Immortal Cultivator in MHA

Ranking Test

it's the beginning of a new month! So yeah, now's a good time to join my Patreon for those interested!

There are currently 6 advanced chapters!

Last but not least, thanks for the continuous support, Byakoo and Eric!

Springtime, U.A High.

"The last person in the rank will be expelled?! That's just unreasonable!" Some of the 1-A students exclaimed. Of course they will be surprised. It's their first day at school, yet now they were told if they rank last in a test, they will be expelled just after being admitted to the school of their dream. 

"Natural disasters, massive accidents, mad villains—all kinds of calamities can happen when we least expect, life is already unreasonable," the teacher calmly explains as if it's common sense. He then continues, "and it's our job as heroes to reverse it all, and restore reason."

If it was for that reason, they can understand. If it was that easy to become Pro Hero, someone who protects the safety of common people, the world would've been at peace, or so they thought. 

"From now on, for the next three years—you can expect your life at U.A won't be peaceful. You will face hardship one after another," a smirk appeared on his face as he raises his pointy finger, "this is Plus Ultra, and I expect you all to overcome the trials and climb to the top."

"Now then, that was it for the demonstration. Time to step up to the plate."

First trial: 50 meters dash. 

Midoriya watch in awe as the glasses guy, or as he introduced himself, Iida Tenya, speed through the course in just 3 seconds as smoke spurted out of the pump on both of his calves like an engine. But that's exactly what his quirk is, so it is given that speed will be his specialty. And then 2 seconds later, a girl jumped to the finishing line with her tongue out. She looked like a frog, her name is Asui Tsuyu, her quirk is...well, frog.

When she felt his gaze on her and turn her head in his direction, he immediately looked away. He secretly thought that despite her quirk, her sense is unexpectedly sharp. Moving on to the next students, he recognized one of them, the girl with a positive attitude. His opponent is a guy with a long tail. It's nothing too strange though considering some didn't even look human, the fluid villain for example. Midoriya recalled the villain who once almost taken over his body, he trembled as he thought that he might not be here if the villain had succeeded back then.

Finally, it was his turn. He didn't even need to turn his head to know that someone was glaring at him. Of course he knew where it came from. It's his childhood friend—not the sweet and caring type like in other rom-com manga, but the fierce and deadliest one that wanted him dead. When he stood next to him, the latter look at him in disdain as he smile gleefully. He probably think that someone like him who was a quirkless could never best him. But unfortunately, that was in the past. He is in for a rude awakening starting today.

Midoriya recollected the time when he came upon Zhang Yu on his way to school. He couldn't understand before why his teacher told him that if there's a test later, he should show them his power as he did in the entrance examination. Now that he thinks about it, how did his teacher know that there will be a test? Although he called him his teacher, that was for training him and making him his disciple. 

'Maybe he heard it from Allmight?' Midoriya thought to himself as he tried his best to ignore a certain someone glaring at him. 


"Blast R—"


His teacher also told him don't let others scare him again, especially his childhood friend. Don't be afraid and charge forward. With those words keep ringing inside his head, Midoriya stares ahead of him with a determined expression on his face before he sprints with his utmost speed, and in doing so, leaves behind his dumbfounded childhood friend in the dust. When the latter comes to his sense, he quickly uses his explosive quirk which propelled him forward, and within a few seconds, he crossed the finishing line. 

'Damn it!' He cursed under his breath. He couldn't believe he score even lower than laserbeam freak. If he wasn't distracted, he could have been second which is only right behind the speedy bastard. 'Especially that rat bastard! Did he trick me that he was quirkless?!' Bakugou angrily thought in his mind as he glared at whom he once thought was just a weakling but now appeared to have grown wings on his back.

The second test wasn't hard either, it was just a grip strength test. If it was the old him, he would've gotten around 40kg, but now... He could easily reach higher than 100kg if he were to use his quirk. At first, he was quite nervous as he thought he would be the last person as despite already inheriting a quirk, he was still the same kid who often cowered under pressure. Now that he was already on his way to the third test, he feel relaxed. 

"Whoa! 540kilos, what are you, some kind of gorilla?! No, you're more like an octopus!"

"Someone says octopus? Hot."

Midoriya looked down at the number, he smiles when he saw the three digits. Although it's a bit lower than the big guy with wings as his arms, he wasn't disappointed. Moving on to the third test, he watched as the optimistic girl jumped up high before she safely land on the other end of the spectrum. He recalled her quirk has something to do with gravity or it can lessen her weight, either way, it makes sense that she could jump that high. This test wasn't hard, it note down how far one can jump. 

With his speed and a bit of momentum, he could score higher than he initially expected, though he still lost to his childhood friend as the latter simply propelled himself up in the air with his explosive quirk. It's good to know that even with his seemingly over-the-top physical strength, he also has a weakness. 

The fourth test is something he didn't expect to be excel in it. It's the sideways jump—a test to see much stamina they have. Midoriya has the impression that others can do better than him, but he had forgotten that these students were born with quirk so they relied on their quirk quite heavily, which in turn, some of them quickly exhausted themselves as it appears they do not exercise much.

He on the other hand had been exercising daily to this day. It was a hard journey when he first began six months ago, but when Zhang Yu teach him a 'breathing technique', it was a lot easier later on. When he was exhausted, he could just sit and meditate for half an hour before he can continue the exercise again. If this were to be explained in gaming terms, it would be like running out of mana so a mage needs to rest to restore their mana—it works on the same principle as that.

That is why his stamina is much better than the rest of the students. He was almost in tears when he recalled how much he suffered from the hellish training to get this far. At the same time, he's thankful to Allmight and Zhang Yu. 

Finally, the last test is about how far one can throw a ball, in another word, a pitch. Most of the students did quite well, though it appeared ordinary in comparison to the previous tests where they can fully utilize their quirk to gain some advantages over others. When it was finally the optimistic girl's turn, the students observe in silence as she throw her ball like any girl of the same age, except the ball kept floating in the sky until it disappeared.

A few minutes later, the teacher calmly raise his hand and showed the student her score, "infinity?!" so they shouted in utter shock. It appears the ball has become one of the meteorites in space.

"Midoriya is doing exceptionally well so far, I wonder if his quirk is boosting his physical abilities," Iida muttered as he watch the small figure walking out of the crowd when his name was called. 

"I know right? I was surprised when I saw him run that fast. He looks so small, I guess you can't judge a book by its cover."

They all arrived at the same conclusion, or at least that's what they thought until someone said otherwise. 

"This is impossible!" Bakugou retorted. He couldn't believe what he had witnessed in the test so far. Someone who he had looked down upon, a weakling who couldn't do shit before, and now the same person suddenly could do everything so well? That's insanity! 

"What do you mean?" At first, they thought he was just jealous. It's a normal thing for kid at their age to be envious of others. But the moment they heard his words, they became speechless.

"That bastard...he should be a quirkless!"

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