Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 13 Robbery

Eating ordinary food can only relieve hunger, and only eating meat can quickly increase your cultivation level.

He tried it and found that the nourishing effect of wild animals was much stronger than that of pork.

Especially the old wolf meat, although the taste is a bit dull, the nourishing effect is particularly charming.

After eating and taking a short rest, he took the knife and rope into the mountain again.

The three large pitch pine trees that were cut down in the mountains have not yet been transported back.

Fires are made for cooking every day, and the amount of firewood used is not small.

You also have to consider the amount needed for rainy days and long winters, so you must make more reserves now.

When he came to the mountain, he checked the ant nest again.

Lao Si and three worker ants dug out a new side chamber, which seemed to be used to store food. Four worker ants are constantly expanding this side chamber. To store more food.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.

With sufficient food reserves, they will be worry-free whether in the long winter or bad rainy days.

Qin Niu looked at it for a while, then went to work.

He carried firewood to his home one trip after another, and worked until dark before going down the mountain, hoping to encounter a wild beast that would attack him.

It's a pity that such a 'good thing' has never happened.

The howls of wolves and the roars of beasts kept coming from the depths of the mountains, but there were no ferocious beasts to seek his misfortune.

Alas! Things in this world are so interesting. When I was weak, I was afraid of encountering wild beasts. Now that I have some strength, I hope to meet one, but I can't.

Qin Niu also didn't understand the hunting skills of hunters and couldn't track the traces of wild beasts.

What we can do is 'fishing for law enforcement'.

He used his body as bait, waiting for a beast to take a fancy to him, and then his chance would come.

The next day, he went into the mountains early in the morning.

Because that time I met the old wolf was in the morning after dawn had just receded.

As usual, he came to the ant nest to check the situation.

In the egg-laying room, the number of ant eggs increased from ten yesterday to twenty.

The queen ant laid ten more eggs last night.

Its reproductive ability is really strong.

The only ones that can reproduce and lay eggs in large numbers every day are the queen ants and the queen bee.

However, the number of eggs laid per day by the queen bee is much lower than that of the ant queen.

When it comes to reproductive capabilities, the queen ant is definitely the craziest of all animals.

At this rate, I am afraid that by next month, the ant colony will experience explosive growth.

It only takes about twenty days for ant eggs to hatch and transform into adults.

Theoretically, in about twenty days, the number of worker ants in this ant colony will increase from four to fourteen, and then increase at a rate of ten per day.

By then, the development of this ant colony will be unstoppable.

Qin Niu has been learning about insect control recently, and he is already thinking about making this nest of termites stronger.

The most important thing is to upgrade the queen ant.

When the queen ant becomes stronger, the offspring she gives birth to will also become stronger.

The days passed like this day by day, dull but very fulfilling.

He never encountered another beast.

I don't know if it's because he has become stronger, the beast can sense danger and dare not get close, or it's just bad luck.

He was thinking that maybe he could encounter wild beasts if he went deeper into the mountains.

But his current strength is enough to deal with one or two wolves.

If he really encountered a tiger or leopard, he probably wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

Always cautious, he would definitely not take this risk.

The number of eggs laid by the queen ant is maintained at 10 eggs per day, neither more nor less. On the eighth day, it laid a total of 80 ant eggs.

Perhaps considering that there are only four worker ants and the food they can forage for is limited, the queen stops laying eggs after laying 80 eggs.

Qin Niu is learning about insect control every day and is working hard to become a preparatory insect master.

No one in the village knew that he had a colony of termites.

He has always liked to keep a low profile, and he is even less likely to reveal his trump card to outsiders.

After more than ten days, the first batch of ant eggs successfully hatched and molted several times, and then transformed into adults.

They appear to be larger and sturdier than the first workers.

The fourth child and the other three worker ants have been really busy these days.

They are busy digging the nest, storing food, and feeding the queen and young ants.

Fortunately, the most difficult days are finally over.

The second batch of ten ant eggs all hatched successfully and transformed into adults, creating an army of ten freshmen at once.

With ten more worker ants, the colony's productivity and feeding capacity will more than triple.

Qin Niu stayed in front of the ant nest, grinning stupidly.

It's really not easy.

After nearly two months, the ant colony is growing little by little, and its survivability has also been greatly improved.

His dream of being a insect master is coming true little by little.

Although termites cannot be used in insect fighting arenas like crickets to win back a lot of money for their owners. Nor can he look for lost things for others like the mouse raised by Hu Laizi. But termites have unique abilities.

Qin Niu originally raised them to assist in planting.

As his knowledge of insect masters grew, he discovered that termites can do much more than that.

As long as you cultivate them well, you will have great potential in the future.

It can even help its master fight.

Under the guidance of Lao Si, the ten newly born worker ants soon left the nest to learn foraging skills and survival experience in the wild.

Seeing all this, Qin Niu felt sweeter than drinking honey.

Tomorrow, the larvae hatched from the third batch of ant eggs should also transform into adults, and this nest of termites will usher in a period of rapid expansion.

The queen ant has been accumulating energy these days.

Its body has grown two or three times larger than before.

It was fat and white, lying lazily in the nest motionless.

It has only one job - to lay eggs.

Qin Niu returned home and saw that the seedlings in the field had formed buds one after another.

The corn seedlings grow taller than people.

It is green and lush, and it is estimated that it will not be a problem to produce more than 1,000 kilograms of corn.

As long as he waits until next month, he can eat with an open stomach and eat refined food every meal. No more eating those unpalatable wild vegetables and tree barks.

In the middle of the night, Qin Niu was sleeping soundly when his heart suddenly started to throb.

He felt very uneasy.

I was immediately awakened.

No, the ant colony is in great danger.

Qin Niu is the master of the queen ant, and the entire ant colony is his pet.

There is such an advantage in forming a contract with the queen ant or queen bee.

The direct offspring they give birth to are more like 'clones' and are also controlled by their owners.

At this moment, the ant colony seems to be suffering a great disaster.

Worker ants have already died fighting.

Female milk termite (queen)

Level: Level 2 Isoptera, upgrade experience 117/1000

Lifespan: 4.2 years

Energy: 2861

Skills: The first level of reproduction is 0.85/10, the first level of suspended animation is 2/10

Talent: Moderate intelligence

Ant colony: 4 inferior worker ants with a life span of 3 months. There are 9 ordinary worker ants and their life span is 3 years.

A newly transformed worker ant has died.

Qin Niu was so anxious that he ignored the danger and immediately picked up a hatchet and a hoe and ran into the mountains in the dark.

This nest of termites is the result of his hard work in the past two years. He lost all his family property just to buy three low-level contract talismans.

After finally succeeding once, the ant colony immediately ushered in a snowballing expansion period.

Now that they suddenly encountered a catastrophe, it was worth risking his life to save them.

The most important thing is the queen ant.

Next is the ‘fourth child’.

As long as these two termites are saved, it doesn't matter even if all other workers and eggs are lost.

It will develop again soon.

Fortunately, there was a crescent moon in the sky, illuminating his way forward.

The bright moonlight falls evenly on the earth, as if covering the entire earth with a mysterious veil. It also makes the mountains in the middle of the night become even more eerie and cold.

When Qin Niu rushed to the scene, he saw that the entire lair was in a mess.

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