
Chapter 116 - Is there any conclusion?

Chief Edward looked at Ankru with a lunatic gaze.

“Look at me, this **** isn’t my bomb!” Ankul yelled at him. “This is my man, my soldier, my planet! Am I sick! Guards–“

The door of the auditorium was opened, and a whole row of mechanized cars crashed directly in. The mechanized cars followed the energy response and locked the person who put the cold gun in the auditorium, regardless of whether they were killed on the spot.

Anklu spit flying three feet high: “Let people nearby get on the mech car first, hurry up!”

The guards immediately fired warning shots, and the crowd in the auditorium immediately stood up after a brief panic, helping to maintain order spontaneously and to give way to the old, weak, and disabled.

As soon as the order of the crowd was restored, the accompanying entourage and the guards who were blocked by Chief Edward also rushed forward. Several laser guns were pointed at Ankru at the same time, and people around Ankur also made counterattacks at the same time. At a stalemate, Chief Edward’s guard prepared the space.

Ankru was a very responsive person. He immediately raised his hands and pressed his own guard’s gun with one hand. At the same time, his chest was against the opponent’s muzzle and walked in front of Chief Edward. Guidance system, only a few minutes to the ground, you have to waste your time fighting with me? Is the space field directly connected to your starship? You have passed the security check, and there is no space-level weapon, which means that you can make an emergency jump Thing-you sure that your technology has been overwhelmed by the anti-Uzbek transitional interference? But what can you do? Is it out of the atmosphere for people to fight? “

Chief Edward reached out and spit the stars on his face, feeling that Ankuru was afraid of a big watering can.

However, he still made a choice between the electric light and the fire. The chief stretched out his hand and held down his own gun and space field at the same time. He waved his hands to signal everyone to be calm and calm, and then said to Ankru, “You are nothing good stuff!”

Anklu gave a “ha” and took the scold. Four or five mechanized cars drove over. In just a few words, everyone in the hall actually got on the mechanized car.

Ankul beckoned to Chief Edward: “Come up!”

The auditorium was messed up by a robotic vehicle that came to catch people. Chief Edward just flew out against the ground, and the huge building collapsed. Then, the missile landed about 20 kilometers away. With a protective cover, it’s still very stingy at such a short distance. Therefore, the drivers of all mechanized vehicles emergencyly started the space field, and the dense rescue mechanized vehicles disappeared in the white light burst by the missile. The total length of Edward almost strangled the seat belts on the mechanized vehicles, and his eyes were dark.

The next moment, they got out of the violent space field and directly arrived at the mech receiving and dispatching station. The chief commander tried his best to take a sigh of relief and crawled out. I saw crowds of people at the receiving and dispatching station. Old people and children were everywhere. At a glance, you know that you are not an armed person.

“The Saipan star just turned to meet the interstellar channel, and it will definitely turn into cannon fodder,” Ankru said quickly. “The Eastern Hemisphere will give you twenty minutes to evacuate, and the Western Hemisphere will temporarily be” shadowed “. Broadcasting several times, the civilian signal is now unstable, and Lin Jingheng, who has been plagued, will interfere with my signal at this time! “

President Edward was overshadowed: “How can twenty minutes be enough ?!”

The guard next to Ankru said: “Residents are equipped with a space field, and the space field uniformly sets the coordinates of the nearest station, fool-like operation.”

The general manager breathed a sigh of relief: “Well then, can all be removed?”

Ankul waved rudely: “Don’t make fun of your mother.”

“What to do if you don’t have time to withdraw?”

“Go into the underground bomb shelter yourself.”

Captain Edward froze and said that our engineers didn’t think of this trick, and asked: “Is an underground bomb shelter useful?”

Ankuru was desperate: “There is an egg! Can your family dig a pit underground to prevent the nuclear guidance of the universe!”

His eyes were bloodshot, and he glanced up into the sky. Through the shields supported by numerous mechas, he saw the sky covered with strange clouds, like a devil’s totem, leaking ominous light from time to time. It was blown out by a missile that fell into the atmosphere through a space antimissile system and was crushed by ground antimissiles.

In the ancient battlefield of the Cold Weapon Age, there was a scene of corpses smashing across the ground, which could still make the onlookers say shocking words like “bleeding and drifting”.

What’s up now? Below the space weapon, people are like gravel. If they say no, they will be gone. The remaining wrecks are all pity.

This cause and effect can be traced back to the previous era, and the alliance began to smash the old times by force.

Guns and guns have formed a unified coalition, solid as it is, and now it is torn apart from the inside to make it fall apart.

“Withdraw! Hurry up!” Anker roared, “I am willing to let Lin Jingheng fight, we will withdraw! The first legion breaks through, the unarmed carrier will go first, after the others break, follow me! Notify other planets and space stations near the channel Personnel evacuated quickly— “

“The eighth galaxy has entered a state of emergency,” said Lin Jingheng, “Tulan, I have given it to you, and you are ready. If there is any problem with us, you can disconnect the seven or eight galaxies at any time, regardless of me. .If necessary, we will find a suitable time to return to the secret channel outside the domain. “

“No problem.” Turan stumbled without a hit, and said cheerfully, “Relax, I won’t care about you.”

Lin Jingheng’s mouth raised a little bit. If it was someone else, he probably had to say a few more words, but Turan would not use it. The ninth guard captain was famous for his ruthless blood. Whatever order he took was even an order. Her father and father are outside the galaxy, and she should close the road.

The pirates marching from the channel were extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, they were already near Saipan. The Zhanlu spirit net was swept down, and they could not be seen at a glance.

“It’s quite prepared.” Like a sharp knife, Lin Jingheng took people directly through the pirate’s flanks and hit the opponent’s vanguard with a strong gunfire. The pirates like the tide were blocked by him for a moment, “Tell them, they can Come out of the atmosphere, and we will withdraw when we get people. “

They did not expect that Ankru would directly attract a large number of pirates. After all, there are a lot of people on Saipan. There are two artificial satellite cities nearby. The missiles are eyeless, which will inevitably hurt people. Ankru cannot even hurt himself. Right? Therefore, they designed the pathway and tools for the Chief Executive to escape as soon as possible.

But the pirate soldiers are not in the same situation. I am afraid that even the junior mech designer Lu Bixing may not be able to forcibly make jumps in the pirate encirclement. Lin Jingheng had to personally come to meet Chief Edward.

“General, the Chief General said, Ankru is not the culprit. Now that the Central Army of the Seventh Galaxy is covering the evacuation of the residents, he cannot grab unarmed waterways with the common people …”

Lin Jingheng interrupted the liaison soldier: “Why not talk anymore, you can’t go too late, let those old things hurry up!”

As soon as his words fell, through the vast spiritual network of Zhanlu, he saw a mechanized team like a vanguard on Saipan staring through the anti-missile system and directly entering the weak area where the pirate group was blown up by Lin Jingheng. Breakout, followed by a water starship-a large number of old, weak, and sick without special training directly on the mech, it is very dangerous, even if you take the mech, you can only stay in a special care cabin, fewer people can Bring, if there are too many people, there are not so many nursing cabins in the mech, you can only choose a heavy civilian starship.

The service facilities on civilian starships are too heavy and heavy. Acceleration and fighter mecha are not of the order of magnitude. Even at full power, they cannot keep up with the vanguard who tried to break through. The vanguard was instructed to cover their evacuation. Of course, they could not be left behind, but could only slow down.

However, given that the enemy ’s firepower and quantity are overwhelming, giving up the vanguard ’s mobility is a dead end.

Lin Jingheng’s complexion changed, but he had no time to do anything, and then the pirate legion that seemed to them was suddenly closed together, forming a three-sided encirclement on this impoverished poor starship team.

The starship group is like a docile big fish deeply trapped in a piranha school. In panic, it marked the “civilian protection pass”. The gentle fluorescence lights up. If you sweep it with a spiritual net, you can see that it is two entangled. Olive branch pattern.

But … it didn’t help, the crazy pirate didn’t buy it, the fluorescent olive branch was swallowed by the ruthless artillery.

Lin Jingheng’s fingers on the sides suddenly tightened.

“Sir, a communication request from the seventh galaxy—”

“Lin … duh …”

Obviously, the signal interference has not passed, and it was disconnected just after being connected.

Immediately afterwards, the signal of the general manager came in, and the eight galaxies were fully prepared. The internal communication uses a special encryption method, which is highly resistant to interference and can talk freely in an interference environment. However, after being connected, the personal manager’s personal terminal It was Anker who spoke there.

Anklu: “There are more than two billion civilians in Saipan and nearby satellite cities, General Lin, you …”

“Without your acquiescence, why did such a large-scale pirate appear here without warning?” Lin Jingheng coldly interrupted him. “You have a bad heart and you have to introduce a wolf into the room. What matters to me? Deserve it.”

Ankru: “You …”

“I’ll give you three minutes and hand over my people,” Lin Jingheng said, “otherwise your satellite city will not wait for the pirates to blow up!”

Obviously Lin Jingheng was more than just a gun this time. They rushed over just near an artificial satellite city outside Saipan. Lin Jingheng’s voice dropped and their missiles had locked that small satellite city.

Anklu was stunned: “Lin Jingheng, you are the chief commander of the Silver Fortress, the first admiral of the alliance. The day you walked into Wulan Academy, did you not take an oath? You have not said in person, ‘You will The life and property of every legal citizen of the Alliance, men and women, young and old, and security fight for life, until they die! “

Lin Jingheng sneered: “I’m sorry, you have cut off the minions of the” First Admiral of the Alliance “, and now it is not enough for him to fight for the eighth galaxy in remote areas.

Ankru: “Your conscience!”

He said the word “conscience” was not too hot.

Lin Jingheng’s heart is like a stone of iron: “Take it, or fire!”

Ankul growled: “Get out!”

Chief Edward knew in his heart that Lin Jingheng didn’t have so many chips in his hands to fight against the overwhelming interstellar pirates and protect the two galaxies.

With the strength in his hand, it was not easy to successfully remove a few of them in the rain of gunfire. Now, in this case, it is most wise to immediately return to the eighth galaxy, blow up the transition point, and block the path of pirates of. The seventh galaxy is sinking deep into the water, isn’t it that Ankru has suffered for himself?

“Chairman, let’s go.”

Under Lin Jingheng’s coercion, Anklu could only let out of the channel and let Chief Edward go.

At this time, the earliest pictures of the evacuated starships were finally transmitted to the ground under strong interference from outside the territory. People in the mech station screamed in despair, an old man probably had relatives in those stars. In the ship, he jumped out of the crowd, just under the commander’s feet, desperately hit his head with the head, his name was vaguely called in his mouth, and was erected by the two guards. Help aside.

“Chief Commander!” A scream came from somewhere, “Chief Commander, save us! I used to be the Eighth Galaxy Gloria!”

“I’m a day star, please take me back to day star!”

“Chairman, help!”

“Chairman, take us away …”

President Edward suddenly turned back and saw the child who had touched his finger during the journey of the convoy. He was still being held by an adult to prevent stepping on, and a small crying face appeared in the throbbing head, and he twitched. Nonstop, he was too young to understand what was going on, so he was surprised.

The guard of the eighth galaxy cried, “Chief Commander!”

Chief Edward felt that his soul seemed to be split into several petals, but he couldn’t help it because Lin Jingheng didn’t listen to him because the Eighth Galaxy was separated from the military and political divisions.

This statement is somewhat of a shirk of responsibility-even if Lin Jingheng listens to him, can he make this overwhelming decision?

Chief Edward finally relented and turned his head to board the mech.

It seemed that Ankru had finally realized that no one would help him. He gathered the entire Saipan army and led his soldiers towards the pirates-but he didn’t have many people.

Because of bad intentions, because I want to seduce important people in the eighth galaxy, fearing to cause Lin Jingheng’s alert, the defense configuration of Saipan and its surroundings is a friendly “welcome standard”, and it is not even as good as Lin Jingheng’s manpower.

He is like a praying mantis who eats the evil fruit, flying to his dark fate, trying to use the praying arm as a cart.

The fire of the Star Pirates overwhelmed the mantis.

“Chief Commander, look at the command ship of the Central Army of the Seven Galaxy!”

Chief Edward has not recovered from the tremor that the mech lifted off, holding the military recorder pounced on the mech, and saw Ankru’s command ship like an old folded halberd, trying to knock open in vain. A way of life.

He was so angry and impulsive that he rushed too fast.

A missile rubbed the tail of the aircraft. Ankru’s mech command ship was deflected off the channel and flew out side by side. It almost crashed into its frigate. The frigate hurriedly dispersed and did not wait for him to adjust the channel , Another missile drilled in from the scattered frigate fleet, hitting his back against the fuselage-


The hanging coffin lid fell, and dust rose in the fire.

General Lin, do you have a conclusion?

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