Immortal Cultivator in MHA

First Place

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"What do you mean by that? Didn't you see it firsthand like everyone here in the previous tests? He did so well till now, so no way in hell he didn't rely on his quirk like us, especially the 50 meters run," although they were surprised by his words, they immediately realized the reasoning behind his words doesn't make sense at all. Some of them had witnessed his exceptional showcase of physical strength in the entrance examination a week ago. And then, they also observed the previous three tests, someone like that can't be quirkless.

And to call someone like that a quirkless, only insane or jealous people would do that. 

"That's what I'd like to know! How the hell someone like him!" He could feel their gazes looking at him as if he's pitiful. He hates it so much. After all, that's how he looks at others. But the former was thinking more on the sympathy side, he on the other hand was just arrogant. He truly believes his quirk is special, and he himself is a chosen one.

"Smash!" The shout from Midoriya's throw pulled him back to reality as he look at the ball quickly turned smaller in the sky until it disappeared completely from view. It wasn't as impressive as the gravity girl, but what makes him infuriated even more was that the throw coincidently went a single meter away from his own record as if putting salt on his already injured pride. 

"Yo, he bests–!" Someone tried poking fun at him but his fierce glare immediately shut down those who had the same idea as the first. He then turns his attention to his most hated person as of now. When their eyes met, Midoriya immediately look away. He was afraid that it would enrage his childhood friend if he stare too long. Though unfortunately, Bakugou didn't think the same.

"Deku! What the hell is all this!? Explain it to me now, you cheeky rat bastard!" As if he couldn't hold back his anger any longer, he charge toward Midoriya with the use of his quirk to further increase his speed. He thought that once he reaches closer enough in range, he would blow off some steam so Midoriya would learn of his place, but before he could put forth his action, he was wrapped up in a bandage but not completely. He tried to tear it apart by sheer strength but to no avail. He couldn't even use his quirk for some reason.

"What is this cloth!?"

"It's my special 'capturing weapon', a steel wire alloy woven with carbon nanofibers. Jeez, don't make me use my quirk so much, I have dry eyes, damn it!" 

The students all thought it was such a waste for a guy with dry eyes to have such a powerful quirk. Once Aizawa notice that the boy finally calmed down, he blinked as his long black hair which somehow strangely raise up when his quirk was active immediately went down back to normal as if gravity finally affected them. He then pulls back his cloth-like bandage and wraps it around his neck.

"We're wasting time, prepare for next trials."

Midoriya who thought that was the final test perked up in surprise. Even though he did well in all previous tests, he still wasn't confident since, for all his life, he has always been dead last. That's what it meant to be born quirkless in this world. 

The next trial was quite strange, at least to the rest of the students. Midoriya on the other hand was surprised at how familiar he is with the trial. They were required to put up a horse stance and just remain in that position for as long as they could. The students noticed their teacher grumbling about something under his breath, unfortunately, the only thing they picked up was 'Zhang', 'cultivator', and 'training', that was all. 

While the students were having trouble staying in the same position as time passed, Midoroya looks calm and the least affected as if he had done this before. Though in his mind, he was contemplating why something he often did in his training in the past few months was brought up as a trial here. Very soon, they all noticed how familiar he was with the trial compared to the rest, especially Bakugou since the latter was glaring fiercely after the previous fiasco.

"Teacher! Don't you think Midoriya might be cheating? Look at him, he wasn't having trouble like the rest of us. Maybe he already knew about the trial ahead of us," so he said. Everyone already harbors such a thought inside their head but doesn't have the courage to speak so they remained silent.

"I'm not cheating!" Midoriya immediately replied, feeling wrong for the sudden accusation of him. He truthfully didn't know about it.

"Like hell I'd believe that! Look at yourself! You aren't struggling as much as everyone here, that's solid proof that you're cheating!"

"Now that you say it."

"Ugh, my legs hurt."

"But is there any need to cheat?"

"Of course there is! Have you forgotten that if you got last place in the ranking, you will be expelled! And I know this guy, he was known as the quirkless loser way back to primary school! There's no way for him to accomplish everything he had shown in the previous tests if not for cheating!" 

When all stares were on him, it reminds him back to when he was quirkless and everyone making fun of him at school. He once again feels like he was left all alone in his own world while everyone gradually turns into a ferocious monster ready to predate on him at any moment. Because of that, he cowered and remained silent under their judgemental stares.

"B-But...that still doesn't make sense!" Amidst the silence, someone suddenly spoke out. Midoriya looked up and saw that it was the optimistic girl who defended him. She then continues, "what about the entrance examination? Some of you were there and witnessed how powerful his quirk was firsthand. At that time, do you really think he cheats just to help me when I was down?"

"Right...what was I thinking? To accuse someone of cheating when this is U.A we're talking about!" Iida muttered and nodded in acknowledgment. It had been a week since then, if there was indeed something wrong with him, he won't be here with the rest of them. There's no way such a distinguished academy known worldwide would do something so dirty as accepting a cheater into their premise. 

"But what if they also—" before Bakugou could finish his words, he was once again wrapped up by a bandage.

"That's right. Although I won't interfere in your business so long as you didn't openly use your quirk, that didn't mean I'll stay silent while you put dirt on the Academy's name," Aizawa calmly stated with a serious tone. "And he is not cheating. Now let's not waste any more time and move to the next trial." Although he also wanted to expel the kid just so he can see what kind of reaction Zhang Yu will show, there isn't any reason for such drastic action. After all, he isn't so blind by his grudge. 

If the kid had used his quirk to fight, perhaps that would be a good enough reason for expulsion, but since that didn't happen he will have to continue with the rest of the trials. Plus, the kid is truly a monster like that hateful guy. 

Two trials later, they were all exhausted and they expected the result to be out by any minute now. True to their words, Aizawa steps forward and says, "time to present the result."

1. Midoriya Izuku.

2. Yaoyorozu Momo.

3. Todoroki Shouto.

4. Bakugou Katsuki.

Seeing his name at the top of the ranking, a smiles creep to his face. He couldn't remember when was the last time he feel this happy, was it when Allmight told him he can be a hero? Midoriya could feel a burst of tears ready to spill from his eyes so he look up at the blue sky to refrain it from happening. Finally, he achieves something to be proud of. 

"Oh yeah, the whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie."


"It was a logical ruse to pull out your best performance."


"Come on, guys, use your brain. It's obvious from the very beginning," Momo confidently said. Unlike them, she realized what was going on the moment the teacher bring out the whole expulsion thing. There's no way the teacher would expel them a day after they were admitted, so she thought. If such action really happened, the whole school would be under fire from the media all over the world. And a solid reason why she sound confident was that she had never heard of such a thing, not even rumors.  

But what she didn't know, Aizawa once expelled an entire class of first-graders last year. His reasoning for it was that they had "zero chances", that is all. And there's no way the Academy would let such shocking news out to the public, they aren't stupid. 

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