Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 14 The second insect control skill

The battle seems to be over.

The ant colony suffered heavy casualties.

Fortunately, the queen ant did not die.

Sensing the scent of her master, the queen slowly crawled out from the depths of the nest. Along with it came out four or five young ants that were just born yesterday.

You can see that the fourth child is injured.

One of its antennae was broken, but the queen was unharmed.

I just saw the queen ant crawling out of a sealed side chamber. Thanks to Lao Si's strategizing, he dug the side chamber for refuge early.

Qin Niu lay on the ground and looked carefully. They were all messy pinhole-like footprints, very dense.

It was the centipede that did it.

Centipedes like to come out at night to look for food, and the growing ant colony may have attracted its attention.

Or maybe the ten newly born young ants didn't know how to hide their breath and were discovered by the centipede.

This nest is definitely uninhabitable.

Qin Niu's insect control level is still very low, and he can't even communicate with his own ant colony.

He could only try to stare at the queen, and then concentrate, trying to use the mysterious power of the contract to communicate with her.

The queen ant must have been frightened after surviving the disaster.

He could feel its soul trembling.

You must change your nest!

Qin Niu conveyed this order to it.

Once, twice... repeatedly sending orders to the queen ant through the power of the contract.

This is a silent spiritual communication.

He also learned it from insect control books. Beginners can gaze at their pets, then focus their thoughts and send simple commands frequently.

In theory, the first time you communicate this way, the simpler the commands you send, the better.

After you have experience in successful communication, slowly try more complex commands.

Step by step.

Night is when insects are most active. For example, this queen ant usually lays eggs at night.

I heard that a mature queen ant will not stop day and night, but will lay eggs 24 hours a day like a super egg-laying machine. On average, one can be born in two to three seconds.

Its current reproductive skills are still beginners, and it can only lay eggs at night.

And the number of eggs laid per day is only ten.

The queen ant seemed to know that its master was communicating with it. It waved its tentacles, raised its head slightly, and looked at Qin Niu silently.

Its eyesight is actually very poor and it can only see objects more than ten centimeters away.

They mainly rely on their antennae to receive information.

Master... received it!

It finally responded.

The vague response from the queen ant came to Qin Niu's head.

It is like a babbling baby.

[You have successfully understood ant language and learned the skills to communicate with insect pets. 】

As the prompt appears.

Qin Niu checked his personal attributes.

Sure enough, I saw a new skill added to the skill bar.

Insect Control: 0.02/10 for beginners on identifying insect traces, 0.01/10 for beginners on insect language.

Unknowingly, he already had two insect control skills.

This also allowed him to take a big step towards becoming a insect master.

Insect language is an essential skill for communicating with insects.

The language barrier is a huge obstacle, and he can't even command his own pets.

Now, with the insect language skill, he can communicate with the ant colony normally.

There are benefits to reading more books.

Unfortunately, books are generally very expensive, and there are very few professional books on insect control.


After Qin Niu understood the insect language, he tried to communicate with the injured Lao Si.

Insect language proficiency +0.01.

I'm here! Master!

Lao Si responded clearly.

Its mental power seems to be stronger than that of the queen ant.

The fourth child has always been extraordinary.

Is your injury serious?

The fourth child waved the only remaining tentacle. Only a small section of the root of the broken tentacle was left, and he could no longer wave it.

Or you can't even see it by waving.

The fourth child doesn't understand!

It sends back information.

Are you seriously injured?

Qin Niu changed his question.

This time it understood its master's intention.

not heavy!

It's just that my sense of smell has gotten worse!

It responded in two attempts.

It's probably because I'm not used to communicating mentally with the owner yet, so I can only answer in two parts.

“What food can help you heal?”

don't know!

It has not been able to complete such a complicated communication with Qin Niu.

Every time Qin Niu communicates with it, his insect language proficiency will increase by 0.01.

This is pretty cool.

As long as you communicate a thousand times, you can advance to the next level.

More complex communications should be able to be completed by then.

This will also be a huge help when he has other insect pets in the future.

You discuss with your mother and choose a location for the new nest.

It still doesn't understand.

Qin Niu could only dismantle and deliver this information multiple times.

When moving and choosing a nesting location, safety is the most important thing.

This time it understood.

A new home has been chosen!

The fourth child leads the way and takes the queen ant and five other young worker ants to move.

The five young worker ants each moved one immature ant from the nest.

Termites have a characteristic when moving. They move newly laid eggs first, and then move the hatched larvae and nymphs last.

This is their set of survival wisdom that is difficult for humans to understand.

The queen ant moves quite clumsily because her body has gained weight. Fortunately, the queen ants that have grown to more than ten years old are generally round and huge in size and cannot move at all.

Qin Niu watched as Lao Si led the way in a familiar manner, leaving some scent to guide the queen and young worker ants.

They came to the foot of a larger camphor tree.

It's a bit far away from the old nest, not too far, about fifty meters.

For Qin Niu, it was only a matter of a few steps.

An adult termite can crawl about six meters in one minute.

More than fifty meters away, they take more than ten minutes.

After the fourth child climbed under the camphor tree, he climbed directly towards the tree.

There is a scar left by a broken branch about two meters high from the tree body.

Whenever there is heavy snowfall in winter, some branches will break because they cannot bear the weight of the snow.

Camphor trees are relatively brittle, and this broken branch is quite large.

It should be two or three years ago.

You can see a large scar, and the surrounding bark tissue repairs itself, forming a thick layer of bark.

The middle is empty.

The fourth child climbed to a position, then pulled a few times to reveal a small cave.

Judging from its familiarity, it was obvious that it had discovered this cave a long time ago.

And a simple shield was made at the entrance of the cave to prevent other insects from occupying the cave first.

Did you dig it?

Qin Niu communicated with it.

There was a bug eye!

“Then I dug some more.”

Good guy, this is a cunning rabbit with three burrows!

It seems that they don't have to worry about their new nest. With their new settlement, they will soon be able to stabilize.

The fourth child first settled the most important queen ant.

Then organize five young worker ants to move the eggs in the old nest together.

Qin Niu felt that there was no need to keep the centipede anymore. It caused a big disaster this time and almost wiped out Qin Niu's colony of termites, so naturally it couldn't be spared.

Follow the traces it left and search all the way.

Soon we came to the rock.

You can still see the corpses of termites chewed up by it.

This bastard, if I don't kill it, I can't possibly live up to the numerous evil deeds it has committed.

Insect trace identification proficiency +0.01.

Qin Niu's proficiency in this insect control skill has increased a little bit.

Use the medicine hoe in your hand to pry open this irregular rock that is three or four palms in size. It's the kind of schist that has a very crisp texture.

Centipedes rarely dig burrows.

It likes to hide in dark and moist places, especially under rocks.

As soon as I lifted the rock, I saw a crimson centipede that was half a foot long. Its head is red, and its body is covered with hard dark red thick armor.

Suddenly frightened, it immediately ran away.

All wild animals have their own set of survival skills. They will judge whether there is a big gap in strength with the enemy.

If you are outmatched, or if you are both vulnerable to losing, you will often choose to run away.

Centipedes have a ferocious temperament.

But it's not stupid.

Still want to run?

Qin Niu's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the medicine hoe directly pressed down on its body.

It immediately turned around and bit.

Unfortunately, biting into a hard medicine hoe is like hitting a stone with an egg.


Kill this centipede directly.

Qin Niu checked and found two newly born centipedes hidden under the soil.

Only less than an inch in length.

They are agile and equally ferocious.

There is no mercy, the grass must be cut off by the root. Kill these two small centipedes directly.

Otherwise, when they grow older and separate from the giant centipedes, they will become a huge threat to all nearby insects and ants.

The book says that feeding the bugs some exotic flowers and fruits, elixirs and herbs can help them become stronger. In particular, insect masters who raise poisonous animals like to feed the bugs various poisonous insects or poisonous flowers and plants. In this way, Enhance their toxicity.

I wonder if the corpses of these three centipedes can be eaten by termites?

If Qin Niu had not understood insect language before, even if Qin Niu stuffed centipede corpses into the ant nest, they would not eat it.

That's different now.

You can communicate with them and order them to eat centipede corpses to gain evolution.

At this moment, the fourth child is still moving hard with five young worker ants.

For them, moving is not an easy task.

It's a big project.

They are very weak now, so they chose to dig holes and build nests in the waist of the big camphor tree. This was a very wise choice.

That height alone is enough for them to avoid many enemies.

Fourth, I have destroyed them!

Qin Niu regarded it as his foreman, assigning him whatever tasks he had to do.

The queen ant is not the queen or ruler that humans understand, but the core of an ant colony. When it is hungry, it will emit hunger pheromones, and the worker ants will consciously come to feed it. When danger occurs, the entire ant colony will protect the queen and breeding ants.

Because as long as they exist, there is hope for the continuation of the race.

The queen ant is actually just an egg-laying machine.

There is no one ruler in an ant colony. It is a highly conscious community with a clear division of labor.

Even the ant king is not a ruler either.

It is only responsible for mating with the queen, and the lifespan of the queen is often extremely short.

As for the worker ants and soldier ants, they also perform their respective duties.

The ant nest is about to expand, the food reserves are insufficient, the young ants are hungry, the queen is hungry... As long as any worker ant discovers it, he will consciously do these things.

The same goes for soldier ants, who consciously guard their nests.

When encountering an intruder, confront the enemy without fear of death until the enemy is driven back or killed.

The leader of this ant colony is the queen and the fourth child.

At least that's what Qin Niu thinks.

They all have high intelligence, and it is most beneficial for the entire ant colony to have them give orders.

The wisdom of the queen ants is currently mainly used to control which queens should be reproduced and how many should be controlled.

The fourth child is responsible for building the nest, expanding the nest, foraging, defending against enemies, caring for and feeding the newly hatched ants, etc.

When Qin Niu threw the centipede's body into the tree hole, Lao Si used his only remaining tentacle to touch the centipede's body.



Lao Si sent a signal to Qin Niu.

The great revenge was avenged and the enemy was killed by his master, which made Lao Si feel very relieved.

Drag them into the cave and eat them.

Qin Niu gave orders to it.


needs time!

It's hard!

Lao Si obeys Qin Niu's orders, but at the same time he has his own thoughts.

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