
Chapter 200 - Fanwai San Wedding Night Talk (3)

“Chairman,” Turan remembered the suspense, and asked, “what’s the gift?”

“By the way, gift,” Lu Bixing turned to Zhanlu, “Give me the first gift, Mr. Secretary-General.”

Hua Tong Chengying walked towards the old secretary with a solemn look, with a heel on his back, keeping his posture upright, and passing the gift box forward, saluting.

The old secretary-general sat up subconsciously and took it with both hands—the two handed over seemed to be a martyr’s ashes.

Then Thomas Yang looked at the ashes … No, the gift box was a hardcover printed version of “Hundred Dungeon Horror Stories”.

Old Secretary: “…”

Turan, good thing, stretched his arms and turned it over: “Short episode, the first story is called‘ monkey-eating … sea monster ’? What did you say?”

Lin Jingheng pretended not to hear, and sat next to him with his legs crossed, from a sitting position to an inscrutable expression.

“I remember, I’ll tell you.” As long as the projected Lu Xin took the opportunity to speak, he had to stubbornly insert a mouth. Even if it became a projection, he had to be a storm image in the projection. “It’s about a dungeon. A perverted singer, every time after the concert, the faithful will prepare a bowl of specially made monkey brain for her. This singer collects the screams of the monkeys when they are taken out of the brain. With the new song accompaniment, the song later flowed out of the dungeon and someone called the police after listening. Guess why? “

Nagus was very respectful to the former chief and said, “Why?”

“Because the screams that have been dealt with in the accompaniment are human voices.” Lu Xin glanced at Lin Jingheng with a bad intention, “Xiao Jingheng, remember?”

Lin Jingheng said without raising his head: “I don’t have so many places in my head to pile up waste.”

Lu Xin laughed: “On the next day in the car channel, I saw a” believer “sung by a female concert live broadcast, and which puppy who pretended to secretly change channels?

“The Believer” is a slogan. For a while, streets, restaurants, and shopping malls were playing. Everyone would sing a few words, so everyone knows-this is one of Miss Yevgenia’s early works.

Everyone in this room felt like they knew something that they shouldn’t know, lest this wedding dinner be a “gateway feast,” they all kept silent, bowed their heads, and pretended to be a round wedding ball.

Lin Jingheng jumped a blue tendon on his forehead in the “Flowers.”

Lu Xin smiled across the table and touched Lin Wei with a virtual champagne: “Your son is much cuter than you.”

Lin Wei’s mouth turned up inconspicuously, but the corners of her eyes bent first, revealing a restrained smile: “That’s good.”

Nagus accompany a cup, exhaled a slightly sweet wine, and suddenly said with emotion: “I remember Xinghai University had a very old Dr. Lance, who had grown up watching for generations, Jing Heng When I first entered school, he once went on a holiday trip and met me and chatted. Dr. Lance said that the son of Lieutenant General Lin had skin like General Lin but bones like General Lu. “

Lu Xin took Lin Wei’s shoulders, lest the world wouldn’t mess up: “That’s right, maybe we were born!”

In the projection, Lin Wei was dragged by him, but he was still indifferent, and said with a good temper: “Everyone has you to grab the limelight, don’t bother.”

Dr. Harden looked up to the attic, looked at his inexplicable old friend, and slowly said, “Lu Xin and Lin Wei, I remember graduated from Ulan College before and after, Xiao Wei was one term lower. “

In the new star calendar of 117 years, the alliance settled for centuries. Power, such as water flowing downstream, began to converge to the first galaxy Votor, and the social class began to gradually divide into clear layers like the gravel rocks that came out of the water. .

Wulan College is also a mirror that faithfully reflects the changes in the social environment–

Starting from level 117, the number of students from the first galaxy in Ulan College is equal to the total number of students from other six galaxies. Although it has not yet reached the point where the “honor graduates” were later established, it seems that there is already a “power club” Prototype.

The young people with keen sense of smell felt the invisible label on their heads, so the whole school was naturally divided into two factions-the “principal faction” who entered the school through recommendation letters, and the “civilian faction” who passed the examination.

The wealthy children escalated into conflicts with students from ordinary families.

Lu Xin is not a child of the poor. He was also born in the first galaxy. It is just a relatively remote planet. His parents have a small income. He has a good family background, but the social relationship is simple. He has no intersection with the powerful people in the center of the alliance. He also belongs to “passing the exam”.

Regardless of whether he later reached the peak of power or achieved a legend, in the eyes of faculty and staff of Wulan College, the kid was really not a fuel-saving lamp-Lu Xin was the head of “civilian faction” and “campus bully” One is to study hard every day, to diligently bring a bunch of younger brothers to cause trouble, and not to rest on holidays.

“Ulan Academy, Combat Command Department! What is this place? It is a place to train future space army commanders! From the day they stepped on the gate of the academy, they are no longer students, soldier reserve, hero reserve! What is this? “The dean of the combat command department scolded and scolded in the Marshal’s office.” Poor character! Seeing discipline as nothing! What good is this student’s good grade!

At that time, Wulan College had not been independent from the Military Commission, and the daily administrative management was performed by the deputy principal, while the principal president was concurrently headed by the coalition commander Woolf.

The daily chores of school management did not need to be in the presence of the principal, but Lu Xin was very talented and outstanding. He has won the “Principal’s Award” for two consecutive years. According to the tradition of Wulan College, the Marshal Principal chooses one of the third grade students each year and personally acts as a tutor for that student. The selected students often get an “honorary graduate” one year later. Of course, the future is A bright light-this year, Marshal Woolf is said to be looking after Lu Xin.

As soon as Marshal Woolf and the Treasury Department had finished arguing with the military budget, even before they could drink water, they were blocked in the office and hurriedly filled two mouthfuls. He asked with a headache: “What is wrong with that boy?”

The deputy head of administration smiled beside him: “He gathered up a group of people, pretending to be a ghost, and tricked his classmates into the rain forest behind the college.”

Woolf spit out water.

“No one was killed,” the vice-principal hurriedly added. “It was buried to the waist. It was buried the night before the final exam. It was buried for one day and one night. The victim student missed the final exam, mainly because of mental harm.

“Only buried to the waist, how can there be a day and a night?” Woolf asked strangely, “Can’t you climb out?”

“Oh, they put a polymer glue on the pants of the victim’s students, and they stuck people to the roots of an old tree. If you want to climb out, you have to … cough.”

“…” Woolf was very tired. “Who was buried?”

The vice principal did not mention the student’s name, but simply said, “McAdam’s.”

Woolf: “…”

The surname “McAdam” is a member of the Management Committee.

If the management committee really took the matter as a reason and started a troublesome situation, the Marshal would also have a headache. Moreover, this matter had nothing to do with who his father was-Lu Xin’s unlucky child buried others in the ground overnight, no matter who it was, he was wrong.

Woolf sent the deputy headmaster and indignant dean, who was muddy, walked around the office two times with great anxiety, and sighed heavily, intending to contact McAdam’s current family and muddy first.

At this moment, the small door in the side lounge opened, and a young man between the youth and the young man came out with the book in his arms: “Secretary McAdam should not know this yet, do you intend to inform him specifically? ? “

As soon as Woolf looked up, he saw his eyes softened.

That was his adopted son Lin Wei. After the exam, the school was fine. He often ran to the Marshal’s office to borrow paper books that were used as decorations.

Woolf: “When did you come here, did you eat?”

“Well, nourishing cream.” Lin Wei carefully put the treasure back in place, taking off the gloves that were put on to avoid staining the pages of the book, before Woolf frowned, and said, “It’s too troublesome to clean up the food residue and smell. When I think of it, I have no appetite. “

Master Lin is clean and lazy, and he can’t live without photosynthesis. Thanks to contemporary technology, he didn’t let him starve to death.

“Relax, Dad,” Lin Wei glanced across the other spines and said casually, “The parties may not be held accountable. I heard that Minister McAdam is very face-to-face, and this matter should be investigated thoroughly, and it’s ugly.”

Woolf asked, “Why did Lu Xin provoke the people of McAdam?”

“In the fourth grade, there was a brother from the seventh galaxy. The family conditions were not good, and the family managed to save enough for travel expenses. He came to Voto to attend his graduation ceremony. In order to save money, the whole family crowded in his bedroom to make a floor. McAdam The mouth was cheap, and the yin and yang were a bit angry, and was scolded back by the brother’s sharp little sister. His eldest person still had general knowledge with such a small girl, and then locked the person in the mental network training ground. Otherwise, the training ground administrator found out Early, the child may not wake up. “Lin Wei said,” Lu Xin’s revenge is not outrageous, and I think it is a legitimate defense at best. “

Woolf’s face sank: “Why didn’t I know about this?”

“The administrator stunned the management committee, did not report it, and cooperated with deleting the monitoring records,” Lin Wei turned, arms behind his back, supported on the wooden beams of the bookshelf, and some children hung their feet, ” But I have a backup, do you want it? “

“Where did you get the backup?”

“Looking for someone to come in,” Lin Wei shrugged a little boringly. “Just as the administrator wanted to marshal Marshal, just ask someone to give me a hint, and he gave it to me.”

Lin Wei is very polite, but in fact he is very indifferent. He is polite to everyone and has no deep friendship with anyone, not to mention participating in the school’s faction with three mice and four eyes.

Woolf was a little surprised: “Why, do you have a good relationship with Lu Xin?”

“No, the show is too much to die for. I’m annoyed to see him all day long. It would be best if he could be fired.” Lin Wei said without hesitation, and then he raised his eyebrows coldly. The academy is the site of the military commission. The management committee is not too considerate of itself as an outsider. It makes people uncomfortable. McAdam does n’t have enough control over Eden. Do you want to kick the starry sky?

“Lao Lin is not something, not something here,” said Lu Xin, who has become a projection, more than a hundred years later, pointing at Lin Wei, who also became a projection. Say yes, no one in my heart despise. “

Dr. Laura Gordon gave Lin Wei a meaningful look: “It turns out that you have stood firm since you were a child, and when you grow up, you can marry a white tower man. General Lin’s political literacy is really commendable.”

Only then did Lu Xin find that he had said something wrong, and Professor Mueller gave his arm an elbow.

Lin Wei’s expression was still faint, he did not acknowledge or explain.

Those entangled minds could not be announced before their lives. After death, how can they understand through the artificial projection of artificial intelligence?

If that’s the case, wouldn’t the living people deceive themselves?

Nagus hurriedly rounded off the topic: “Then what happened afterwards?”

“Marshal Woolf didn’t deal with it. He favorably dismissed Lu Xin. Xiao Wei anonymously sent surveillance video to McAdam, and then copied Marshal Woolf and the heads of all departments. He didn’t dare to say anything, and then stopped school. The training field administrator at the end of the first mouse was later fired, and the matter was gone. “Harden sighed.” It was said that Lu Xin had an accident, Mike Adam The role of home in it is not small. Admiral, you walked too smoothly the first half of your life. “

Lu Xin, who could no longer reflect, smiled at him heartlessly.

Nagus scratched his hair: “But when our general adopted Jingheng, he mentioned clearly that he had a fatal relationship with Lieutenant General.”

Lin Wei smiled and said, “He bragged.”

Nagus: “…”

This life is too plastic!

Dr. Harden said, “Oh, I know a little bit.”

Each year, there is a joint military exercise in the third and fourth grades of Wulan College. Students are randomly divided into groups. Seniors are responsible for decision-making and lower grades are responsible for implementation.

In Lin Wei’s third grade, the lottery did not know which way the fairy didn’t open his eyes, and he was assigned to Lu Xin’s group. And this group of people, whether third or fourth grade, are all “civilian factions.”

“Boss, don’t you think he came in weird?” Said a boy with a pointed head that looked like a date core.


“Just like … when everyone was barefoot in the public toilet, they suddenly broke into a man of the opposite sex.”

“Take it down, just your hip, it’s a bear to break into a bear.” Lu Xin glanced back at Lin Wei. In this legend, Marshal Woolf’s adoptive son was very low-key when he was in school. After a while, he could no longer hear from him. At this point, he was debugging the mech, and his movements were skillful and smooth, and he could not see a little nervous. The vast majority of students did not see Mech for the first time after entering Wulan College. The first time they took the Mech to leave the school was bound to be nervous.

Lin Wei didn’t talk much. He was alone and looked very comfortable. Someone talked to him. He also responded patiently. He raised his hands to see that he was very educated. Problem.

“Ah,” Lu Xin thought for a while, and called the students of Zaohe, “That’s my mentor’s son. Tell them and give me some face.”

“Know, it’s almost out of territory. Who dares to find something here?”

“At that time, the eighth galaxy had not yet entered the alliance territory,” Lu Xin’s projection interjected, “so collectively referred to as ‘extraterritorial’. We must first familiarize ourselves with the interstellar channel at the border of the seventh galaxy, and then simulate a pirate invasion and fight in self-defense. I didn’t expect something to happen at that session. “

White asked, “What’s up?”

Lin Wei said, “The pirates are really here.”

“I remember that it was a major teaching accident,” Dr. Harden said. “Someone leaked the location and detailed timetable of the students’ exercises. Pirates outside of the region took the time and drove in during the exercises. Coincidentally, the first thing was Their group. “

“Unfortunately,” Lin Wei said, “this ‘someone’, surname McAdam.”

Turan: “How do you know?”

“I got the news in advance.” Lin Wei said, “I have a netizen who … have never met. I am in a school funded by the Management Committee. In return, I have to work for the Management Committee and clean the meeting during the winter and summer vacations. When I was in the room, I accidentally heard a secret conversation between McAdam and his son, and warned me before I set off. “

Everyone’s eyes moved collectively.

Dr. Laura Gordon smiled: “Yes, the one who listens to the corner is me.”

“But this kind of gossip, no one believed it when we said it out. We decided later that instead of sitting on the ground, we should take the initiative to attack.” Lu Xin said, “We left the exercise field without permission, and ran outside the domain-that is now The eighth galaxy hit an ambush. “

Lin Wei corrected: “It is your decision that you have not discussed with others.”

“Did you make it?”

After hearing this question, Lu Xin in the projection suddenly didn’t smile, looking through the place where the phantom meets this world, as if he saw a distant past.

“No.” He said for a while, “The size of the Pirates team is far beyond my imagination. We made it up and got caught in their encirclement.”

“Listen, the nearest garrison is the Seventh Galaxy Border Guard. You need to break through the enemy wing and enter the jump point emergency jump range. Although Prince Pirate Gloria has many soldiers, they are not all ferocious pirates. I heard that most of them were forcibly recruited by civilians. They were used as cannon fodder when fighting. You can see that they marched. The sides obviously couldn’t keep up with the main force. It should be a weakness, “said the young Lin Wei to Lu Xin. “” Spirit Network gives me permission. You will drive away the spare mech. I’ll drag them-“


“You made a wrong decision, you come to solve the problem, team leader.” Lin Wei interrupted him indiscriminately. “The faster you come back, the more likely we are to live. While the encirclement is not completely closed, hurry up!”

Lu Xin gritted his teeth, opened the spare mech, and forcibly broke through. This was the first time in his life that he had faced the battlefield with a real sword.

The swarming pirate mechas were chasing behind, and the shield shuddered under the flow of high-energy particles. At this time, the enemy flanked him and met him, and the missile locked him. Within this distance, unless an emergency jump, Otherwise there is nowhere to hide.

And he has not been able to enter the emergency jump range of the league jump point!

The fledgling fledgling thought desperately in “The Storm”: “It’s over.”

However, the expected powder and bones did not fall on his head. In a matter of seconds, the other party seemed to have forgotten how to fire the gun. Hesitating for a moment, Lu Xin took the opportunity to capture the opponent’s spiritual net, forcibly remotely controlled the enemy’s mech to open the road, wear Go through the gap and reach the emergency jump range-

When he briefly controlled the enemy’s mech, he peered into his “enemy” through the spiritual net.

The driver was actually a boy younger than him, very thin, wearing unfit military uniforms, and did not know which dead man he had taken off. He was backswept by the spirit net, unconscious, and the mech captain roared angrily, and then shot the young man who dared to comatose on the battlefield with a single shot.

Anyway, there are so many cannon fodder, throw away any useless.

When that shot went off, Lu Xin disconnected the remote control and made an emergency jump to the seventh galaxy channel.

The teenager did not know which child in the poor family was captured by Prince Gloria to fill the army. He probably raised the missile muzzle for the first time. How could he go to bomb it?

“If he shot me down …” Under the envelope of Lu Xin’s protective gas, such a thought came out blankly in his heart.

It was the founder of the eighth galaxy, the greatest general of the alliance, Lu Xin. For the first time, he tasted the harsh taste of the eighth galaxy, and witnessed the fate of the imperial night.

The face of the teenager whose head was punctured in the eighth galaxy repeatedly appeared in his dream, circulating for more than ten years.

So more than ten years later, the young general took up the alliance’s battle flag and sent the eighth galaxy—

With the beginning of this story.

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