I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C136 Hydra Heads

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

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“”Who are you?””

As soon as Fury and Windu locked eyes, both men froze in their tracks, their expressions mirroring shock and confusion. The resemblance between them was uncanny, and for a moment, it was as if they were staring into a mirror.

Fury was the first to break the silence, his hand instinctively moving to his gun. "Who the hell are you?" he demanded, his voice sharp and authoritative.

“…” Windu stood there, stunned and bewildered.

Receiving no answer, Fury’s eyes narrowed. He pulled his gun, aiming it at his doppelgänger. "Listen here, motherf*cker. You have about five seconds to explain who you are and why you look like me, or you’re getting a bullet to the head."

The tension in the air was palpable as the two men stared each other down, each trying to make sense of the situation. 

“Woah, woah, relax!” Peter extended his hand, pulling Fury’s gun from his grasp. “Let’s all just calm down and talk this out like adults.”

“Hey!” Fury turned to Peter, glaring dangerously. He had another gun in his boot but didn’t move to pull it yet. 

Windu, maintaining his calm Jedi demeanor, was finally able to respond, "I am Master Mace Windu of the Jedi Order. Who are you? Are you from Haruun Kal?” He asks, wondering if they were from the same planet. 

"What the f*ck did you just say?" Fury asked in confusion. 

Peter, who had been standing quietly beside Yoda and Coulson, decided to intervene. "Fury, Master Windu is from another planet entirely. He’s a Jedi, like me. He wondered if you might be from his home planet. Are you?" he asked, though he doubted it was likely.

“Of course not. I’m 100% human!” Fury's eyes flicked to Peter, then back to Windu.

“Then it must be some odd coincidence…” Peter muttered. 

Yoda, who had been quietly observing the exchange, spoke up. "Glowing with the Force, they were, upon meeting. Connected by the Force, perhaps?"

Fury and Coulson exchanged confused glances. "What the hell is that thing talking about?" Coulson asked, clearly out of his depth.

Peter stepped in again. "That ‘thing’ is Grandmaster Yoda. Show some respect.” He corrected him, speaking up for his master. 

“Uhh, sorry…” Coulson immediately realized the mistake he made. 

Peter let it go, as Yoda didn’t seem offended, and continued. “As for the Force, it’s an energy field that connects all living things. Jedi like Master Windu and myself can sense and manipulate it. When Master Windu and Fury met, there was a distinct glow that only those attuned to the Force could see."

Windu, now aware of the glow, looked thoughtful. "The Force works in mysterious ways. It’s possible that our resemblance is more than just a coincidence..."

Fury, still skeptical but slightly less aggressive, lowered his gun a fraction. "So what, you’re saying we’re connected somehow? Through this... energy field?"

Peter nodded. "It’s possible. The Force has been known to create bonds between individuals across time and space. It might explain why you look so alike."

Fury, though still wary, seemed to consider this information. "Alright, say I believe you. What does this mean for us?"

Yoda stepped forward, his wise eyes looking between Fury and Windu. "Mean, it does, that more to your meeting, there is. Discover, we must, the purpose of this connection."

Windu nodded in agreement. "Indeed. The Force has brought us together for a reason. We must uncover what that reason is."

Sensing the tension easing, Peter added, "Why don't you two take some time to talk? Getting to know each other might help you figure out what's going on."

Fury, though still wary, nodded reluctantly. "Fine," he agreed, snatching his gun back from Peter and holstering it. “But if you take my gun like that again, I’ll shoot you…”

As Fury and Windu walked off to have a private conversation, Peter and Yoda headed deeper into the Red Room. Coulson left to report to Peggy, leaving the two Jedi to their own devices.

"Master Yoda, do you want to try Earth food?" Peter asked with a grin.

Yoda’s ears perked up, a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes. "Curious about Earth cuisine, I am."

Peter led them to the mess hall, quickly gathering a plate of lasagna. As he set the plate in front of Yoda, the small Jedi Master examined it with keen interest.

"Try it," Peter urged, smiling.

Yoda took a tentative bite, his face lighting up with surprise and delight. "Delicious, this is."

As they ate, Yoda began to share news from the Jedi Temple. "Much you have missed, Peter. Aayla Secura, a Jedi Knight she has become. Chasing after you, she is."

Peter’s eyes widened with pride. "That’s amazing! I didn’t think she’d do it so quickly."

"And Gamora and Nebula," Yoda continued, "Padawans they have become. Training hard, they are."

Peter’s smile grew. "I’m glad they’re all doing well." He suddenly frowns and asks, “Their father hasn’t made any moves, has he?”

Yoda's expression grew more serious. “No, he has not.” 

Peter let out a sigh of relief. “Good, I was worried he’d cause trouble while I was away…” 



After catching up, Peter finally asked, "How long are you staying? There's so much I want to show you before you go," he said excitedly.

Yoda frowned, "Stay long, I cannot. Return to the temple soon, I must."

Peter’s smile faded slightly. "Do you really have to go so soon? If you stay a little longer, we can have Professor Xavier extract information from the Sith we captured. It’s the only way to get 100% accurate information from him."

Yoda paused, thinking it over. "Dangerous, the mind of a Sith is. For one with no powers in the Force, especially so."

Peter nodded. "I know, Master. But if Xavier thinks he can do it, we should give him a chance. We need all the information we can get. Besides, Mutants are much stronger than you think."

Yoda considered this for a moment before nodding. "Careful, we must be. Speak to Xavier, we will."

Peter’s smile returned. "Great! And since you’re staying, why not join us in taking down Hydra?"

Yoda hesitated, clearly conflicted. Peter continued. "Hydra has committed countless crimes since World War II. Human experiments and genocide are the biggest of them all... they’re pure evil, Master. Not on the level of the Sith, of course, but pretty damn close…"

Yoda's face darkened with a frown. "Evil such as this, the Jedi must oppose. Help, we will, where we can."

Peter felt a surge of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Master Yoda. Your help will make a big difference." He smiled, ‘Hydra is so f*cked…’


Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away from the Red Room, a round table meeting between the heads of Hydra was held in a dimly lit, secured underground bunker. The air was thick with tension and the weight of secrecy. The sudden and shocking alien invasion had forced this urgent assembly.

(A/N: A lot of people are about to be introduced, feel free to add pictures for each of them.)

At the table sat Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, one of the European leaders of Hydra. His sharp, calculating eyes surveyed the room, assessing each member in attendance. 

Beside him sat a man known only as The Banker, the treasurer responsible for managing Hydra’s vast wealth accumulated over their long history. His face was obscured by shadows, giving him an air of mystery. 

Next to The Banker was Octavian Bloom, a cunning and influential figure within the organization. His eyes flickered with a dangerous intelligence as he considered the implications of the recent events. 

To his left was the Sheikh, the leader who controlled Hydra’s affairs in the Middle East. Draped in traditional attire, his presence was imposing, and his influence was significant.

Beside the Sheikh was the Baroness, the only woman in attendance, known for her ruthlessness and strategic mind. Her cold eyes reflected the calculated demeanor she was famous for. 

Gideon Malick, a powerful businessman and political figure, sat next to her. As Hydra’s second member on the World Security Council, he wielded considerable power. Malick’s expression was one of deep contemplation, his thoughts likely on Alexander Pierce, who wasn’t present, leaving his seat conspicuously empty.

Next to Pierce’s empty seat sat Doctor List, a scientist and one of the prime figureheads of Hydra’s experimental division. Originally a Shield scientist, List had been secretly recruited by Strucker and now led Hydra’s experiments on enhanced individuals, primarily on mutants.

Lastly, a small radar-like television sat at the corner of the table, displaying the digitalized face of Doctor Arnim Zola. Zola, a Swiss-born scientist, had served Hydra since World War II. After his physical death in 1972, his consciousness was transferred into a complex computer system, allowing him to continue his work and attend meetings like this in his unique digital form.

As everyone settled into their seats, the heavy metal door of the bunker creaked open. Daniel Whitehall, the leader of Hydra and the superior of everyone present, strode in with an air of authority. 

Formerly known as Doctor Werner Reinhardt, Whitehall had been a high-ranking officer of the Nazi Schutzstaffel during World War II. He led many expeditions to recover mysterious artifacts for Hydra under the Red Skull’s command. Captured by the Strategic Scientific Reserve in 1945, Whitehall had turned sides, becoming a pivotal figure in Hydra’s infiltration and eventual dominance within Shield.

Whitehall took his seat at the head of the table, his eyes sharp and piercing as he surveyed his subordinates. "Where is Pierce?" he demanded, his voice cold and commanding.

Malick, sitting beside the empty seat, responded smoothly. "Last I heard, he was working with Director Carter to clean up the aftermath of the invasion. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s ensuring we secure our interests in the alien wreckage."

Whitehall frowned, his displeasure evident but nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well. Let us proceed."

The rest of the meeting centered around the alien invasion and the necessity for Hydra to seize the wreckage of the alien ships. They discussed strategies and resources required to covertly take possession of the advanced technology scattered across the battlefield. Each member contributed their insights and plans, emphasizing the importance of Pierce’s current task.

Baron von Strucker leaned forward, his voice steady and deliberate. "We must act quickly. The technology in those ships is unlike anything we've encountered. If a division of Shield outside our control secures it first, we will lose a significant advantage."

The Sheikh nodded in agreement. "My operatives in the Middle East are prepared to mobilize. We can provide the necessary manpower to forcibly retrieve the wreckage if need be..."

The Baroness, her voice icy and precise, added, "We should immediately begin reverse-engineering their technology. Doctor List, you and your team must be ready to begin experiments as soon as we have the materials."

Doctor List nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Of course. We are prepared to start immediately."

Whitehall listened intently, his mind already calculating the next moves. "This invasion has presented us with an opportunity. We must exploit it fully. Ensure Pierce remains in contact and updates us regularly. We cannot afford any missteps..."

Fortunately, since Pierce hadn't been able to report back to them just yet, they were still unaware of the Jedi or Peter's team's involvement—at least for now.

A/N: 1947 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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