I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C76 Mercy…

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

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Suddenly, the room was filled with the chilling sound of multiple doors swinging open simultaneously. From the shadows, countless pairs of eyes gleamed menacingly, accompanied by deep, guttural growls that seemed to promise a violent end.

Peter's group tensed, readying themselves for what was to come. Rocket and his friends instinctively huddled closer, seeking comfort in proximity while fear painted their faces. Rocket and Teefs moved to the front, forming a protective barrier in front of Lylla and Floor.

Soon enough, the creatures stepped into the light, revealing their grotesque forms. Hundreds of mutated animals, each more horrific than the last, stood before them. 

Some had too many eyes, others had limbs where there shouldn't be. Their bodies were twisted, mangled experiments gone wrong, a cruel example of the horrors of genetic manipulation gone awry.

One particularly large creature that might once have been a bear had an oversized jaw lined with sharp, metallic teeth, its eyes too small for its distorted skull, gleaming with a mix of confusion and rage. 

Beside it, a creature with the body of a large feline, perhaps a panther, moved with unnerving grace despite having six differing-sized legs, each step a ripple of muscle under patchy fur.

Next came a bird-like thing, its wings grotesquely fused to its sides, replaced with unnatural appendages that resembled human arms. The feathers were sparse, showing skin that was scarred and seared, likely from repeated experiments and surgeries. Its eyes, large and unblinking, scanned the group with a palpable hunger and desperation.

Among the crowd of monstrosities, a duo of canine figures prowled forward, their bodies elongated unnaturally, multiple rows of ribs visibly outlined under their thin, patchy coats. 

One had two heads, each snapping and growling independently of the other, a horrifying display of failed symmetry. The other’s back was lined with spiky protrusions, quivering with each snarl, a bio-engineered armor that seemed both protective and painfully restrictive.

Lastly, the sight of some sort of fish dragging itself on modified limbs twisted Peter's gut with sympathy. It was clear this being was never meant to walk on land. Its scales were dry and cracked, its gills fluttered helplessly at the air, and its eyes—too accustomed to the depths of a much colder, darker environment—squinted painfully in the harsh light.

Each creature was a testament to the brutal ambitions of the High Evolutionary, a stark reminder of the suffering inflicted in the name of advancement. As they stood there, the line between victim and aggressor blurred, bound together by a shared thread of engineered agony.

Peter's expression darkened with sorrow as he took in the sight of these tormented beings. Memories of a haunting scene from 'Full Metal Alchemist' flashed before him—the tragic story of Nina, the little girl merged with her pet dog, who refused to eat, until finally, someone granted her wish for death to end her misery. 

These creatures before him mirrored that pain and confusion, their aggressive stances contradicted by their pained whines and disoriented movements.

His crew picked up on this tortured existence too. They looked at each other, a silent agreement passing between them. They understood these monsters were actually victims, experimented on and pushed to the brink just like Rocket and his friends, but far more extreme. 

Peter sighed deeply, his voice carrying a heavy resolve as he addressed his team. "Let's make it quick for them. They don't deserve any more suffering."

Revan nodded solemnly, his red lightsaber igniting with a low hum, casting a sinister glow on his determined face. Beside Peter, Cosmo growled softly, her body tense as she prepared to fight, her teeth bared in a grimace of readiness.

Howard simply frowned in pity and cocked his gun, ready to end their suffering. 

Groot, towering over the group, positioned himself protectively in front of Rocket and the others. His deep, yet somber voice rumbled through the chamber, "I am Groot.”

Peter's gaze hardened as the mutated creatures, distorted shadows of life, made their aggressive intentions clear. Their malformed bodies surged forward, pouncing with a ferocity born of endless torment.

Peter's heart clenched, but his resolve was ironclad. He extended his hands, fingers splayed, and unleashed a torrent of Sith lightning. The bright arcs of energy danced violently through the air, striking the bear-like creature first. Its massive form convulsed as the electricity coursed through it, and with a pained roar, it collapsed, still and silent.

Beside him, Revan's lightsaber swung in a graceful but deadly arc. The crimson blade sliced through the air, meeting the six-legged panther with surgical precision. The creature barely had time to snarl before its body was bisected, the smell of seared flesh filling the air.

Cosmo, her eyes glowing with telekinetic power, focused her mind on the grotesque bird with fused wings. With a mere thought, she lifted it off the ground, suspending it in stasis. Then, with a swift motion, she snapped its neck. The bird's body dropped heavily, unmoving.

Groot, towering and imposing, stretched out his limbs. His fingers transformed into sharp tendrils that whipped forward, impaling the duo of canine figures. They whimpered as Groot retracted his limbs, leaving the creatures to fall limply to the ground, their suffering ended by his merciful strike.

Howard sprayed a hail of bullets from his Tommy Gun, each shot finding its mark. The fish-like creature, dragging itself pitifully, received a burst of bullets that ended its gasping breaths. Its body jerked with the impact before it stilled, the light fading from its eyes.

As the battle raged, each member of Peter's crew worked with grim efficiency. Peter himself moved amongst the creatures with a force-enhanced agility, his movements a blur. He reached a twisted cat-like creature with bionic crab arms, and with a heart heavy with sympathy, he used his telekinesis to gently crush its skull, granting it a quick end.

Rocket and his friends watched with a mix of horror and relief. Their faces were etched with the trauma of witnessing such necessary cruelty. They understood the mercy behind each action, yet the brutal finality of the scene was overwhelming.

After a swift and efficient slaughter, Peter surveyed the blood-soaked room. His crew stood beside him, their expressions somber, their eyes reflecting a haunting sadness. They had ended the suffering of these creatures, each death a mercy, yet the air was thick with the scent of blood and burned flesh.

As the silence settled over the chamber, Peter's voice finally broke the stillness. "It's done," he murmured, his voice a mix of resolve and sorrow. Revan nodded silently, extinguishing his lightsaber, its glow fading in an instant.

Cosmo closed her eyes, sending a silent prayer to the cosmos for the lost souls they had freed. Howard, looking around at the carnage, simply clicked his gun's safety on, his frown deepening.

Groot, solemn as ever, murmured softly, "I am Groot," his voice echoing a weary relief. They stood there, united in their grim task, surrounded by the stillness of death.


In the dimly lit surveillance room, an air of unease hung thick as the High Evolutionary and his lackeys watched the chilling scenes unfold on multiple monitors. The once clinical chatter of scientists and the strategic orders of guards had faded into a tense silence, broken only by the low hum of electronic equipment and the occasional shuffling of uneasy feet.

High Evolutionary stood before the screens, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and scientific fascination. The gruesome efficiency with which Peter Quill and his crew dispatched the genetically engineered creatures captivated him completely. Each member of the crew, from the towering Groot to the grim and ghostly Revan, added a layer of intrigue to the spectacle.

Around him, his scientists and guards exchanged worried glances. "Sir, what should we do now?" one of the guards ventured, his voice edged with fear. "Should we prepare to evacuate? They're killing the test subjects like it’s nothing..."

Another scientist, her hands trembling slightly, added, "We could still escape by cutting off their section of the lab, but we need to decide quickly."

The High Evolutionary barely acknowledged their concerns, his gaze fixed on the screens as Peter rallied his group to continue their mission. Their determination, despite the horror they faced, seemed to deepen his interest. "Look at them... So unique, so diverse," he murmured, almost to himself, the corners of his mouth twitching into an unsettling smile.

It wasn't until he overheard Peter's commanding voice through the monitor—"Let's keep moving, we've still got a ship thief to kill"—that the High Evolutionary's fascination snapped into a stark realization. The stakes were real and immediate, not just another variable in his experiments.

Turning away from the monitors, the fascination on his face morphed into a decisive scowl. "Send out War Pig and the remaining guards as a distraction," he commanded, his voice resonant with authority. "And begin preparations to disengage the lab from the planet. Were leaving immediately..."

A scientist stepped forward, hesitation clear in his posture. "Sir, disengaging the lab from the planet will mean the destruction of Counter-Earth. All our work—cities, pastures, mountains—will be lost. The planet won’t survive..."

The room fell silent, the gravity of the decision weighing heavily on everyone present. The High Evolutionary's frown deepened, his mind racing through scenarios, calculations, and potential losses. 

Finally, he spoke, his voice cold but resolute. "Then it will take our enemies with it. We can always start anew elsewhere. The sacrifice of Counter-Earth is a necessary end."

Reluctant nods passed through the room as the guards quickly exited to carry out their orders. The scientists, though visibly conflicted, began their own somber preparations. 

The screens continued to flicker with the last few images of Peter and his team moving deeper into the lab, unaware of the catastrophic plans now set into motion.

As the High Evolutionary watched them disappear down the halls, his expression was a complex mix of regret and resolve. "Sometimes, to make way for new beginnings," he whispered to the empty room, "we must let go of the old..."


The resounding clank of metal reverberated through the labyrinthine corridors as Peter's crew faced yet another obstacle. The once accommodating pathways, seamlessly opened by the High Evolutionary, now transformed into sealed fortresses of steel. Each door, a thick slab of alloy, remained sealed. 

Peter, standing at the forefront with Cosmo, flashed a grin to the group behind them. “Ready?” he asked, his voice echoing slightly off the cold metal walls.

Without waiting for an answer, Cosmo nodded, her eyes glowing with psychic energy. Together, with a focused looks on their faces, they unleashed a wave of telekinetic force. The door shuddered violently under the invisible assault, metal groaning as if in agony, before it finally gave way, tearing off its hinges and crashing to the ground with a thunderous boom.

Rocket, huddled close with Lylla, Teefs, and Floor, watched the spectacle with wide eyes. “Do we really have to keep blowing things up?” he muttered, dusting off a speck of debris from his shoulder.

Peter turned, walking back to the group while patting Cosmo on the head. “I mean, I could probably hack the doors open, but where’s the fun in that?” He asked, smirking. 

As they trudged through the newly created opening, Floor asked. “Was it really right, what you guys did back there? Killing them like that?” Her voice was low, almost a whisper. 

Peter looked back at the meek little rabbit, his expression somber. “Think about it, would you want to live in constant pain, confusion, and anger, or would you prefer a quick, painless end?”

Silence fell upon the group, each member reflecting on the harsh realities they had faced. After a moment, they collectively nodded, accepting the grim mercy of their actions.

Peter’s face softened, his eyes sweeping over his friends. “Those creatures are at peace now,” he assured them gently. “No more pain.”

As they approached the next barrier, a sudden, shrill alarm cut through the still air, and the sound of mechanical clamoring filled the lab. The walls themselves seemed to pulse with urgency.

“Planetary detachment sequence has been initiated,” a robotic voice announced over the blaring alarms. “T-minus 15 minutes to lift-off.”

Peter’s eyes narrowed in realization. “He’s trying to escape…” he muttered, his voice barely audible over the alarms.

Wasting no more time, he surged forward, his hands ready to tear through another door. As he focused his power, the door exploded outward just as a barrage of blaster fire streaked toward them.

Instinctively, Peter raised his hand, the air in front of him crackling with energy as he absorbed each bolt, his face set in grim determination. The blaster fire ceased, and as the dust settled, a group appeared before them. 

Across the threshold, a dozen guards hunkered behind cover, their weapons trained on the doorway. And among them, an immense, bio-engineered beast loomed—a towering war pig, its eyes glinting. 

[Insert picture of War Pig here]

As Peter and his crew steadied themselves, ready for the imminent conflict, the towering war pig took a lumbering step forward. Its massive frame shook the ground slightly, and the gleam in its eyes suggested a cold, calculated intelligence rather than wild ferocity.

Before anyone could make a move, the creature opened its mouth. “Surrender now!” But instead of a guttural roar or a vicious snarl, a surprisingly high pitched and distinctly feminine voice emerged, causing everyone to falter for a moment, even some of the guards nearly dropped their weapons. 


As the unexpected softness of the war pig's voice filled the air, Howard couldn't contain his reaction. A snort escaped him, followed by a bubbling chuckle that seemed out of place in the tense atmosphere. "Oh, come on!" he laughed, waving a gun around. "You expect us to take you seriously sounding like that? You're a giant pig for f*ck’s sake!”

Howard's laughter, though initially a solitary sound, proved contagious. A ripple of chuckles spread through the ranks, even catching some of the guards off-guard. They masked their smiles with their hands or turned their heads, but the sound of their stifled laughter was unmistakable in the tense air.

The war pig, witnessing this mockery from both her foes and allies, felt a surge of anger and humiliation. Her eyes flared with fury as she stood there. The laughter, echoing off the walls of the lab, transformed from mere sound into a piercing sting of mockery.

With a low growl that rumbled from her throat, war pig's right arm began to shift and morph. The flesh and metal intertwined, whirring and clicking, until it formed a large, menacing blaster. Without another word, her expression hardened, and she raised her newly formed weapon.

The laughter died abruptly as the gravity of the situation became clear. Before anyone could react or plead for mercy, she fired. The blasts were erratic and furious, each one finding its mark among the guards who had laughed, “How dare you laugh at me!”

Cosmo sighed and turned to Howard. "Seriously, couldn't you keep your beak shut?"

Howard gestured toward the rampaging pig. "What? They're attacking each other, isn't that a good thing?"

Reluctantly, Peter had to admit Howard had a point. Though he would never admit it…

A/N: 2593 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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