
Chapter 60 - Murderer killing a stranger

Lin Jingheng was not angry, he thought it was very interesting.

He still remembers that half a year ago, these little cubs were like ignorant little animals, full of thoughts that made people laugh and cry. They couldn’t grow in the barren land casually. In the foreseeable future, maybe Will rush a pale flower, or wither and die in the pale.

Unexpectedly, now they have also learned to move their eyes and brains, and even five people ran to him and called the board.

Judging from this educational achievement alone, Luan’s rogue school is much stronger than Lulan College.

“So what?” Lin Jingheng teased her a little, and asked deliberately, “Did your teachers not tell you that they can live for three more months because they still have a little value as bait?”

“But …” Mint still wanted to talk, and White dragged her secretly, shaking her eyebrows and shaking her head again and again, the girl bit her lip for a moment, and finally shook off his hand, and came out of several students, she said “No one has the right to define the value of another person … don’t pull me, let me finish!”

“Don’t pull her,” Lin Jingheng put his arms on his chest, “the guts are still there.”

“After the genetic revolution in the old ephemeris, the Alliance has completely banned the use of non-essential medical methods for genetic modification and human transformation projects. Since then, human genes have not changed for hundreds of thousands of years, and all people are equal before creation. “This book may be excerpted from which book, not very spoken, a little spoofing, Mint stumbled according to the original statement,” No one can determine the life and death of others. “

After listening, Lin Jingheng nodded: “Yes, the lives and freedoms of citizens are sacred and inviolable. The politics are very correct. Enlightenment has caught up with Zhanlu.”

Zhanlu’s voice rang in all directions: “Thank you for your praise.”

Lin Jingheng lowered her eyes and smiled at her with a smile: “But little girl, although ‘sacred’ is inviolable, missiles can be violated, quantum cannons can be violated, big laser guns, large biochips, a few milligrams Of highly toxic alkaloids-all right, is that true? “


“Should it be, should it be, can it be, can it be, are two concepts. From the perspective of” should “, Ares Feng should have been condemned long ago, do I still need to clean up myself?” Lin Jingheng Waving at Zhanlu, the freezer on the wall popped up, and several bottles of colorful low-alcohol soda were lined up. “Take what you like, drink it.”

The students had no way to impress Lin Jingheng. They could not connect to the wind newsletter-contacting Saturday from here, only remote communication could be used. The core processor of the remote communication was Zhan Lu, let alone they could not get it. Even if they have the right, they are hiding with pirates on Saturday, and they will leak coordinates if they are not careful. Who dares to risk sending messages to the SDF?

The acupuncture on Saturday’s temple was painful.

They were only disadvantageous before they started. They originally intended to ambush outside the jump point. When the pirates made a jump, they immediately came to a wave of long-range missiles, hitting each other by surprise.

But knowing the strategy belongs to knowing the strategy, and the actual operation belongs to the actual operation.

There will be strong energy fluctuations near the transition point, so whether you hit the past quantum guns or missiles, there will be a certain deviation, but how much and where to go depends on the nature of the transition point and the past machine. The tonnage of A is adjusted by experience and feel … The experience and feel of the Self-Defense Force in playing cards may still be a little bit, and missiles are too far behind.

On Saturday, he just snorted and “prepared.” The self-defense team members who were too nervous had hallucinations. With a hand clenched, four or five missiles rushed away at the same time. The welcome point flew away as a welcome salute. by.

This time, the dish was broken, and the big snake was shocked, and his coordinates were exposed.

Although this pirate squad was only a detection team, it responded unexpectedly quickly and immediately dispersed and organized a fierce pursuit.

The pirates are used to crawling outside the territory, let alone being caught up or being shot. Even if the spiritual nets of the two sides are wiped off, the entire Self-Defense Force can be dropped in an instant.

On Saturday, the communication channel yelled, “Run!”

Lin Jingheng usually drove them to clean up three times, just like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves-the Self-Defense Forces are fallen leaves.

The self-defense team members got into the habit, and every time they heard this “run” on Saturday, it was a wild run like a bereavement.

Lin Jingheng will not pull them out to kill them if they are fine, the pirates may not be!

At the same time, the pirate’s detection team was also surprised-because according to common sense, everyone seemed to be evenly matched, and they were all driving mechs. Even if one of the energy was exhausted and forced to retreat, they usually attacked after taking turns while running, sometimes hit The regular army that has a hard idea will still rely on its high mental strength to plunder it to plunder the authority of the spiritual network.

Star pirates have been fighting for hundreds of years, and have never seen such a retreat gesture of fart and urination.

The overlapping unknown energy fields here are like a maze, and the enemy is so … unusual.

The Pirate Detective Squad thought about it for a moment, but I didn’t dare to catch up with it the first time, so that the Self-Defense Force made a successful transition and escaped their detection range. The anti-tracking system was very sophisticated, and soon they seamlessly covered their tracks on Saturday, and the two sides froze again.

The anti-tracking system is layered. At the beginning, the two sides touched you blindly, and then the superb decoding technology of the Pirate Detective Team came to light. Within an hour, the channel encryption in the outer circle was almost cracked in constant trials. .

On Saturday, they took them to the highest level of “truth and falsification” with actual actions-that is, to act in true colors.

At the beginning, the Pirate Detective Team was very cautious, but the real level was there, and after a few times, the Pirates team discovered the real level of this armed group. They were catching up faster and faster, and very Quickly changed from cautious defense to attack, and turned into a big mouth in space, wanting to bite the cub that was single.

The Self-Defense Force can only keep shrinking. On Saturday, in order to cover a teammate who almost lost his own line, he was hit by the pirate’s quantum cannon. The armor cover was broken by more than 90%, and he was basically streaking. He took a bottle of low-temperature-preserved drinking water from the supply box, took a sip, and poured the rest on his own head. When the cold blood vessels contracted sharply, he shook his head vigorously: “Run like this No way, we have to fight back. “

“How to fight back?”

“As General Lin said, set traps and dormant,” thought about Saturday, “listen to me, according to normal thinking, they do not know that the permissions of the anti-tracking system are encrypted, and now they chase us for so long, probably I’m also annoyed. I must want to take a mech from us and gain the authority of the anti-tracking system. There is something wrong with my protective cover. I’ll be the bait for the disconnection, you guys … “

He didn’t finish talking, and the communication channel had already exploded: “That’s not going to happen. What should I do?”

“Who commanded us when you passed out?”

“If you are attacked by the spiritual network, you will die if you do not do well.”

He called “Stop” three times in a row on Saturday without interrupting his people’s endless debates. For the first time in his life, he understood why Lin Jingheng was so unreasonable.

There is a saying that “there are more chickens than eggs, and more people making troubles.” The commander is so rational that he must be buried alive.

Take a deep breath on Saturday and lifted the door: “Fuck listen to me, isn’t it over?”

The communication channel stopped briefly.

“That’s the surveyor. I did this, okay?” Saturday said coldly. “It’s been a long time and there is no system that can’t be cracked. Now I can hide by the other party’s unfamiliar terrain. After a while , Ah? Do you want to escape from the battle? I have no opinion to escape from the battle. The question is where to run? Leaving the base depends on us, you ca n’t live for a month. Are you willing?

He remembered the same three months as the nightmare, and he got up to train at dawn. He stumbled and led the Self-Defense Force to insist on his teeth. He thought he had done his best, but in the end he found that he was still vulnerable. For a time, he could not help but be sad.

The louder he said on Saturday, the more he nearly choked his throat.

Sometimes people seem to be like this. They keep whispering “meow” and the voice softens together. If there is anything that can let him loose his throat-even if he quarrels with others, he can rekindle the spirit of burnout. God.

“The anti-tracking system is a maze.” On Saturday, he slowed his tone and called up the circuit diagram of the anti-tracking system. “Look, now there is a refraction point near the 0014 transition point closest to the other party. We have the anti-tracking system permission. I can go behind them without knowing it. I come to be a bait, and the other party will definitely try to deprive me of the spiritual net, and then I will read the information of the anti-tracking system. At this time, they will be negligent, and you will go behind them. Concentrate on firepower-there is only one chance, you must focus on firepower! Can you kill a few planes and a few planes, don’t stay after the fight, and go immediately. Am I clear? “

A self-defense team member asked, “What about you? Your shields are broken.”

“As long as the other party snatches my mental network and finds the right time to take the initiative to quit, you don’t need to be injured … I have succeeded several times. Otherwise, I will be stricken by General Lin from the spiritual network every day.” Said on Saturday, “General Lin said that the detection team ’s man-machine match is generally around 75%. I believe what he said, and my highest value has also reached 75%. Then in case you fall off the chain again, I still have Opportunity to recapture the spirit net while walking away, changing for others-holiday, how much your man-machine match? “

The holiday was ashamed and replied, “Now, now? 60%.”

“What about the highest?”

On holiday, it sounded like a beautiful chest, and hummed, “… 61%.”

Most of these low-level players have stable “merits”, and there is no possibility of extraordinary play.

He spit on Saturday: “Then you’re talking dick, who is the boss!”

At that time, the Self-Defense Force had just been formed, and it was full of blood on Saturday. There were many ideas and many grand blueprints in my heart. I once asked Lu Bixing to ask how to let more people follow me.

Lu Bixing considered for a moment and responded to him: “Dorco, high hope, intimidation, and temptation. Of these four, just pick one and do it. Everyone is willing to follow you. If you do not have the qualifications, expertise, relentlessness, and no money, Then you can only rely on demon words to confuse people and irrigate chicken soup, first fool people, and then remember that other people came to you to help you, not to play with you ‘Emperor Minister House’, If you have anything to do first, don’t hide behind like Sister Smelly. “

Touching the communication device on Saturday, he took a long breath out of his chest and said, “Go.”

“The target was found.” The pirate detection team passed messages to each other.


A run away has begun.

This time, the Self-Defense Force did not seem to be able to find a jump point in time. They sprang up in a large area of ​​vacant land. The Pirate Monitoring Team only had fifteen mechs. Naturally, they would not take the initiative to separate, quickly screened the target, and locked Saturday: ” That mech’s protective cover was severely damaged. It is suspected that the opponent’s power system was also damaged. The driving speed was lower than the average value and there was a certain side curve. “

On Saturday, several pushers were deliberately closed, and only one pusher was used to flip back and forth, and “slumped” to the maximum speed.

In less than five minutes, the unilateral power system was overheated, and the cabin noise was getting louder and louder. The mech popped up for maintenance requests countless times. On Saturday, Yuguang swept the anti-tracking system and found that the self-defense force’s clumsy team members were moving in the agreed direction. Run, this time the two goods did not get dizzy, they are in the right direction!

The distance between the two sides continued to shrink, and the Vikings suddenly split into two, while a missile was aimed at Saturday.

Drivers who have really experienced the scarcity and life-and-death battles know that every missile on the mech is scarce and must be used on the blade, so it is often fatal to just fire a gun.

On Saturday, the lame-armed mech was about to be broken into pieces. He yelled, and tried his best to divert. The tremor passed from the mental network to his eardrum. The missile passed him by. Under the huge inertia, Saturday’s direction was too much, and the mech turned an exaggerated deflection in the air. This delay caused the two teams of pirates to scramble up and down.

He took a look at his man-machine match on Saturday, and at this time 75% was his best condition.

As soon as they approached, the spirit nets of the pirates ran over, and the man-machine port was immediately invaded.

On Saturday, he thought he was accustomed to being offline. At this time, he knew that the disconnection on the battlefield was different from the exercise. During the exercise, he often suddenly turned dark before he even realized that he had entered the mental network of Zhongsan. It was brushed down by General Lin, and it felt like a sap was beaten while walking at night.

But at this time, the pirates’ mental strength is probably not better than him. When they plundered the spiritual net, they were a group attack, and they were organized and continuous!

Tired of saturating on Saturday, the wave was blocked, as if countless people beat him with a hammer on his head, knocking his match from 75% to 55%.

He was about to bleed his gums on Saturday. On the anti-tracking system, he saw his teammates approaching the agreed position, but it was not enough.

His man-machine matching has continued to decline, 54%, 53% … while the spirit net is constantly being attacked, he still has to maintain the balance of the mech difficultly, avoiding the pursuit of the other side, and the mech is crooked to the side. In the past, his mental strength was not enough to completely control the mech, and the human-machine matching jumped to a dangerous 51%.

On Saturday, he yelled and disconnected the spirit network autonomously. At the same time, the spirit network authority was taken over by the other party. Twenty-nine SDF mechs appeared behind the Pirates squad.

The uneven wave of missiles rushed like a wave and turned towards the pirate squad. They were like a boat lifted by the water waves. On Saturday, Kanka had regained the authority of the spiritual network. Without rushing to retreat, first opened the arsenal missile. Whistling away in a short distance, in the middle of a pirate mech body, it was thrown out like a kite, and then it was blown up.

“Shit!” Saturday’s eyes were bloodshot and growled, “Shit!”

However, the Tide’s Self-Defense Force failed to seize this opportunity and wiped out the entire pirate squad. Nearly half of the missiles were invalid attacks. The remaining five pirate mechs still had combat effectiveness, and they did not behave as expected. They fled, but immediately began a counterattack.

The communication channel was disturbed by a large number of nuclear explosions, and everyone’s voice became intermittent. The Self-Defense Forces, originally planned to be remotely overrun, ran over their heads, colliding with the surviving pirates. At one time, the missile and Quantum guns flew around, and in the end, no one could see who was. All the strategies and tactics were wiped out, leaving melee combat.

The self-defense team who had never fired a gun before was dragged into the abyss of blood and fire in such an instant, and became accustomed to the mech arsenal during killing and being killed.

A missile came over head-on, it was too late to hide on Saturday, and the cover was opened subconsciously … the broken cover did not respond!

The shape of the missile can be seen in the mech spirit net. His eyes were widened on Saturday and he thought, “It’s over.”

The experience of crushing bones with Mecha was beyond Saturday’s imagination, and his brain was blank.

At this time, a small mech rushed out of thin air. When the missile that was directed at him was blocked squarely, his pupils shrank sharply on Saturday, and the protective cover emitted a dazzling light, which then melted with a part of the fuselage. The arsenal at the tail of the mech sunk in. A bit of dazzling light was like the rising sun on the horizon, first a little, and then suddenly pierced the sky—the small mech’s arsenal blew up.

Vanished in glare.

The fuselage trembled, and the pirate who fired the gun was also shaken by the explosion. He didn’t even know which brother he was on Saturday. He was stunned and chased after the pirate regardless of the situation. You guys! “

In the vast universe, small humans forget their lives, fierce love and hate can almost swallow their flesh and soul … just a few clusters of small flames in the dark.

Prince Gloria-Ares Feng watched the battle coldly like watching a movie.

This “maniac” is not synonymous with jumping up and down all the time. His face replaced with a large piece of special metal can not express a complicated expression. It always looks a bit rude, his voice is hoarse, and his speed is even a bit slow. “Why is there a turbulent flow of energy here, is the analysis clear?”

“His Highness, I suspect this is a pre-set area, with a very powerful anti-tracking function.”

“Very powerful?” Ares Feng interspersed his ten fingers, twisted and deformed human fingers sandwiched between metal fingers of uniform thickness, strangely strange, “Very powerful anti-tracking system, no shielding function? Why can we still Watch the live broadcast? “

The men next to him didn’t dare to bend down.

“What a familiar style, a familiar trap.” Arisfon stood up, gently pulling his shoulders, and let him straighten up. “We may find the murderer who murdered the stranger of the source.”

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