust is hard-earned with me, and for good reason…”

Yoda nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "Understand, I do. Trust, a fragile thing it is. Earned through actions, not words. Patience and time, they require."

Magneto's skepticism remained, but Yoda’s words planted a seed of hope in his mind.

Soon enough, the ship landed smoothly at the Red Room’s hangar, and as the ramp lowered with a soft hiss, the group began to disembark. Peter led the way, the unconscious Alexander Pierce levitating beside him.

Yoda's curious eyes focused on the floating figure. "Capture this man, why did you?" he finally asked, his voice filled with curiosity and concern.

Peter glanced at the Jedi Masters. "I’ll explain everything soon. For now, just follow along."

They made their way through the base, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the metal floors.

Arriving at the designated room, they found Xavier waiting, his wheelchair positioned near the center of the room. He looked up as they entered, his face a mix of curiosity and concern.

Peter wasted no time. "Congrats, Professor. We brought you your first subject. Crack open his head and tell us all his secrets."

Xavier hesitated, his eyes flicking between Peter and the unconscious man. "As you know, I’m not comfortable delving into someone's mind without their consent," he admitted, his voice firm.

Peter nodded, recognizing his reluctance. "I understand, but this is a Hydra agent—or at least we suspect he is. There shouldn't be a problem, right? Just confirm if he's with Hydra. If he's not, you can stop immediately."

Xavier reluctantly nodded, having already agreed to use his abilities to help identify members of Hydra. "Alright, I’ll do it," he said, rolling his wheelchair closer to Pierce. He placed his hands gently on Pierce’s head and closed his eyes, focusing his telepathic abilities.

Yoda and Windu exchanged looks, their patience wearing thin. "Know what is going on, we do not. Explain, you must," Yoda said, his tone carrying a hint of expectancy.

Windu crossed his arms, his expression stern. "We’ve been patient, Peter, but we need some answers now."

Peter took a deep breath, preparing to explain. "Hydra is an evil organization that has infiltrated many aspects of our world. They seek power and control, often through violent and unethical means. We suspect this man is a member, and Professor Xavier is using his mutant ability to search Pierce’s mind for proof."

As Peter spoke, Xavier delved deeper into Pierce’s mind, sifting through his memories and thoughts. The process was quiet with the occasional strained look from Xavier. 

Meanwhile, Yoda and Windu listened intently to Peter’s explanation, their concern growing as they learned more about Hydra.

Minutes passed in tense silence before Xavier finally spoke, his voice filled with grim certainty. "He’s part of Hydra. I’ve seen enough."

Peter’s expression hardened. "Good. Now we know for sure. Let’s keep him asleep and continue extracting information."

Xavier frowned, his face reflecting his inner conflict. "I’ll do it, though I don’t like using my powers this way…” he agreed nonetheless. 

Given the circumstances, this was for the greater good.

Magneto scoffed. “Can you stop this holier-than-thou nonsense? He’s a Nazi for crying out loud…” 

Peter turned to Xavier, who sighed at his old friend’s comment, concern etched on his face. "Magneto’s right, Professor. He doesn’t deserve your sympathy. Now, how long will it take to know everything Pierce knows?"

Xavier sighed, his fingers gently touching his temple. "It might take a few days to get through all his memories and piece together the information."

Peggy frowned, her worry evident. "He can’t disappear for that long. Pierce is a member of the World Security Council. If he doesn’t check in by tonight, it will raise alarms and draw unwanted attention."

Peter considered her words, his mind racing for a solution. "Can you speed things along in any way, Professor?"

Xavier shook his head, his expression grave. "The only way to speed things along would be to tear through his mind, but that would leave him brain-dead and still unable to check-in. I’m not willing to do that; it’s the same as killing him. We need to handle this delicately."

Magneto's eyes narrowed, his voice rising ever so slightly. "There must be another way.”

Peter placed a reassuring hand on Magneto's shoulder. "I understand your frustration, but we have to do this right. We can’t afford to make any mistakes."

Yoda nodded in agreement. "Patience, you must have. Through patience, wisdom is gained, and the path to the Force revealed."

Peter took a deep breath, which sounded more like a sigh. "Just get to work, Professor. We’ll figure something out to buy us the time we need."

Xavier gave a slight nod and moved closer to Pierce, focusing his powers. As he began to delve back into Pierce’s mind, the group quietly exited the office, giving him the space needed for the task.

In the hallway, Tony paced back and forth, his mind racing. "We need to find a way to cover for Pierce’s absence."

Peggy nodded, considering the options. "I’ll reach out to a few trusted contacts. We can try to fabricate a story. It’s risky, but it might buy us the time we need."

Peter nodded. "Good, let me know what you come up with. I'll handle the cleanup from the battle in the meantime," he said as Peggy pulled out her phone and walked away.

"Hey, wait up!" Tony called, running after her, determined to help his godmother. 



Hours later, after overseeing the first day of the cleanup operation alongside his masters, Yoda and Windu, Peter felt the exhaustion settling in. ‘I just want to listen to music and stuff my face with food…’

The battlefield had been partially cleared, and the remaining Kree were rounded up and secured in the Red Room's new prison, where they would stay until they could be transported elsewhere. 

Sighing tiredly, Peter was about to head off for some much-needed rest and food with his Masters when a sudden sound caught his attention.

The distinct thrum of helicopter blades filled the air, growing louder as the aircraft approached the hangar. Peter, Yoda, and Windu turned to see the helicopter descend gracefully, its landing gear touching down with a soft thud. The door swung open and out stepped Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, their expressions grim and determined.

But, as soon as Fury and Windu locked eyes, they both froze in shock. The resemblance between them was uncanny, and for a moment, it was as if they were staring into a mirror. The hangar fell silent, the weight of the moment pressing down on everyone present.

“”Who are you?””

A/N: 2182 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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