Immortal Cultivator in MHA

Strongest Participant

Thanks for the support, Byakoo and Eric!

Chapter 26 is out on Patreon!

"It's so big," Midoriya sighed in admiration. He couldn't believe how huge the city in front of him was. Seeing so many tall buildings, he and every examinee thought to themselves, how incredible everything here is, when in fact, it is just a replica of a real one. 

When he looked at other examinees, he saw they all brought their own equipment which seems appropriate for their quirk. They also seems rather confident, so he noticed. It must be the equipment they have, it somehow boosts their morale. He on other hand didn't have any. He wasn't sad by it though, it was because his quirk require him to fight with his bare fist. He wasn't like himself 2 months ago anymore. 

He then noticed a familiar girl in the crowd who seems to concentrate with her eyes closed. It's the girl who he met at the entrance, it appears she's also been assigned to the same area as him. He had forgotten to thank her earlier otherwise he would've fallen flat and kissed the asphalt, so he slowly walked toward her, though midway, he was stopped by someone grabbing onto his shoulder.

"I see what you're up to, you're planning to measure that girl's concentration power! Who are you, my friend? You aren't here to interrupt your fellow test-takers, do you?"

It was a young man with glasses, and behind those glasses are sharp eyes. It was the same young man who scold him in front of many examinees in the stadium. He was told off that he was distracting him—honestly, how can he not be excited when he could see the Pro Hero he often heard on the radio? He's a bit of an Otaku hero so he can't help but get a bit noisy whenever he saw one in person.

And maybe because of the previous impression he left, the other party must have thought he came here to ruin other people's tests which is completely understandable. Even the other examinees seem to think of that as Midoriya could hear them snickering within the crowd. Some even began to consider how lucky they are to have him as their opponent. Although his built seems thin as if nothing had changed, the inside however is packed with muscle.

[And start!]

Suddenly, they could hear a voice from a distance loud and clear from a tall structure outside the replica city. Some could even see a small figure atop the structure and recognize him as the Present Mic, the one who had just told them about the test previously in the stadium. 

Seeing as the examinees were still staring blankly in his direction, he shook his head before yelling out loud, "What's the matter?! There's no such thing as a countdown in a real battle! Run! Consider the baton passed!"

And thus, the examinees quickly sprint toward the replica city, leaving the flustered Midoriya behind. He was preoccupied with his thought, nonetheless, he immediately chase after them at a speed he considered normal and easily caught up to them. And then, a robot appeared before him.

But rather than cower than he used to, he took a deep breath before charging toward it and slide to the side as the robot punched the ground. Taking the chance while the robot was adjusting itself, he put a bit of strength in his arm and drive his fist at the robot's center part which broke them apart. The examinee with a strange belt was about to use his quirk as he didn't expect Midoriya to fight it barehand, so when it happened, he look up in surprise.

"It appears we were the unfortunate one," he dramatically mumble to himself as he watched the slim figure wasting villain after villain as he goes further away. "But that didn't mean I will give up, adieu~"

'32, 33, 34!' With every punch he swing, another villain fell under his might. He was too preoccupied with the test that he didn't notice his overwhelming strength had gathered everyone's attention toward him. Although his speed isn't as fast as those with agility-type quirk, he could still put them on edge. It was to a point if they hadn't been faster than him, the number of villains they had taken down would've dwindled by a notch like the rest of the examinees. 

Meanwhile, in a security room filled with monitors which showed each examinee doing their very best in their own special way depending on their quirk—it was quite a spectacular sight. But among them, three young boys stood out with their fighting prowess. Of course, one of them is Midoriya.

"Hahaha! As expected of my disciple, he will easily get to the first place if he keeps this up!" 

"...just what kind of monster have you created?" 

"A worthy one for my teaching, that is all."

What he said isn't a lie, if Midoriya didn't have any talent in cultivation in the first place, the latter would've relied on his inherited quirk quite heavily and possibly hurt himself. That's what happened in the manga. Although he had inherited the quirk much earlier, he still hasn't fully controlled it. At most, he could use the quirk at 5℅ for 10 minutes without breaking his bone or any other type of injury due to overstressing his body.

"It's too quick to conclude. Time for the big boss to enter the scene!"

Rumble! Rumble!

"W-What is going on?!"

Back to the test, every examinee on the scene suddenly feels a heavy tremor on their feet to which they survey their surrounding with caution. It only took a moment for them to realize what was the cause of the earthquake when they look up in horror. It was a huge robot much taller than the rest of the buildings, and something that only appear in one's nightmare.

And so, just like in a nightmare, they ran. They knew they couldn't face something so huge and strong, after all, it was only a test, so they thought. Midoriya also thought the same, but just as he was about to run following the other examinees, he heard a scream behind his back. He immediately turn around and saw a familiar girl on the ground looking as if she's in pain. She must have slipped and hurt her leg while trying to get away from the huge robot like the rest.

When he saw her like that, something clicked inside his head. He remembers their first meeting, she mentioned it would be a bad omen if he tripped, and now, her current situation overlapped with the one from that time. He didn't know where his courage came from, but he jumped. He jumped straight at the robot with as much strength he can muster and punched the hell out of it with a shout, "Smash!"

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