I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 42: Ja-Young

Chapter 42: Ja-Young



 Priestess Tessi POV

When I was done eating launch with a sweet little girl like Ja-Young I immediately strode my way onto my destination.

The boy I saw earlier with a handsome face, I couldn't stop but think of him.

‹Who is he I wonder? I've never seen him before here and what could be his purpose in looking at Ja-Young as if he knew her?›

I asked inside my mind but no answer could come out of my head.

However as I was walking and deep in thought, I saw a little boy wearing orange clothes and brown hair crying in the middle of the crowd.

As tears were flowing down his cheeks, shouting the word Mom,

"Where's your mom sweety?" I asked the poor little boy with a soft voice while bending my knees to match his gaze.

"I don't know... Uwaaa" the boy cried and I patted his head in response.

"Do you want to see your mom?" I asked.

"Hic! Yes..."

"Don't worry I'll bring you to your mom then."

"Hic! Really?" he asked and I sweetly smiled at him.

"Do you want something to eat? Surely you're hungry" Hearing my words the boy then nodded.

"So where did you last saw your mom sweetie?" I enquired after I bought him a grilled meat.

The boy then pointed to a certain place. "Alright, then shall we go there? My destination seems also to be there"

With my response, the boy quickly touched my arm with a smile as he ate the food I bought him and savored it.

"Mom can't buy me these expensive foods. It's really delicious sister"

Hearing the boy as we walk, "Don't worry you'll eat more of those if you want~" I quickly said while I patted his head again. Feeling my embrace, the boy made a wide smile.

"I wish you were as kind as Dad. I wish there were only two moms and you are one of them"

"Haha, silly little boy. You wouldn't want to" I playfully retorted while pinching his cute little cheeks. He kept pestering me about how he'd like it and how beautiful I was until we finally came across a tiny house. Beside it was a garden full of flowers.

"Oh, if it isn't Priestess Tessi" a man spoke beside him are flowers being watered by him.










General POV

In the dim light of the candlelit chamber, a demon worshipper stands tall, draped in flowing black robes that seem to absorb the surrounding shadows. The fabric clings to its form, creating an air of mystery and power. A hood conceals most of his face, but a glint of malicious intent gleams in his eyes, which seem to reflect the very depths of darkness. Symbols of infernal allegiance are intricately embroidered onto the robes, swirling and curling like serpents, hinting at the forbidden magic he wields.

A female figure then sat on a chair illuminated by dark and spoke inside a quiet and empty room.

"Do you know them? Have you found information about them?" She asked.

"Yes, it was easy to gain the information because they are a famous family. The boy is from a noble family. The Quiñones family" the man who was at the opposite table wearing black robes and a demonic mask spoke.

"That's unusual. Why would a noble son like him go here?" She questioned while muttering to herself.


Antelmo was known as a prodigy in swords, no, the entire Quiñones family was.

The dark female figure then touched her chin as she recalled the history of the Quiñones.




The story says the Quiñones family was once a beacon of light. They honed their skills, blending their natural talent with the unearthed magical techniques. Their blades danced with precision, and their movements exuded strength and grace that captivated all who witnessed them. Then one day word of their prowess spread throughout the land, catching the attention of the kingdom's nobles and warriors.

The Quiñones family's rise to nobility began when the kingdom faced a dire threat from a neighboring realm. A powerful sorcerer, envious of the kingdom's prosperity, sought to conquer it with dark magic and brute force. The king, desperate for aid, turned to the Quiñones family, recognizing their exceptional abilities.

Led by the indomitable head of the family, Isabella Quiñones, the family's swordsmen rallied alongside the kingdom's forces. In a climactic battle that echoed through the annals of history, they faced the sorcerer's dark legions on the fields outside the kingdom's walls. The Quiñones' extraordinary swordplay, enhanced by their mastery of enchantments, turned the tide of the battle. The sorcerer's forces were defeated, and the kingdom was saved

In gratitude for their valor and strength, the king bestowed noble titles upon the Quiñones family. They became the Guardians of the Sword, entrusted with protecting the realm from magical threats and external dangers. Their ancestral blacksmith shop was transformed into a grand castle, standing as a testament to their lineage's noble heritage.

The Quiñones family's legacy as the strongest swordsmen in the kingdom endured through the ages. They trained warriors, passed down their secret techniques, and remained steadfast in their duty. Tales of their courage and skill inspired bards and storytellers across the realm, ensuring that the name Quiñones would forever be associated with nobility, strength, and the art of the sword.

But that glory didn't last long when rumors of them the Quiñones executing dark rituals, forbidden magics, and unholy alliances spread. The once mighty family's reputation then fell because of it when those words reached the ears of people.

That's the time Antelmo was then born and was known as a prodigy in swords.

However, Thirteen years ago, the family was almost wiped out because of a strong rival family named The Vorvains Family, leaving only Seraphina, Antelmo, left and his son behind. The whole kingdom was in great shock when that happened.

It was a massacre.

The King tried his best to capture the families however the rival family had cultivated deep-rooted connections within the kingdom's highest echelons. Over time, they had insidiously woven a network of influence, manipulating key figures and covertly gaining favor with powerful individuals. This allowed them to evade the kingdom's scrutiny and take advantage of political blind spots. Of course, the people/citizen didn't know of this. Only a few.

The reason why Vorvains almost wiped the Quiñones family was unknown but...

Rumors also say that the Vorvains family destroyed the Quiñones family because they were evil. A saying that the Quiñones were a threat and the Vorvains family needed to stop them before they could become stronger.

People began to complain when the king still tried to defend them. In the end, the king stopped since if he further his advances then the citizens will hate him and would probably try to cause a riot.

Most people think that the king was manipulated by the Quiñones. Even to this day, no one knows the truth of what happened except for the Vorvains family, Seraphina, Alfonso, and Antelmo who never spoke of it ever again.

Fortunately, when the Quiñones family fell, the Vorvains became the next rising swordsmen matching their next generations' talent similar to those of Quiñones...



While the woman was deep in thought. The robed man then took an end to her thinking—

"What are your orders?" when he finally asked her.

"Kill him if he ever makes suspicious movements. We can't afford to fail from this because of some shitty boy. As for the maid... Leave her behind, she seems useless since her rank is sealed. It'll be just a waste of manpower"

The woman answered before she stood up.

"Even if we kill that man's son... Once we fulfill our destiny Antelmo wouldn't be able to do anything." She then chuckled.

"Nothing!!! because most of his family is buried. Kuhaha! What can even that person do? And... Go take the pests I have brought to summon our Lord. He can be quite noisy so silence him immediately."

"Understood!" swiftly exclaimed the man, offering a bow before confidently walking off. He then commanded one man to take care of the pests and a group of two followers of demon worshippers to follow the three who first monitored the boy closely, and if they observed any dubious actions, immediately eliminate him.

It didn't take long before they could tail the boy as they hid in the trees. While watching the boy though, they were left speechless because of how powerful he is. But they were more weirded out as to why he was going deeper inside the forest.

Until he finally came across a hidden dungeon that is. A dungeon that they haven't known of even though they stayed in this place longer than this boy. That itself spoke enough suspicion and trouble for them. Initially, they held off, anticipating the boy's emergence so they could confront him together, but it took half an hour for him to exit. His rapid increase in status left them initially bewildered. However, without any delay, the trio surged towards him, with the two left launching their daggers toward his head.

But... the three men who charged suddenly collapsed and the boy dodged their dagger as he blocked their other attacks with his elemental earth ability. Now they were left with the current situation.









Alfonso's POV

Before the clock's hand reached 2:00 PM at this time I was already done clearing the hidden dungeon. Once I returned from my previous entry point into the dungeon, I promptly obtained the reward for successfully clearing it.Points, of clearing and received reward (low-ranking demon worshippers) (cultist)

[You Now have the upgraded system for clearing the hidden Dungeon]

As the door of the dungeon crumbled at my back, I looked at the two warry demon worshippers and noted a noticeable change in their status.

More precisely, the status that's being shown by the system has greatly improved and is much more detailed.

2 Status of the demon worshippers

Demon worshippers...

Most demon worshippers are TALENTLESS. Why would they align with the demonic if not for a desire for power? These individuals are either mentally unstable, power-seeking, harboring a wish for destruction, or choosing to support the demons.

Individuals referred to as demon worshippers are those who venerate demons and evoke one of the seven deadly sins through the sacrifice of human lives. Due to their devotion to these entities, they gain exceptional physical prowess or talents linked to the specific sin they serve, compensating for their inherent lack of aptitude. In return, they bear the burden of either excessive pride or a manifestation related to one of the seven deadly sins. For instance, if they worship the demon of lust, they endure heightened lust beyond that of ordinary humans, as a consequence of their allegiance.

They can be quite a complicated group. Fortunately, the demon worshippers that seem to target me are those talentless. And one of the lowest ranks.

"The higher-ranked ones are probably focused on summoning him..."

I muttered before checking the cause of the unconscious three demon worshippers.

And only one reason came up... It was mostly because of the illusion that surrounded this dungeon as a barrier.

Without hesitation, I crushed their head using my elemental ability not leaving a chance for them to escape from their dreams caused by the illusion.


Leaving me with only enough mana to not get dizzy. Because of how many times I have gulped mana potions, the effect of regenerating my mana lessened.

So, I tried to gulp more potions using my points to fill half of my mana.

I staggered to move recalling the path of where the illusions were and avoiding them. Yet, despite my tired mind and body, I walked like a noble as I once again prepared my sword with aura and mana to murder people.

If I left them in this location and depended solely on the barrier, there's a possibility I could lose my life, thus... I needed to take action. Since they can also call for backup.

As I slowly approached.

The demon worshippers shivered a little from my gaze but soon charged at me when I reached the place where illusions are not in effect.


I muttered as I used [Super Slash] ability to kill the first one who charged.

As my sword dug deep intending to split the first demon worshipper my attack was nonetheless blocked. And at that moment, a sword stabbed my gut.

It was the second demon worshipper.

Inwardly groaning in pain, I gathered my left bit of strength to kill the one who blocked my attack.

Sliding my sword to his, a shriek of our swords colliding followed

[Brute Thrust]

In an instant, a hole in the man's chest appeared as blood splattered from the second demon worshipper who stabbed me.

As a result, the second demon worshipper's eyes got blinded by the splattering of blood. He quickly deepened his pierce while twisting it inside my gut, making the sharp spiraling pain unbearable.

Struggling to move my sword because my shoulders were completely broken because of abusing [Bruthe thrust] even with [Regeneration] I was left with no choice and crushed my head to his face.


With my enhanced body covered with aura, I'd be similar to that of a stone smashing his face.

Because of it, the second demon worshipper, staggered in pain. Even with a heightened physical body. However, I was not done yet when I bit the fuck out of his nose.

Feeling a sense of crisis, the man tried to let go of the sword, struggling to remove my face from his. As a result, both of us fell to the ground.

While I sank my teeth in further, the taste of metallic liquid filled my tongue, eliciting from him a scream reminiscent of a frightened child.

When I felt my right hand finally recovering, I then slammed the hilt's pommel of my sword to his head.

Making mournful blood as a result.

Yet, the demon worshipper was still struggling to fight trying to grab my face, and hand to break free. But I have already put my body's weight on him when I sat on top of him.

And soon, when both of my shoulders' bones and hands recovered I quickly smashed the pommel on his face again, smashing it so many times that the demon worshipper's face became unrecognizable. To end his suffering, I decided to pierce his neck as I finally fell to the ground in exhaustion. There was no sign of dignity to be found in my struggle. My perfectionism and disgust for commoners were also kicking in making my head hurt but because I was too exhausted I could only grit my teeth and continue acting like a dignified noble.

Spitting the blood out of my mouth.

I moved my body a little while lying and removed the sword that was imbued onto my gut. Blood then gushed but I just covered it with my hands trying to stop them and waiting for my [REGENERATION] to heal them.

My breath was ragged and I could feel my eyes tempting to shut.

I was planning on subduing them to gain intel however, with not much strength left I decided to kill them now. I then soon crawled to the place where illusions or barriers surrounded the dungeon so I won't get attacked by some beasts before I finally fell into the land of dreams.


With only my head slamming to the ground and the system using my points to heal me as my last memory before everything went dark...






General POV

As the sun dipped below the horizon, ushering in the embrace of dusk, the clock's hands gracefully marked the arrival of 5:00 PM. Amidst the heart of a dense forest, a figure emerged, shrouded in a black robe that billowed around him. In his grasp rested a potent artifact, an amulet of darkness and intrigue. Its form, an enigmatic fusion of twisted metal and jet-black stones, radiated an unsettling luminescence, casting an eerie greenish luminescence. Intricate symbols of ages long past were etched upon its surface, their enigmatic lines writhing and shifting like living entities.

With eyes agleam, tainted by a sinister glint, the man's voice resonated through the air, inquiring, "Has she completed the circle?"

"Yes, Priest. The whole town has been circled" the man who was a follower responded.

"Order the summoners for formation"

"Understood!" The black robe follower quickly answered before striding his way.

"Finally! Our Lord will soon come" The priest said as he was draped in his flowing black robes that seem to absorb the surrounding shadows.

"Now only the beasts that will feast upon their lives are needed" He whispered and soon—


He activated the cursed artifact causing turbulence around the area.

The amulet then released tendrils of shadowy energy that coil around the user's hand, connecting them to the essence of the wild. As the user channels his intent, the amulet emits low, guttural whispers that seem to draw the attention of nearby creatures, compelling them to gather and surge in waves under its dark influence.




The sounds of the steps of a hundred beasts trampling the ground pierced the ears of every living being near.

15 years ago a beasts wave happened similar to what is happening now occured. That was because the man who was called a priest carried a cursed artifact that could cause beasts around the forest to go berserk and havoc while being controlled by it.

They tried to summon their lord at that time but a certain demon struggled to protect the town and not much sacrifice was taken.

Left with no choice, they had to wait for fifteen years again for the artifact to regain its used power before working again.

Now that lives were taken fifteen years ago, all they needed to collect those souls were to use a demonic magic circle and cause havoc again in taking lives to meet the requirements.

The delay of plans years ago was also a good thing because...

"If the demon eats her... The world will surely perish.


The man then hysterically laughed while the summoners who went to their according places muttered a demonic language.

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̶̡̛̪̙̱͕͔̪̌͐̇̎̀́̉̈́a̷̡̢̛̛̛̲̜̞͉̰̱̥̱̮̜̍́̊̀͌̈́̑͐ș̶̨̧̨̣̼̩̱͙͎̖͈̣̀͋c̴̛̺̱̜̳̞͉̉͐̀̏̌͌̓̋̕ȩ̶͈̈́̈̾̀̿̉̕͠n̶̡͕̜̪͙͎̼̤͚̲̗͍͆̊d̸͉͕̋̐͒!̷̛̼͇͕̥͗̅̀̋̐̀́̽̉͝"̷̩̥̬̜͇̗͓̓̈͊̎̓ ̸̳̰̜̪̙̦͉̯͖̤̳͎͎͋̋ ̸̧̪̣̯̠̞̤̜̣͍͊̈́̚͠͝ ̶̢͔͙̂̂́͋́̔̈́̊̅̐̂͌̓̚⛥̴̳̱́ ̴̨̨̠͇̫̳͈̹̘̬̩̥̺̟̓̐̌̀̌͘͝⛥̸̗̓̈́͛͐̓̓̿͛̈́͆̍̒̚ ⛥


After the entire world is engulfed in the flames of the inferno, we shall then unseal the gates."

Tell me if there are any typos or grammatically incorrect ones. As always hope you enjoy~ This shit took me quite a while of pondering before uploading because of how many POV changes and the flow were shit lmao

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.