
Chapter 121 - Originated from faith, but also destroyed by faith

Zhanlu’s system is very complicated. Even if this part of the backup at home does not have most of his functions as a mecha core, it is far beyond Lu Bixing’s knowledge and common sense of “artificial intelligence”-this is not surprising. When Beijing Jingxing followed Lin Jingheng, no one except Lu Bixing could see that he was not human at all.

It is said that Zhan Luguang is a deformable material on his body, which is worth six million first interstellar coins per gram. This kind of cost, except for the center of the alliance, is not artificial, and what sophisticated technology is required to be worthy of it What about his “skin”?

Lu Bixing had imagined it before, but now he finds himself too optimistic.

Zhan Lu is like an inextricable problem. Lu Bixing has searched all the materials he can access, but the more he studies, the more he feels hopeless. He feels as if he has stepped into an endless swamp. It’s difficult. For three months, there was no progress.

This is not the first time that Lu Bixing has failed. He also had a whimsical plan to design a mech suitable for empty brain. It also ended in failure after countless attempts. However, that was just one of his thousands of dreams when he was young and frivolous. Like a teenager in the ancient earth age, he looked up at the Tianhe River, and even though it brought pain, the pain was hot and beautiful after all.

But now, if he can’t repair Zhan Lu, he doesn’t know what else he can do.

Lu Bixing locked himself in the home for the 100th day. In the morning, the harsh sunlight awakened him from the sofa. Wrapping him inside, Lu Bixing sighed, pushed away the soft cloth stuck on his chin, sat up and stared at the corner of the sofa.

Suddenly, his scattered eyes gradually focused, and he found a hair falling into the slit of the sofa under his fingers.

Lu Bixing sat up straight, and the deformed sofa quickly followed him to tighten his skin. Then he leaned down almost religiously, pinching the hair carefully, pulling one hand out and the other hand following.

The hair is not long, the cylindrical hair root is very straight, it is a special kind of brown, when viewed in the dark, it is close to pure black.

It was left by another owner of this house.

Lu Bixing held that hair and spent three hours in it. Until the home medical cabin in the living room warned him, he woke up as if dreaming, clamped his hair with tweezers, and placed it The glass sheet used for the experiment was sealed, and after a while, I felt uncomfortable. I found a printer, printed a ball with resin, and wrapped the hair inside. At first glance, it looks like A translucent hair crystal.

Then he went up and brushed his teeth as he flipped through the notes he had written the night before.

After a night, he felt like he was talking nonsense yesterday, so he decisively deleted the notes in his personal terminal and poured a handful of cold water on his face.

This is his 100th time deleting his own notes.

Lu Bixing inadvertently looked up at a pair of glasses, and suddenly felt that the person in the mirror was a little strange-stubble spread, his clothes were disheveled, his chest had a freshly stained water stain, and he was crumpled. Hair that was too late to be taken care of almost fell to his shoulders, and the rolls seemed more messy and dripping with water.

Lu Bixing was accustomed to paying attention to his image. When he saw himself like a bear, he stayed instinctively for a while, but couldn’t get away with it, so he took a few pictures on the wall without seeing his heart and turned the mirror over. past.

Just then, someone knocked on his door.

The electronic housekeeper crashed, and the smart home had only its original functions. The cold mechanical sound of the door ran out word by word: “Visitor: Mint, Registration status: Your student, whether Reception. “

Lu Bixing sighed: “No.”

He really didn’t want to see her. He didn’t have any opinion about the little girl. Anyone who lived in an isolated house for a hundred days would become unwilling to see anyone.

The gate was quiet, but after a while, his personal terminal was not quiet—a “guardian’s duty” prompt lit on the personal terminal.

Mint has 14 months to turn 20 years old. Although she is no different from an adult in a special period, she still belongs to juvenile in law. The Union ’s Juvenile Protection Law stipulates that the legal guardian of a minor cannot be missed Severance of contact with the guardian without cause.

Lu Bixing propped his hands up on the pool, bowed his head, and uttered a stern cry: “… Union Minor Protection Law.”

He opened his personal terminal, went directly to the system, and deleted all the relevant laws and regulations of the alliance. The gadget was finally quiet.

But Lu Bixing closed his eyes, and remained silent for half a minute, but went to open the door for the girl.

It wasn’t just Mint who was waiting at the door. The four students were all there. Mint just called out “Mr. Lu”.

Lu Bixing’s eyes passed through the students and landed in his small garden. He saw that the gardening robot and dancing robot had been repaired, recharged and oiled, and the shell was cleaned up. The small garden grew crazy and blocked the light. The grass was gone-no wonder he was woken up by the sun early in the morning-the courtyard was full of flowers, and a large lush field was too lively and looked aesthetically a bit vulgar.

“Don’t cry.” Lu Bixing worked hard three times, but he couldn’t make himself laugh, so he felt a little guilty and had to let them in. “Did you arrange the flower garden? Thank you.”

“Teacher,” White said, “Let’s help you, okay? Let us help you fix Zhanlu’s system together.”

Lu Bixing thought to himself, even if you know a little bit about the level, you can also help repair robots and drink tea. What else can you do?

But before he had time to decline, the cockfighting eyebrows flushed himself and said, “But I can’t do anything … Teacher Lu, let me help you with coffee.”

Lu Bixing: “…”

These four young men, the only survivors of Beijing Star, followed him all the way around and grew up desperately. At this time, he was grieved into a ball around him, like four trembling little stray animals. Lu Bixing couldn’t help crying and laughing. What to say.

He is not like Lin Jingheng, who wakes up every morning in the morning to train routinely, but he has another kind of self-denial. Even if everything is overwhelming, he is still a teacher and a guardian. He would rather be wronged. Nodded and promised: “Okay, I will give you the back coffee.”

Unexpectedly, this soft-hearted nod was considered a tear in the Qianli River Embankment. For the first few days, four students ran to him regularly at regular times every day. Lu Bixing was inconvenienced in front of the students, so he strengthened. Fighting, anyway, I picked myself up.

These hooligans don’t really look like them. They come in and out quietly, and don’t talk too much. They first instruct the home robot to take care of the housework, and occasionally bring a little decoration to give him something Used stuff. The students did not understand the advanced technical papers, and they really started to do the tea and water diligently. They did n’t understand or ask casually. If they had any questions, they went to the small room next door and whispered, and then left in the evening. Before, I carefully explained the results of the one-day discussion to Lu Bixing.

Of course, these four tanners can’t stand half of Zhuge Liang. The students’ suggestions are very naive, not only does not help, but also allows Lu Bixing to spare half an hour every day to correct normal cognitive errors for them … it is invisible Zhong made him say a lot more.

Gradually, people in the engineering department began to squint and follow the minors to his house.

At first it was one or two people who came, and finally more and more people. Until one day, Lu Bixing’s coffee at home was completely consumed, he found that the core R & D staff of the entire engineering department almost all reported.

Lu Bixing stood behind the small bar on the staircase, somehow holding an empty paper bag containing coffee beans, flipping the coffee machine around him, and looking down at the engineers gathered in his living room .

There are not so many tables and chairs in his house, which are occupied by a few older engineers. The others either sit on the floor or stand beside their electronic pens, meeting around his dead electronic butler.

“Hey,” Lu Bixing knocked on the metal staircase handrails. The engineers were looking up at him collectively for a while downstairs. “I said, if you remember correctly, I seem to have taken a long vacation, not the office address of the engineering department. Change to my house? There is a shortage of supplies, everyone eats rations, and the younger’s family does n’t have so much extra food. The half-year coffee reserve has made you scourge, and everyone should quickly disperse. “

“It doesn’t matter, Mr. Lu, we have applied to the president and we will give you a few bags of coffee beans.” An old engineer stood up and said, “The chief explained that if the database of Zhanlu cannot be repaired, we will go at least 100 years in technical development. Detours, you can’t exclude us. “

Lu Bixing grabbed his hair, this excuse was purely he wanted to ask for leave, used to flicker the total length-Zhanlu’s database is mostly reserved for the Union’s technology. Lu Bixing actually actually looked at it before, the tip goes to the tip, but many things are more fancy than Practical, besides, can the financial resources and productivity of the pre-war alliance be comparable to the eighth galaxy? What the alliance can achieve does not mean that the current eight galaxies can also be achieved, and technology cannot be achieved, but it is just a little interesting paper. In terms of value, it is actually not as useful as the farm model left by Hope-otherwise Lin Jingheng would have taken it out and shared it.

Lu Bixing said: “The cutting-edge technology can be applied depending on whether it is based on productivity. The immediate priority of the eighth galaxy is to restore production and order. The chief executive probably understands it wrong. Zhan Lu … Zhan Lu should belong to one Long-term strategy, what should you do, don’t follow me to delay … “

“Mr. Lu,” another young engineer interrupted him, skipping the official confession, and said, “you don’t need to explain, in fact, we know that it is all an excuse for asking for leave, and you think it is your personal matter to repair the Zhanlu database I do n’t want to give my personal affairs to everyone-but no matter what others do, I come out of the red star in the backcountry and change from an artificial ecosystem maintenance worker to an engineer in the engineering department because I am willing to follow you, and you also Choose me. “

“No time for work, we can come back from work.”

“Mr. Lu, you told us that the engineering department is a team.”

“Mr. Lu, isn’t the purpose of our department‘ always challenging more difficult ’?”

“It’s harder here, here we come.”

Lu Bixing carried the empty coffee bean paper bag, opened his mouth and closed it again. Looking at these people, his three-inch non-rotten tongue seemed to be stiff, and he could not say a word.

“We are all here.”

Even in the backcountry, the eighth galaxy can grow a lot of folk engineers who are as wild as Lu Bixing. They had been dusted over the gray planets for years, and they were digged out, wrapped in troubled times, ignorant.

At this point, the due edge was finally revealed.

You haven’t given up on people, nor will you give up on you.

“The home of General Lin and Engineer 001” is not big. The home design is a space for three or four people. Occasionally it is no problem to entertain friends and relatives to have a meal, but it is very stretched to put the entire engineering department in.

The basement is full of them. The non-mainstream engineers of the eighth galaxy lie on the fitness trainer in the basement in various postures every day like big monkeys. Three sit on the treadmill and the weightless balance training apparatus is It turned into a small conference room, where four or five people were crowded and still refused to be honest, quarrelled and annoyed, there was no culture, and the swear words full of the characteristics of the galaxy filled the sky. An engineer Being squeezed out, the trainer was started in anger, and the colleagues who said nothing to him suddenly entered the drum washing machine, had a collective concussion, and entered the medical cabin.

After hearing the news, Lu Bixing really did not know what to say, so he posted a “house rule” at the door. The first one was the bold and bold “do not move”, and quickly transferred all “dangerous goods” to the attic.

The attic was originally a sunny room. In order to protect some special instruments, Lu Bixing covered the glass roof and windows. The little robots did their jobs faithfully and stood squeaking against the corners.

Lu Bixing turned and looked around the dim light surroundings-these things are all forests, standing silently in the shadows, like the man staring at him gently and quietly.

At that moment, Lu Bixing moved in his heart, preventing the deadly memory seal from loosening. He suddenly couldn’t control himself to think about Lin Jingheng, to think of those who had not seen him for a long time, and was deliberately ignored by him. How could he not stop him hysterically without thinking? Can’t miss, he still has so much work to do. The whole engineering department is downstairs. He can’t get out of control now.

He was like a man with a drug addiction. He anxiously walked up and down the attic for a few laps, trying in vain to push back the gate that opened in his heart, and lightly smoked a cigarette for himself. To no avail, he screwed the burning cigarette **** on his arm, and the smell of burnt flesh immediately came out.

He was like a drowning man, breathing heavily, trying to get his control back with pain.

His mood was a little calm, and he fled and locked the attic, hurriedly drilled into a small room, roughened the wound, pulled down his sleeves, and plunged into the massive data like no one else.

The core scientific research force of the eighth galaxy emerged under such persecution.

In a blink of an eye, a Dovoto year hurried past, this was a hot year. From the general manager to the public, everything was reduced to extremes. In the galaxy, conflicts broke out more than a dozen times. President Edward acquiesced in Lu Bixing’s “recovery to death” approach and publicly executed a smuggler who made fake nutrition needles.

The chief executive was unusually hard-wired, revised the constitution, and implemented a series of decree strongly, as if he was anxious to clear something for future generations.

When the star star revolved around the eighth sun for a week and returned to the position of the jump point on the day 14 months ago, President Edward officially announced that this day would be Independence Day, and the eighth galaxy abolished the new star. Calendar, with Independence Day as the first day of the year, the revolution track of Daystar as the calendar standard, and the length of the year was changed to 436 days.

Lu Bixing and his unusual team of engineers have finally made progress-

After 436 days, Zhan Lu backed up at Lu Bixing’s home successfully restarted for the first time.

The familiar voice sounded in the living room and basement: “Hello, I am artificial intelligence Zhanlu. I’m sorry, due to a system failure, I can’t serve you right now. I’m about to enter the self-repair process. It is expected to take about 800 hours. Please Wait patiently and ensure the energy supply— “

The horizontal and vertical engineers in the basement yelled collectively, some whistled loudly, some patted the wall and laughed, some did not close their eyes for three days and nights, and lay down on the ground, Lu Bixing grasped his chest tightly—in the shirt with his heart in his mouth In the bag, the small specimen bead with hair stuck to it seemed to be on fire, burning his skin burningly, and the cold blood was boiling.

Where is Lin now?

Before the eighth galaxy transition point blew up, was there a message to him … even if it was just a useless admonition?

Lu Bixing felt that just thinking about it, he was drained of his soul, and the whole person wanted to collapse to the star’s center of gravity along gravity.

The restarted Zhan Lu quietly ran his own program, and Lu Bixing hit his 800-hour countdown at the door. In this way, the engineers could go to work every day to see the progress.

He slept darkly for three days and three nights. Every bone fell asleep. After he got up, he shaved carefully. The home robot cut his hair down to the scapula, put on a flat shirt and coat, and went. The command center went to the commander and Turan to sell fake reports.

Before leaving, he called Turan: “General Turan, where is my father?”

Turan looked at his eyes and saw that it took him more than four hundred days to grind away the nightmare and blood from his eyes little by little, revealing a clear luster, as if before, and completely different. She personally led the landing to the cemetery next to the base: “We found the remains of his mech.”

Lu Bixing looked down at the statue on the tombstone and saw the inscription on the side next to it: “It doesn’t matter, boy, you picked it up from the trash anyway.”

Turan fled and walked away, no matter whether he was crying or strong, she dared not peep.

A long nightmare seemed to wake up like this …


Lu Bixing returned to the headquarters. The burden of the chief commander was unloaded a lot. Zhanlu’s self-repairing countdown continued to decrease, and everything seemed to be moving in a good direction.

It took 867 hours, slightly longer than expected, and Zhan Lu completed self-repair.

Everyone in the engineering department … Tulan, even the chief who just came out of the medical cabin, came to the home of “General Lin and Engineer 001” and waited for the miracle.

“Hello, Principal Lu,” Zhan Lu’s voice sounded in the crowded house. “Although there is no entity, I can see you again. I’m very pleased that you’ve lost a lot.”

Lu Bixing’s eyes suddenly turned red and speechless.

Turan asked a question everyone wanted to know: “Zhanlu, how is General Lin? Is your subject following him?”

Zhanlu was silent for three seconds: “Captain, we were accidentally ambushed by star pirates on our way back to the underpass, they detonated the jump point, the entire Army of the Seventh and Eighth Army was annihilated, and the general’s command ship was blown up …”

Turan’s legs were soft.

“My subject was incinerated in the explosion.”

They climbed over the mountains, over hell, stepped out step by step, towards the other side of the mountain, at the end of the road …

But found that the end had nothing.

Hope once said: “People originate from faith.”

Lu Bixing shook his head at the time and casually said, “People are also ruined by faith.”

A prophecy.

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