I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 39: Ja-Young

Chapter 39: Ja-Young

Gazing at the word

"Protect a young girl..."

I hesitated to immediately just go toward the exit. I couldn't shrug off the thought of a kid being in danger.


Even though I think it's only a simulation that the dungeon made... But ignoring it is the same as ignoring a kid being in danger in real life.

"At least that's what I think..." I whispered as the bitter memories of me killing an innocent girl flashed in my head.


I inwardly cursed. I killed a little girl in my past life like it was nothing and now it haunts me to this day. It's quite hypocritical of me to do good things now... Because of how horrible I was...

But... I wonder... Am I capable of change?

It's better than not trying right?

Without furthering my thoughts, when I completely healed because of my new ability [REGENERATION] I decided to go inside. Of course not forgetting to buy some mana potions along the way and gulping them. Surprisingly, unlike my bones which received penalties because of my abilities, they cannot be healed with healing potions. Mana potions regenerate my mana though.


Removing the tuxedo that was stained by some disgusting blood, I was then only ready to go inside and felt a little bit relieved from my annoying perfectionism urges and being a clean freak. Fortunately, my white gloves were not stained because of using psychokinesis constantly so I didn't have to remove them also. It was one of the parts that I obsessively tried to make clean as best as I could after all.

As for my shoes? I wiped the blood using my tuxedo, my pants were not that stained by it so just nodded and went inside the portal.









As soon as I entered, I saw a digit popping out of my sight that interpreted my limited time staying here and a girl quietly crying in the middle of a forest.


Her appearance was that of a kid with long black hair, pointy ears, golden eyes, and ragged black robes. A pinky lips and a small nose that made her cute.

‹A half-elf?... I guess she is the one I need to protect huh?›

To be honest, the rank that I'm able to see right now is... Just their physical strength and cultivation. However, their rank as a mage is not shown.

Other things like rank as a priest and more.

But to also rank up their rank as a mage they'll also need to rank up their physical bodies and cultivations for their body to handle the powerful abilities.

I'll get into this in the future.

Without furthering my thoughts, I soon focused on the girl crying.

Curious as to why she is crying I decided to observe her but-

"Who's there?"

She questioned with a piercing tone and gaze.

However, I didn't respond as my eyes coldly stared at her.

Noticing my presence, she quickly put up a defense. But it was evident when she stood up that her ankle's been twisted.

Gritting her teeth, "Careful child" I said in an indifferent tone while I unconsciously approached her intending to help her.

But as I stepped, she then raised her voice.


She shouted as mana began to form around her and at the same time black mist appeared out of her back.


Frowning inwardly.

"You need not worry, I mean no harm child," I said as I gracefully dropped my sword signalling that I'm unarmed.

Her being left baffled by my action, nonetheless, I then took out a potion that I bought earlier.

Taking a sip of it to show it's not poisoned and throwing it toward her.

"That can help your injuries"

I uttered with an indifferent tone. I couldn't become so caring because of Alfonso's ego after all. Warm words could not be spit out of my mouth out of his pride. Making it harder to look like a trustworthy guy.

"I'm going to kill you if something happens to me" she warned and since she saw me drink it and nothing happening to me she decided to take a sip.


In a matter of seconds, her ankle started to feel better. I could see it from her expression. Though it didn't completely heal just like mine because before... I was using my system to also heal that's why my healing was absurdly fast.

Surprised by the quick effect her eyes glimmered and she looked at me.

"Who are you? And what do you want?"

"You need not know, I'm simply just bothered that a stranded little creature is in pain. Be grateful that I'm already helping you," I responded with my usual vacant gaze.

Confused, her eyes squinted trying to figure me out.

"You're not lying... Either..."

"My words are absolute"

I followed as silence awkwardly descended in the atmosphere.

I then decide to ask her.

"Why is a pitiful creature like you alone in this forest?"

Finding my question strange,

"Do you not know me?"

She inquired as her golden eyes gazed straight into me.

"No, and I don't want to know about you," I firmly responded.

"You're weird...."

She commented.

"See what fits," I snorted before bending my right knee on the ground.

"Is your ankle perhaps healed?" I then added.

However, she didn't immediately respond, since it looked like it was still recovering the pain must be still there.

She tried to shake it off while standing and said to me to not worry anymore but then—

I decided to buy a bandage with my points on the system.


Taking it out, I said, "Stop, I think it's not yet okay. Let me treat it" in a commanding tone.

Bewildered, when I approached her slowly. Suspicion was still in her eyes but then gradually those gazes of her disappeared when I started wrapping her ankle.

While treating her, I decided to ask even though I already knew the answer just to break the awkward silence and make her comfortable.

"What is your name?"

She was silent at first but soon responded.

"It's Hazel..."

I then nodded in response as I looked at the bandage I bought which has an effect. An effect that could increase the likely hood of an injury healing. With that in thought, I felt accomplished.

"And you?" the girl asked disrupting my thoughts.

"Alfonso" I responded before I continued speaking.

"Since you're injured. I cannot just leave a stranded pitiful creature here"

I spoke in a cold tone.

"I'll carry you, where shall we go?" I proposed. Her eyes narrowed down, hesitant at first but soon she agreed.

"I can't figure you out... Okay... But only until we're out of the forest"













Ja-Young's POV

On a long table that could fit 24 chairs. I sat beside Mother Tessi who was on the rear side of the table.

Looking at the mustard potato, I then took a bite. But while savouring the taste, whispers could be heard everywhere

"—Tsk! Why is a demon like her here? Our food going to be stained at this point" One human nun quietly whispered to a person beside her.

"—Mother Tessi is too kind... Demons should be not eating the same table as us..." Another novice nun followed whose race is a demi-human. With cat ears and tail.

This kind of life is something I endure every day. So hearing their whispers is no longer taking effect on me. Even though I have the highest rank of a 'Sister' among these novice and professed nuns. They didn't acknowledge me.

Because like always... I'm half demon.

Just as I was deep in my thoughts.


Priestess Tessi spoke up in an authoritative voice. With a hint of coldness in her eyes, she continued.

"Such impudent mouths. Instead of speaking like that, thank them gods for the food they have given us"

And so... The mouths that uttered bad of me stopped and instead were followed by another topic that didn't relate to me.

Realizing that I have no friends like them who can they talk to... I felt lonely inside.

I then gazed at Mother Tessi who smiled warmly in response.

‹Even though I have no friends Mother Tessi is on my side so it's okay.› I thought as I smiled back at her with full sincerity and a message showing that I'm grateful she is with me.








After we were done eating for the launch with Mother Tessi. She first assured me with words. "Don't dwell too much on what they say. You are enough as you are and very pure... Gullible in fact~" before she immediately parted ways telling me she have to go somewhere and do something.

Looking at her back, I can't help but admire her for helping a demon like me and being so strong.

Rumours say that she is the one who stopped the people and silenced them when they attacked the church because of my existence. However, I didn't doubt that it was her when I saw how powerful she is whenever some beast lurked around in this town.

Some mercenaries and adventures do protect the town but when unexpected monsters appear or a wave happens. Mother Tessi is always the first one to step up.

Or should I call, "Priestess Tessi"

To be honest, I aspire to be like her. A figure that's as kind and sweet as her. Whether what kind of race like me... She strives to be someone who accepts, understands, and is kind to them.

I heard that she was also one of the people who helped my demon father protect this town. But because of how overwhelming the waves of the beast were she wasn't able to protect everyone.

"Someday..." I silently uttered.

"I'll become like her"

But as I watched her I then noticed that instead of going to the destination she must go. She instead turned left.


However, I soon disregarded it thinking she was just going to help someone. She is, after all, the type of person who whenever she sees a kid in trouble or injured immediately helps them.

Thinking about it, a smile bloomed at the corner of my lips.













Alfonso's POV

As we were walking, I decided to ask Hazel why she was alone and stranded in the forest. She was silent at first but soon told me that a crazy prophet labelled her as dangerous because she will destroy the world in the future.

Hearing her story, I couldn't help but feel pity as it reminded me of my mother.

But before I could even reminisce. Figures of people suddenly appeared.

No to be exact, a bunch of status of people appeared. Now that I have seen them, it was clear to me that they are hiding in the bushes.

Slowly, I realized that we were surrounded.

However, as soon as I stopped my footsteps. An arrow quickly rushed toward the kid I was carrying.


I quickly used my earth elemental to stop the arrow that was aimed toward her head.


Hazel who was clinging to me then gasped in surprise.













As always I'm open to any criticism. TO MY STORY...

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I've made some kinda NSFW I wonder if it is allowed to post it here 

(Some Character named Luna from the story pseudo something... I'm reading)


I didn't show her boobies and stuff so I guess it's okay lol since I'll be doing these in the future (Just giving an example) and if this image is not allowed please do warn me so I know the limitations lol

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