I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 40: Ja-Young

Chapter 40: Ja-Young







Hazel's POV


Running down, I then accidentally stumbled and twisted my ankle.

Feeling the soar and burning sensation on my feet I let out a cry of pain.

I then tried to rest my back on a tree so I can sit and look at my injury.

Caressing my ankle, tears started to well up in my eyes.




Tears flowed down my cheeks as I remembered how lonely I am. Why am I alone and stranded in this forest you ask?

It's because I'm being chased by the church's paladins.

I was just a normal girl... With a mother that's an elf and a human father... But when some crazy prophet suddenly said I was a witch that'll destroy this world.

I was then chased out, they even killed my beloved parents.

I cried and wept for them, but they didn't even give me leisure for I was being chased.

Struggling to wipe the tears out of my face, when suddenly—

I could feel a person gazing at me.

My eyes darted toward that feeling and I saw a boy.

Wearing white long sleeves, he was neat and clean though some blood was visible I could tell it was from the blood of his enemies. His red eyes that coldly stared at me, however, sent shivers down my spine. Even though, he was super good-looking.

"Who's there?" I said with a glare. Trying to make myself as intimidating and scary as possible. I was scared, my only thought at that time was who is he and how was I not able to sense him approach me?

I then struggled to stand up but my twisted ankle ached like never which left me to lose my center of gravity and stumble once again.

"Careful," the stranger coldly spoke but when he tried to approach me. Bloodlust immediately oozed out of me.


However, as I uttered those words, he replied.

"You need not worry, I mean no harm child,"

Having the ability to discern lies, he was telling the truth. I was even more left baffled when he suddenly put his sword on the ground.

‹Just who is this guy?›

I questioned inside my head. But as I was questioning his existence, he suddenly took out something from his pocket.

Took a sip out of it before throwing it toward me.

"That can help your injuries" he spoke, and again, I saw that he is not lying.

‹Can he resist my ability?› I doubted because no one has ever done that. I then looked at the potion he threw.


Since he drunk it earlier I decided to take a sip before warning him.

"I'm going to kill you if something happens to me"

While preparing a magic that could knock him out if I ever feel something. But to my surprise, my ankle quickly felt better when I drank the potion.


I then asked,

"Who are you? And what do you want?"

"You need not know, I'm simply just bothered that a stranded little creature is in pain. Be grateful that I'm already helping you," Confused, my eyes squinted trying to figure him out.

He sounds so prideful and arrogant. Yet, I have to admit all I see is him telling the truth whenever I use my ability.

"You're not lying... Either..."

"My words are absolute" he immediately responded. As if it's a disgraceful act to even lie.

Silence then awkwardly descended in the atmosphere. While I contemplated inside my head.

Looking at him and how he acted so far, I concluded he is a noble. But what is a noble like him doing here?

What's even more strange is he is helping me. Also... Whom blood are those? That stained his sleeves?

However, I could feel that he don't mean to harm me. Because everything he has said is all true.


Gazing right into his red and cold eyes, I now only realized just how good-looking he is.

With his sharp features and juicy lips, my heart started to bump. I've never seen someone as handsome as he is.

Yet, I didn't let those thoughts consume me because it was dangerous. Dangerous especially since people are trying to kill me.

I could be deceived anytime. Maybe he has something that can get through my ability?

But I couldn't think of any that could and while I was deep in thought, the boy then suddenly spoke to me.

"Why is a pitiful creature like you alone in this forest?"

After I heard his question, a question popped out of my head.

"Do you not know me?"

I inquired as I gazed straight into him more deeply.

"No, and I don't want to know about you," he then firmly responded.

"You're weird...."

I muttered.

"See what fits," he replied with a snort before bending his right knee on the ground to match my eye view.

"Is your ankle perhaps healed?" he followed.

But in response, I tried to shake it off and even told him to not worry. But as I tried to stand I could still feel my ankle in pain, however,

"Stop, I think it's not yet okay. Let me treat it" the stranger said in a commanding tone.

Noticing the bandage he has brought out as he slowly approaches me. I was bewildered and even prepared a spell if he ever do something to me.

But as he was finally able to reach me and treated my ankle, I slowly dissipated the thought of attacking him.

"What is your name?"

The boy then asked me. Yet, I didn't reply quickly.

"It's Hazel..."

After he was only done wrapping the bandage did I only reply

"And you?" I followed.


Hearing his name. I repeated it inside my head but no name similar to a noble could I remember existed. Just as I was about to stand and make him go away

"Since you're injured. I cannot just leave a stranded pitiful creature here.

I'll carry you, where shall we go?" he proposed. My eyes narrowed down, hesitant at first but soon I agreed.

"I can't figure you out... Okay... But only until we're out of the forest"

If he is so persistent in helping me... I have no choice but to accept it. It wouldn't also hurt to hug such a handsome guy... As he carries me...









Time passed by quickly as the huge figure of the handsome boy carried me.

But soon he asked me,

"You're stranded in this forest. Why so?"

Hearing his question, I could not help but be baffled that he doesn't know me. Shouldn't the world already know of my existence? Especially since he is a noble.

If he doesn't know me. Then I don't want him to be dragged into this. I then decided to tell the truth.

Just so I could make him scared and get away from me if he truly is ignorant or knock him right away if he tries to kill me.

However, contrary to my expectations he stayed indifferent. He didn't react horribly or got scared that I'm being chased by the church.

I was also planning at the moment some strong spell to knock him if he were to react horribly or try to kill me. But... He never made a move and just continued walking.

"It must have been lonely... You're just a kid yet you're being treated as such"

He spoke before continuing again.

"Don't worry, for I swear in my name that I won't harm a pitiful girl like you"

And again... My ability that could discern someone if they are telling the truth or not showed he is not lying.

Even though he uttered those words coldly I can't help but inwardly say ‹Just... Why is he so kind?›

The word that he uttered earlier that I must have been alone greatly shook my heart. Because no one tried to understand me.

"You'll die if you go against the church even though you have such a strong family. So we should part our ways now"

I coldly uttered yet he didn't react only stopped his footsteps.

And just before I could continue speaking, the sound of something coming toward me pierced my ear.


Before I could use a spell barrier, the earth suddenly rose to block the arrow for me.

Clouded with fear and danger. I got off his back.

"We're you perhaps setting me up?"

I shouted in anger. I speculated since it was too good to be true that someone wouldn't want to harm me. I even thought that maybe he used an artefact so he could lie to me. With those in speculation, I then used a spell to shoot a powerful blast toward where the arrow came from.


A groan and my spell hitting someone then followed. By the sound of it, they were surely knocked out.

"You lured me into this trap and called them didn't you???"

I said as I aimed my hand toward him to send him out with a blast but before I could.


He pushed me as he blocked an attack that was about to split me to half behind me.

"Be careful Hazel"

He said while I watched him fight.

"—A boy? Who the fuck are you?" the man he was fighting uttered before immediately getting knocked out by the boy's powerful smack from the handle of his sword to his head.

I was about to ask him why, however, the enemies didn't even give me the leisure so.

"Kill them!" One man shouted with a full-plated armor and an insignia that was carved on his chest representing the church's god that they worship. 'Aureon' the Shining One — Goddess of Light

Just as they were about to attack us, Alfonso who was done knocking the knight came beside me and suddenly carried me like a princess.

"Hold on tight pitiful one"

Soon, the earth shook once again. Forming a huge wall around us to block the arrows and at the same time the earth soared and launched us from the sky.

Stepping on the boulder, soon crumbled when we slowly approached the earth.

Making simultaneous tiles for the black-haired boy to step on.

And when he finally landed, he immediately continued running.

Seeing him use his ability in such a creative way surely left me baffled. But as I was gazing at the back where the paladins are.

I couldn't help but be in deep thought.

With that shiny armor, I couldn't help but be reminded of how they killed my parents. Like a pig, they butchered them... Used and chopped their bodies... Swaying the parts of their legs, arms, and head on a pointed stick.

In this world that's filled with people like heroes and fortune's gods, there are 9 Gods that can be served.

This means few religions also exist with different beliefs.

The name of these gods I'm talking about are the following;

Chronos, the eternal god of time

Caelius, the star weaver

Lysander, the Sea Serpent

Thalador, the Strombringer

Sylvana, the Earthmother

Selene, The Moonwalker

Varon, the forefather

Zehyra, the Windweaver

And lastly...

Aureon, the shining one.

The churches of this Goddess who took the order of banishing me into the surface of this world. The only religion that's monotheistic and disregards the existence of other deities.

There are only two religions that are widely known, and that's the one polytheistic religion called Astrantheon while the monotheism religion is called Luminaraism.

If I'm being true to myself... I would have already k-...


Before I could be consumed by anger and hatred. I disrupted such thoughts when...

A glimpse of my mother telling me to not hurt anyone or kill them flashed inside my head.

Because of that, tears began to well up in my eyes.

I then questioned, then why are they hurting us? What did I do wrong? Am I a bad girl? Is it wrong to be born in this world? Why do they hate me so much?








When the paladins were no longer to be seen so were my tears. Alfonso who was running continuously, soon stopped near a cave and sat exhausted.

Looking at him I then spoke and stood up.

"You see that? Those are the kinds of people that are trying to kill me. We should part ways now. I think they didn't see your face and I have also erased the memories of who you knocked down earlier."

Finishing my words, his red eyes deeply stared into mine.

"Have you done something wrong?"

When he asked that, I unconsciously shouted with a fierce gaze.


As I looked at the ground before he spoke once again

"I'll assist you since you look pitiful"

From his dignified unexpected response. I couldn't help but Squint my eyes. Even at this moment, I felt like he is being dumb, prideful, or just too kind.

"I told you you idiot that the world will be your enemy if you do"

"Hmm... Such a trivial thing is nothing to me"

"Get away and just die"

I shouted yet while walking away he just followed me.

Stopping my advances, I looked at him again in the eyes.


I spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Because I want to. That itself is enough you brat"

He responded. Calling me a brat and showing a sign of irritation that I keep pestering him and asking, which irked me a little, however, when I saw him not lying with his every answer I could not help but trust his words.

Is there really such a kind of person that's even willing to risk his life just to help me?

The possibility of it existing is impossible yet such a person is in front of me. And I still can't believe it.

Having enough, I clenched my hands as I quietly muttered.

"You're so weird..."

"See what fits"

He responded in his usual tone.

"Whatever..." I then said as I strode on my way.









Alfonso's POV


After walking in the forest, with a girl in my back I noticed that the geography of the land was similar to the real world.

I couldn't help but speculate some things inside my head but I soon shrugged it off.

"There's a town ahead"

Suddenly Hazel spoke. I widened my eyes when I realized that my guess was right. Like in the real world, there was also a town here.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Because I can communicate with nature" she meekly responded.


I then soon pondered, "We should get inside"

I spoke but she quickly retorted, "Are you retarted? I can't they'll be able to recognize me"

"We'll just act don't worry"

"Huuhhh??? I thought you were just weird but you're even crazy"

"We will just get some food"

And just as I said that she then quickly spoke, "But there is some food here"

"Like what?"

She then pointed her hand at a mushroom.

"I don't think so... Such food... It tastes bad" I groaned.

"But..." and even she can't deny it.

"It's decided let's dive in. Cover your face for now with your robe and act like my sister with sickness"






After a few turns and Hazel guiding me I finally came across a town. To be honest... I kinda knew the direction already and just pretended to follow her, and after arriving. Just like in the real world, a town appeared. However, just a less developed and much smaller town. More like a village to be honest.

"Cover your face," I said before I went straight into a random inn while at the same time pretending to have a sick sister.

Setting inside I booked for one room with two beds. Fortunately, I had one gold coin with me before I went out. It was the money that I received from the Quiñones family before departing.

I then ordered food for Hazel to eat.

Just enough money for the left amount to eat.

Since one gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins, I was left with 63 silver coins. 22 silver coins for the inn and 15 silver coins for the food.

The most expensive one was what I bought since I was feeling the urge of my perfectionism again that a noble like me should afford something so cheap.






It didn't take long when I went inside for the food to arrive.

A cooked egg, rice, and grilled meat were set on the plate.

"Here eat this" I then said as I placed the food on the table.

"..." However she didn't immediately touch the food and only looked at me first.

"You should eat it... Since you paid for it..."

Upon her response, I frowned. I'm not eating because of my disgust with the human commoners. I'll just fucking throw that away since it's touched by some trash.

"I'll throw that away if you don't" I then reacted before walking toward the door.

"I'll guard for now" I whispered and closed the door after.

Just as I went outside, I then could see the status of the people below.










Hazel's POV

Looking at the food... I soon took the chopsticks and took a bite from the rice and the cooked egg.

I could not help but feel grateful that Alfonso was not eating just for me to eat. I speculated that since his money was just enough for just one meal... He decided to not eat.

Just like that... Memories of the past then flashed before my eyes.


A time when I still didn't know how to use my powers and that includes how to discern people if they are telling the truth.

I once trusted a man.

However, I soon came to realize I was deceived when he suddenly pushed my body to the ground and covered my mouth so I can't speak.

|"—What a complete fool. She is the one who many believe would end the world, so why does she think that someone will help her?"|

The man who deceived me said and at the same time, two men came out beside the trees.

|"—I didn't think it would be this easy kekeke we'll be rich!!!"| The first man to speak that came out first beside the tree.

|"—She looks cute... Hey... Why don't we do that? Before we kill her? I heard she's a half-elf. I've yet to taste an elf"| the other man quickly followed.

|"—We should cut her tongue first so she can't use her powers through chanting"|

And soon... A hand followed by a lick came to caress my legs and at the same time, the other tried to slice my tongue thinking that if I don't have a tongue I won't be able to use my mouth to chant.

"Please Neoo Sshhttappphhh!!!" I struggled to plead for mercy but my tongue was being pulled while at the same time, they laughed and mocked me.

And just as the other hand was caressing my butt and was about to touch my center.


The sound of blood being splattered followed. Only to witness the bodies of the three men be obliterated to nothing and left with only a pool of blood.

Using my mist ability out of fear, I accidentally killed them. Followed by the setback of my ability making me relive how I saw my parents die.

Ever since then... I never trusted anyone...

Then more memories flashed

Times when people tried to deceive me... Again... And again...

Countless of them appeared, and I soon slowly learned how to use my ability and discern lies.

|"—I'm here to protect you"|

And every time I used my mist ability I remembered my traumas.

|"—I'm here to help you"|




















Experiencing the past in my head. I soon took a bite. Tasting the food, however, quickly sent me back to reality.





Without me noticing that tears have been flowing through my cheeks.

"He's so weird..." I muttered as I felt touched by Alfonso's action in helping me.

"He's... Weird and foolishly kind..."

How come that even though I was a witch he was so kind to me and even tries to help me?

I just...

I then helplessly cried while eating and at the same time savouring the food. After I finished the meal.

I was still left thinking.

What if he likes me? Maybe he fell for my looks? Well... Not to brag but when I was still not known as a witch I was confessed by a lot of young boys.

Hhmmm... Maybe that's the reason why he is so kind...

I mean he's handsome... Exactly the crush I envisioned when I was younger... No... He's much more handsome...

My mind then wandered around thinking of even marrying him in the future.


That was then when a voice suddenly came after the door was slammed open. Abrupting my thoughts and quickly alerting me.

"Hazel! Quickly take cov—"


The ground shook and I could feel the whole inn crumble from the sudden blast. Fortunately, I was able to cast a barrier.


But one person was left in my mind.


I worriedly murmured.




https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AlXJzW  :(My artstation)

My Youtube Channel, go watch the timelapse now of the art if ya want~> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-rVOsuO_nAY&feature=youtu.be

(As always, I'm open to any criticism)


My discord server: https://discord.gg/S67x4gnSfy


Btw I just realized now that I'm not able to put Hazel's age was I? Fuuckk (I've edited the chapter, and her age is 11)


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