Immortal Cultivator in MHA

Entrance Exam

Sorry for the late posting, forgot to schedule as I fell asleep.

Anyway, thanks for the support, Byakoo and Eric!

Chapter 25 is out on Patreon!

"I'm your practice target."

"What?!" Midoriya exclaimed, he couldn't believe his teacher wanted to be his practice target. As they all know, he wasn't yet used to his quirk so it's given that he couldn't control the output of his power. So if he were to punch, and as he feared, his teacher might not be in one piece anymore. 

"Are you worried about me?"

"Uhh, no, I didn't mean that but—"

Without a word, Zhang Yu raise his right arm to face forward while also raising his left arm before chopping his other hand off, literally. His right hand below the elbow dropped to the ground, motionless. As blood gushed out of his elbow, he calmly bend down to grab his motionless right hand before placing them close to where he cleanly cut, magically, the skin connected and the wound closed up like the time rewind except the blood remained on the floor.

"See? There's nothing to be worried about," he said without a change in expression. It was as if he had done this before. Even Toshinori was surprised by his unexpected action, if it weren't for the confidence in Zhang Yu's voice, he would've stopped the latter. With his face pale, Midoriya looks at Zhang Yu in horror. He didn't expect his teacher would go to such extreme lengths to show that the latter would be fine even if he might end up hurting him. 

"Come on, we don't have time to waste."


A few months later...

"Good luck, dear!"

"Yes! Then I'll be going ahead," Unlike in the past few months, his voice now brimming with self-confidence and a hint of pride. As his mother, she noticed that her son, Midoriya has drastically changed in the past six months. She didn't know exactly what happened, but she was thankful. She had always felt pain and sadness whenever she recalled his dejected—tears jerking face when the child realized that he was quirkless, that he would never become a hero. It was as if his own little world had fallen right in front of him, and just like his dream, it all shattered to pieces.

Also, seeing him not giving up despite the impossible hurdle in his path—hurts her emotionally, and physically. But she doesn't stop him—no, she cheered him on, that's the only thing she as a mother could do. Even today, although he knew the chances of him being accepted to U.A High were impossibly low, he still keeps optimism in mind.

But what her mother doesn't know is that her son had inherited a quirk from none other than number 1 Pro Hero, Allmight, and made the quirk his. That can't be helped, he was told to hide the secret as long as he could. It wouldn't be long till people found out that his quirk seems oddly similar to Allmight, but in the meantime, it's better to keep it secret so that he wouldn't attract needless villains toward him. 

"I made it," Midoriya muttered under his breath with his eyes lightened up as he looked at the gate and the large building behind it. 

'Today's finally the day! The entrance exam!' He thought as he could feel his heart thumping in excitement. As he looked around, he realized they were all just excited as he is by looking at the awkward smile on their face. Perhaps, he might also have such an expression on his face.

"Fuck off, Deku! Don't stand in my way, or do you wanna die?!" 


Seeing the familiar pointy hair, Midoriya subconsciously covered his face as if expecting an attack but to his relief, there wasn't any as Bakugou simply ignored him and walk away. 'That's right. Ever since that day, Kacchan hasn't laid a finger on me. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't be able to focus on my training.' But still, since he was so used to cowering before him, he ends up acting so embarrassedly just then. Thankfully, no one else was watching.

With a sigh and a wry smile, he took a step forward. But as with his excitement, his legs were a bit weaker as a result so he end up tripping and almost fell flat face to the asphalt, only for him to realize he was floating. 


"Are you alright? Sorry for going crazy with my quirk there, I just think it'd have been a bad omen if you tripped, you know? I'm so nervous, bet you are too! Well, good luck! Later!"

Watching the girl slowly becoming smaller in his sight until she eventually disappear from view, Midoriya could only think of one thing, he talked to a girl! Though technically speaking, she was talking to him to shake off her nervousness, and he just listens and was unable to respond as the shy boy he is. 

"What are you staring blankly in the air for? Don't you have an exam attend?"


While he was still in his dream world, a voice called out to him bringing him back out of stupor. He turned around and was surprised to see Zhang Yu with his long white hair tied up like a ponytail, along with his calm demeanor clearly propelling him to shine among the rest of the crowd like a sore thumb in the open, Midoriya didn't expect to see him here. 

"Why are you here?"

"What do you think?" He didn't say anything else but the wink as a follow-up seems to imply something. But before Midoriya could ask what it means, he was told off to head to the stadium where the other participants gather, or he might find a seat further from the stage. He acknowledged and ran off into the building disappearing from Zhang Yu's sight.

A smile surfaced on his face as he recalled the past few months. He couldn't wait to see the shocked faces of all the participants, the staff of U.A High especially when they witnessed the strongest participant that he raised. 'Let's see if you're going to disappoint me, or make me proud, my first disciple.'

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