I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 28: Bet

Chapter 28: Bet


“It has been peaceful lately… Doesn’t this make you feel anxious?” One maid asked while the maid beside her nodded, “Yes, I think it’s because of the broken engagement that occurred between Alfonso and Valentina…” The other maid responded in a whisper. Recently, the atmosphere around the Quiñones mansion had been peaceful. Such a thing was unusual in this magnificent mansion because of a child who keeps on shouting at the maid for even making a small mistake. No wonder the maids are talking about him. That’s right! The maids were chatting about the strange changes in a child named, ‘Alfonso’.

Because 2 months had already passed and ever since Alfonso broke the engagement with Valentina, Alfonso became surprisingly quiet and doesn’t seem to be quickly angered by them.

Such a thing made them speculate that Alfonso was so hurt that he decided to be quiet. They even thought that his prideful and arrogant attitude took a huge blow because of the broken engagement.

“Let’s just enjoy it. Since we don’t know how long it will last” The maid then muttered as she cleaned the dust off the window.

Their conversation went to certain places about Alfonso until a little girl appeared at their backs. It was no other but Alice who just stood there when she heard what they said.

As for the maids, they continued with their gossip as if Alice didn’t exist or was known as Alfonso’s sister. One obvious reason was that they trust that Alice would not utter a thing since they know that the little girl would hate Alfonso sooner or later. However, instead of their speculations. Alice was inwardly angry at them for spreading false and unrealistic rumours. Alice wanted to warn them however if she did that, the maid would only be troubled if Alfonso knew of what disrespect they do at his back; it’s not like they would take her warning seriously anyway. Considering that she has limited rights of power as a member of this household. Alice could only grip her thigh and continue walking.

As her steps continued, a sudden boy emerged out of the hallway. It was no other but Alfonso with his usual cold and uncaring gaze. For these past 2 months. Alice with Alfonso made huge progress in getting closer and getting to know each other.

Alice who was always with Alfonso practising his magic ability realized that Alfonso is deeply misunderstood by the people around him. Because his father expects a lot from him, he has no choice but to be hard on himself and perfect every single thing. Imperfection for him was like an allergy.

Alice noticed all of these especially when Alfonso just suddenly gets quiet or unusually intimidating. She always had the hobby of observing people when she was younger to read the moods of her siblings and stepmothers so it was not so hard for her to notice Alfonso’s impulses.

Despite that, Alice knew that Alfonso was kind. Why? Because he never treated her like she was treated the same way her siblings did. Especially after she knew that his actions had deeper meanings when Mary said something to her. Alfonso has also never treated commoners horribly or the maids around, though he was distant from them. But he never used his power to abuse nor hurt them for entertainment.

Unlike her previous siblings who made fun of the maids, messing up with things and blaming the maids in their mansion. It was enough proof for her that he is not as the rumours portray him to be. But as she was deep in her thought Alfonso spoke to her, “Good Morning” as he nodded his head with grace.

“G-Good morning! To you, too Lord brother” Alice quickly responded. However, Alice then suddenly came out of her revere as she realized that it was unusual for Alfonso to go out this early in the morning.

“Where are you going, lord brother?” Alice questioned and at the same time, followed Alfonso who started walking downstairs. Alfonso who heard Alice then responded after a brief second passed.

“Training Ground”

Alice then narrowed her eyes for she was intrigued as to why Alfonso is going there. Because he always trained outside or somewhere else rather than in the training ground.

“Can I come with you?” The sweet little girl asked, the boy then only turned silent.


Alice then noticed how Alfonso didn’t answer her and so she continued, “Lord Brother?”

“You can’t…” Alfonso finally spoke in hesitance. Thinking that it’s not good for a kid to see violence.

“But why? Am I being a bother?”

“No… not really” In the end, Alfonso inwardly sighed as he realized that violence in this world he currently lives in is normal.

“Yes you can but don’t blame me if you get traumatized”

“Heh? I didn’t know that Lord Brother could be so caring~”

“This girl…” The boy quietly murmured as he thought about how Alice is so keen to tease him but Alice only giggled in return. Enjoying the embarrassed reaction of the boy.

Without wasting any more time, the two sat inside a carriage and quickly arrived at the training ground. They then were immediately greeted by a wide space filled with people training. Some were running in circles, some were fighting with swords. All kinds of physical activities that could strengthen them were performed. Soon, however, a man with red hair and brown eyes, combined with a scar on his left eye stood in front of the two.

“Do you want me to gather the knights’ young Lord?” It was no other but the man Alfonso saw when he first went in the training ground with the undetermined rank because of how high his rank was.

“I assume my father has informed you already as to why they cannot scat free from the punishment Reinhardt. Have you also informed them?” I asked the red-haired knight whose name is Reinhardt written on my system.

“I have”

“Good. Then call them here”

In a matter of minutes, the knights were gathered in the arena while Alice sat at the side watching scenes unfold in her eyes.





Alfonso’s POV

2 months passed and at that time I pushed myself every day to improve my abilities. Including my swordsmanship. However, today, I’m fucking going to the training ground.


Because I’ll be testing the knights just how strong I have become. The fact that they hate Alfonso, I think that they’ll see it as an opportunity to make someone like me, a noble, be taught a lesson. In this way, I’ll truly be able to see how strong I am because they won’t hesitate to hurt someone like me. Well… Antelmo might be their concern though, but they know that if Antelmo has anything to say with what I’ll propose today then that’s equivalent to him not following his words. It could only dishonour his image. The people here know that Antelmo keeps his words and is very keen not to break them.

There’s a rule that is widely known here after all… and that’s if you challenge someone or any people here to a duel then whether you are a noble or a commoner doesn’t matter. Including making bets or proposals especially if you swear it with your name.

In this place where even if you are a noble, you can also face consequences with the use of your mouth. With that thought in my mind, I then soon stepped onto the stage of the arena with knights gathered around, looking at me with a question on their faces.

“Oh, Dear knights’ of the Quiñones Family.”

I spoke with my usual cold gaze. “What do you guys think about why I made you trash gather here?” I then stopped my footsteps.

“It’s because my father informed… sadly… that your guys’ mistakes were so grave… a punishment to let you guys easily go is not allowed.” As I spoke those words, I recalled inside my mind the grave of not being able to ensure my safety because of these knights in the beastial forest. Their punishment would either be kicked in our household and stripped from their positions or executed. There are actually numerous punishments which are way worse than what I have mentioned. However, I made their punishments lighter by talking it out with Antelmo. At first, he asked me why but I only responded that it would be a waste to just kill all of them since it was me who endangered myself. With that thought in mind. I finally came back to my revere, only to notice some knights growling and even looking at me with disdain in their eyes. Without wasting any more time I continued, “However,” I then paused as I sheath a wooden sword.

“You guys can completely get away from the punishment if you could defeat me” As I uttered those words, Puhahaha!” piles of laughter followed which indicated how ridiculous my proposal was. Some even spilt their drink.

I wouldn’t blame them, Alfonso is known as weak and a deadbeat of a person, My rank in their current eyes is only Average after all whilst they are above average and masters. But that doesn’t mean I’m just lower in rank, I can’t defeat them. Skills are much more important in this world. Yes, ranks can increase your advantage but that can only make you go so far when you finally come across someone who is skilled enough to balance that gap.


The sound of my wooden sword slamming on the ground echoed and soon, “I swear it in the name of the Quiñones Family. Are you guys scared?” I inquired. But my intimidating voice only resulted in me being mocked once again. At that same time, one knight moved forward, shrugging his shoulders.

“Thank you for your consideration, My Lord. However, Don’t come crying to your father when I beat your ass”

The knight said as he took a wooden sword at the side of the stairs before he climbed up.

I then recalled the rules of the duel. One is to not use mana only pure swordsmanship, the second is of course not to kill your opponent. With that thought in mind, I then soon postured myself while the knight on the other side openly looked down at me. Before I knew it another person came into our middle and shouted.


In that instant, my wooden sword twisted as I charged.


The impact of my foot coming into contact with the ground made a grumbling sound, and in that instant, my reach for him became closer. Looking into his eyes, I could tell how surprised The knight was. However, I could only blame him because of his negligence and for underestimating me. With full of openings, I didn’t waste any seconds to hit them in an instant.



I could immediately hear the knight growl from pain alongside my wooden sword breaking his right shoulder and his stomach hitting the edge of my sword. Countless swing of my sword was applied to his face making a huge mess out of it.

Blood then splattered around, however, I swiftly dodged the disgusting crimson liquids and soon an unstoppable urge exploded inside of me.

<The way I swing my sword is not good enough!!!>

With the already battered face of the knight, my perfectionism kicked in. Another vertical swing of my sword soon followed.

[Super Slash]

At that same moment, I used that skill, as my sword touched his body, the knight was put down with the speed of a thunderbolt alongside the sound of the ground, breaking.


In just twenty seconds, the battle already ended. Not a single scratch was even laid upon me. The reason I even challenged them here is that I’m confident I’ll beat their ass… however, I needed to just make sure. Just how strong I have become with the help of my system and tested out if the book I bought for my swordsmanship to improve was really worth it. The reason the knight I fought right now was easily defeated was that I have skills that I use from the system I got. With the use of my system’s given skills, I surpass human strength. Because of that, I’m able to make the knight bleed and knock him out without even using mana to enhance my strength. Another reason is that those skills and my physique are much stronger than an average 12-year-old, I probably par with adults now because of how the black mist strengthened my body and the mana that I surrounded myself with. It’s unfair I know… But why should I care? power rules everyone in this world and every single people have cards up their sleeves. It’s no different than me just taking advantage of my upbringing. Life’s unfair and what best taught me that was my previous life.

With that in my mind, I couldn’t help but notice the surrounding’s silence. I then looked at the knights’ faces that contained a mocking look earlier mended with surprise.

Because of the spectacle and performance, I showed, some of them turned serious. While the man who was lying on the floor surprised by my attacks was left unconscious.

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