
Chapter 122 - Long live the Declaration of Freedom

A starship sailed to the junction of the seven or eight galaxies.

Many years ago, it was very lively here. The smugglers who came across the galaxy came and went, sometimes stopped in small supply stations, and they could open a small trading place, and sometimes they were whimpered by the seven-galactic law enforcement officers. Chasing around, even disrupting the normal order of the waterway, caused many caravans to pass here and had to hire some less legitimate private armed forces.

Of course, this is no longer necessary.

The transition point connecting the two galaxies has disappeared, and the eighth galaxy has completely left people’s field of vision. In a few years, there will be no more organic shells or starships there.

And the starry sky of the seven galaxy is quiet, and the wreckage of cosmic garbage can be seen everywhere on both sides of the channel. No one cleans it up, let alone the mechs and starships between the channels. Desolate people.

Hope-Harris, in less than two years, had to be white for more than half, but added a little fairy to him.

He was looking through the interstellar telescope, looking at the same place in the dead zone.

“It is said that the seventh galaxy lost 60% of its population in that battle. Some died and some fled to the eighth galaxy. There are only a few people on the edge of the planet. Anker After Lu’s death, the softly collapsed seven-galaxy government has no backbone, and it is as depressed as it is outside the region. “The young man in a robe brought Hope a cup of hot tea.” Lord, let’s go back to the sea and go forward. It does n’t make sense anymore, the galaxy has cleared the transition point, and now there is nothing left except the wreckage, which is also a safety hazard. ”

Harris turned his head without saying a word. He wore a robe of unknown material, the fabric was extremely soft, the texture was almost liquid, a special light flashed, and the light swept like a passing Rows of broken diamonds are incredibly gorgeous, but the man wrapped in them has a cold and tired look … with the **** stick “Hope,” who tossed the farm with grass-root technicians and talked with Lu Bixing in Tiannanhaibei “It is completely judged.

But the man was very fond of this set. The young man who poured the tea did not dare to look directly at Harris, and his back was always bowed. Even if he knelt down and worshiped, he could do it.

When Harris took a few people and decided to leave the eighth galaxy, he remembered that he still owed a few bottles of wine to his young friend. When he left, he chose to believe Woolf despite his reservations. Because he felt that he had nothing but faith, and that no one was profitable on him, and he was a poor man who could “close the door at night”.

To guard, Woolf should guard against him.

When the dawn of the Anti-Ukraine Conference annihilated in the White Tower, when they lost everything and struggled outside the territory, it was the Marshal Woolf who came down from the sky and the savior helped them to survive. For many years, Woolf first bowed for the league, and then centrifuged with the league, but no matter what, he has never chased fame and gains nothing. He is a rare bachelor in the middle of the league, not even future generations, living like an orphan who is always ready to die.

Harris felt that if anyone could understand Baita’s hesitation, it would be Marshal Woolf.

But now he knows that a person who likes nothing like this is not necessarily a saint, but may also be a lunatic.

The battle more than 400 days ago caused a sensation in the entire alliance, the eighth galaxy was isolated, the seventh galaxy was almost destroyed, and the two galaxy coalitions resisted the annihilation of the pirate army, which sounded like a heroic tragedy and ignited The blood of other galaxies-especially the first galaxy is the most popular. The civil resistance is getting more and more fierce. The period of collapse caused by the war is over. People who did not commit suicide find that they are still alive and finally learn to wave away from the cradle. Painful coexistence.

The civilized people of the first galaxy resisted and had very galaxy characteristics. They did not choose to resort to violence at first, but instead went to the streets in an orderly manner, or sat or paraded, politely demanding that the “illegal government” of the glorious army roll out of the first place. The galaxy, it is said that the widest streets were filled with protest crowds, but there was no noise, no stampede, and the demonstration crowds occupied the streets for more than ten hours, and when they were forcibly dispersed by the military police of the Glorious Army, there was no garbage on the ground.

They set off the glorious legion that initially occupied Votor and peeing at Beilin as rubbish.

The Glorious Legion gradually couldn’t sit still. One day, the President was intolerable, and when he was swearing, he was misunderstood by his subordinates. On the night, the police opened fire on the people.

The neat long street was bloody, and the blood stains pierced the essence of the glorious army, and no one believed their **** in the “glorious empire” anymore.

Everywhere, there was solidarity, and the coalition naturally took up the “righteousness” and called on the Central Army of all regions to “save the people together with the coalition to save the people from fire and water.”

And more than two galaxies were destroyed in the battle of the seventh galaxy. Because Lin Jingheng’s bone was unusually embarrassing, despite the help of Marshal Woolf’s remote control and the fact that things are as good as God’s, the Rifles still suffered heavy losses in it. The internal contradictions of the organization were severely intensified. With the assassination of several important figures in the “Manic”, the Fangwu will clearly split into two factions, and they began to contact the upper layers of the organization in advance. Elf pushed to the front desk.

Harris is a resolute anti-war element. He will never move the sword unless necessary. After being seriously injured, Fangwu will be pushed down by the “peace faction” who came back to power and withdrawn from various positions.

The realigned Alliance and the Central Army made their way, and concentrated their efforts to pack up the Freedom and Glory Regiment.

Everything is moving in a good direction. The dawn of peace seems to be around the corner, and the alliance is preparing to be reborn in the ashes.

Under the control of Wulff, the Freedom Army selling opium was forced to take refuge in the wind and die, while the funny “Glorious Empire” stepped back. Now it is preparing to jump over the wall and take the entire first galaxy hostage. Still deadlocked.

But Harris knew that the stalemate would not last long, and the president was worried internally and externally and could not fight Woolf.

Who can fight Woolf?

No one knows that the great and tragic battle that reversed the entire alliance’s battle was, from the beginning, just an assassination tailored to Lin Jingheng.

Dangwu will be afraid of him, because the Silver Ten Guards is their nightmare. They came to give Lin Jingheng a head, and they were harvested by others. Woolf didn’t express his stand at first, and even didn’t want to move. What Lin Jingheng meant.

Until the secret of the forbidden fruit was accidentally smashed out, Lin Jingheng became the indispensable person.

In the beginning, even the pirates of the Strait of Uzbekistan thought that Woolf was so confused that attacking the seventh galaxy could trap Lin Jingheng? It sounded like nothing. As an anti-thief, Lin Jingheng’s anti-Angluo is unwilling to step into the seventh galaxy. Playing Anklu, besides letting him squash seeds next to it to watch the fun, what else can it do?

However, the Fangwuhui was always the defeat of Lin Jingheng’s men. They almost lost their house and could not kill a Lin Jingheng. There was no way. They had to rush to the doctor and listen to Woolf.

They never expected that this would actually work.

Harris also later learned that the Silver Ten Guards did not arrive in time for the eighth galaxy because it was caught in the fire on the road.

Woolf watched Lin Jingheng born, watched him grow up, and helped him to the position of the head of the silver fortress. He watched him for fifty years and saw every inch of his soul through, I am afraid that None of the league generals knew themselves that well.

What is this?

The starship slowly rotated, Harris took a sip of hot tea, his lips were numb, and his heart was still cold.

Lin Jingheng must die, because he still remembers his identity. From the time of the melee, he did not immediately gather chips, and allowed the Silver Ten Guards to take the captive alliance first, and his end was destined.

The end of his Harris is also doomed. He must be at the mercy of Woolf, and he must be a puppet for him, because the white tower is on, no matter which direction humans are going in the future, he cannot watch the Nova Era era end with bloodshed … even if he knows Woolf The true face of God knows that peace is based on lies and sin.

Harris made people put a few barrels of self-brewing into a small ecological cabin, pushed them out of the starship cabin door, let them float into the vast universe, and finally took a look at the direction of the eighth galaxy, I do n’t know what Lu Bixing would do Already.

Probably not so good, he thought, those people who believe in their hearts and always want to do something like this end.

One day, they will understand that things like principles and beliefs, like fragile flowers, are beautiful, but they can only survive in a gentle and comfortable environment.

And when they enter the jungle, they will find that these once thought noble and precious are all puppets, all are ropes. If they cannot be put down in time, then whether it is a powerful giant or a wise wise man, Tied there and slaughtered by anyone.

Lu Bixing’s joke was right, human beings are ruined by faith.

Having said that, haven’t all the rules, morals and institutions in human society been fabricated by people themselves? 【Note】

So the belief is the same. It comes from nothingness. It will eventually change with time and become ashes.

Outside the distant galaxy, Lu Bixing just got the chief medical report.

He glanced at the total length through the transparent glass in the medical cabin. The total length was asleep, thinner, out of phase, and was being killed by his own body.

Lu Bixing asked: “How long is it?”

The doctor replied: “Experienced, it will probably be between three and five months, but patients will be very painful in the later stages, so in general, they will not really survive the day of natural death, and most people will choose euthanasia.”

Lu Bixing asked again, “Where is it?”

The doctor shook his head with a wry smile: “You know, the Pop response is strictly not related to lifestyle.”

After seeing the young Deputy Chief listening, he silently issued a pause, then nodded at him, stored the case in his personal terminal, and left.

In addition to the case, he was handed over to him by the Chief Executive, along with a formal letter of appointment.

President Edward announced his retirement and entrusted the island of Xinghai to him.

Lu Bixing walked down the sidewalk to the central square alone.

Many people in Galaxy City knew him, and Lu Bixing had always been well-known. Many people greeted him on the road. Several cars stopped and asked if he needed to send them. He declined all the way and went to the central square.

At dusk, people at the evening had already left, only a small robot selling herbal tea was still selling back and forth, and the owner was asleep on the side. There were originally two clocks on the square, one is Voto time, and the other is Venus time. Due to the difference in planet rotation, the length of one day of Venus and Voto is not the same. People living on natural planets are often used to two Set the timing system-Fortunately, now it is not used, Votto time has been taken down, they no longer need to keep pace with the distant Alliance Central.

Lu Bixing stopped and looked up at Lu Xin ’s tall stone statue. People here love him. The stone statue is very delicately carved, and even the silk texture is completely visible. At this moment, the stone statue ’s forehead hair is just right. Hung a balloon, very childlike.

The bear child who lost the balloon stared blankly, pursed his lips, and began to shake his tears. Lu Xin, as the spiritual icon of the eighth galaxy, was guarded by guards in front of the stone statue. No one dared to disrespect it. Had to take the child forcibly, the child who lost the balloon could not help but snorted.

“Hey, wait, don’t cry.” Lu Bixing raised his hand and patted the guard’s shoulder. In the guard’s stunned state, he rolled up his sleeve and climbed up to the stone statue. He looked at the stone and took the balloon from the head of the stone statue. It was returned to the child.

The guard was terrified: “Lu … Lu …”

Lu Bixing spread his hands: “Do you think General Lu Xin would mind?”

The guards were speechless. In the afternoon, President Edward’s government developed an appointment. Lu Bixing will be the new president from tomorrow. Since the president said he didn’t mind, then … then don’t mind.

Lu Bixing walked down the stone steps of the stone statue, went to the last floor, found a corner, sat down, lit a cigarette in the evening wind, and the small shop owner who woke up woke up and saw him in surprise. He quickly bowed at him from a distance, and Lu Bixing nodded in homage to the other side, his face was faint, and he could not see what he was thinking.

Lu Bixing was not a person who was indifferent to emotions. He felt that everyone had grief and joy, without shame, and there was nothing to show to others, but overnight, he seemed to have a magnificent city house in his heart. It’s all hidden.

No one knows that when he received the sudden appointment of the general manager, he just deciphered the encryption of the “forbidden fruit” system in the Zhanlu database. Of course, the forbidden fruit stopped running long ago, leaving only a little data record. Lu Bixing compared with the senior officials of the central government After browsing the list of forbidden fruits, I felt that if he was in charge of Baita, he would have to rebel.

The earliest list of forbidden fruits includes almost all the management committee, as well as those members who clearly have a good relationship with the management committee and belong to the management committee. Those who legislate want to do everything possible to override the law, and those who put on surveillance want to escape surveillance by themselves.

The composition of the second half of the list is more complicated. Starting with Dr. Harden, the first person in charge of Baita, the list of forbidden fruits has been mixed with opposition forces. The name of Marshal Woolf is the most prominent. See this list, It is self-evident who is collaborating with extraterrestrial pirates behind.

But he searched and searched, and turned to Lin Jingheng, the last name on the forbidden fruit, but did not find Lu Xin-there is no man who has kept the forbidden fruit for more than ten years in this rumor.

The forbidden fruit runs on Zhan Lu. Lin Jingheng doesn’t know the true function of this “shield”. It can only be encrypted by Lu Xin himself. He cannot possibly see this list.

Lu Bixing turned his head to look at the statue of Lu Xin. After many years, the statue and the man who had nothing left faced each other silently. The declaration of freedom was engraved on the base of the statue, which was very dazzling.

“Do you still believe this thing when you leave?” Lu Bixing thought indifferently. The stone statue could not answer, and the stone statue had no idea. It was just a self-projection in everyone’s heart. There is no disrespect to the deceased, don’t blame General Lu. “

But not yet, he still needs this garbage to maintain social order, and the fragile eighth galaxy also needs such a spiritual opium.

Lu Bixing extinguished the cigarette butt, threw it into the dustbin, turned his head and smiled at the guard: “Tough work.”

The guard stood saluting, “Long live the Declaration of Freedom.”

Lu Bixing got a mecha car on the mech platform of Galaxy City and returned home. His house was refurbished once again. He was well organized under the management of Zhanlu, and even the gardens in the courtyard were rearranged. It looked much more elegant. The basement was transformed into a complete laboratory. He never locked the locked one. attic.

“Mr. Lu, good evening,” said the house. “I saw the case list on your personal terminal. It’s a bad news. I hope you’re in a good mood.”

The words “Principal Lu” will probably be called no more than Zhan Lu in the future, and no one will remember the whimsical Xinghai College.

“Well, it’s okay.” Lu Bixing said casually, “Is the old one sick and dead?”

Zhan Lu said: “Working documents have been organized for you. Do you check them?”

“Speak tomorrow,” Lu Bixing changed his shoes and headed for the basement. “Did the results of yesterday’s experiment come out?”

Zhan Lu: “The analysis report has been completed. IMHO, President Lu, scientists should properly manage their dangerous curiosity.”

Lu Bixing smiled, instead of arguing with him, walked into the laboratory.

Zhan Luyi said, “If it threatens the life and health of the owner, I will …”

“Reject the owner’s order?” Lu Bixing said softly, “Have you tried it?”

Zhan Lu was silent for a while: “I can’t refuse your order. You disabled my auto-protection function during the process of restoring the system. I highly recommend that you turn it on.”

“Thank you, no,” Lu Bixing said, “I need a quiet time now to read the analysis report.”

Zhanlu recognized this as an order and shut up obediently.

Lu Bixing put on headphones, cut off all environmental noise, and opened the analysis report-there is a biochip in the medium at hand.

In the database of forbidden fruits, in addition to the list, there are also some biochip experimental reports, which are incomplete, but for Lu Bixing who has Zhan Lu in hand, it is enough.

That was an “opium” chip seized from the Freedom Legion. Lu Bixing dismantled it and modified it several times. Now, the analysis report concludes that the chip is basically safe and has the conditions for clinical trials. .

Lu Bixing made a mark at the back of the experiment report, put the chip into a syringe, and injected it into his upper arm.

At the same time, on a secret asteroid outside the two galaxies, an ecological cabin quiet for almost two years suddenly had a weak response.

The author has something to say: Note: The reason why humans jump to the top of the food chain is because of cooperation, and the reason why they can cooperate is because of human language, which has a “fictional” function. The human trading network is built on the virtual concepts of nations and currencies-this view comes from “A Brief History of Humanity”

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