
Chapter 115 - His grandma\\\'s Lin Jingheng!

The seventh galaxy is a very special place, especially near the border. It is in the transitional zone between “civilization” and “barbarism”. It is not as desolate as the exile of the eighth galaxy. At the same time, a large number of immigrants and The smugglers have inexplicably given a different layer of excitement from the rest of the league.

The newly released “Peace Star” is heavily armed, the streets are somewhat depressed, and people have died in the turmoil, but more people have survived, and they seem to be able to live, healthy and orderly.

“At the beginning of the war, General An took over the military reserve of the Seven Galaxy for the first time,” the person in charge of the Seventh Galaxy accompany the reception and introduced to President Edward. “Maybe some means were used, but … how to say, that kind At this time, there was no hesitation and compromise, and the response was not fast enough. The fire of the pirates could not wait for others. “

Chief Edward Half asked tentatively: “I heard that the seven galaxies seem a little flatter than elsewhere.”

The receptionist smiled and said nothing.

Although Chief Edward was as straight as a mallet, he wasn’t stupid. After seeing this smile, he understood a little bit. Lin Jingheng said that “the connection between Ankru and the Bhutanese Association” was not entirely unreasonable. Before, When Ankru was the Central Army of the Seventh Galaxy of the Alliance, on the surface it would be fierce to fight against Ukraine. In private, the two sides might have a lot of compromises.

However, when he passed the smooth street, the general manager did not want to criticize Lu Xin’s former ministry for abandoning “ism”, and he was ashamed to associate with pirates.

If a person is shameless and resolute, and has the opportunity to exchange for the relative peace of a galaxy, President Edward asks himself, and feels that he is willing to have any opportunity.

When the commander passed by his convoy, many onlookers on both sides of the road cheered them.

Out of courtesy, President Edward also poked his hand out of the car window and greeted the crowd. He didn’t know that his pleated old face, He De Ho Neng, could actually enjoy this idol treatment, and was a little flattered, so he retracted his head and asked Qixing The receptionist of the department: “Why do you hire so many people to come here, does this show cost a lot of money?”

The receptionist didn’t know where Ankru got the miracle. As long as he didn’t talk about the key issues, he also said very quietly: “No, the gangs we hired to applaud all lined up at the ceremony site. These are free of charge. It may be immigrants from the previous eight galaxies. See you, feel kind. “

But the cheering people are not just friendly. A long street, from end to end, is more than ten kilometers in length, and they are all full. Some people are spraying flowers on the slowly moving car. There are still people who want to catch a kiss and are helpless by the roadside guards. The ground blocked, so he slammed on the guard’s face.

The guard’s expression was suddenly a bit inexplicable, but he was not angry. Because the joy of those people is eloquent, almost contagious, and even offensive is unbearable.

The receptionist said: “These immigrants have been living in the seventh galaxy, but they have been having a hard time. They stay here, they are marginalized, they cannot integrate into the society, but they are not willing to return … Ah, no, do n’t misunderstand I am not saying that the eight galaxies are bad … “

Chief Edward shook his head.

The receptionist then said, “But now it’s alright, anyway, Eden is gone. As soon as the seven or eight galaxies form an alliance, they will be a family in the future, and they may finally find a sense of belonging.”

President Edward reached out his hand, and a child held by his father just poked his head out, scratching his face in astonishment, rubbing his fingertips.

The cub’s claws are sticky, I’m afraid they’ve just eaten their hands.

The chief laughed and thought, “It’s time to let that admiral who is icy look at it too.”

This time, President Edward came with the head of the finance and planning department and some engineers. The engineers replaced Lu Bixing, who was unable to reach and had a longing for him. Lu Bixing, as the chairman of the special committee, had a temporary acting director. Authority, so in accordance with regulations, he and the chief must have someone to stay with the star.

Lin Jingheng assigned the Elite Guard to the Captain. Each person is equipped with an anti-jamming space field. If Ankru really turns his face on the spot, the guards will take the Chief Length through the space field at the fastest speed. The space field has direct access to the starship when they came.

The belly of the starship is filled with the “primary mech” just made by the eight galaxy. This primary mech is only for one person to ride inside, and its volume is very small. After dismantling the arsenal, it will not touch the other’s armed alarm- Very successful, anyway, now has successfully deceived the security inspection of the seven galaxies, mixed in. It can be seen that although the person in charge of the Engineering Department, Mr. Lu, is often shameful in his own home, but it is still reliable at critical times.

As for the arsenal, for the old civilians who are dimly stunned by the commander, it is easy to blast them, so all the energy of several primary mechs will be used for emergency jumps. The emergency jumps have been designed with a fool program to break away. After the planet’s gravity, it will automatically start and jump directly to the seven or eight galaxy border.

Lin Jingheng is at the border, the missile is ready to go, and he is aiming at the wrong person.

This is the result of their two opposite opinions, which were barely compromised by technology.

The general manager still thinks he has some big questions.

Ankluo waited in the square, and when he heard the movement of the team from afar, he looked up at the sky, knowing that Lin Jingheng’s missile was watching him silently, and he couldn’t help raising his beard and smiling, thinking, “Hurry When there was such a tragedy, the Silver Ten Guards weren’t around, and your agency had done all the calculations. How many more mechas could you calculate? “

They only wanted Lin Jingheng’s life. If Lin Jingheng died alone, he would be happy, wouldn’t it be great?

Besides, just in case Lin Jingheng let them close the eighth galaxy, one side of the seven galaxies is facing the vast territory, and one side is the pirate base of the Anti-Uruguayan Society. In the future, there will be three longs and two shorts. There is no escape route.

Ankuru thought so, and smiled a little smugly, welcoming President Edward.

At the same time, the engineers brought by President Edward quietly connected to the local network of the seventh galaxy, trying to use this as a medium to invade the long-distance communication system of the seventh galaxy.

Lu Bixing, who was forced to stay at the star, received the news and jumped up from his sofa: “This is too slow. If I go, as long as I am close to the atmosphere, I can enter the internal communication of the seventh galaxy-you When I go to the command post, I will find a supercomputer to command remotely. “

As soon as his voice fell, a large screen suddenly lighted up on one wall, and he directly connected to the system of the command center of the Galaxy City Base.

Lu Bixing: “Wow.”

Zhanlu’s voice rang in the “Home of General Lin and Engineer 001”: “Principal Lu, I’m here for you. If you want, you can work from home.”

“Zhan Lu?” Lu Bixing asked, “Aren’t you going to the border with Lin?”

“The general has connected me to the electronic housekeeper at home, which is equivalent to generating a backup in this house. Of course, there is only a system and no entity. Please don’t abandon the electricity bills because of me.”

“How could I be disgusted with you?” Lu Bixing laughed. “I was on Beijing Star then, and I wanted to borrow you from Lin and ate how many ‘rolls’ he had, hahaha … By the way, I can talk to Lin through you ?”

“Of course,” Zhanlu said, “but before I let you know, please make sure that the two have no quarrel, otherwise I will be silenced by the general.”

“No noise this time … what’s the point?” Lu Bixing thought for a while and said to Zhan Lu, “Take a kiss for me.”

Lin Jingheng has just received a report—the chief has met with Ankru, and the Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Forces are also ready to detonate the transition point to the outside world.

Lin Jingheng: “Received, and finally check whether there is a life reaction near all the transition points, prepare for action, and pay attention to safety.”


It was at this time that Zhan Lu interjected without looking: “Sir, President Lu asked me to bring you a kiss. May I convey it orally, or change back to a human form, and transfer it to you?”

Lin Jingheng: “…”

The guards in the conference room wanted to laugh but did not dare, cramping, lowering their heads, and their shoulders were shaking.

Lin Jingheng’s eyes jumped up: “Shut up.”

“The inspection of the jump point on the outer lap is complete.”

“Blasting is ready.”

“Sending alerts to all citizens’ personal terminals-“

In the eighth galaxy, each citizen’s personal terminal received three alarms, and then the first blasting began.

In the desolate universe that has been emptied, the “miracles” that connect time and space are extinguished one after another. Huge protective covers are supported by various places and space stations to block the flow of high-energy particles from whistling. Signal interference has spread to the distant Seventh Galaxy.

Lin Jingheng suddenly thought of a documentary inexplicably, or he watched it when he was very young, about how the world ’s first transition point channel was built.

At that time, the range of activities of ancient people was still very small, and the universe was full of imagination. I believe that there may be other civilizations in the universe, and tremblingly put their limited and small lives into infinite exploration.

At that time they connected to each other through the transition network and found a sense of belonging.

At first it was a particle experiment, and it took hundreds of years to develop a still life experiment. After two generations of efforts, they put a mouse in it, and then a sheep, a chimpanzee … The person who came out was a hero of the history book. After he came out, he said two famous sayings.

The sentence is “I am back”.

Another sentence is, “I have never had such a sense of belonging to human society.”

These two sentences opened the era of the violent sailing.

The jump net is also known as the umbilical cord of the human universe civilization.

At that time, probably no one would have thought that today, after two epochs, they cut the cord with their own hands.

“Symbian”-the newly renamed “Peace Star”, without saying a word, President Edward was speaking, the multimedia equipment was suddenly severely disturbed, followed by the alarm of high-energy particles flowing across the border, the intensity is much higher Solar storm in the seventh sun.

There was an uproar, and Ankrus suddenly changed color.

Chief Edward stopped, and turned off the suspended magnetic levitation microphone jumping up and down because of the magnetic field disturbance. He looked at Anklu with a look of embarrassment: “Nothing, General Ann, the recent pirate activities in the seven or eight galaxy In particular, in order to prevent pirates from coming in from outside the region, we are clearing the illegal channels of the eight galaxies to the outside of the region. Don’t worry, apart from about two hours of signal interference, it will not affect the seven galaxies. “

For a moment, Ankru really exhausted the city to maintain the expression on his face. He controlled the facial nerves with difficulty, and Pi Xiaochu said without a smile: “Really, General Lin is really prepared.”

The noise in the stereo did not pass, and the site was in urgent repair. The quality of the people in the seven galaxies was relatively high. No matter whether they were onlookers spontaneously or received money to support the scene, they did not walk around indiscriminately.

Under the murmur, Chief Edward made a gesture of apology with his hands folded, and then turned to Ankru: “Our eight-galactic system is short of major generals, and we do not have the wealth of your side. We can only shorten the battle line as short as possible …”


The president didn’t finish talking, and the sound made a noise for the second time.

“Sorry, it should be the second batch of transition points detonated.”

Anklu’s hands behind him were exposed with blue muscles, and he turned to urinate. His close secretary quickly followed.

Ankuru squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: “Don’t fry early, don’t fry late, you have to pick this time, Lin Jingheng is mocking me!”

The secretary leaned close to his ear and bit his ear. “General, the people over there said they had a way to let us go as planned and don’t worry.”

“What can they do?” Ankru pinched his index finger in the palm of his hand, from one end to the other. After a moment, he sighed, “Lin Jingheng blocked the passage in the direction outside the territory … they want to attack again I can only go in from the Seventh Galaxy. I ca n’t allow them to bump into Lin Jingheng on my site. We can help with our hands, but the seventh galaxy does n’t work. ”

The secretary keenly heard that he had the meaning of turning to the rudder: “General, do you mean …”

“Notify the planets and bases to put up a protective cover,” Ankru whispered. “Be prepared to respond, block the channel near the planet, and the” those “who are coming in are staring. If there is any abnormal behavior, do it for me. Drop. “


“There are also people in the eighth galaxy, including their guards, who are also strictly supervised and directly blow up their starships when necessary.”

Secretary: “… Ah?”

The secretary was in the mist for a while and couldn’t figure out which side his boss was, and felt that Ankru was as big as a pot, and pressed the benches on both sides: “Then … General, who do we help?”

“Look at the situation?” Anklu slaps his head, “Stupid …”

Before he said this, the ground suddenly trembled, and then, a sharp alarm sounded in the building of the venue, and the people in the auditorium began to run out in panic.

The secretary froze, “Who did it? I haven’t conveyed your order.”

Ankru’s personal terminal emergency access to countless information in an instant.

Ankru gave priority to the head of the Defense Force closest to Saipan: “What’s wrong!”

However, because they did not expect that Lin Jingheng would choose to blast the transition point at this time, the relevant equipment was not prepared for anti-interference, was intermittent, and the words were silent.

“General An … suddenly … we …”

Ankru: “What?”

The picture on the personal terminal seemed to be a glass rubbed by the bear child with a sharp stone. The officer in charge of the defence opened his mouth, and the sound could not be heard at all.

Ankru was so angry with this bad signal: “I **** his grandmother Lin Jingheng!”

His voice faded, only to see that the person in charge of the defense forces on the screen suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly turned back. At this moment, the screen suddenly became smooth, and Anklu watched the defense forces he was patrolling outside the “Peace Star”. Flames flared behind me-the mech was hit!

The next moment, the whole picture flashed with a flash of light, and then the communication was broken.

Ankru’s pupils shrank, and the ground trembled again-the air shield on this planet was activated!

Is it Lin Jingheng?

No, no, the chief of the eighth galaxy and key government officials are still here. The signing ceremony was broadcast throughout the seventh galaxy. The large amount of materials used by the seventh galaxy as bait has not been removed. This is not good for Lin Jingheng … …

Between the flashes of fire, Ankor understood something.

This bait is a real bait!

The report just finished on Saturday, and the transition point to the outside of the region has been cleared. Only one underground channel is left, which is being double-layered. Lin Jingheng has not yet responded, and the banned Zhan Lu said suddenly, “Sir, remote scanning A large number of armed forces suddenly appeared in the major galleries of the Seven Galaxy.

“A large number of armed?” Lin Jingheng said coldly, “It seems that the Anklu rebellion has become more thorough than I thought. Let the commander pull them out immediately. Let’s pick him up and line up!”

“Sir, are we going to cross the seventh galaxy border illegally?”

“We are not crossing illegally,” Lin Jingheng said, “we hit‘ illegal ’. I see that Anklu has several layers of skin, and dare to see under Lu Xin ’s stone statue!”

The Saipan star, who had just spent a lot of time, was in a mess, a guard quickly passed through the chaotic crowd, running towards Chief Edward. The space field was already warming up, but the next second, I did n’t know where to come from The laser pierced the guard’s chest through the air, and passed through his body all the way into the space field. Then, the auditorium also shook the mountain, and Chief Edward trembled in a panic and was held by him. .

The intensive gunfire sounded, and President Edward suddenly turned around, and saw that the person who was pulling him turned out to be Ankru, and the President struggled subconsciously.

Just then, an alarm suddenly sounded in the auditorium: “Extra-plane missiles pass through the anti-missile system, extra-plane missiles pass through the anti-missile system!”

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