I’m The King

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1796 : Hanqi World One Hundred and Eighty Six

In the fifth year of the Great Han Dynasty, in early April, the Zhengshitang formally proposed to the Great Council a plan to attack Qin, which was immediately approved. The Great Council issued a notice to the world. Dahan Daily and Jicheng Evening News reported this with huge headlines. Battle plan.

The last battle!

The final step of the big man’s dominance was finally taken.

On April 5th, the Great Council asked the Han emperor Gao Yuan to attack the Qin general, commanding more than 400,000 people in the Three Route Army.

On April 6, Gao Yuan generously accepted the appointment of the Grand Council, dressed in military uniform in front of the Grand Council Square, and vowed to set off.

After destroying Chu, the Han war machine, which had been suspended for several months, rumbled once again.

Shannan County, Third Military Region He Lanxiong from north to south, Sanchuan County, Second Military Region Mengchong, Ye Zhen launched an attack south to north, in the direction of Hangu Pass, Xu Yuan once again assembled all the troops of the First Military Region and sharpened his sword. , Ready to attack Hangu Pass. In Daqin, the Bashu uprising army controlled by the Han people continued to launch wave after wave of attacks against the new Qin army to which Bai Qi belongs, trying their best to drag the opponent into the Bashu area and prevent the opponent from returning to Xianyang.

At this time, the state of Qin was destroyed in Wulong. After the southern frontier army surrendered to the Han Dynasty, they went to Xinqin. Wang Changyong led a main force and the whole army to destroy the prairie, which was the largest state of Qin. At that time, there was only a new army of 50,000 people. Xu Yahua also had a garrison of nearly 100,000 troops at Hangu Pass and Xianyang Luchao’s direct descendants. The total number was less than 200,000. In the past, Zeng Wei The Great Qin Dynasty, which shook the world, was now in an extremely embarrassing situation.

The gap with the Han* team is in all aspects, especially after so many elite troops have been annihilated one by one, anyone can see that the Qin State is already panting, after the Han Empire issued the command of the general offensive. The demise of the State of Qin has already entered the countdown time.

Since the beginning of the new year, Lu Chao has released a general ***, Qin Guo is over 14 years old. Males under the age of 60 have concentrated in Xianyang for several months. The road to Xianyang was crowded with these primitive weapons, old and young, carrying food, and embarking on a journey towards Xianyang. By the beginning of April, hundreds of thousands of people had gathered in Xianyang. More people are still trekking on the road.

This is the last battle, and this is the key to the existence of Qin.

The mighty crowd walked deep and shallow among Qin Yu. This is a peasant team with as many as seven or eight thousand people. Around them, there are hundreds of regular Qin army troops on horses. They are from Yunzhong County. After receiving the order from Xianyang, Yunzhong County Shoubian tried his best to respond to Lu Chao’s call, personally organize the troops, and personally lead the team towards Xianyang. This is only the first batch, and more are still to come. This batch is at the forefront. All are elites or personnel with combat experience.

Shou Ma Xueyin in Yunzhong County is the backbone of the Li school. He knew very well that once the Qin State was defeated and Lu Chao failed, it also meant that the Li school of thought would be swept into the garbage dump of history. The Jiang scholarship pursued by the Han State and the Li scholarship of the Qin State were completely contrary to each other. Once it fails, People like them are bound to end up not much better.

So even if it’s for yourself, even if it’s a trapped beast, it’s still fighting. He will also struggle to death. Ma Xueyin also deeply agrees with Lu Chao’s strategy. Instead of splitting the army, they competed with the Han country everywhere, and then failed everywhere. It’s better to concentrate all your strengths in a big decisive battle. Victory is the sky and the ocean, and defeat is nothing. It is more desperate than being eaten away bit by bit.

Yunzhong County is the hinterland of the Qin State, and it can be regarded as a place with better economic conditions. It has always been an old Qin person. When Ma Xueyin decided to do his best, he opened the treasury and collected the grain, gold and silver in it. They took out all of them and distributed them to the young men who had gathered together, heading for Xianyang all the way.

It’s just that God doesn’t bless people, and not long after the departure, the endless spring rains will come unexpectedly, the roads are muddy, the spring cold is hitting people, and there are countless people who fall ill and fall behind along the way. The tens of thousands of people at the time of departure, after half a month of walking, had disappeared.

Yao Laogen is one of them. Unlike the enthusiasm of Ma Xueyin, the county guard, Yao Laogen is frustrated. He is a veteran who has served in the Qin army for many years and retired at the age of fifty. When he returned home to work as a farmer, he originally thought that he could live a peaceful old age, but he didn’t expect that he would have to return to the army after the court ordered him to be over fifty.

He fought with the Han army. It was the biggest nightmare of his life. It was said that the Qin people were the tiger and wolf masters, but only when he fought the Han* team did he know what the real tiger and wolf masters are and what is truly indomitable. . Those well-equipped soldiers of the Han State, almost armed to their teeth, are on the battlefield like a group of tigers, biting their opponents wantonly, making anyone who is an enemy with them shudder. The war between the Qin and Han Dynasties has never been won in Yao Laogen’s memory.

At that time, I was in the army, but the real old Qin army was the essence of Qin. They were not opponents. Could these farmers who have just put down their hoes and picked up weapons now can be those well-trained murderers? The opponent of the machine?

Yao Laogen is not afraid of death. After spending so many years in the army, he can still go home alive. He has become accustomed to seeing life and death. What makes him angry is that this time the court announced that all members ***** *, over 14 years old, under 60 years old, his family of four boys, all within this range, the youngest son is just fourteen years old this year, even if he pleads with the governor, it won’t help, even if he takes it off. The clothes, with scars all over his body, showed off his contribution to Da Qin, only the officer’s ruthless whip was in exchange.

Go or die!

This is the choice given to them by the court.

The four men of the Yao family said goodbye to their families in tears. Amidst the tears of their wives and children, they took up arms and walked out of the house. Amidst the cries of the whole village, they gathered in the crowd.

The only set of leather armor in the family, I put it on my 14-year-old son. Although it is a bit older, it is better than none. In the whole team, there are few people like him who have a set of leather armor. . Everyone, dressed in thin clothes and carrying simple weapons, began to move forward. Yao Laogen noticed that there were no archers or crossbowmen in this team.

As a veteran, he gave no hope at all for this war.

“No matter what, you must keep Xiaosan alive by then!” He summoned his two eldest sons and said to them. The eldest and second child are all grown-ups, marrying a wife and having children, only the third child is still a baby!

Walking with one foot deep and one shallow foot in the mud, the straw sandals are held in the hands and barefoot, which makes the walk easier. People fall on the ground from time to time, causing chaos. It looks like an army. , This is a group of refugees fleeing!

Holding the youngest son tightly in his hand, Yao Laogen was completely in a state of numbness. The eldest and the second one were guarding them tightly to prevent them from falling apart. Fighting brothers, fighting fathers and sons. Bing, when the family gathers together, there can be a caregiver at any time!

Finally came the voice of the officers ordering a rest, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time, looking for a slightly dry place, sitting or lying down, and each of them had pale faces without the slightest hope in sight.

“Take a rest for half an hour, eat, and then go on the road.” The officer passing by on horseback roared loudly. Before departure, everyone gave out about 30 catties of dry food, which was their consumption on the road. The county guard said that as long as they arrived in Xianyang, there would be big bowls of wine and meat to supply them, but Yao Lao Gen knew that this was just a scam. If all places are now concentrating in Xianyang like they did, and when Xianyang arrives, I don’t know how many people will be brought together, how much food can Xianyang have, how can it be possible for everyone to eat, I’m afraid that even the supply of food will be a problem at that time .

Because of these experiences, Yao Laogen has extremely strict control over the food of his family. Unlike other people, he eats completely uncontrollably. Because of the continuous spring rain, the speed of travel has been greatly slowed down, and the original plan has been broken. There is not much left in the food bags of many people, I am afraid that they will be empty if they still walk to Xianyang.

The four members of the Yao family have only eaten half of their supply. Although they have not eaten enough every day, they still have surplus food.

He took out a flour cake from his pocket, tore half of it, and handed it to the younger son. Then he divided the other half into two and gave the two elder sons one and a half. He did not eat it, but just took the hand that had just torn the cake Licking it in his mouth.

“Daddy, eat it!” The younger son tore half of his dough and handed it to his father.

Yao Laogen touched his little son’s head lovingly: “You eat, Dad is not hungry. You are growing up, so you can’t lose money, or you will end up with the root of the disease. Eat, eat and rest. In a while I will have to hurry up in a while!”

The ignorant youngest member swallowed half of the dough in a couple of mouthfuls. For a person his age, this ration can only barely relieve his hunger. After eating the cake, he put his head on Yao Laogen’s lap, and soon fell asleep, stroking the youngest son’s head, and looking at the spear that was too much higher than him, Yao Laogen sighed.

Several sons are asleep, but Yao Laogen can’t. Can you go home alive? These days, he has been thinking about this question, run? It wasn’t that he hadn’t thought about the consequences of escaping. On this road, from time to time there were **** heads being carried by the officers and soldiers on horses back and forth to show the public the consequences.

Looking at a puddle of water not far in front of him, Yao Laogen was helpless.

The water in the puddle suddenly rippled, and the circles of water patterns expanded outward. Yao Laogen’s hairs all over his body stood up, and he shook the youngest son abruptly, just as the youngest son wiped his eyes. , Yao Laogen heard a thunderous tremor coming from a distance.

Brigade of cavalry is coming!

(School just started, I was too busy with work, and I was running at the school below all day long. I really didn’t have time to write. I’m just this chapter today. Sorry.) (To be continued.)

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