I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 44: Ja-Young







Mary's POV

"Why is a demon summoning happening here?"

I muttered under my breath.

Memories then flashed before my eyes.

A dream that I'll never forget because it was the repeating nightmares I had before my mist ability emerged.

I don't know how to perform those rituals but what I'm witnessing is similar to what happened in my nightmares.

"What is going on...?" I asked in a startled tone

However, as I observed the unfolding scene, my mind was immediately consumed by one pressing query: "Where could my lord be?"

But as I questioned that, a familiar figure of a boy suddenly caught my eyes and stood tall in front of the upcoming disaster.

"Lord Alfonso!"

I mumbled softly as I hastened my steps toward him. I was momentarily surprised by his sudden rise of cultivation in rank but I soon disregarded it.

"Lord Alfonso" I repeated.

Upon catching the sound of my words, he gradually redirected his gaze in my direction, fixing his eyes upon me with his customary icy and apathetic stare.

"Mary. This is urgent. I need you to do something important."

He whispered to me as his voice emitted a tone of importance.










"Understood My Lord," I said before he answered,

"Be careful" his red eyes were locked on me for a brief moment with a concern visible on his face.

After that, he quickly strode toward the upcoming beasts.

He rarely makes expressions so seeing him like that gave me warmth in my heart and determined to succeed in what he ordered.

However, as I felt those things I couldn't shrug the thought that there was something I had forgotten.

Something important...

Because of it, I tried to recall the nightmares I had as a child.

There was a feeling inside me that it was connected to what was happening right now.







 Ja-Young's POV

Staring at the sky that resembled crimson, what followed were roars of beasts and the rumble of their marches.

Feeling the upcoming danger, I quickly set out and tried to walk toward where the sounds came from. Moving with utmost speed, my eyes caught sight of individuals moving in the opposite trajectory, seeking refuge at the church under the vigilant guard of the Priestess.

After what happened fifteen years ago, the people here are now prepared if the same disaster happened. People actually had a countermeasure whenever a beast wave happens but what happened fifteen years ago was just out of the ordinary.

Soon as I ran, I could see mercenaries, and knights gathering in front of the upcoming wave.

Simultaneously, the earth quaked, and the trees in the deep forest fell one by one signifying the approach of the beasts.

As their pending presence continued, I also started to gather mana preparing magical spells.

Born as half a demon, I also naturally had a high mana pool like any other demons including physical prowess that exceeded average human strength at my age.

Being taught of the prayers from the church, Aureon the goddess of light blessed me with something, and that's...

"Divine blessings grant us strength, radiant light be our guide." Blessing people with the help of the mighty Goddess Aureon.

Bestowing a thirty-minute enhancement upon people, imbuing them with celestial prowess.

And just as I spoke those words, a surge of mana left me, a manifestation of Aureon's radiant energy, signifying the success of my benevolent gestures.

Yet, upon realizing my bestowed blessings upon the people, their penetrating stares were directed my way.

Amidst their accusatory glares, a man's voice erupted in frustration, "—Did your so-called blessing twist into a cursed hex, you fiend?" His eyes burned with animosity, his tone heavy with blame, "—Perhaps you're to blame for the resurgence of the demonic beast onslaught. It was your father, that fiend who spawned the demons, who caused my family's demise in the beastly wave fifteen years past!" His accusations echoed.

Shouting out those words instantly drew the crowd's focus onto me, prompting mercenaries and knights to tighten their grip on their swords, with the intention of aiming them my way.

"Wait— I...I- I'm here with good intentions. Please, understand!"

However, before I could clarify my purpose, the air was pierced by the chilling howl of creatures.


"—Ready yourselves for combat!" A figure clad in complete plate armor, draped in fur, resembling a creature of the wild akin to a wolf's lineage, bore a sacred insignia etched onto his chest, a symbol of the Goddess he devoutly followed. Interrupting the rising tension around us.

"—We'll deal with her later" he followed while giving a short and cold sneer.

In response, I could only shut my mouth and grip my thigh out of frustration.


And just as the people, elves who are mages or archers, demi-humans for a combatant, a few dwarves, and humans started to march toward where thousands of beasts were piling up, a boy was then seen in the scene killing hundreds of beasts in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that familiar figure, I realize that it was the boy who slapped Mother Tessi's hand earlier.

What surprised me the most was his rank which suddenly rose.


I heard from the people around uttering admiration for him. While I, myself, can't deny it too. A master-ranked person after all is normally fifty or more years old to reach that kind of cultivation yet the boy in front looked young so young in fact that I even questioned what a prodigy like him was doing here.

I have reached master rank because of the demon blood I have which naturally gives me above physical abilities and mana pool than the average humans. That's why I don't consider myself a prodigy like the boy I'm looking at right now.

To be honest, when I saw his rank earlier too when I first met him with Mother Tessi, I thought he was talented even though I saw similar people like him at that stage where they quickly ascended to master or above average only to get stuck. Only time will tell though if he is truly talented, however, even without that in thought, the level of swordsmanship and mastery he showed was terrifying.

That's why I called him a prodigy. Perhaps that's also the thought of other people too. Because if the boy in front of me keeps growing from his skills alone, even his stuck in the rank of master he could defeat a 'LEGEND' if he is talented enough.

But that glimpse of admiration was soon changed into dread because of how many beasts kept piling up.

Enormous wolves, goblins, leopards, tigers, and even bears sized 11 to 14 feet tall rushed out intending to trample everyone at sight.


Not even a minute passed and multiple demi-humans had been already crushed by the gigantic feet and hands of the bears. Claws that are sharp as a sword but when it's gnawed at them, they are like tofus that's been sliced to horrifying pieces. Screams of terror then illuminated the entire area, their agony however was not heard when the wild beasts kept increasing and attacked them ferociously.

Fortunately, the knights and mercenaries were able to kill a few bears, proving their competence but it was not enough.

Killing a bear that size requires Master and Grandmaster ranked people and a very skilled one at that, and most of the knights and mercenaries present are only master and above average. Only a handful of Grandmasters and Legends are present. Why would an individual of higher legendary stature choose to remain here, in this modest town, when they have the opportunity to journey to the kingdom and amplify their abilities? The kingdom offers a grander arena for honing their strengths, as opposed to this small locale that might constrain their true potential. Typically, legends gravitate towards the kingdom or secure positions as knights under influential nobles like the Vorvains, all in the pursuit of advancing their prowess. It is, indeed, a stroke of luck that a few legendary beings have opted to remain within this town.

Because of the overwhelming difference in manpower, a few wolves managed to breach the defensive line. They swiftly launched attacks on unsuspecting citizens who had been either too late to evacuate or were left behind.

It was a mess. For some reason though, there were no orcs. And because of that, I dreaded the possibility.

'What if the orcs also appeared? We would have been immediately obliterated'

Seeing the dreadful situation, I could only cast a blessing, trying to heal the injured just to save as many people as I could while protecting myself with my limited knowledge of magic.

Remembering Mother Tessi's kindness, I thought that it was my time to shine and repay for what she did by also doing the same to others.

"Helping the people"

Since Mother Tessi might be busy with protecting the citizens in her church I must then play my role.

Fortunately, I can compete, with the affinity of wind, I can just blast the beasts that approached me away and chant spells to kill them.

However, as the battle prolonged, more people died and the increasing injury I received worsened.

Crimson liquid spread all over the place as terror only grew deeper in my and people's hearts. Yet the beast's number did not even waver or decrease.

Just like that, time quickly flew by in just a matter of seconds. It didn't take long before the battle ended.









General POV

Only after half an hour passed that the beasts were cleared out of sight. Though a handful of wolves, leopards, and weak beasts were able to survive and now are lurking around the town aimlessly after they breached the defense.

As a result, though, most of the people who tried to stop the wave died.

Countless corpses were scattered around, their bodies were either crushed to pieces or eaten.

A girl wearing a nun's attire's hand which was used to heal and protect people was now battered in bloods and injuries.

A burning sensation spread all over her while the smell of blood struck her nose making her nauseous.

"I've seen horrifying things but this experience is different"

It was too much of a sight for Ja-Young.

But, in the midst of it all, a lone boy stood tall in the middle of the fallen bodies of the beasts.

Without so much as a bead of perspiration glistening upon him, his attire and personage were enveloped exclusively in an aura of immaculateness and refinement, a testament to his inherent nobility and regal bearing.

That's right! The boy who was first to charge and had slaughtered the most was not even tainted by blood nor he was injured.

Only his face which had always an indifferent demeanor changed to a frown.

Ja-Young who sat from exhaustion like the other knights who survived uttered a question in their minds.

'Just who is this boy?'

But they didn't even have the leisure to satisfy their curiosity when a piercing sound of something being summoned resonated as the ground tremored once again. This time, however, it was the sound of something huge walking towards them.


A gigantic figure of a monstrous humanoid being could be seen from afar.

When the knights and other people who survived with battered injuries saw the presence of the monster. Their eyes widened and terror finally took over.

"—We're all going to die!"

A female elf holding onto a bow screamed in fear.

"—What is that monster?" a demi-human clad in armor with his left hand missing cried out.

While Ja-Young who was watching the giant slowly approach them was left silent and stunned.

Its massive form stretches skyward, with limbs that seem to meld into the very earth.

Even if it was still far, the face can be clearly seen and is dominated by multiple gaping maws, each lined with rows of gnashing, razor-sharp teeth.

With every step it makes, the world would crumble and at the same time, his mouth emits a constant cacophony of eerie, echoing munching sounds.

While his environment is corrupted and polluted wherever he treads, leaving a trail of desolation and rot.

"—Hungry!" The gigantic figure said his echoing voice resonated like a discordant chorus, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard it.

Making it more terrifying for the witness.

Enshrouded by fear because of how strong the monster that's approaching.

"I need to get the fuck away from here. I'm moving!"

The demi-human clad in armor lamented and immediately sprinted in the opposite direction after realizing the dreadful situation.

Despite being a knight of the Aureon Goddess, he was more concerned with how he'd live his life to the fullest rather than sacrifice himself for a meaningless death.

"The Heroes should take care of that" He muttered while running.

Because of what the demi-human did, others followed leaving only Ja-Young and Alfonso standing in the way of the gigantic monster.

As the girl named Ja-Young lost her strength to stand up, she blankly gazed at the demon approaching. But the boy then suddenly walked up to her in a gracious manner.

"White hair"

He said snapping Ja-Young out of her thoughts, her emerald eyes then locked Into the boy's crimson pupils.

"Have you perchance acquired knowledge of the whereabouts of the revered Holy Sword?"

He enquired with a cold and prideful demeanor.

Meanwhile, Ja-Young looked at him with a questioning expression. Asking inside her mind if the boy in front is crazy. People who looked for that sword were only if they wanted to try and pull the sword.

‹Does he think he's some hero?›

She muttered inwardly but soon disregarded it when she realized something.

‹Only a few people know there is a holy sword here!!! If he is asking the whereabouts of the sword here... Does that mean this boy went here to find it? Maybe he is a hero??? Considering his talent he might really be a hero. Perhaps the sword is calling for him?›

Ja-Young speculated before a memory flashed inside her mind.

A memory of Mother Tessi mentioning the existence of a holy sword in this town but was hidden.

Since she was curious in her younger years when she saw the book about the seven deadly sins and the hero, she asked the priestess if a holy sword and heroes truly existed since thousands of years had passed already, and yet none of them appeared to this day.

|Since you're a cute little one. It wouldn't hurt to share it with you so you won't keep pestering me. Yes, they are true Ja-Young and the holy sword actually resides in this town. Only a few people know that though. But don't tell this to anyone okay? Or I won't trust you anymore.|

The words of the priestess echoed in her mind.

She hesitated to expose her knowledge but her choices depended on the safety of the people. If she was not to make a decision here, she knew that more lives would be taken. And she didn't want that to happen, the boy after all even tried to save the people so maybe it was a good choice to let him know. Left with no choice.


"Actually, I think Mother Tessi knows where" she abruptly responded.

However, the boy only frowned even deeper but that face of his soon quickly contorted to indifference.

"I'll immediately ask her, We still have time! Follow me" Ja-young promptly continued and started to sprint toward the church. But Alfonso only remained in his location.

Gazing silently at the back of the girl.

Sighing deeply,

"Regrettably, I was too weak to prevent their deaths and in the end, the monster was summoned in a strength of this degree..." He murmured, his steps carrying him deeper into a contemplative silence.

Believing that he harbors a desire to inflict torment upon the summoners and end their lives, but he refrains from entertaining such intentions due to their adverse consequences. Eliminating the individual currently invoking Beelzebub might lead to a swift replacement by another devotee or demon elsewhere. This intricate web of substitutions poses a perilous challenge, as discerning their next gathering point becomes an enigma he cannot afford to overlook.

The intricate web of locations would then elude his grasp, plunging him into an abyss of uncertainty.

To mitigate the damage, he merely needed to save as many people as possible, thereby reducing the strength of the summoned demon. This was because if the sacrifices were scarce, his strength would also decrease upon being summoned. The caveat was that attempting to summon a demon considered a disaster at only 20 percent of its strength would result in the required sacrifice doubling.

Putting those thoughts aside, he was even more worried for Mary when he remembered what he ordered.

‹I need to go there as fast as possible› he muttered inside his head while following the steps of Ja-Young.

Yet, time's value demanded no further squandering.


"Fret not, for you must conserve your energy following an exhaustive skirmish. Our journey shall be expedited through this course of action."

In an instant, the raven-haired youth enfolded Ja-Young in his arms, his gaze unswervingly affixed upon the distant church.

Looking at the church it was the same as ever and not a thing was destroyed.

However, the difference this time is that beasts that are able to pass the defense surrounded the church. As if guarding it.

4 bears and one wolf.


Alfonso whispered and in a blink of an eye, the ground shook and suddenly rose.

Sending him flying toward one of the windows of the church.


Glasses then flew everywhere from his arrival, like a dignified noble he arrived in a gracious manner.

While the way he balanced his body as he fell from his entrance carried a pressure of elegance.

With a delicate touch, the boy lowered Ja-Young to the ground, his crimson eye intensifying in its fiery gaze. As he turned his attention, his heart sank at the sight before him.

There she was, the one he had fretted over endlessly, now kneeling with grace, her leg cruelly absent. Her struggle to stand was evident when the encroaching shroud of black mist formed a leg for her to balance herself.

Seeing this scene, Alfonso tightly gripped his sword and gritted his teeth.

"The fault for this lies with me, a result of my own inadequacy."

He muttered after he realized that the one responsible for this must have caught Mary trying to save the people.

Since he didn't have enough time to eliminate the enemy due to the sudden summoning of the demon, he was left with no choice but to instruct Mary to rescue the people while he handled the task of dealing with those fighting the beasts. If it wasn't for the goddess he met earlier, the goddess of desire who warned him, he could have not been able to prepare. Yet, despite his efforts, they all went in vain, leading to his eventual agony.

In the interim, Ja-Young took in her surroundings, her gaze sweeping over the individuals who had sought refuge under the priestess's care. They lay in a collective slumber, forming a circle. What struck her with particular peculiarity was the fact that their slumber was profound, as if their very hearts had been gently extracted from within them. Within this otherworldly tableau, where the very fabric of reality appeared to sway, a maid knelt right at the epicenter, one of her legs starkly absent. From that void, an inky black mist emanated, intertwining with the scene where the lifeless bodies of the wolf and bear lay decapitated. Yet, Ja-Young found herself strangely unaffected by the ominous haze.

Amidst this surreal scene, a shadowy feminine figure stood concealed, attentively observing in the shadow.

Slowly, the footsteps of the woman resonated, signifying her approach.

Gradually, a gentle radiance caressed her countenance, bestowing a luminous allure upon her chestnut tresses and entrancing eyes.

Seeing the familiar face, Ja-Young couldn't help but utter a question.


What is going on? Did you do this?"

Status of the priestess, demon worshipper

Next chapter is probably next week

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