I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 111 - Extra eight

The night was getting darker. Search the fastest and best update network every day

The consultants who were just able to discuss a sentence or two, were completely quiet at this time, and made every effort to minimize their sense of existence.

This is really true


A bit stupid.

Shuo Han glanced at his reflection in the floor-to-ceiling window, then regained his gaze and looked at the little guy in front of him.

The little boy pinched his finger on the tip of his nose, a little embarrassed and awaited Shuo Han’s response.

“” Shuo Han asked him, “Does it look good”

Xiao Gu and Mian quickly joined the “special look”

Shuo Han “hum.”

The ridiculous Chaotian Xiaoyan suddenly plucked his eyes.

Who can make him his own human being?

Spoil yourself.

The consultants watched his Majesty put on that little braid without expression, put down the bottle and hugged the little boy

No, strictly speaking, it is not without expression, take a closer look, there is still a little pride in your eyes.

The whole picture seemed more and more incredible. The fire-breathing dragon that once had the gas to level up half of the capital star actually wore an apron carefully to milk the child.

The consultant’s worldview is struggling to rebuild.


Shuo Han lightly reached out and turned a page on the light screen, and the fairy tale content displayed in the rainbow was updated. He was about to read down and suddenly remembered something, squinting at the little boy

“Who taught you to tie this” this little cricket above his head.

Xiao Gu and Mian are unknown so “look at learning.”

Shuo Han’s eyes condensed “who boy girl”

If you think about it, this is obviously a method of tying hair to a girl. What a boy would do if he was a boy, he fell in love early.

One of her Majesty quietly ate the vinegar of a thousand years ago.

“It’s a teacher,” the little boy didn’t understand, and he touched his cheek a little bit. “The teacher tied this to other children. I watched and learned.”

Shuo Han’s back relaxed again.

Time flicked.

A bottle of milk is finished. Although the story has not yet reached one-tenth, Xiao Gu and Mian are too sleepy to open their eyes. The poor consultants were finally able to go to bed after work. As soon as the meeting was over, they discovered that everyone was sweating.


In the dormitory, Shuo Han turned off the lights, only the moonlight outside the window came in, and Qinghui spilled all over the place.


The almost omnipotent monarch did not light up the skills to coax the child.

Shuo Han reached out his hand awkwardly, patting the boy’s back like Gu Yumian coaxed him to sleep, worrying that he could not master his strength well, and snapped the rib of the little guy.

Suddenly getting such a little baby is really afraid of falling into fear.

Xiao Gu and Mian were lying on their backs in the quilt, born with curly hair on their cheeks. The moonlight alternating light and dark lightly fell on the boy’s cheek. The milky skin was soft and delicate, the tip of his nose was slightly wrinkled, and his cheeks turned red.

Like a little prince who came out of a fairy tale book and was innocent.

It was also like a dream that Shuo Han had.

Shuo Han looked at this dream and did not look away for a long time.

Suddenly, the little boy stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, as if he was looking for something but found it empty.

“Yi” Xiao Gu and Mian muttered something.

Suo Han suddenly understood that he was looking for something to hold.

There are a lot of dolls at home, of any size, whether they were bought by fans or bought by Gu Yumian before the cubs.

But Shuo Han didn’t want to give his baby to them.


The banquet all night was not over. There was a faint voice in the distance, but it did not make people feel noisy.

Little Snow Leopard reached out his boy’s bed with his claws, and took the boy’s arms for granted, fluffy ears lazily slid across the boy’s neck.

It has a taste of milk and a bit of sweetness, which is completely different from human youth.

But it still felt the same.

Whether it is an adult Gu Yumian or a small Gu Yumian, the empty space left in his arms is just enough to lie down.

No less and no more.

Occasionally this is also good.

Little Snow Leopard licked his paws lazily and closed his eyes.

In just a few days, Xiao Gu and Mian quickly conquered the entire palace.

Originally, Gu Yumian in adulthood was enough to make everyone like it. When he became younger, he was even more cute, and he was not only cute but also sensible.

If it wasn’t for the Royal Palace, if there wasn’t a Her Majesty watching beside him, the little guy might have been stolen, maybe.

“Ancestral, come and eat candy.”

Twenty-four pots of the entire panda are about to be spoiled by Gu and Mian, let the little boy lie on his soft belly and touch the little boy’s head.

“Yuanyuan, thank you.” The boy said softly, thanking him, biting a marshmallow, blinking at the panda, and whispering, “Don’t tell the ball, he won’t allow me to eat too much sugar.”

Your family cub fired a k at you.

“” Ahhhhhh

The surrounding pandas, including the twenty-four pots, began to take a deep breath, and the waiters couldn’t help covering their eyes and began to worry about their heart health.

Twenty-four pots covered her heart and collapsed backwards.

So cute, so cute

The little fox deliberately did homework, and humans will only change their teeth when they are about five and a half years old, so Xiao Gu and Mian now ca n’t eat too much sugar, but even the serious chief of science ca n’t resist it. The bottom line in front of Xiao Gu and Mian Back and forth.


Little Husky used his nose to push the palm of the boy and motioned him to play ball with him.

If there is anyone who is not affected by the harvest of this undifferentiated crop, there are only two or two.

The always thick-lined little huskies didn’t even notice any difference between Gu and Mian, because Gu and Mian, both big and small, liked it very much.

But that night, the little fox who returned from the Academy of Sciences brought some bad news.

“What does it mean not to come back”

Thirteen pots scanned a table of dull pandas and asked on their behalf.

Shuo Han had already known the news in advance, and was not at the dinner table at this time, and did not know where he took Xiao Gu and Mian.

“That said, the reagent was actually a semi-finished product before the clinical trial.” The little fox sucked his nose, and the whole person fell into a sense of helplessness. My lord. “

The uncle Wang who gave the reagents to Gu Yumian at the wedding reception happened to be re-admitted to the hospital. He is still asleep in the hospital bed, and the deputy leader of his team took over the research. Little Fox still remembers that he went to the Academy of Sciences to inquire about the progress today, and felt that moment when he heard the conclusion.

“Because the situation of Anchor Gu is special.” The deputy leader said with the dark blue reagent. “And, unfortunately, it is this reagent.”

Because Gu Yumian is a special being, a human being, a power-awakening person, and a time and space traverser.

General reagents have unusual effects on him. After researching for so many days, he still cannot come up with a solution.

It is possible that he will always be like this, forget everything that happened to them before, and grow up slowly from the age of five.

What’s more terrible is that the medicament has affected the spiritual power, and Gu Yumian may even return to his own time and space. His spirit originally came over a thousand years, and the unstable state is difficult to say.

There was a silence at the table and everyone was speechless.

Xiao Mianmian is so cute, she wants to give him everything.

But if you knew the price,

“What does Your Majesty say?” Twenty-four pots stayed and asked.

The little fox shook his head and came back to now he has not seen Shuo Han.

Can he accept this fact

Shuo Han took Xiao Gu and Mian to the Academy of Sciences and went to the hot spring villa to watch the sunset.

The last way back to their old home in Xiacheng.

It was close to bedtime.

Except for taking away some things, the other places still keep the original here. Only recently, Shuo Han proposed marriage here, and traces of that time still remain.

Although there are no more memories, the little boy still likes it here.

“It feels familiar,” he said, hugging the pillow on the sofa.

Shuo Han said, “Sleep here tonight.”

“Here?” Xiao Gu and Mian looked around with a hesitant expression.

Shuo Han “how”

“Guo Guo, Qiu Qiu, Er Er” The little boy felt that the language was a little difficult to express his thoughts accurately, counting with his fingers.

“Worried they’re bored over there”

The boy nodded.

Shuo Han was quiet for a while. The gray-blue eyes were half-open under the moonlight, and he always had a careless expression, but he seemed inexplicably gentle.

He touched the little boy’s head. “You.”

Even though I don’t remember anything, I never forget what I remember.

Even if you are no longer a parent, you will subconsciously remember the children at home. Even if you sleep stupidly, remember to vacate your arms and wait for him.

Also remember to hold him.

“It’s not early, I’m asleep.” Shuo Han is now able to warm up the milk skillfully. The bedtime story hasn’t been finished yet, and he will tell a little more every day.

Not long after, lying on the bed where the little boy’s nose was clasped, he soon fell into a deep sleep, and surely reached out and hugged him in his sleep.

The little snow leopard slid into the boy’s arms, closed his eyes, and slept unconsciously.

In the quiet room, the moonlight flowed softly, and at this moment, a soft voice like a dream sounded suddenly.

“round and round.”

The little snow leopard’s ears moved.

“Snow, well, I’ll call you snowball, OK?”

What is this guy talking about?

Little Snow Leopard couldn’t sleep anymore. He stretched his claws against the boy’s lips, and the gray-blue pupil looked at him warily.

But the little boy’s breathing was still even and steady, and it seemed to be a dream.

He didn’t talk anymore after that, apparently he went into deeper sleep.

Little Snow Leopard was quiet for a while.

It’s a while again.

The little cub broke away from the boy’s arms and sat beside his pillow, frustrated and helplessly watching him for a moment.

Shuo Han was not at all afraid that Gu and Mian would not go back.

Either five or four, he can grow up with him.

Gu Yumian’s previous memories are forgotten, so let Shuohan remember. He will remember it very well and wait to talk to him the day he grows up.

No matter how many times he returns, Shuo Han will surely make Gu Yumian like him again.

The only thing he was afraid of was that Gu Yumian left.

Even for Gu Yumian, it was a good thing to return to his hometown and to his loved ones.

But that was where Shuo Han couldn’t reach.

He wanted to cling to Gu Yumian’s hands. He knew the idea was selfish, but he did think so.

However, if Gu Yumian must leave

The Snow Leopard cub hesitated for a moment, pressing his paw against the boy’s forehead, lowering his head and whispering softly in his ear.


When the adult Gu Gu sleeps normally, the little snow leopard is dead or alive and will not make a sound. The sound of the milky cubs is too important, but it is different now.

The little snow leopard seemed to open the conversation box, and yelled again and again in the ears of the sleeping boy, even as if he was whispering a call.

The fact is indeed an admonition.

In front of this hard-won little baby.

Serious, awkward, unreasonable yet gentle, speaking endlessly.

such as.

“Don’t fall in love early, neither boys nor girls. I’ll be jealous.”

“Don’t go too close to other fluff.”

“You must grow up safely.”

Another example.

“I’ll wait for you in the future a long time later.”

“I love you.”

“If you meet a snow leopard with a bad temper in the future, be sure to take it home.”

A wind blows.

After the last sentence, the room fell into a soft silence, and the sleeping little boy was covered with white light.

Little Snow Leopard’s eyes became helpless. Even if you ’re prepared, you really ca n’t accept it



“do not go”

“What don’t go, where can I go” Gu Yumian yawned, reached out and pushed the big man who was hugging him tightly, but did not push.

Gu Yumian said, “I can’t sleep anymore”

Shuo Han “

He looked at Gu Yumian.

The handsome young human being with clear eyes had a dull look of light brown eyes and looked at him drowsily.

Changed back.

Changed back

At the same time, the hospital in the city.

The scientific researcher with the name of Wang opened his eyes from the bed, and just woke up for a while, he heard his subordinates call the communication report.

“Leader, we are in trouble. Before you asked the High Commissioner to give the chief the reagent, he was mistakenly taken.”

Pharaoh scratched his head and said casually, “Oh, it’s a pity to mistake it.”


Wait, for such a serious matter, Your Majesty is going to be irritable and killing people. Why is this team leader who made a big mistake not only rushed to escape, but also talked in a tone like “Today ’s price reduction of cabbage, but there is no time to snap up, It’s a pity “

Pharaoh “Drink, drink, right, he hasn’t changed back now”

Subordinates “what changed back, did you give your Highness x05? No one has clinical trials.”

“How is it possible” Pharaoh was about to stare with a beard and quickly interrupted him

“How could I bring that dangerous thing out of the lab? Don’t stigmatize me, okay, I’m obviously the most ordinary x01.”

The reagent he took has been in use for many years, and it was used in the rescue pot of the twenty-four pan before, and he had even diluted it more, and the effect would last for a day.

It seems that because it is all blue, it is not clear at night, and it is misidentified.

“Who keeps you from saying it clearly,” the subordinates are also very speechless, “we monitor and monitor and can’t see the specific color, you were in charge of this research before, let’s take the responsibility to explain to your Majesty.”

His Majesty Pharaoh suddenly panicked because of the consequences

“Wait, why is it me, Your Majesty will kill me. You can’t”


The phone hung up.

After half an hour, Gu Yumian finally understood the cause and effect.

But his focus is a bit off. “Did I have a pigtail on my head when I was young?

Shuo Han “

Gu Yumian became more and more interesting the more she thought, “You still tell me stories to feed”

Shuo Han “

Gu Yumian “Did you just cry, hey”

Let’s kiss him first. Shuo Han thought blankly.

After so long after their wedding, they parted again for so long. When they split their lips, their breathing was chaotic.

Shuo Han picked up the human and walked to the bathroom.

Gu Yumian bent his eyes, looked at him for a while, and said very lightly

“The temper is very bad”

“But I don’t dislike it.”

“Rest assured,” Gu and Mian Minato kissed the corners of her lips, “Again, I will pick you up again.”

The silver-haired monarch looked away awkwardly and dropped a kiss on the human collarbone. After a long while, he answered lowly and answered human words.

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