I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 112 - Extra nine

Gu Yumian pushed the inhibitor into the blood vessels and exhaled. Mobile users, please visit ggdon for a better reading experience

He looked up at the pattern of tiles on the ceiling, waiting for the surge of blood in the blood to ease, and after a long while his pupils were finally focused.

The smell of bitter apricots that overflowed the room gradually faded with the work of the air circulation device.


The automatic temperature monitor showed the result, 36.70 degrees.

Finally normal.

He doesn’t have an oga-specific inhibitor, and he injected it with aha. Fortunately, it seems to be equally effective.

At the same time, the communication terminal resting on the sink was shaken.



He didn’t notice the weakness of his tone, and shouted as soon as he connected.

“Shit, monitor, you guess who the school has assigned to you as a new roommate, everyone did not guess that one will apply for dormitory, absolutely, absolutely terrible, girls in our hospital exploded after seeing the official website news.”

Gu Yumian patiently listened to what the other party was talking about before asking

“So, who is it”

Don’t be an aha. Gu Yumian thought.

“Shuohan. Our famous little prince, who became aha at the age of fourteen, I thought he didn’t need to go to school anymore, right, but his fault is that he has a bad temper.”

After that, Gu Yumian had no intention to listen.

Only two keywords are captured in the brain, one is Shuo Han and the other is aha.


House seemingly endless rain.

What are you afraid of?

Gu Yumian is nineteen years old and is studying at the First Military Academy of the Empire. He is 1.81 meters tall, and the head of the strategic command department is also a grass teacher.

Until yesterday, the result of his second **** test was aha.

In a world with a second sex, the average age of differentiation is sixteen, of which the oga’s differentiation characteristics are most obvious once or twice a month in estrus.

As for beta and aha, before the age of 20, the main judgement was based on mental strength. The highest mental strength of oga and beta can only reach b grade, so at the age of sixteen, Gu Yumian, rated s, was naturally classified as aha.

Including Gu Yumian himself, he did not think about the possibility that he might be a little late oga.

The top first military school in the empire only accepts students of aha sex.

Although Gu Yumian is not estrus induced by oga, it is not difficult to understand that about a thousandth of the aha in the crowd is cold.

The coldness does not affect the b and o who are scornful and sleepy. They have not received a soft love letter since junior high school. It is said that it is because he is handsome, has a good personality, and looks very suitable for marriage.

Gu Yumian “” is very suitable for marriage What is the evaluation

The former roommate who was aha had lived with his girlfriend as soon as he entered school, so Gu Yumian lived alone for a whole year, and recently learned that he was about to welcome a new roommate.

But Shuo Han

A little familiar name.

It’s four o’clock in the afternoon at the beginning of the school season in September, because many new students arrive, and the noise of people outside the window can be heard from time to time.

There are one or two new students every year. They are very noticeable when they first enter school. They have high mental power ratings, good faces, and good family backgrounds, and they did the same when Gu Yumian entered school last year.

time flies.

Just after the first estrus was lifted by the inhibitor, Gu Yumian slowed down for a while, then slowly walked out of the bathroom, moved to the bed, and collapsed.

The feel of the legs is sticky, which is too bad.

Gu Yumian’s awareness of her gender is aha. Although she is apathetic, she is also aha.

Of course, he does not discriminate against sex. If he was originally divided into oga, he would seriously and frankly make an oga, but this has been aha for three years, it is really

Gu Yumian’s brain was in a chaotic state. “Is it really oga? Will you go to the hospital for a test and register with the Human Rights Association? However, you haven’t heard of it before you were 19 years old, so if you can differentiate earlier”

If it could be differentiated earlier, maybe now, married

No no no no no.

Don’t get married.

Just thinking about it feels pantothenic acid.

And this really Gu Yumian remembered that I saw it in the textbook of physiology, and there have been examples of oga particularly late differentiation before. Generally, after this differentiation, after estrus, the estrus will come especially ferocious, but I did n’t expect it to fall. On your own head.

The worldview was severely impacted, and Gu Yumian refused to think about how he married an aha.

Gu Yumian suddenly remembered that he did have an engagement partner when he was a child.

Gu Yumian, who came from a noble family, seemed to be engaged by a prince of the royal family.

He may have met a few times as a kid, but he no longer remembers it. The royal family has a very strict set of etiquette and rules. They had no reason not to be able to leave the palace. They were a bit like canaries kept in cages. According to their force value, they should be tyrannosaurus dragons in cages .

The little prince mentioned on the phone by a friend just seems to have just reached adulthood this month. I did not expect that he would also attend a military school.

Gu Yumian didn’t like this kind of arranged marriage. He had been struggling to remarry without an excuse before. He guessed that the other party was similar.

It wasn’t until he was sixteen that he was identified as aha that he had a reason to break the marriage contract. For him, he really put a big rock in his heart.

“The Human Rights Association is right.” Gu Yumian’s current Xingwang account was newly applied for adulthood. Accounts with authenticated aha status cannot be reserved for oga identification.

The normal state of this era is this. After the sixteen-year-old splits the second sex, the children will go to different schools, places, have different careers, and say goodbye to the past.

Fortunately, Gu Yumian remembers his previous account password.

He used the memory to log in to the Xingwang account used before the age of sixteen and had not logged in for three years.


Relatives and friends know that he changed his account. Gu Yumian thought that it would be silent when he logged in to this account.

However, as soon as it was online, the communication window in the lower right corner of the light screen jittered sharply.

In the past, there were too many news messages. At first glance, there were thousands of messages. The message records came from the same person, Gu and sleep, and they scrolled down from the first one.

The earliest one was three years ago

“I didn’t agree to the divorce. Are you dissatisfied with me?”

“I heard the secretary tell you the reason for your divorce. To be honest, this is ridiculous.”

“Why not reply.”

Gu Yumian took a deep breath before sliding down the light screen to look down.

The latest message record was yesterday.

That message is

“You wait for me.”


Very short, just five words, but somehow makes Gu Yumian feel a little eerie.

Gu Yumian remembered.

The previous engagement object seemed to be the youngest prince in the royal family, whose name was Shuo Han.

That is at this moment.

A bang at the door of the dormitory is the sound of identity verification. Then the door swivels open to both sides. Everyone remembers the collection website or remember the website address and website address. Please add qq group 647377658 group number

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