I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 41: Ja-Young

Chapter 41: Ja-Young









Alfonso's POV

Night has fell after we booked an inn. Guarding outside I then cautiously stared at the people and the statuses that appears.

While at the same time evaluating Hazel.

I'm helping her since it's a hidden quest but that's entirely not true. I'm helping her because I want to at least do good this time. If I'm being honest, I kind of thought of not helping her if she is a horrible person since she was labelled as a witch.


I shouldn't have done that. She's a good girl... Going as far as to even tell the truth to me that she's a witch so I'll leave her alone. That's my gist of it... She probably didn't want me to involve in her troubles

Even her actions now when she tried to not eat the meal persisted that I should eat it since I paid for it.

Not a lot of kids can do that unless they are mature or kind enough.


However, something is bothering me...

‹Witch they say...›

Is she perhaps the one that the real world talked about? The one who was called a witch hundred years ago.

And the fact that the orc mentioned a witch... Maybe she made the dungeon?

Making a dungeon is someone who has already reached the pinnacle, a witch doing that is not impossible. They are, after all, monsters when it comes to magic.

Though, for what reason? And why does this kind of hidden dungeon only appear now? When I have always played the game but none like this happened...

I then soon shook my head.

Thinking about such pointless things that I'll never know the answer is a waste of time.

I have also questioned my existence lately, what was the reason I'm in this game? Who put me into this?

Nevertheless, I've learned to put these questions aside that'll never know the answer no matter what I do.

I'll just do my best to survive and live the life I want to be.

And just as I was done drowning in my sea of thoughts.

A status appeared. A bunch of them.

A total of ten paladins ranked masters to grand masters

However, what was strange was that they didn't move from their locations. And soon, I came to realize what they were doing when I saw a tinge of glow outside.


They're gathering mana and preparing an attack. A huge one at that.

‹Are they not worried about their citizens?›

I silently questioned and rushed to alert Hazel but...

"Hazel! quickly take cov—"










Third Person POV

Eyes that resembled the blood moon and fluttering blonde hair. There a man stood tall in front of an inn wearing a full-plated armour with an insignia carved on his chest that represented Aureon the god they serve.

"You said the new person that had a sick sister was here?"

The man spoke in a deep voice. "Y-yes" The innkeeper responded in a worried tone. Soon, however, his worries would be even greater when the armoured man ordered his troops.

"Blow up the whole place"

He uttered in a solemn voice yet when the innkeeper heard his words he was met with a punch on the face when he retorted and pleaded to not destroy his place.

Soon, 13 men ranked master and some grand masters lined up in a straight line, raised their palms toward the inn, and proceeded forward, chanting and accumulating mana in sync. To perform magic there are two things you'll need, a wand and a tongue to chant. Using a wand can make you use magic a lot easier but those people who only use their tongues to chant are considered experts in magics. The difference between elementals and mages is that mages need to chant or a wand while elementals don't and just need to perform the actions in their mind to move or control the given affinity they have.

For more information chanting is considered one of the most important things to perform magic, those who don't chant however are considered geniuses because they rarely appear. And that one example was the witch. Unfortunately, she is a threat to this world.


The innkeeper tried to shout but—


It was all too late when the powerful blast was fired.

The whole inn then crumbled with people in it, most of them being crushed or obliterated by the blast while screaming in agony, yet their cries for help were not heard.

[The Divine Illumination Blast] is a spell that can eradicate demons and evil beings, including all living beings in an instant.

Basically, just a powerful blast with the blessing of god making it more powerful yet again.

However, only those who are blessed with [Divine Illumination] could use this spell. A blessing that gently bathes you with a radiant light that aids you in pursuits and protects you from the darkness. And can only be received if you worship the Goddess Aureon.

Soon, the smoke soared and spread out from the inn, blocking their visions.

Yet one light stood out, a green barrier protecting a little girl.

"Alfonso!" The black-haired girl with pointy ears worriedly said as her golden eyes flickered and darted around.

Her right hand, however, was bleeding because of the powerful impact that the blast made. Unprepared for what came made her knuckles and fingers broke when she turned her hand into a fist.

She then flicked her left hand's fingers and a black robe quickly flew toward her back while at the same time, the lock wrapped around her neck.

Still looking for the boy in a worried voice, she soon let out a muffled voice.

"Please, are you there??? Please answer me"

Tears were about to pile up in her eyes when suddenly,

"Silence, pitiful creature" a similar prideful voice of a noble responded.

That source of voice then soon shook away the huge rock that was supposed to crush him.


Followed by him wiping the dust out of his clothes in a dignified manner before speaking again.

"What a disgraceful paladins. Not worrying about their citizens, such vile creatures."

He spoke while muttering to himself that he was lucky to survive the blast because of his hasty use of earth elemental to block the blast including [REGENERATION] and compiled abilities or traits that strengthed his physique. He couldn't use his Psychokinesis, after all, regeneration only heals his body but not his mentally fatigued mind.

"Alfonso! You're okay" The girl earlier that was looking for him then shouted gladly.


"Your hand..." When Alfonzo saw her state his brows quickly furrowed.

He then once again bought a bandage and a potion on his system and immediately treated her while the smoke was still blocking the paladin's visions.

While treating her hastily, he then spoke.

"We are surrounded. I didn't expect them to not care about their citizens. Even they are not sure if we're just normal civilians"

He then put his hands on the ground, "Hazel, quickly, hop onto my back" and just as she hopped on, Alfonso could sense a large amount of mana being gathered once again.

There was only one outcome of that, they were preparing for another huge blast.

The difference however was that 20 more people appeared that surrounded the inn and were chanting a spell to attack.

"This is dangerous"

The boy uttered and soon—


The ground shook and just as the blast was fired, the earth soared up from the sky, and on top of that had two visible figures.

It was no other but Alfonso and Hazel.

Alfonso who used his earth elemental to once again fly off from the sky was then able to avoid their pending doom.


Just like how the blast fired earlier it destroyed everything that came into contact with it. Even more so powerful because of the added reinforcement.

Meanwhile, the commanding lead of the paladins gazed at the earth that suddenly soared up from the sky.

"So it was them"

The man uttered, even though he was not sure that it could be just civilians he still decided to kill everyone who was inside the inn just so he could not take a risk. The witch was someone who can destroy the world after all. But his success was pure luck. And in the end, his decision proved he was right when he was able to quickly identify the witch after he saw her black robe and petite figure. So there was nothing more to be guilty of, he'll just bless their deceased bodies saying they sacrificed themselves for the greater good.

"Sacrifices are necessary" The blonde man quietly whispered.

However, as he looked at the soaring earth with an indifferent gaze, "A boy?" he suddenly murmured noticing that the witch had company. He was informed by one of his troops that the girl had a companion and thought it was much older.

‹But it was just a boy? Such young age and he has already that kind of mastery of his elementals...› He inwardly thought. While at the same time ordering the paladins to strike the earth that was flying.

"Prepare for an attack!"

Followed by him also gathering mana on his long sword.

"Your trick won't work the second time"

In a blink of an eye, a blinding golden light illuminated every space. It was so bright that the man's sword looked like it was the sun itself.

"Thee God give me blessings"

The man muttered and soon continued, "She who gift light. Orders shall remove evil"

Soon, his sword was imbued with fire, mana, and aura.

"[Light of Aureon]"

His last words before—


A huge beam of fire that contained the goddess's blessing launched toward the soaring two figures.

In a world that contains swords and mages, you are named depending on your abilities.

Mage/Elementalist, Demons, Heroes, Contractors, God's Fortune, Fighter, Witches, Dragons, Summoners, Assassins, Talentless, and lastly Clerics.

People who are called talentless are those with no affinity to any elements. However, they could use elements through being a mage and using spells related to any elements but still have limits or become a contractor. Making an oath or contract with the gods or demons in exchange for something important to you to gain the talent needed.

And lastly Clerics. In every chosen field there are also classes.

In Clerics, there are five.

The priest/priestess,

The battle priest/priestess


Paladins, and finally, The Templars.

Each and one of them serve the Goddess Aureon and if they were acknowledged by her. They are either given the affinity or talent to any element depending on what the person desire.

And in this commander of paladins, the case is he was blessed by the talent to use fire elements and combine them with the blessings of god.

That's why his attack is considered as deadly as the [The Divine Illumination Blast]

Yet, despite the formidable attack directly hitting them, they were still alive.


In the aftermath of the powerful attack, Alfonso and Hazel managed to survive thanks to the barrier cast by her. Unlike before, she was prepared this time. However, they were still blown away by the impact. As they try to regain their balance.

Without giving them any leisure, soon, different kinds of attacks flee towards them. It was no other but paladins who had expertise in magics.

Firebolts, thunderbolts, and other deadly spells were sent to them.

Despite that, Hazel's green barrier was like a mountain that didn't budge.

"We'll be landing soon" Alfonso whispered and immediately used his earth elemental ability to catch the two of them. While Hazel hopped on him and was carried like a princess. Since his disgust for the commoners lessened, he doesn't seem to feel the same toward Hazel. One reason was probably that she is a witch, not a commoner human but a half-elf also.


Landing in the forest,

Because the speed of the land was too fast, they had no choice but to roll and slide on the ground while hitting some trees.


Alfonso who bore all the impact protected Hazel, his clothes, and hair were dishevelled and had holes in them as a result.

Like a fragile doll, Alfonso secured her before asking Hazel

"Your hand?"

"It's better now thanks to you, even my ankle has healed" Hazel quickly responded with a concerned expression on her face when she gazed at Alfonso.

Once again, she felt bad that he is being also chased now because of her. He was getting hurt for her.

However, there was no time for the two of them to even rest when a voice was suddenly heard.

"—They're here!"

"Tsk!" Alfonso who has a bent knee then soon stood up gracefully while putting Hazel down with a frown visible on his face.

He then soon sheathed his sword as he imbued it with mana and aura.

When he was about to prepare an attack—

"I'll help you" Hazel proposed behind him as mana began to resonate from her location.

Alfonso who heard her then just stood still.

"You need to run. You won't be able to get away if you help me here. I'll buy you some time"


"How dare you look down on me. I can safely get away from this you brat!"

Despite his arrogant and confident remark, Hazel was full of worries. She knew he was extraordinary unlike the boys at his age but so his enemies were.

"No!" Hazel, however, in the end, stood her ground.

"I won't run away. Especially because you look pitiful!"

She said in an explosive tone when she recalled how she met him for the first time while Alfonso was left silent in response. "See what fits, be careful"

He said before he charged at the first three men who appeared.




In an instant, consecutive thrust occurred and-




BLOOD AND A HOLE IN THEIR HEADS APPEARED. To be precise their head was obliterated into nothing.

"This is the reason why I didn't want you here. Witnessing these disgusting peasants' blood splatter and a horrible side of me"

Seeing the boy, Hazel's eyes grew wide. She didn't expect Alfonso to be this terrifying. She even thought that if Alfonso truly wanted to kill her he could have already.

Yet, he didn't. Realizing this a question appeared in her again just why? He has a bright future ahead and he is going against the world just to protect her.

"You should go, I can handle this"

Alfonso spoke disrupting her thoughts,

"No! I don't want to run away anymore... Just... Why???" But Hazel quickly retorted and asked.

"Why are you going so far for me???"

Hearing her Alfonso turned silent once again. Then-

"I want to do better," He said.

Hazel however only got more confused as she furrowed her brows to ask again but—

"—What a sight"

A man with a deep voice interrupted her.

"—Such young age... Boy, I'll give you a chance to live. If you kill that girl over there then we'll even help you become stronger. You have the potential"

The man with blonde hair and red eyes followed, with a dignified stature and insignia carved on the chest of his full-plated armour.


Despite his proposal, Alfonso only gazed at him with a piercing gaze.

Standing his ground, the boy raised his chin and dug the edge of his sword into the ground like a king. He presented how much he looked down at the knight with his cold eyes.

And without any hesitation-

"Guess you were bewitched by that child"

The blonde man spoke before firing a fire bolt using his sword.


While Alfonso also used his sword gracefully moving it upward to create a wall to block his attack.


"—That kid should die! Giving birth to her is already a sin. Her existence is" The man uttered while preparing for another attack.

Meanwhile, Hazel who was behind Alfonso stepped back to create space for the two.

She couldn't join in, because of the overwhelming difference in strength that's what she think of course. But as she stepped back, she couldn't help but feel an aching sensation in her heart when she heard she was a sin for existing.

"You do not have the right to say that. Even though a prophet uttered it"

Alfonso who was blocking the paladin's powerful attack retorted with a cold tone.

"You don't know what you are speaking boy, she will destroy the world!"

"What if your actions were the cause of the world's destruction?"

"The Goddesses are always right"

"Peasant...! Just simply killing her. That's a dumb solution to even come up with"

And soon after, a blinding fire of light followed, coming to split Alfonso apart. Yet despite that, the boy only parried it with his unusual overwhelming strength.


The two figure's feet dug the ground because of how heavy their attacks were. After Alfonso levelled up and finally became a master rank in physical prowess. He was capable enough to fight toe to toe with a legend. That just shows how terrifying he is in terms of progress.

Despite that, the difference in strength between the two was evenly matched.

Soon, five more paladins that are ranked masters appeared and targeted Hazel.

However, they were naive if they think she was that easy to deal with.


When a sword fell toward her intending to slice her head off, a green barrier formed around her. Blocking every attack that the three swords dug into her and two firebolt spells that were fired at her when the two paladins chanted earlier.

With her right hand that's broken, she was unable to do her utmost ability. Despite that, she was strong enough to handle five paladins on her own.

In an instant, simultaneous fire bolts were cast in front of her enemies without even uttering a chant to perform them.

And because of it, fire engulfed the five paladins. Only screams of terror were then heard and agony.

Looking at them, Hazel felt horrible for hurting them. But since she needed to protect herself and help Alfonso, it was necessary. She doesn't want to run anymore because sooner or later she'll soon come to clash with them.

Hazel felt that she'll never meet him again if she left him there.

And she didn't want to feel the despair of losing someone anymore when she saw her parents helplessly die in front of her eyes like a pig.

It was simply too much!

As she clashed with the five paladins who regained their composure after. But was knocked out after. Soon ten more paladins appeared as they ruthlessly attacked her again. Making it harder for her to defend and counter them.

Meanwhile, Alfonso who was having a hard time fighting the Blonde paladin—


Used one of his ultimate and deadly abilities, [Blade of Pierce] to quickly end the battle and help Hazel getaway

Suddenly, time appeared to decelerate as if the world itself was slowing. His incredible speed created the illusion of a slowed world. With such rapid movement, he exerted immense pressure on his body, causing the flesh to tear and bones to fracture. Having advanced to a master rank, he could now endure the adverse effects on his body with the help of his [REGENERATION] ability, despite the painful procedure. It still had its limits only him lasting for 5 seconds in the real world at most.

However, much to his astonishment, the adversary he confronted turned out to be identical.

The fair-haired knight displayed a look of shock in his eyes, a complete lack of belief. But the black-haired boy didn't have the time to worry about that since the blonde man didn't slow down rather, he was moving at the same speed as he is.

Without furthering his thoughts, like an instinct, he performed hundreds-thousands of slashes intending to smithen the knight into atoms. Yet the knight was able to respond by blocking some of the boy's consecutive attacks. However, it didn't take long before he was slashed multiple times leaving him full of injuries

During that brief interval that appeared to stretch, Alfonso and the knight felt as though 20 seconds had gone by, even though only 2 seconds had actually elapsed in reality.


Soon, the sound of the knight's body being wrecked apart resonated as blood followed.

"Augh!!!" he then painfully groaned before looking at Alfonso who had bent his knees and dug the point of his sword to the ground looking exhausted.

With both of them having ragged breaths, "You're a monster. A boy and just a master ranked that can enter the time of dimensions... Even better than me... You need to die here" the commanding paladin spoke as he then soon postured himself, preparing to attack again. In answer, the young man who had been on his knees gracefully rose.

"Thee need blessings" The fair-haired man uttered as blessings of the Goddess Aureon surrounded his sword and body. Making him two times stronger than he truly is.

"Such young age, it's a pity you are on the wrong side"

He said before charging.

Meanwhile, Alfonso who was silent, uttered inside his mind

‹Cosmic Rift Slash›

As he swung the sword out of nowhere because the enemy was not even near him yet. The paladin mocked the boy however, before he noticed it, his vision suddenly turned into the ground rolling up the sky before he was finally able to see his beheaded body.

"What??? How?" he wanted to utter but didn't even have the life to do so.




[Cosmic Rift Slash] After Alfonso levelled up to master rank, his super slash ability ascended into this so-called [Cosmic Rift Slash]

An ability that defies space, when it is swung, no matter how far away you are you'll be hit by the slash as long as he can see you or in the range of one hectare. However, even though it's powerful a chunk of mana is also consumed. Almost depleting his mana once again. Fortunately, Alfonso can still use the downgraded version of his skill Super Slash.

Soon five more paladins appeared and they surrounded him.

"—He killed the commander, we need to take revenge for him"

One of them shouted as five of them quickly charged toward the boy.

"—He's probably exhausted, it's our chance to kill him!!!"

Before they could step further though, their heads were instantly blown into smithereens when Alfonso used his ability [Brute Thrust] five times. In the process rupturing his muscles again added with a little cracking sound from his shoulder.

On this occasion, he needed to take a genuine break as he sensed his legs losing strength. He even resorted to using his pointed sword again, this time to stabilize himself by bending his knee.

Before long, an excruciating ache surged through his body, causing the accumulation of pain to crash down upon him. He sensed that his ability to regenerate was still active, gradually healing the fractured and damaged bones.


He coughed blood, but that was normal because of how much he pushed himself.

It was not dire since it came from his body which was damaged by ruptured muscles.

The boy's eyes felt weighed down, almost urging him to shut them, but he resisted as he had to ensure Hazel's safety. Quickly scanning the area, he witnessed a girl effortlessly knocking down ten paladins.

The girl with golden eyes soon approached him with a worried gaze.


Silence, however, first descended before Hazel broke it,

"Why are you going so far for me? Even though I'm just a sin being born... Now you're hurt because of me" she said while forcing herself not to cry.








Alfonso's POV

"Why are you going so far for me? Even though I'm just a sin being born... Now you're hurt because of me"

Why am I going so far indeed? The quest reward is included as a reason but it's also because I want to redeem myself.

I want to save someone innocent to lessen the guilt of killing an innocent girl in my past life.

However, hearing her hoarse voice I could not help but furrow my brows

"A sin... Huh..."

I'm the type of person that doesn't really care about human lives. Especially if they are rotten to their cores. However, one thing I could not stand is how a child is being treated unfairly for being born. I hate seeing a kid blame herself for being born.

No, to be precise, I hate that such a good kid is being hunted because of some crazy prophet.

What if they created a better solution rather than just harming her? As far as I can tell... She is a kind girl heck! She didn't even kill her enemies unlike me. That itself speaks loud enough. I speculated that maybe she turned into the monster she is because of these. Or maybe they were scared of her because of how powerful she is at such young age in just using magic. I'm sure that she didn't even go all out with the paladins because if she did... A catastrophe could have already occurred.


Since... my mother was kinda similar from being treated such. A deep hatred ran amok inside me when I see people blaming others for being born and seeing them as the cause of their misfortunes. I only knew of this past story of her because I was curious about my grandma and grandpa in my past life. No wonder no one helped me and my mother when she was struck by an accident. Unfortunately, my mother was a daughter of an affair.

Mother's mom died from a drug overdose at an early age while her father left them alone. To be exact, he didn't want to get into contact with his other daughter from a family because he already has one.

However, when that family found out that the father had an affair and another daughter. That family blamed my mother's existence for why their family became broken.

They treated her horribly...

Made her life much more miserable...

Just thinking about it, I could feel a stinging sensation in my heart. Yet, I wouldn't be able to see her again because I died.


Shrugging my thoughts away, I decided to calm myself down because I was getting emotional.


"How many times do I have to tell you brat? It's because I want to... And it's not a fault for being born. That's nothing under your control" I replied as I continued with a compliment

"You're a good girl" while faintly smiling. For some reason, My soul was able to make my body smile but Alfonso's ego soon took over me and that smile disappeared.

Meanwhile, as soon as she heard my reply, tears began to well up in her eyes.


I then soon stood up when I gathered enough energy intending to move far away from the grasp of paladins but,


The girl suddenly tightly hugged me.

I then could feel the wet sensation on my body and felt a little discomfort but I was too focused on keeping my consciousness intact.

And soon, the time of my stay suddenly popped in front of my eyes.

[Remaining time: 10 seconds]

"Looks like my time is up..." I blurted.







Hazel's POV

I then quickly jumped toward him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you!"

I said in a euphonious voice while my eyes were tearing up.

However, he was silent, as if he couldn't hear me.

But then his following words worried me.

"Looks like my time is up..."

Hearing him, I furrowed my brows and looked up at him.

"What do you mean?"

However, before I could even hear his answer, he started to disintegrate.

His once lively eyes had lost their spark, prompting me to tightly hug him in an attempt to rekindle his warmth, uncertain of what lay ahead.

I clung to him so tightly, as if it were our last encounter, reluctant to release my grip.

My embrace was fervent, as if I dreaded the possibility of parting. I struggled to accept the reality that he had likely exerted himself greatly while battling the paladins, leading to his current condition.

During what is likely his final moment of breath.

"No... No... Please... No"

I repeatedly said like a broken machine yet his body continued to turn into dust.


Author note: IDK just felt like I wanted to draw her hehe


"Aaahhh!!!! Nooooo!!!!"

I wailed in agony as I came to the harsh realization that I was grasping onto nothing.

The scent of his attire had vanished, and my lips acquired a salty flavour as tears accumulated and streamed down from my face.


I thought I'll never weep again for someone like this when I saw my parents die. Yet here I am.

I soon let out a shrill cry, I tried to shut my eyes but tears couldn't stop from bursting.


Soon, I felt the loneliness surging through me. I slowly realized... That I have no one to talk to anymore...


But all I could do was helplessly bawl from crying and clench my chest.


He was the first person to ever treat me so kindly! Why can't the world just let me be with the people I love? I've never done anything wrong!!!

My eyes then grew wearer when I remembered Alfonso's words.

|"And it's not a fault for being born. That's nothing under your control"| Yeah... I never had a choice. Thinking about it, I felt that the world was unfair. They treated me like a monster when I was able to use magic for the first time and a prophet quickly says I'm a threat?

"This world... I'll burn this world into ashes"

I lamented.

|"Promise me, Hazel, that you don't become the person they deem you to be"|

The voice of my mother lingered inside my head.

Clouded by hatred, the words my mother uttered to me made me question them.

"They inflicted harm upon us initially, so it's only fair for me to retaliate and cause them harm in return."

And my fury only grew fiercer when I saw three more paladins charging at me.

With determination, my mana surged forth following the release of the self-imposed seal I had placed on myself. I resolved to eliminate them, despite the lower status of the paladins they had dispatched. The overwhelming hatred within me overshadowed any fear of the potential strength of future adversaries.







Alfonso's POV

As soon as my time reached the limit,

I was then met with a blinding light.

With my still blurry sight after returning from the real world. I stumbled and tried to catch my breath because of the accumulated fatigue I had endured but as soon as I was able to get my composure back.

I saw a dagger rushing straight into my face. Noticing the danger, my head hastily moved backwards, however, the dagger still scrapped my forehead.


With a mouthful of blood splattering. My body fell to the ground as I used my elemental ability to soar a huge wall to cover myself from the upcoming attacks.

Leaving me drained from mana and feeling my whole world spinning. I thought of drinking mana potions again, so I fragilely gulped one bottle.

Lessening the blurry vision as a result.

I struggled to keep my weary eyes open, resisting luring myself into slumber, pushing to rise despite exhaustion due to my compulsion for appearing pitiable.

I then could see three bodies lying unconcious on the ground with black clothes and robes covering their bodies.


Familiar clothing I have seen multiple times in the game.

"Demon... Worshippers?"

As I rested my body from the Earth I have soared to support myself from standing, I then gazed at the two men wearing the same clothes and warry of me.

Thanks for reading~ sorry for the delay of upload. It's because this chapter is so long. (I also needed to do some school-related stuff and work on a commission) I could have probably cut this into two chapters but... I didn't want to drag it any longer. Does it feel rushed? Idk fuck my life. I don't have someone to edit it anyway. This chapter originally had 7000+ words but... My phone is lagging typing this shit so... Bear with it!



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