I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C75 Eyes in the Darkness

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 15 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


In the dimly lit, expansive command center, the High Evolutionary stood with an imposing posture, his eyes locked on a series of large holographic screens. Each screen flickered intermittently with images of his wayward test subjects alongside the intruders, who all seemed to be following the glowing line he had set for them.

Around him, the atmosphere was tense, the air thick with the anticipation and fear that only his presence could instill. His hands clasped behind his back, he watched silently as Peter and the others interacted with Rocket and his group of fugitives. 

His gaze hardened, a mix of curiosity and irritation flickering across his face as he observed the camaraderie forming among them—an outcome he hadn't anticipated.

"Sir," a guard approached hesitantly, breaking the silence with his presence. "They seem to be forming alliances with P13's group."

The High Evolutionary turned slightly, his eyes narrowing. "Indeed," he muttered, his voice low, carrying an unsettling calm. He watched as they interacted, a frown marring his features. 

He took a moment, letting the reality of the situation sink in. It was clear now; the intruders would not be manipulated into serving his designs. They were choosing to side with his defunct creations instead. 

Without turning away from the monitors, the High Evolutionary addressed the gathered personnel, his tone authoritative, leaving no room for challenge. "Seal off this sector of the lab. Prepare the aggressive test subjects from batches zero through eighty-eight for release."

A collective gasp filled the room. A few of the scientists exchanged nervous glances, their faces pale under the artificial light. "Sir, are you certain?" one of the guards asked, his voice tinged with disbelief and fear. "That could be dangerous—"

"Do not question my orders," the High Evolutionary cut him off sharply, turning to face them fully now. His eyes swept over the group, a daunting force that quelled any further objections. "Proceed immediately."

Reluctantly, the guard nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes, sir," he responded, his voice nearly a whisper. He turned on his heel, motioning to the others. Together, they hurried off, their steps echoing in the command center as they went to prepare the release sequence. 

Silence reclaimed the command center as the High Evolutionary continued to watch. His fingers tapped lightly against his arm, a rare sign of his underlying concern. The unleashing of his most unpredictable creations was not a decision made lightly, but it was one he deemed necessary.

'They're far too dangerous to treat lightly…' He recalled the battle he witnessed only moments earlier. "Let us see how powerful you truly are," he whispered to himself, almost in anticipation.


As Peter and the group traced the holographic line through the abandoned city streets, an uneasy silence had fallen among them.

"So," Peter began, flashing his trademark grin to Rocket and his friends. "I'm Peter, and that big tree is Groot."

Groot nodded, his deep voice rumbling a friendly, "I am Groot," which seemed to confuse and amuse the new acquaintances.

Revan, always more reserved, gave a slight nod. "I am Revan."

Cosmo, the telepathic dog, woofed happily, "And I'm Cosmo!"

Howard the Duck added with a slight grumble, "Howard."

Their introductions were met with curious stares from Rocket's group. Lylla, the otter, tilted her head slightly, her eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and caution. "I'm Lylla, and this is Rocket," she said, gesturing to the raccoon next to her, who gave a sharp nod.

Teefs, the walrus, grunted, "Teefs," and beside him, Floor, the rabbit, twitched her nose and mumbled, "Floor."

Once the introductions were out of the way, Rocket looked up at Peter with an expression of awe and slight fear. "How did you manage to fight off all those droids? You and Cosmo... it was like nothing I've ever seen."

Peter shrugged slightly, "Well, I'm a Jedi Knight," he said as if it explained everything.

"A Jedi what?" Rocket blinked, his ears perking up in confusion.

Realizing the term meant nothing to them, Peter elaborated, "Jedi Knights are really strong diplomats, kinda. We're trained to use the Force, which is a sort of mystical energy that connects all living things."

Cosmo eagerly turned to Rocket and his friends. "And how about you all? Why are a raccoon, a walrus, an otter, and a rabbit here instead of Earth? And how come you can talk?"

Rocket's eyes narrowed slightly. "What's a raccoon or any of those other things you mentioned?"

Peter chuckled softly, realizing the misunderstanding. "Those are the names of animals on Earth, our home planet. The planet that this world seems to be modeled after. It's your species."

"We're not animals; we're individuals. We're us." Rocket's whiskers twitched as he shot back, unhappy with being called an animal.

"Fair enough," Peter replied with an easy smile, lifting his hands in a gesture of surrender. "You're you. Got it."

Soon enough, they reached the center of the city, where a massive bunker door stood. As they approached, the door began to ominously open on its own, revealing a dark passage ahead.

Howard muttered, "Yup, this is definitely a trap."

Peter nodded in agreement, a smirk on his face. "Yup, so let's jump right into it." With a confident stride, he led the way into the bunker. Reluctantly, and with a shared sense of unease, the rest of the group followed him into the shadows as the door slid shut with a heavy thud behind them, sealing them in.


Back in the High Evolutionary's command center, the surveillance feeds showed Peter and his group exploring the inside of the bunker. Every step they took further into the labyrinthine facility was watched with calculating eyes.

The High Evolutionary, his gaze fixed intently on the screens, stood motionless except for the subtle rise and fall of his chest. Around him, the hum of machinery and the soft tapping of keyboards filled the silence, punctuated occasionally by the soft, mechanical hiss of doors sealing shut behind Peter's group.

As another door clanged shut on the monitor, a guard approached, his footsteps echoing slightly in the vast, sterile room. "Sir, the subjects from batches zero through eighty-eight are prepped and ready for release," he reported, his voice a controlled calm that belied the gravity of his words.

The High Evolutionary turned slightly, acknowledging the guard with a nod. "And the additional seals?" he inquired, his voice devoid of emotion but carrying an undercurrent of urgency.

"We've initiated the sequence to close off secondary and tertiary access points. Containment is nearly absolute," another technician chimed in, her fingers paused above her keyboard as she awaited further instructions.

"Good," the High Evolutionary murmured, turning back to the screens. His fingers tapped a rhythmic pattern against the metal railing in front of him. "Wait until they've reached the central chamber. Ensure all escape routes are thoroughly obstructed before you release the subjects."

The scientists and guards exchanged quick, nervous glances. One of the younger scientists, a hint of worry creasing his forehead, stepped forward. "Sir, we should deploy the subjects now. The further they are from—"

"Enough," the High Evolutionary cut him off sharply, his tone brooking no further debate. His eyes remained fixed on the screens where Peter and his team continued their unwitting advance. "Their capabilities were evident against the security droids. We must be cautious..."

The command center fell silent once more, the only sounds the quiet whir of computers and the distant echoes of doors sealing. The group on the screen moved deeper into the facility, and with each step, another door slid shut behind them, locking them further into the lab. 


The fluorescent lights hummed overhead as Peter led his makeshift team deeper into the heart of the High Evolutionary's laboratory. The sterile, cold environment of the labyrinthine corridors were lined with lab equipment—some of it looked benign, like microscopes and computers, but others were far more sinister, resembling devices of torture more than tools of science.

As they progressed, Peter couldn't help but notice the flickers of fear crossing the faces of Rocket and his friends. It was a subtle shift in their expressions, a momentary widening of the eyes, a slight shiver that they couldn't quite suppress. These were not just reactions to the unfamiliar; these were signs of haunting memories being forcefully revisited.

Cosmo, sensing the rising tension, trotted up next to Lylla. Her voice was gentle, almost hesitant. "What is this place?" she asked.

Lylla took a deep breath, her voice low as if afraid of being overheard. "This is the High Evolutionary's lab," she explained, each word weighed down with a history of pain. "He... he experiments here. On us, and on others." Her eyes flicked around the room, landing on a particularly grim-looking apparatus that made her flinch visibly.

Rocket moved closer to the group, his usual swagger replaced by an uncharacteristic caution. His eyes darted nervously, a clear sign of his discomfort. Teefs and Floor were no different; both looked like they wanted to bolt at the first chance.

Peter's heart sank as he observed their reactions. He had known about these horrors in a distant, detached way through the movies he'd seen in his past life. But witnessing the fear in Rocket and his friend's eyes brought a new level of reality to it all. It wasn't just a story anymore; it was painfully real.

Revan remained silent, his expression unreadable. Yet, Peter knew him well enough to catch the slight tightening of his jaw, the only sign of his growing anger. Howard, whose cynicism usually shielded him from showing much empathy, couldn't hide a soft, sympathetic grunt as he glanced at the shivering group.

Cosmo let out a soft whine, her own memories of painful procedures resurfacing. "I'm so sorry," she murmured, her tail drooping. Her empathy wasn't just for show; she genuinely felt their pain, having been subjected to her own share of experiments before becoming the creature she was now.

Meanwhile, Groot's demeanor had shifted dramatically. The normally gentle giant was now a tower of barely restrained fury. His deep voice rumbled ominously, "I am Groot," his tone low and threatening. It was clear that he felt a strong protective instinct, particularly towards Rocket, whose fear he seemed to sense more acutely.

Breaking the heavy silence, Peter clapped his hands once, drawing everyone's attention. "We can't change what happened here, but we can make sure nothing like it ever happens again," he declared, his voice firm, filled with a resolve that seemed to motivate the group. "Let's keep moving..."

With a nod, they rallied behind him, drawing a little closer together as they continued down the corridor. They made their way through yet another steel doorway, which slid shut with a definitive clank, the click of the lock echoed ominously behind them. 

As the echo faded, the center of the room flickered to life with the sudden appearance of a hologram. The image of the High Evolutionary materialized, his expression impassive yet undeniably menacing as he surveyed the group with a cold detachment.

"I see you've chosen not to accept my generous offer," he began, his voice resonating throughout the chamber, devoid of warmth. "It appears I must resort to more... extreme measures."

His gaze turned to Rocket, who stiffened under the scrutiny. "P-13," the High Evolutionary addressed him directly, the title dropping like a stone in the stillness. "Do try to keep your brain intact. It would be quite the tragedy to lose such a unique specimen…"

The chilling implication of his words hung in the air, a palpable threat that sent shivers down their spines. As the High Evolutionary's hologram began to fade away, the room suddenly erupted in a symphony of clicks and whirs.

Without warning, the doors surrounding them—all but the one they had entered through—flung open. The darkness beyond the threshold seemed alive, stirring with the ominous glow of multiple animalistic eyes reflecting the light from within the room. Deep, guttural growls rolled out from the shadows, filling the space with an overwhelming killing intent.

A/N: 2053 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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