
Chapter 201 - Four Wedding Night Talks (End)

Sadness is poured into sorrow, joyfulness is full of joy, sadness and joy are mixed, and it is difficult to describe, so I have to stay drunk.

In the second half of the wedding, Champagne prepared by Zhanlu was not enough. He temporarily brought in the Lin Jingheng’s Tibetan wine salvation field. Of course, there are all kinds of Tibetan wine, so everyone can only mix various drinks and drink, the effect doubles. It didn’t take long for those guests in formal dresses to resemble the demons and demons that had prototypes, and they were released one by one. If we say at the beginning, everyone still deliberately wants to lead the topic easily. At this meeting, many people have already begun to distinguish between ghosts and ghosts, and do n’t know where it is.

“Lao Zheng, what kind of cow are you? Do you know why you can be selected to defend the general?” Nagus fluttered at Zheng Di.

Commander Zheng Di of the Second Galaxy Central Army has broken his bones in the heart of the rose, and now there is only a ray of projection to the banquet. Of course, he cannot be caught. Nagus took a while, but he had a good sense of balance and slid around the round table for half a circle. , Actually kept the golden rooster’s independent posture, did not fall.

“The general drank too much that day and walked drunk … just like me, sticking straight to the wall, kissing the wall all the way, seeing double figures, just pointing at one, you will take it, and wake up At first glance, okay, his nose was crooked … He found that he had chosen a flagpole and stood in the pro-corps. He had one more head than others, three centimeters higher than the general himself! The image was not good, and his face was insignificant. It’s a pity to poke the square, probably only with a pirate flag. “

Commander Zheng stood up in the projection, revealing his height of pride.

“Why are you making a rumor in front of me?” Lu Xin protested, “Who said he was three centimeters taller than me, huh? Is there any official information? Is there a picture? Da Zheng, don’t be ashamed, please sit down for me!”

The news broke that Nagus drank the sixth glass of red wine. The man floated and his soul flew into space. He stepped on a chair and let out a thunder: “Because our general’s height is false, hahahahaha … After Lao Zheng arrived, he placed orders overnight, customizing the heights of himself and the Guard’s army boots … oh! “

White stepped over with a crab, holding a bottle cap, pretending to be a lens, “shooting” at Nagus, and saying something in his mouth: “The greatest General Lu Xin in the alliance was suspected of falsely reporting his height, which is a moral loss. Or the trauma of the times … “

Talking about going down, Lin Jingheng hooked a chair with his feet and caught the wobbly White, and suddenly felt that General Lu’s image was not so tall.

Lu Xin refused to be outdone: “Just if you have a mouth, you can talk, okay-you talk about Nagus, you have been delayed for one year by the military academy because your weight is not up to standard.”

In the projection, General Duke of the First Galaxy Border Guards said, “General is right!”

Anklu, who died unclearly, followed, “Honestly explain!”

…… Everyone is heightened through the landing letter, which shows.

“This is the loss of morality … Well, all of that kid was taken away. This is pathological social values,” Nagus lifted the empty glass over his head, and single-handedly struck his chest, “Too Air force, is it necessary to have high mental strength and good health? I am not overweight, I am just a little bit stronger than the standard. “

Lin Jingheng: “One point means eight kilograms?”

Nagus: “…”

“Your name is on Dr. Lance’s list. I have investigated each of your files in detail,” Lin Jingheng paused, adding, “It’s really not much, the weight of a roast suckling pig.”

“Allied military commission, crooked and evil! Weight management is still a rigid indicator! What kind of positive impact do you have on society? What’s the difference with the barbaric primitive man with anorexia nervosa?” Nagus was anxious, “even two or three The 100-year-old Marshal has to control his diet. Is it natural? “

Some people sprayed alcohol at the scene and looked up attic in the collective.

Marshal Woolf’s projection fell under a potted palm in the attic, hesitated, raised a cup downstairs-except for the last time in his life, he was trapped in the fantasy of the “night queen” Fleeing, Woolf’s public image has been thin for decades, thin, neat, and unsmiling.

“As people get older, their metabolism slows down, and their arms and legs are old, and it is difficult to maintain the amount of exercise when they are young,” Woolf said unhurriedly. “After two hundred years old, I mainly rely on nutrients instead of diet. Precise control of intake can also eliminate appetite. “

“It’s a coincidence,” said Lin Jingmin, the beauty of Voto, then interjected with a smile. “I don’t like to make myself sweaty. Have you tried any metabolism-enhancing drugs? I have used two brands, which are not bad.”

“That’s for your young people,” Woolf said calmly. “Over two hundred years old, this thing has the risk of accelerating Pop. There were related cases in the Military Commission that year. How did they evaluate this matter later? Oh-‘born in sorrow, died in excess nutrition.’ “

Lin Jingheng: “…”

The two deadly enemies sitting together, urging their knees to discuss dieting and weight loss, almost had a unique sense of seriousness.

“You are overnourished, but we are starving!”-This is Chief Edward who does not forget to worry about the country and the people after his death.

Woolf: “Sorry.”

“Excessive attention to packaging and appearance is originally a trick of consumerism. Consumerism is a leg of Eden, and even the generals are trapped in it, indicating that Eden’s mind control has been quite successful.”-This is a supportive, absent minded labor Dr. Gordon.

“Consumption? The general never consumes. The general is a dead pick. Every time it is his turn to pay, he invites us to eat at the supply station cafeteria.”-This is the commander of Nagus who drunk the grave of his boss.

“It’s not bad to pay attention to the appearance, isn’t it to recruit a lot of handsome young recruits?” Turan Zhuang Zhuang encouraged the man, ran up to Lin Jingheng to stand upright, and made a wine goblin, “Report!”

Lin Jingheng: “Don’t say, get out.”

“I want to say! General, you are **** with a dress today, you can’t cut my hair, hee hee hee.” Turan nonsense, “Report! This holiday season …”

Two brothers, Posson Young and Thomas Young, rushed up and dragged her away, “Jia What’s the Festival, Wine Festival?”

Turan’s upper body was dragged out a meter away, and his legs were still scrabbling on the ground without hesitation: “On this occasion … the festival, the general, the general, I have a wish, I just want to touch your face, listen Say Yevgenija insures 100,000 first Starcoin for your face … 100,000 … Ah! Let me touch it! “

Lu Bixing didn’t know where it came from. He pulled Turan’s claws in one hand and dragged Bayer with one hand, and made a crisp sound. He glued Turan’s claws to Bayer’s face, and said generously, “Take care.”

Bayer’s face and the wine in the glass “shadow red” in an instant, the flesh freezes, and the spirit flutters away.

Lu Bixing, who has deep knowledge and fame, was quickly dragged to the other side by another wave of guests.

Until the dew fell, the “flower girls” seemed to be lifted from the curse. The mech cores of the ten famous swords passed the “labor reform” for one night. After serving their sentences, they quietly restored adult male and female bodies one by one. Guests ’personal terminals are set to” Drunk Mode “-this way, autonomous vehicles can take them home, and smart appliances and medical cabins at home will be ready to automatically soak drunk people into the sober and sleeping potion .

Everyone was gone, and only the projection was left. When the guests were full, they didn’t feel that it would be deserted. When they looked at it, they suddenly felt that the projections still sitting in the courtyard were false.

Lu Bixing finished delivering the guests, took a glass of ice water handed to him by Zhan Lu, and breathed a long breath: “It is so tired to invite friends and family to have a meal, how does that kind of wedding get done … Jing Heng What about? “

Lin Jingheng probably felt restrained, took off his tuxedo jacket and put it on a chair, but no one was there.

Lu Bixing: “How much he drank, wouldn’t he vomit somewhere?”

The housekeeping robots moved in and started to clean up the mess. The night breeze swept through the decorative plants, the leaves rustled, and rolled down from a height. Lu Bixing looked up with a feeling.

Lin Jingheng stretched his legs on the top of the attic and put it on a small wooden chair. The view here is very good, the sky is bright, and many neighbors’ roofs can be seen. At this time, in the dry season of Galaxy City, many people have changed the attic. It became a terrace, and some interested people made a small ecological garden at home, and a few cats crossed the wall with their tails and eaves, and they visited the territory and went home.

“I haven’t noticed before. It’s really cramped to live here. I didn’t know whose cat ran into the backyard that day and beat the snake raised by Zhan Lu a little. It scared him now that he didn’t dare to leave the house. He whispered. “I remember that in Votor, my own private land was within 30 hectares.”

Lin Jingying’s projection sat down side by side with him: “The palm tree in the corner has a bad temper, and it’s so loud that it’s noisy.”

Lin Jingheng tilted her head and glanced at her, vaguely returning to the illusion of childhood.

At that time, they had a very large family, far from the downtown area. The only living thing in the family was the two of them and a ghost-like father. Sometimes, ten and a half months did not necessarily see Lin Wei. The artificial intelligence makes the garden delicate and cold. Whenever there is a wind, those plants will whisper like a haunt. At this time, the twins will climb up the roof, pretending to understand what the trees are talking about, and it will also be meaningful. Match them.

Lin Jingheng: “… Are you arguing with the pocket coconuts around you?”

“The flowering plants in the flower bed downstairs are strangely acidic in the yin and yang.” Lin Jingying’s eyes passed through a row of hanging green curtains of hanging orchids, and fell in the deserted garden. Artificial intelligence was in the clearing field, and the projectors disappeared one by one, I wonder Why, only she is still there, “It says that lavender has a odor, and the phalaenopsis makeup is too thick to be seen at all. It is impossible to look at the white roses. White roses are a group of people, and they have to be mixed together in groups, otherwise they are like a rub. Crumpled wipe paper. “

There was a smile on Lin Jingheng’s face, and then he fell lonely. The ears were low, soft, and even slightly bewildering female voices, different from the clear childish voices in his memory. He was silent for a while, opened his personal terminal, and a projection of a necklace popped on his wrist.

A white gold chain, a small unicorn spelled with mother-of-pearl and colored gemstones, flashes a soft glow.

Lin Jingyan opened his eyes wide.

“I remember one when you were a kid,” Lin Jingheng seemed a little uncomfortable, and looked away. “This is …”

It was carefully prepared by him, drawn out little by little, and asked people to customize according to his drawings. I wanted to give it to her at her wedding, but when I came, I was afraid to stir up her extra childhood memories. It seemed to be against his original intention of protecting her by deliberate alienation. After thinking about it, I still took this necklace out of the gift. Already.

“Yeah … I once saw a random purchase on a business trip,” Lin Jingheng said habitually in an indifferent tone. “I never thought of it for you, at the bottom of the silver fortress.”

It turned into space trash in the pirate bombing.

“Just as you came, take it away.” As soon as Lin Jingheng waved his hand, the necklace flew out of his personal terminal and landed in the palm of the projection Lin Jingying’s palm. The two projections were intelligently linked together.

“Thank you.” Lin Jinglian’s face burst into a little girl-like smile, immediately put it on, touched the mirror, posed in a few angles, and turned his head happily and asked, “Does it look good?”

Lin Jingheng smiled first, but soon the smile faded: “Zhan Lu, you don’t need to do this.”

Without modeling, Lin Jingheng also knew that she could not react this way when she received the necklace. She had long since disliked unicorns and would not shake hands with him to make peace. She is not a person who looks forward and backwards, and she has seen through the ending from the first day on the road. This is obviously Zhan Lu broke the setting and forced the association, unfortunately, it was too fake, only lied to him for one second, and the dream woke up.

Lin Jingying projected a moment, then she kept her bright smile and dissipated in the air motionlessly.

“Not Zhanlu, it’s me.”

Lu Bixing didn’t know when he was in the attic, came over and hugged him from behind, put his chin on his shoulder, a scent of clear wine filled with his breath and took his temperature.

Lin Jingheng sighed.


Lin Jingheng: “Nothing, just go into the house after packing, it’s still cold outside.”

Lu Bixing held him down to keep him from moving: “You want to say that if you knew it was me, you wouldn’t break it, and you would pretend to be coaxed by me, right? Hate.”

Lin Jingheng had a meal. No one dared to spread morality indefinitely in front of him, so the guests poured the wine into Lu Bixing’s stomach. It was very frustrated to take it apart, so he sticked to it unreasonably, drank coquettishly, buried his face on his shoulders, and murmured unhappy.


“Why is your shirt so hard?” Lu Bixing frowned dissatisfied, and before Lin Jingheng answered, he opened his mouth and bit him, “Hate.”

Lin Jingheng hissed and squeezed his chin, raising his face.

“If you are mine, what else should I pretend to be?”

“I … what did you say?”

“Sleeping, aren’t you tired?”

“Say it again.” Lu Bixing stepped up to catch up, “Speak clearly!”

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