I’m The King

Chapter 1505

Chapter 1497 : Hanqi World One Hundred and Eighty Sev

Unlike Yao Laogen, who has a rich military career, most of the Qin army peasants who have been recruited have no experience in battlefields. Although in the past two years, Qin State has also imitated the Han Dynasty to carry out some basic military training in the countryside, but because Without the adequate financial support of the Dahan, the people of the Qin State are not as worry-free as the people of the Dahan. These military trainings are often just a formality and have no practical effect.

When Yao Laogen realized that the cavalry brigade was coming, many people who were resting looked up at the sky, thinking they were thundering. But it’s spring now. Yao Laogen has stood up, dragged his youngest son, kicked the eldest and second child who was still snoring, “Run, cavalry, enemy cavalry.”

Yao Laogen could judge that this was the enemy’s cavalry. It was because of the tremor from the ground and the faint sound of thunder. There were at least five to six thousand cavalrymen. In the surrounding area of ​​Yunzhong County, there would never be such a Qin cavalry. The national cavalry, if there were, would have been to Xianyang long ago, and they can only appear here at this time from the enemy, the Han Empire.

While the others were still wondering and watching, Yao Laogen dragged his young son and ran far away, and the boss and the second child dragged a spear alone, and followed them closely.

Although they still don’t understand why, everyone around Yao Laogen knew that this was a veteran and would never make any unprovoked actions. When he ran away, everyone around him ran with him.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

The Qin army who escorted them could no longer take care of them. These Qin troops were different from the peasants they escorted. They were all soldiers and soldiers with rich experience. When the ground trembled and the sound of muffled thunder came, they immediately responded. What’s the matter, the officer who led the team immediately assembled all the Qin soldiers. Flocked to the surrounding area of ​​Shou Ma Xueyin in Yunzhong County.

“What are you doing to me? Immediately organize the soldiers and form a square formation to resist the enemy riders.” Ma Xueyin waved his arm. Looking at the officer furiously, he roared. Although he is a civil servant. But I also know that the infantry cannot compete with the cavalry without forming a formation.

The officer smiled bitterly and resisted the cavalry with a square formation of infantry. It required great courage and sacrifice, especially when there was no cover of long-range weapons, a cavalry company with a horse weighed more than a thousand catties, and the impact came. How powerful is it. People who have not faced it directly will never experience that kind of horror. This requires countless elite soldiers who have battled through the battlefield, but in front of him, he only has these mobs who have just put down their hoes.

“My lord, look.” He pointed to the surrounding area. The peasant soldiers who were still disciplined had already begun to flee at this moment.

“Kill the leader, kill one for a hundred.” Ma Xueyin roared, “Immediately, now.”

The officer shook his head, what’s the use of killing? He raised his head. Seeing the black line appearing on the horizon, then he saw the flying military flag, his face changed slightly. “It is the independent Xiongnu cavalry division of the Han country.”

Dahan has two independent cavalry divisions mainly composed of aliens. One is the Xiongnu independent cavalry division led by the female general Gu Li, with wolf head as its banner, and the other is the Donghu independent cavalry division under the command of Agu Wine, with tiger head. For the military flag. Seeing the wolf-head flag fluttering in the wind, the officer’s face changed drastically. This army became famous in the first battle during the encirclement and annihilation of Qin general Li Xin. More than 40,000 Huns were invaded by Li Xin. Step on the horses again and fight to the end. Only five thousand people remained, after the war. In order to thank the Huns for their great sacrifice in protecting the prairie, Gao Yuan used these 5,000 people to form an independent Huns cavalry division, which became a combat force directly under the Ministry of National Defense of the Han State.

Over the years, this army has fought in the north and south, where it is invincible, and the reputation of the ghost-faced female general has spread far and wide on this land.

“Lord County Guard, let’s go!” The officer stopped talking nonsense. With an order, the two soldiers rushed forward, put Ma Xueyin on the horse, drew a whip on the horse, and ran away.

Hundreds of cavalrymen surrounded Ma Xueyin and fled in embarrassment. At this time, more than five thousand cavalrymen of the Xiongnu cavalry division were coming in violently.

They came from Sanchuan County.

Both the north and the south of Qin State had been penetrated. Lu Chao gave an order and all the troops were concentrated in Xianyang. The interior of Qin State was almost undefended. The two cavalry divisions led by Gu Li and Agu Wine served as the vanguard of the entire offensive force. The strength did not encounter any resistance at all, and it penetrated into the hinterland of Qin State.

“Sure enough, they are farmers with no combat power.” Looking at the countless Qin people running ahead, Guli snorted. Two days ago, she received an order signed by the Emperor Gao Yuan of the Han Dynasty to try to disperse these people who were ordered to concentrate on Xianyang. Farmers.

It is to disperse, not to kill. Because on the order given to Gu Li, to disperse the two characters, it was circled with a red brush. Gao Yuan knew Gu Li’s hatred of the Qin people, and her whole family died at the hands of the Qin people. Gao Yuan was afraid of this. A female killer star in the territory of Qin to kill.

“Bieerhutai, have you seen those Qin troops?” Guli pointed forward with the whip. In the direction pointed by the whip, hundreds of armored cavalrymen of the Qin State were especially among the people in the county in ragged clothes. Conspicuously, “Catch up with them, kill them.”

“Yes, Master!” Bieerhutai called out loudly.

“Don’t kill indiscriminately, only those Qin soldiers who wear armor!” Gu Li continued.

“I know the teacher!” Bierhutai shook his horse’s rein, “San Tuan, follow me.”

Gu Li swept the chaotic scene ahead, meaningless, “Encircle them and drive them together.”

The cavalry yelled, drove the horses, circled one by one, squeezing the fleeing Qin people in the middle. During this process, any Qin people who dared to raise their spears at them and wave their swords , Were chopped to the ground unceremoniously.

Yao Laogen looked at the cavalry that came and went, and he understood the enemy’s thoughts in his heart. The other party wanted to rush them together. He hugged the younger son and squatted to the ground, blocking the younger son with his body. 2. At this time, they had already thrown away the weapons in their hands. The two squatted down, holding hands, and surrounded the father and younger brother in the middle, and the four of them squatted on the ground like this.

There were a lot of people who fled with them. At this time, seeing the movements of a few of them, more people were blessed to their hearts. They dropped their weapons and squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms.

With them as the center, more and more Qin people were driven here.

This is not a battle. It is more like the Huns grazing on the grassland. Sometimes the herds are frightened, and they will run around the frightened livestock and gather them together.

Thousands of Qin people were quickly rushed together, and the hundreds of fallen corpses on the periphery proved that this was not a game, and a slight improper response would result in separation of the body and the head.

Yao Laogen lowered his head, and the body of the youngest son in his arms was trembling slightly. Poor him, he has always been the object of his parents and brother-in-law’s spoiling at home. I have seen such a scene there. Yao Laogen doesn’t know that he is going to What kind of fate will be facing, especially facing this army composed entirely of Huns. As a veteran army, he knew how deep the hatred between the Qin and the Huns was. The court of the Huns was destroyed in the hands of the Qin. Lei Ying, who was still a prince, brought 20,000 cavalry to the grassland. After several months of chasing down the court of the Huns, they finally beheaded them all, and the general Wang Xiao even killed tens of thousands of Hun captives who had run out of food at the Holland Pass.

If it were not for these hatreds, when General Li Xin attacked the grassland, the Huns, who had already been disarmed, would not step on their horses again. Tens of thousands of Huns would forcibly hold back the advance of the Qin army, making it Han. Calmly dispatched troops and defeated the Qin army on the prairie.

If Yao Laogen was asked to point out the true details of the ghost-faced general in front of him, I’m afraid he would be even more scared.

Gu Li’s eyes swept across the group of people of the Qin State who were squatting on the ground, and Yao Laogen’s eyes were swept over Yao Laogen, and she saw the immature face still trembling in his arms, and then looked at those full of panic and fear. One by one, the rough, dark faces, the original infinite killing intent in his heart, suddenly disappeared endlessly.

Why bother! For no reason, this sentence surged in Gu Li’s heart. Along with the war horse, she left the captives far away.

A general rode up to the prisoners and shouted loudly: “Listen, you Qin bastards, you have good luck, we Dahan Emperor said, put down your weapons and go back to your home. , You are farmers, not soldiers. Fighting is not your business. Go back to your hometown, pick up your hoe, and don’t go out again. Rebuilding your fields is the best reward for the Emperor of Han’s forgiveness. Now, obey our command, stand up and leave one team after another. Remember, there is only one chance. If we see you are still marching towards Xianyang, then these people outside will be your role models.”

Yao Laogen almost couldn’t believe his ears just let them go back?

When he saw that the cavalry surrounding them let go of a hole, rows of Qin people walked out of that hole, and then rushed to the road, and the Huns cavalry didn’t move at all, he really believed all this.

He was gasping for breath, and then relaxed after being too nervous, making him almost unable to breathe, holding the little son’s hand tightly, he moved out step by step. After crossing the gap, he suddenly ran up, crying loudly as he ran.

If you can live, you don’t need to go to Xianyang anymore. The family can finally live together.

Gu Li heard the cry of the old and the young, she slowly took off the mask on her face, and suddenly felt that these Qin people were not so hateful.

The sound of horses’ hoofs in the distance, that is, Bieerhutai is back. Gu Li didn’t bother to ask about the results. If such a group of stragglers and soldiers couldn’t take it down, then there would be no face to be a soldier under her own.

(I’m really angry. I can’t finish my original job, so I have to be a part-time sports instructor. Is this the rhythm of using people as livestock? Dissatisfied, annoyed.) (To be continued.)

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