I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 45: Ja-Young

Chapter 45: Ja-Young

Seeing the familiar face, Ja-Young couldn't help but utter a question.


What is going on? Did you do this?"

Yet, the woman remained silent as she approached.

Her hands were soaked in blood, and her warm gaze that always remained was now cold and indifferent.


She whispered as she raised her hand and pointed it toward the maid who was currently being supported by Alfonso.

"Sweety, it's them why the beast has attacked us. And the one who killed the people here is that maid"

As the tension in the room escalated, Ja-Young's mind raced to process the information her mother was conveying. The realization that the boy might be connected to the recent chaos shattered her trust, leaving her feeling a mix of confusion and disbelief.

"Mother, I don't understand. Why would he... why would they do this?" Ja-Young's voice quivered, her eyes shifting between the woman she had known as a nurturing figure and the mysterious boy who seemed to hold secrets beyond her comprehension.

The priestess, her gaze unwavering, finally spoke, her tone cold and detached. "Child, there are truths that remain hidden from us, even in the sanctity of this church. The boy and the maid with the mist have their own agendas. Agendas that don't align with our safety or the well-being of this town."

Ja-Young who heard her mother, then immediately made a defensive stance.

Now that she deciphered her mother's words, she quickly realized that the boy and the maid must have been the reason why the beasts attacked the village.

Perhaps the boy was looking for the holy sword with hidden evil intentions.

‹But... Why did he kill the beasts earlier? And even protected the people?›

She pondered but soon concluded that the boy did that to deceive her.

Moving beside the Priestess she spared no time and prepared a chant for her magic.

As Ja-Young's hands began to channel mana for her magic, she locked eyes with the priestess. "If they're responsible for this disaster, then I won't let them escape!"

From the time they went running toward the church, she was able to recover a bit of mana. So casting a spell was no longer an issue.

In response the priestess's lips curled into a chilling smile, her eyes glinting with a newfound malevolence.

As Alfonso continued to stand in the midst of the unfolding confrontation, his expression shifted from indifference to a solemn awareness of the gravity of the situation. His thoughts raced, contemplating the implications of the priestess's words.






Alfonso's POV

In the game, Ja-Young is a Villainess who sacrifices herself to kill the demon that was summoned in this town. A demon that's one of the seven deadly sins who you'll fight as a boss in the future from the game's perspective.

In that timeline, Ja-Young ran away from her town because she was beyond broken from the betrayal of her mother, the Priestess in other words. With a complex distrust toward humans and other people, she slowly turned into a villainess no— more like an antagonist in the game.

However, when she meets the kind main character in the game, and slowly falls for the main character. She decided to help them and sacrifice herself just to kill the demon Beelzebub who grew too strong for the main character to kill.

In doing so, she lost her mind and was left lifeless.

It was a tragic end for her. At the cost of saving the party, her mind was destroyed, like an empty shell, she was alive but the mind or the inside cannot be said the same. Slowly, her health deteriorated and she died.

I didn't want that to happen to her because of how much I got attached to her in the game. Ja-Young was at first villainous and quite harsh in the game but as you slowly get to know and gain her trust. She becomes one of the most affectionate and caring of all.

I liked her probably because she reminded me of my mother. How she was discriminated against despite being kind because of her race. I thought it was unfair.

But... Was it too much to expect that she must be not naive now?

The thought of even killing her now is even crossing my mind because of how pissed I am at what happened to Mary and how she is so easily deceived by the Priestess.

Including the real Alfonso, his emotions are raging right now and because I'm the one in control, I'm able to manage my anger—our anger.

At this point, Ja-Young will even help the opposing force when truly the one she's helping is the cause of all these.


Maybe I should just really kill the two of them or else I'll fucking die here and the world will be doomed.

Especially because of how naive the girl is...

No... No... Let's calm ourselves first... Didn't I already promise to change? Killing Ja-Young to prevent her from being eaten by the demon is the same as following the horrible road I have carved in my past. And... It might cause a bigger hassle if I kill her. Knowing her ability... She might hate me and not help me once she learns how to use her ability.

And... Why am I thinking such thoughts? This only leads me to doubt if I'm even capable of change...

‹Am I though? Do I even deserve to change? This chance?›


And... Is the method I have acquired even possible to kill the approaching, demon?

No— it must be!

You know, The untimely appearance/summon of the demon Beelzebub or the giant monster approaching was not intended to occur at this premature juncture. It should have taken about like two weeks first before this could happen. I don't know what pushed the sudden progress but I guess that it has to do with my sudden appearance. Probably because they have gathered intel already that I'm a noble who has a father named Antelmo.

Or maybe because of that time when I encountered the Priestess... When I slapped her hand because I sensed a killing intent from her?

That action could have led to her moving their plans because a variable like me appeared.

Especially since I'm the son of Antelmo suspicion arose and they decided to summon the demon without any intervention like fifteen years ago.


Speculating that far, I soon shook my head.

"Nothing I can do about it..." I said in an exasperated tone. Speculating or guessing can't help me at this time.

Anyway, I was set on strengthening myself by getting the generation ability and then preparing a plan of immediately killing the Priestess, the wave of beasts, and lastly, the demon Beelzebub when he is summoned.

I could just naturally let them summon him and I'll kill the Priestess at that moment then save as many people as much as possible.

But because it was too sudden, I didn't have enough time to properly deduct a moment to kill the priestess as quickly as possible so I could protect the people from the wave of beasts next.

However, even when I was present in protecting them, I was only able to save a few.

Having enough of such complicated thoughts.

‹Fuck!› I inwardly uttered.

‹ Let's focus on what's in front for now › I decided and soon calmed myself down.

"Regarding the Goddesses words, I guess the attempts are zero at this time"

And just as I whispered those words,

" Is she the witch?"

Ja-Young questioned from afar which the Priestess quickly answered her;

"Yes sweety, she is dangerous, She almost killed me because of her terrifying ability. I don't know why she is weak right now but there are seals around her body. If we left her be, she'll probably destroy the world"

After hearing them,

"I guess this timeline is doomed... That still doesn't change my purpose though..."

I followed with a voice so weak that none of them could hear except, for Mary who was feeling her pain intensify, visible that her consciousness fading in and out. The relentless agony she must be experiencing, both from her grievous injury and the penalty of using black mist, is likely clouding her senses.

My heart raced as the tense confrontation unfolded before me. The sight of the girl in front of me in pain left my emotions in turmoil.

Memories of my past as a mercenary, a life stained with violence and death, surged to the surface, reminding me of the darkness I once embraced.

"This must have been what the people I have killed felt... With their loved ones..."

I sorrowfully whispered.

In a moment timed with precision, I used my system to buy health potions to alleviate her agony, all the while...

[500 Points have been used] (You bought a barrier that'll never break until it reaches the 5-hour duration. However, you could also not harm the people around)

Expended my points to secure an impervious barrier, destined to stand unyielding for a span of five hours, offering unassailable protection.

With Mary in my arms slowly succumbing to unconsciousness, I then promptly harnessed the power of my earth elemental, skillfully transporting her to a secure location. Yet, this maneuver took a substantial toll on my mana.

My eyes then coldly fixed on the two figures, exuding a cold demeanor as I gracefully sheathed my sword that was imbued with mana and aura.

And just as I was about to charge as if my worries were heard, the Priestess suddenly approached the defenseless maiden in front— Ja-Young.

Her hand's claws suddenly grew and...

In an instant,


A chilling cry of pain came out of the young girl she approached.

Ja-Young's body fell from the ground as blood gushed out from her cutten legs.

A sign of disbelief in her eyes as she looked at her supposed mother then formed on her face.


She tried to ask but the Priestess only sent a devilish smile at her,

"You are such a naive girl Ja-Young, Why would I a Priestess raise a demon?"

She inquired, and soon followed with a chuckle; "Do you really think someone would actually help you? Well, that's unless that certain someone has a purpose for you."

Before long, her gaze grew frigid, taunting the girl's own naivety, which prompted her to press on,

"To answer your question as to why? So you can't run from our Lord sweety. Here, let's also seal you from being able to use magic~"

Meanwhile, seeing such a gruesome sight and the palpable shock that appeared on Ja-Young was an evident message that she wouldn't be able to help the Priestess.

As a result I felt relieved and at the same time pity for Ja-Young.

However, at this point, the burden of not killing her is gone.

But just as my thoughts raced, beasts then suddenly crashed into the walls.

4 bears and one wolf who then dragged the body of Ja-Young who was letting out a cry of pain in the process.

"—Tell me you are lying M-Mother... Noooo! Please, Mother, help me its painful..."

Yet that didn't mean while these events were happening I was just mindlessly watching.

As soon as I saw Ja-Young put into a safe place by the wolf. A range that will not affect her from the impact.

That's the same time I propelled myself from the ground with my feet.

Charging toward the Priestess.


The sound of my sword clashing with her claws resonated. Which resulted in destroying the surroundings. And just like that, the Priestess's beautiful face slowly formed into an ugly grin.

"A master ranked having this kind of strength? You are not from the Quiñones family for nothing huh?"

The Priestess uttered as I continued my attacks.


And as if she was mocking me, not paying heed that there was a possibility of me beating her, she continued speaking,

"I thought that a witch was on the demon side? I wonder what you did to her?"

However, that underestimation of her of me was grave, when I finally used one of the system's skills.

[Brute Thrust]

In a blink of an eye, one of the Priestess's hands was obliterated to atoms.


Hastily blocking my attack, she stepped back from the sudden impact.

With a furious face, she raised one of her hands. Signaling the beasts to attack me.

"You!!! Fucking noble!"


Four bears guarded the Priestess. Expecting me to deliver the final blow to her, however, contrary to her expectations.

I jumped back and scanned where the wolf had taken Ja-Young.

At that moment, I promptly twisted my body when I finally saw the wolf that was dragging Ja-Young rushing toward the giant figure— 'Beelzebub.'

Kicking the ground with my feet, a crater was formed as I dashed like a bullet.

[Dazzling Dash]


I could feel the gust of wind rushing through my skin, before long, I was already in front of the wolf.

Super Slash!!!

The head of the wolf flew from the sky as I supported Ja-Young who was crying from pain. Fortunately, I can hold her without worry because I know in the game that her mother had the blood of a noble. Knowing this fact, the disgust I have for her is close to none.

"It hurts!"

The girl I carried repeatedly said.

It was annoying but I can't let her be taken by the beasts and be devoured by the demon, or else I won't be able to defeat the demon.

Once consumed, the maiden's essence would bestow upon the demon a formidable boon. This newfound ability, a mastery over temporal manipulation, would grant the power to suspend the flow of time for a duration of ten seconds.

That's how the game went if ever, Ja-Young was devoured by Beelzebub. And the reason why the demon is even marching toward this town. Because he sensed Ja-Young.

In the game, Ja-Young always ran away from this demon, while Beelzebub kept growing stronger and looking for her. To devour an amazing ability from her Beelzebub was persistent in searching for her. This ability might have been the reason why the Priestess raised her, for this time and let her be devoured by Beelzebub.


I let out a frustrated groan. I wanted to use my system's barrier to protect her but... It can only be used once in a day.

And... It's not like the demon could not devour her if the barrier is surrounding her. Beelzebub could simply swallow her and wait for the barrier to disappear.

Since that demon has an ability to devour everything maybe my barrier won't even work. Fortunately, Mary is far away from here so it's okay... Temporarily...

Burdened in carrying Ja-Young, the Priestess who had her hand obliterated already regenerated and appeared before me.

"You seem to care about her aye? ~If I knew you would even protect that half-demon of a girl, I would have just used her as a barrier~"

The woman chuckled but soon the woman's laughter subsided, her countenance shifting from playful to stern, her gaze turning icy as she proceeded "It was a mere feeling but you— You... know something huh? You wouldn't have saved that girl if you didn't. I'm glad I advanced the time of summoning our LORD!!!

Fucking nobles. You know... Not a person could sense me when I try approaching them especially if they are lower than my rank. But you being able to sense me? That's ridiculous... Well... unless they knew of my abilities. You must have expected me right?" While riding on one bear the two guarded her.

Hearing her words, soon I recalled the time when I slapped her hand, I was able to sense her because of the system and some strange killing intent, to be precise it was an accident, a timed act when I turned my head. Because I'm disgusted with commoners, naturally I slapped her hand that time but I didn't know it could bring devastating results.

‹Crazy...› I inwardly uttered as I lamented myself for checking Ja-Young out. I'm only to be blamed because I was eager to see her in real life. I was curious after all...

Before long, I then took notice of the number of her bears.

I then took note that the four bears earlier had turned into three.

After having tons of knowledge from the game, I could only guess that the Priestess ate the missing bear to regenerate her arms.

Mostly, people like her have the same strength as a demon since she is a demon worshipper, nonetheless a Priestess too.

Most demon worshippers, or likely all of them can make their hand's claws as sharp and deadly as a sword. They could also use the blessing or power that the god they serve.

Gods are beings who only gift you abilities or powers if you have talent after all, even a demon worshipper can be included.

In return, they must not indulge in using demonic powers. Cause if they do, all of the blessings and abilities that they received from a god will disappear and only the power of demons they had accumulated can be used from there on.

However, the abilities they had from being born can remain.

But now that she is using demonic powers. There are only a few things I can mention that she must have if she worships the Demon Beelzebub:

The first one is being able to Instantly eat a living being to regenerate their limbs which is related to the demon Beelzebub's sin, gluttony, If they worship him naturally, they acquire a trait that can make their mouths expand to a great degree so it's no surprise if she ate the bear using that method. The second is claws that turn similar to a blade, and because she is a Priestess her third ability must be... Being able to command and give beasts a buff though only limited. Fourth, the ability she had when she was born. A gift that naturally falls upon them by the gods if they are ever born and have the needed talent. However, that is unlikely because almost all demon worshippers are talentless.

Encountering people similar to those is rare, furthermore, Demon worshippers are likely worshipping demons because they thirst for power or have some twisted ideology. Like I said they are a complicated bunch so their reasons can be more as to why they chose the dark side.

Lastly, the ability she got from contracts either from gods or demons.

And if she ever does have one or got it from either of those, then it's likely the [STEALTH] ability. An ability that could even bypass the hearing of Mary.

It was also one of the abilities that Mary was not able to discern the location of the assassins in the bestial forest.

"This is troublesome... If I only knew..."

But there is nothing I can do about it. These are all my fault.

Soon, I gently placed Ja-Young in the ground after I hastily bought one health potion once again, and made her drink it to alleviate her pain.

Her eyes however visible that she had stopped thinking.

She seemed to be out of her mind, I can't blame her though, the one she admired and saw as a mother just betrayed her.

After that, I quickly made a tomb around her to protect her from being dragged by the beasts using my earth elemental ability.

It didn't take long before I kicked the ground and attacked the charging beasts that were being controlled.


The bear howled as I clashed with its claws. With a buff that visibly strengthened the bears' strength because of the Priestess, it became not easy for me to kill it. Especially when another bear is charging at me.

As I composed my balance, I jumped to dodge the bear's claws which I clashed earlier.

Before the one charging at me accidentally crashed to the other bear.


As their bodies collided, I strengthened my grip on the sword, preparing to unleash brute thrust, however, before I could—


The priestess's long human claws clashed with my blade, in mid-air. If it wasn't for my system that can see status, I wouldn't have detected her when she used Stealth to meticulously attack me.

As a result, my body flung away, rolling from the ground at an unbelievable speed as I crashed from the door of the supposed house.

"Augh! " I let out a groan.

"—You have the strength of a monster... I cannot delay your impending death at this point. You're much more of a threat than I thought"

A voice echoed far from my ears but enough for me to understand. At that same moment, however, I coughed blood, the taste was as always, metallic, while a burning sensation around me surfaced. A result of wounds I have earned from the conflict between the buffed bears and the Priestess's claws and how my body rolled. Fortunately, they quickly healed thanks to my [Regeneration]

An urge of irritation then surges up, annoyed that I'm hit by some beasts and a commoner. Pissed that I'm having a hard time from such pieces of shit.

Yet even with such compulsion I didn't have the time to have a break.

Because it didn't take long before the four of them charged toward me once again.

Watching the priestess ride on one of the bears.

With my cold and graceful stature, I raised my hand, using psychokinesis to charge a boulder at them.

To be precise, a bullet rock.

As tiny rocks soared up from the sky, I accelerated them similar to the speed of a bullet toward my enemies.

When the two bears noticed the rocks rushing toward them. They used their bodies to defend the Priestess.

Instead of piercing their skin, the rocks shattered from how durable and strong their fur was.

Left with no choice, I raised a sharp object and larger rocks to throw at them as I charged and relentlessly attacked them.

Like bullets, this time, the sharp wooden object and rocks, pierced through the bears.

I then used super slash multiple times to inflict damage in the same areas and create a flesh that could easily pierce through.

I could have killed them already if it wasn't for the Priestess delaying my brute thrust to end the three bears' lives.

Aware that this ongoing battle could lead to the demon catching up and depleting my mana, coupled with escalating mental fatigue.

I decided to use—

"[Blade of Pierce]"

In an instant, the world suddenly slowed down, my body accelerating at an unbelievable speed causing my muscles to tear apart from the immense pressure that I exerted.

Using this ability, I just could not get used to the pain even with REGENERATION. But that doesn't matter because as soon as time slowed down, I didn't waste any seconds to slash the fuck out of my enemies.

Combining Heavenly Footsteps, Heavenly Slash, Super Slash, and Brute Thrust in one combo.

With a hint of anger for hurting Mary behind each attack, my blade met the flesh of the four adversaries who had been impeded in my dimension, rending and slashing through their bodies like tofus.

Hundreds, no— thousands of slashes passed through their bodies.

Unlike the knight I fought in the hidden quest, these four enemies couldn't keep up the speed my ability had nor could they move from my dimension.

Soon, time swiftly reverted to its usual flow.

Yet, in the instant normalcy returned, the bodies of my four adversaries produced a disconcerting splattering noise.

A cascade of blood burst forth, resembling rain, while their apparent forms disintegrated into vanishing atoms.

However, as a result, my whole body experienced immense pain from my flesh being torn apart.




I then drove the tip of my sword into the ground to support my body from standing as I gasped for air through ragged breaths, blood seeped from my mouth however, staining the ground below. Despite my weakened state, I tenaciously gripped the hilt of my sword, awaiting the gradual healing of my battered body with the use of REGENERATION.

Soon a steel of resolve forged within me as I readied myself for yet another confrontation.

"This amount of time should be enough..." I whispered as I felt the earth tremble from the approaching steps of something huge. Signifying its near arrival.

Without wasting time, I once bought a mana potion using my system again. It was the last remaining points I had.




Devouring them endlessly, the almost depleted mana I had was quickly recovered.

While my body was still weak and recovering, it had now enough strength for me to properly stand.

Holding my sword, I imbued mana and aura into my blade but this time instead of glowing as a whole, the runes inscribed in my sword glowed.

Thus sending white light around the area.

The runes I have inscribed on my sword are by no means normal ones. They are runes that give divine strength and light to my sword. Giving strength similar to that of a holy sword that can easily kill and pierce through demons. But the price for this was a chunk of my mana being drained at an unbelievable speed. And if ever my mana depletes it would either result from the sword breaking depending on the durability or my life force being relentlessly consumed.

With a contemplative gaze, I looked at Ja-Young's tomb, I inwardly chuckled because it looked like she was in her grave already. Well, I was in a rush so I can't blame myself for making such a tomb to protect her.


Before long I then gazed at the huge figure— the demon.

My heart pounded erratically as I stood amidst the chaos, my grip on the hilt of my sword growing tighter with every passing moment.

That giant is no other but Beelzebub.

In this world, there exists a demon detailed in a book - one of the seven deadly sins. It's said that if these demons aren't defeated, it could bring about the end of the world. This legend has been shared through generations as a cautionary tale for children. However, most individuals are unaware of the seven deadly sins' true appearance, except for myself, thanks to my experience in the game. Furthermore, It's likely that the majority were unaware of his true identity as Beelzebub, one of the seven deadly sins, despite the enduring tale of these sins potentially bringing about the world's destruction through the summoning of demon worshippers.

But here begs the question, why has the demon race's existence persisted when they are such dangerous individuals?

That's because: the demon race keeps resurfacing or being reborn in random dungeons, no matter how many die, they'll keep on appearing.

Some pertain to their memories in the past and some do not.

This cycle of heroes constantly repeating to save the world persisted for many years and one day this nightmare will end if...

The summoning of the seven deadly sins finally arrived. However, there is a possibility that humanity would lose even though the hero arrives to save the day.

How do I know this? It's because in the game the world was...


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