I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 46: Ja-Young

Chapter 46: Ja-Young

The summoning of the seven deadly sins finally arrived. However, there is a possibility that humanity will lose even though the hero arrives to save the day.

How do I know this? It's because in the game the world was... destroyed.

There was an option where you can save the world but the canon event that actually happened was... That the hero or the main character failed to save the world.

The developers only left the option of what if; to satisfy their players. This is also why the game became popular, most of the gamers considered the happy ending as a canon. However, that is far from the truth, people only believed what they wanted because it was a much more comfortable truth.

This is;

"Fall of Concuria"

The name of the game I loved so much.

That's why I'm trying my best to lessen the casualties in the future.

Especially the upcoming war.

But as I recalled the name of the game, my eyes shook from despair.

With one final glance, I embraced the encompassed surroundings: a shattered village, lifeless bodies forming macabre piles, a morass of blood, and an advancing demon—a stark tableau of impending doom. Echoing amid this horror were the anguished cries of people pleading for help.

Seeing such a devastating sight, an overwhelming sense of sorrow overcame me as my inability to rescue them gnawed at my conscience.

A sense of hatred lingered inside me, a loathing directed at myself.

I felt useless! A suffocating sensation of helplessness could be felt behind my thoughts, rendering me powerless.

I felt like it was my fault that they died.

I felt that I could never forgive myself at this point.

I wanted to at least save people the same amount or maybe even more to who I killed in my past.

But my appearance only hastened their deaths.

I could feel a dry and bitter taste in my mouth as a result when I took note of the dead bodies that had lost their lives, sending me a reminder of each life that was extinguished as a memory of people I had killed.

A profound sadness and anger intertwined within me, creating a storm of emotions that threatened to consume my very being.

How could I have thought that I, of all people, could change? How could I dare to believe that I deserved redemption when all I did was hasten their deaths?

My presence here was a tragedy already.

These people could have lived longer if it wasn't for me.


My mouth unconsciously opened and let out a sense of helplessness as I realized how useless I was.

However, I didn't have the time to agonize over my failure when the demon was already near.

Status of the demon

Higher Realm (Low) level 309

Soon, my feet kicked the ground as I made my body rush at the approaching demon at the speed of light.

It didn't take long before I could reach the humanoid giant's range, however as I got close my nose was immediately struck by the smell of a mixture of rotting flesh, overripe fruit, and the stench of a decaying swamp.

But immediately didn't pay heed to it when its huge claws intending to cut me to pieces charged toward me

Rumble!!! As its huge hand crashed into the ground, the earth shook as follows.

While I jumped onto his arms. With Heavenly Footsteps and Dazzling Dash combined. My feet naturally had the strength to soar up from the sky. Enough to reach his forearm.

Without any hesitation, the sword that's imbued and inscribbled by mana, runes, and aura, I sliced his hand with all of my might.

Because of the runes inscribed, white light radiated from my swift slash.


And the sound of his arm being separated quickly followed.

Crimson liquid then painted the ground as the screeching pain of the demon followed.


His howl however pierced my ears, it was so loud that it tempted me to stop and cover my ears.

But my job was far from finished.

Like a madman, I soon charged and used my mana again to extract the same amount of power to slice his head when I ran toward his neck using his shoulder as my ground.

If it was an ordinary sword, then slashing him would not even leave a dent in him. How could I do it? It's because of the runes I scribbled on the sword.

A rune that can emit divine light. Similar to that of a holy sword, but its price is a chunk of your mana.

With that in thought, I was ready to use Brute Thrust on him, when suddenly—


The sound of something coming out of a wrecked flesh filled my ears. The squelching of fluids to the grotesque symphony of stretching skin and cracking bones

My feet that are ready to charge hastened as a result when the ground I stood on became sticky and fluid.


Realizing what was going on, my face gravely converted into a frown when the front flesh suddenly pulsated

"Devourers!" I uttered as that certain part I was looking at began to twist, contorting with unnatural undulations, creating pulsating ripples that resembled the macabre dance of maggots beneath a decaying corpse.

I prepared my sword to slash as I jumped from the disgusting flesh ground, but to my demise, at that same moment. The flesh began to part. Deep, oozing crevices split open across Beelzebub's shoulder, revealing a pulsating, fleshy abyss within. From these apertures, an uncanny creature crawled out.

Born from the flesh and decay of Beelzebub's own body. Their appearance embodies the very essence of gluttony and corruption,


Their bodies writhe and contort with a nightmarish fluidity, caught in an eternal state of decay and mutation. Flesh and limbs twist in grotesque harmony as if trapped in a relentless dance of corruption.

Covered in a nightmarish mosaic of gaping mouths, their forms are a twisted canvas of jagged teeth, sagging skin, and gnarled bone. These mouths, some resembling ravenous maws while others appear as grotesque openings, ooze with a viscous concoction of foul fluids. From their depths, an unsettling chorus of sucking and chewing sounds emerges, a macabre symphony of insatiable appetite.

Each of these creatures moves through an unsettling procession of spindly limbs, emerging unpredictably from their misshapen bodies. These limbs twitch and writhe like tendrils of rot, propelling them forward in a dance that defies the laws of nature. Their movement is an uncanny mimicry of a grotesque spider, their steps leaving behind a trail of revulsion.

Where eyes should be, clusters of malformed sensory organs pulse and shift like tumors beneath the surface. These twisted clusters grant them an unnatural perception of their surroundings—an eerie form of sight that transcends mere vision. The world bends and contorts through their perception, turning the mundane into a nightmarish landscape.

Together, these repugnant attributes create a visage that defies reason and beauty, a manifestation of Beelzebub's chaotic and gluttonous nature.

A creature that's so annoying to kill in the game is now in front of my eyes. Seeing it with my own eyes is much more disgusting compared to the game. My mouth even twisted from disgust yet I refrained from puking when a large scale of devourers forced their way open, crawling and slithering in an obscene parade of writhing bodies and gnashing mouths.


Leaving me the chance of slicing the demon's neck pass.










I didn't know how much time passed as I battled the demon, my strikes holding every rage and sadness I had. Despite all of that, the demon was still strong and seemed like didn't even receive damage.

His hand that's sliced off already came back while I was left fighting the devourers earlier.

The grinding sound of his teeth pierced my ears as I thrusted my sword onto the flesh of the last devourer.

My palms which were constantly slicing them apart bore areas of calluses, beneath my fingers swollen and tender, testaments to the sword's unforgiving embrace.

Yet even with the calluses and pain from using the sword too much, the agony was quick to echo in the background.

With my ragged breath and battered clothes, I can feel my whole body writhing in pain.

Because of continuously killing the devourers while dodging the giant demon's attack. My stamina quickly deteriorated, as for my mana? It was long depleted and I have used my life force as a result.

Consuming thirty-two years of my life's longevity.

If it wasn't for the ring I got from Reinhardt as a reward: "The Life Orb Ring"

I could have been long dead because of how much life force the runes I'm using devours. This was also the reason I took this ring. It's because it can increase my life force for a hundred years just wearing it. It also has the effect of slowing down the way my life force is being consumed.

How did I know? It was because of the system giving me descriptions.

Yet to my demise, my legs soon started to wobble because of the dire loss of blood.

My clear head was now throbbing in pain while my vision pinned in blurry.

Bending one of my knees as I dug the sword into the ground, I tried to rest my head on the hilt.

As I gasped for breath, the sound of the giant demon Beelzebub continuously rumbled. His foot that was walking toward me was a testament to how heavy he was.

Without me even realizing it cause of my blurred vision my whole body suddenly felt a huge fist smashing me.

At that moment, only one thought came to my mind.

‹'I'm lucky I cut his claws earlier'›

Before I soared up from the sky.

Sending me to crush into multiple houses while rolling on the ground.




After the tenth house, only my momentum stopped.


My back which finally crashed on some wooden wall, soon rested there as my body sat in a position.


Blood gushed out of my mouth while I felt my whole body's bones burn in pain because of how they were terrifyingly twisted and broken.

Beside me, a broken mirror can be seen. A reflection of my pitiful body contorted to a horrifying degree emerges.

Because of how much blood I have lost, my REGENERATION ability naturally stopped. It has also weakened to an extreme degree because of how many times I received injury.

Exhausted, I could feel my consciousness slowly fading away.

Clinging unto my last breath, "I hate myself... It's so ironic that I want to save people this time when I could kill kids so easily like they were ants in my past... I'm such a hypocrite..." I weakly muttered.

You know... I didn't hate myself this much in my past, but when I merged with Alfonso the same cannot be said.

Alfonso—precisely, this body deeply hates and is disgusted by commoners, especially humans.

But do you know who he bore hatred toward and disgust the most?

It was himself, ever since I recovered his past memories this contempt only worsened.

He was disgusted with himself because he saw himself as a defective human being for being tainted by the one who defiled him

He hated himself the most because he was too weak and untalented to prevent what happened to him at that time.

Now being in this helpless situation those feelings only intensified affecting my judgement and even hating myself as a result because I also see myself as a sinner.

However... Maybe I neglected these doubts and hatred of myself and ignored them even in my last life, that's why it's bursting out right now.

I didn't have the time to realize this after all; I needed to suppress what I was feeling in order to survive and thrive from making money as a person who kills people.

Agonying about my past is detrimental. It could have led to my death.

With that in thought, everything then went dark.

A familiar feeling of dizziness combined with comfort engulfed me. Slowly, my consciousness faded. It was the same feeling when I first died.










please bear with me lol, the MC will have character development (He'll have a very drastic change of personality once this arc ends)

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