
Chapter 61 - Ten Guards of Silver!

His men looked at him in horror.

Ares von tickled his chin like a kitten, and metal and skin rubbed a weird voice, asking, “Why, don’t you understand?”

When the head of the universe ’s most distressed pirate did n’t broadcast the bombed planet, he walked very slowly, faltered, and swayed, and always had something to hold in his hands, probably because the prosthesis had no sense of security.

If he covered his terrible face and looked at the back, he would almost look like a kind old uncle.

“Yuan Yiren has spoiled me all these years. It’s a bit crazy, but he has been very mad,” said Aris Feng, using a cane to hit the ground gently. “The last place he disappeared was death. Desert, why? Death desert has complicated terrain and is very dangerous. No one with a brain will go to meet an unknown opponent. Even if he has a reason to go, at least he will send me a letter, right? But he No, it means that in his eyes, the opponent is not an opponent. “

The men looked back at the small mech groups fighting the detection team desperately, and asked incredulously, “Like this?”

The Self-Defense Forces suffered heavy losses. For a moment, three or four Mechs had died without all corpses.

Pigs eat tigers from time to time, but never heard of pigs being eaten by tigers.

If it was installed, it would be too realistic-would these mechas be unmanned?

Ares Feng ignored it and said to himself softly: “So a large team and heavy armor, why is it wiped out by a net and there is no residue? If the opponent does not have a super heavy armored team, then They may have been conspired by someone else, and the other party detonated the nuclear missile arsenal … or a super energy source such as a transition point, but even if the transition point explodes, it is unlikely that the entire mech team will be cleared. However, we did not receive any alerts or help messages-that is, the source stranger still chose to pursue after heavy losses. The source stranger is not stupid, this only shows that the other party looks too weak Imagine it might be such a small mech team with two or three kittens. “

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps at the door, and a man walked in quickly: “His Highness Ares, I heard your armies found an arm …”

“He’s black-hearted, do you know who I think of? We have visited the league in the past few years, and we have taught us many times.” Aris Feng didn’t seem to see anyone, and still said to his men unhurriedly, “Lin Jingheng After his death, didn’t his silver ten guards go their separate ways? These people haven’t moved yet, maybe there are so few who have fallen to the eighth galaxy. “

The intruders heard this, and their footsteps came to an abrupt halt, as they stood close to the enemy: “What are you talking about? Silver Ten Guards!”

The comer was a thin, tall man who looked middle-aged and young. He was dressed in a space that was incompatible with the space mech-this man had long hair and a waist, tied with a ribbon, and wore a lace-necked straight collar. Under the robe, there are tight leggings breeches underneath. This dress has a long history. It is said that it is the ancient earth era. The organic combination of gorgeous baroque style and mysterious oriental Hanfu style can only be worn by the most rigorous retro school.

It is rare that antiques are restored in other places, but how much is required in the “Dystopian Association”. The anti-Uzbekistan respects nature and advocating retro, and in order to get close to nature, there are also many people who dress themselves as a yew. .

“Good evening, Prophet Roois.” Then Arisfon turned around in a hurry, yelled at the other side, corrected, “I don’t think it’s much like one of the Silver Ten Guards, it should be just a few people, After the Alliance self-destructed the Great Wall, the Silver Ten Guards had mutinized once. Although it was dormant and compromised soon, the alliance was hypocritical, and it may not be settled after the fall. Five years later, the former elite team was assigned to remote areas, and it was also very popular in various places. Normal, what do you think? “

After Aris Fong arrived outside the territory, he fled to the Anti-Uzbek Society. The “belief” in the Anti-Uzbek Society led everything. Each armed group would be assigned a “prophet” with high qualifications in the Anti-Uzbek Society, responsible for daily supervision and brainwashing. In case those star pirates with missiles indulge in contemporary weapons and forget their great anti-technology mission.

This “Baroque Hanfu” enthusiast is the commander-in-chief of brainwashing in Prince Gloria’s guard.

After hearing the Prophet, he looked dignified and thought for a while. He nodded and said, “Yes, you’re right, we have entered the country for such a long time. If it is really one of the Ten Guards of Silver, probably the entire eighth galaxy. They’re going to be lifted up by them, and they won’t hide themselves like this-Your Highness Ares, what are you going to do? “

As soon as Prince Gloria raised his eyebrows, the blood on his kind face was revealed: “Of course they blew them up.”

The Prophet was stagnant, remembering the old maniac’s unlucky bombing of three planets, and his temples hurt, and he quickly said: “No, the above is very concerned about the unknown silver ten guards. If your inference is accurate, this Probably the only time we have access to information, we must stay alive! “

Ares von licked his lips without saying a word.

As soon as the prophet saw his face, he knew that the “big picture” with the goods was to play the piano. He was like a hunter who was afraid that the mad dog might bite the animal skin, and he waved indiscriminately: “You leave me here. You do n’t need to intervene in this matter. , I’ll take someone to meet them! “

Ares Feng stopped smiling, and looked coldly at the prophet: “What do you mean?”

“I’m not grabbing your credit, we are one,” the Prophet softly patted Prince Gloria’s shoulder sincerely. “Before you avenged yourself, the organization felt that your means were too fierce. I took it for you. Pressure, because I understand you, now you understand me, okay? In case of missing important information, I can’t explain it, brother! “

Ares Feng and him stared at each other for a moment, his eyes softened slightly, and he reluctantly touched him with his fist: “Brother.”

The prophet smiled, and God said tremblingly, “For life and nature.”

Ares Feng looked gloomy, and pursed his lips and said, “… life and nature.”

After the prophet had confused him, he turned around and left in a hurry, ordering his own soldiers, lest he be a little slower, and the silver ten guards in hand just flew.

Hearing that the prophet had taken his team away from Hong Kong, Aris Feng’s “unwilling” face showed a weird smile, and asked the men next to him: “I heard that these cult silly fools gathered together all day to meditate. In fact, it’s just a mediocrity? “

He said in his ear, “Yes, it is said to help them focus and return to the truth.”

“No wonder, my brain has become a sponge.” Aris Feng smiled lowly. “Now that ‘sacrifice’ is in place, let them catch a big fish and see where the other party is sacred. Let us Close the net. “

Lu Bixing returned to God after receiving a communication request from Foucault.

At this time, one o’clock in the morning has passed, and the old year has passed like this. Through the spiritual net, he saw that Zhongsan was not far from him, and the huge heavy armor was conspicuous. For the surrounding ones, For the small mech, Zhongsan is almost like a small planet that can shelter from the wind.

Lu Bixing determined that Lin must have heard what he was about to say at that time. He closed his eyes and carefully recalled. When he said half of what he was interrupted by the alarm, Lin held him down and played with it. The expression on the man’s face was somewhat calm. , There seems to be a little panic.

Panic … what’s the reaction?

Lu Bixing once firmly believed that Lin Jingheng had a crush on himself, but maybe the road ahead was too dangerous, or maybe the chicken soup was given to others in a tricky way, and he was hollowed out, suddenly suddenly uncertain.

A thought that had disappeared for a long time and died and was resurrected, Lu Bixing thought, “Did I take it upon myself? This is a bit awkward.”

Lu Bixing rubbed his face hard, as if trying to rub down the embarrassment on his face, and received the communication request: “Hey, I’m here.”

Foucault’s face jumped onto his communication screen. The woman was not two hundred years old, she didn’t look old, but she didn’t feel youthful either. The fresh-keeping skin couldn’t resist the passing of time. pupil.

“You didn’t arrange for the transfer of residents at the base,” Foucault said. “Do you believe we can stop this wave of pirates?”

“I really want to answer you ‘yes,’” Lu Bixing smiled bitterly at her, “but you don’t believe it, right?”

“My elder sister is so old, just follow me, don’t fool me with the words of their young people on Saturday,” Foucault bent his eyes, revealing a gentle smile, but the wry smile disappeared, She said, “The population of the base is 10 million small. Too many. I have no calculations. We do n’t have a starship. All the mechs and the tattered merchant ships can add up to a quarter. People are already very good. I am afraid that pirates will not give us the opportunity to run back and forth, so most of the rest will definitely be left, right? “

Lu Bixing sighed. When young people focused on their dreams and struggles, they were the only ones who would calmly count down: “Sister Foucault, you are very accurate.”

Foucault asked, “So you didn’t mention it at all, do you think it’s too cruel?”

“No.” Lu Bixing shook his head.

At this moment, he suddenly didn’t look like that “Mr. Lu”. “Mr. Lu” made the best of others, always optimistic and cheerful, always holding a pot of chicken soup, always ready to spray the holy light on each “late student”, flicker They “the teacher believes you have the potential to reach the peak of life.”

At this time, Lu Bixing was objective and even a bit indifferent. He was silent for a moment and said, “The pirates came too fast. At this time, it is too late to make up lies. As long as one person realizes the problem you are talking about, the base is over, and no one controls it. Having the situation, they don’t have to wait for the Star Pirates, they can destroy themselves … Spencer should have also considered this issue, so those merchant ships were thrown there, not even the daily maintenance, he knew this was a dead end. “

“Spencer is a clever man, sometimes too clever … not to mention him first.” Foucault straightened up. “I don’t think there can be a wave of Star Pirates. The path is broken, and there will be a large army immediately afterwards. I have run many times outside the black market and I know a little about them. Mr. Lu, those of us who are on Star Trek are basically delivering food, but also a dead end. Mr. Lu, can you tell us what to choose? We, when we get to the front, how can we save our lives? “

Lu Bixing gave her a meaningful look: “Sister, have you discussed with the weasel?”

As soon as he spoke, the weasel picked it up in the communication channel: “Mr. Lu, the anti-tracking system was built by you. No one is more familiar than you. We all listen to you.”

Lu Bixing paused: “Unconditionally obey?”

The weasel and Foucault, forced to join forces under the crisis, looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

“I need you to listen to General Lin’s deployment at that time,” Lu Bixing said, “whether his order is reasonable or not, do n’t question him, execute it as fast as possible, he may not be able to keep everyone of you alive, but he will maximize To reduce mortality. “

The weasel hesitated and rubbed his hands: “This … Mr. Lu, I may not make the right remarks, but General Lin … Well, General, Votto’s wealthy man, he really … doesn’t seem to be Who cares about our lives … “

“He came out with you to treat you as his soldiers.” Lu Bixing said lightly. “Whether he is enthusiastic, indifferent or anti-social, but a person who does not care about the casualty rate of soldiers may be a captain of the death squad. It ’s possible to be an admiral in the league, let alone a record, I think this idea is still very logical, right? “

Weasel and Foucault were persuaded by him objectively.

“But the casualty rate is the casualty rate. For you, the machine destruction is almost 100% of deaths. The missile has no eyes. Be careful.” Lu Bixing opened the route map. “The jump point in front is the last jump point, ready. ?”

Ten days from the base, the last pirate mech was shot down.

He failed to dodge on Saturday, and the flying mech fragments slammed into the ground. The outer wall of the mech made a sour noise. He poke blankly at the core of the cabin, listening to the mech’s endless mechanical sound. Report the degree of damage.

“Self-Defense Forces …” Saturday’s voice was not hoarse, “The Self-Defense Forces counted according to the Mech numbers.”

This counting method is commonly used by regular troops. Lu Bixing has only taught it once, and has not actually used it-if the previous one does not answer, the latter will wait ten seconds … and then speak for him.

“Self-Defense Force No.1, I was Saturday. The shield was broken, the power system was damaged at 60%, the missile was empty, and the energy to support the particle gun was insufficient.”

After he had spoken, no one answered and the communication channel was silent.

I realized something on Saturday, and twitched hard.

Those ten seconds were pulled indefinitely.

It seems like a lifetime has passed.

A slight noise came from the communication channel. A self-defense team member stumbled and said, “The Self-Defense Force No. 3, fortunately, has only scratches, and there are two missiles … I am … I am the” No. 2 “newspaper. Count, number two, are you still there? “

The Self-Defense Force that reported this way for the first time was unfamiliar with the rules and still held micro-expectations. However, the time passed by one minute and one second. No one responded, and the self-defense forces had to say something dumbly. The aircraft has been shot down. Combatants are on holiday … their whereabouts are unknown. “

They did not have the great Eden technology, and everyone who crushed the bones with the mech only got a conclusion of “unknown whereabouts”.

“Number six reports on number five …”

“Number 11 reports on Number 10 …”

Thirty members of the Self-Defense Force, after a battle, twelve mechs were damaged and shrunk by nearly half. The living people were hanging among the stars and had no time to die.

Saturday: “Send a letter to the base contact station, saying that the pirate squad has been defeated, we guarantee …”

“Saturday!” A self-defense team member interrupted him suddenly. “Look at the monitoring of the anti-tracking system, look at it!”

Turning back on Saturday, on the small screen, a group of light dots representing the mech were rushing towards them, and soon filled the corner of the screen-endless, no end to end.

When they waded through the mountains and kneeled exhaustedly at the feet of destiny, destiny did not give them a good look.

The large-scale pirate regular army is here.

There was nothing in the SDF’s communication channel.

For a moment, on Saturday, he remembered his own grand words-he would rather die than fight, but he would not survive-he felt as if he had passed away.

“Strange,” he asked himself somehow, “how could I think so?”

Then he cleared his throat on Saturday: “The Self-Defense Force has eighteen Mechas remaining, of which there are still eight of them in combat, a total of eleven missiles remain, and four particle muzzles are available. Enough to fire a round … There is no shortage of food, and the bullets are running out. Now it is meaningless to hide in the anti-tracking system to fight guerrillas. We will either fight or retreat. “

The shadow of the forward pirate mech can already see the shape.

“But I still …” Saturday’s voice was a little trembling and he paused a very long ellipsis. He continued, “I still feel uncomfortable, I want to try again, live a few seconds like a person. The anti-tracking system is the most After the outer encryption is cracked, the other party can continue to go in. Since the Self-Defense Force is the vanguard, they must at least pass me before they can continue to drive in. What do you say? “

Speaking of which, on Saturday, he gnashed his teeth and did not wait for the team members to answer. Wu Wu continued: “The arsenal and protective cover of aircraft number one are no longer available. I will be your shield. The closest jump point to us is currently 0223. The encryption has not yet been cracked, and those who have fired the last missile can be withdrawn there, others … others. “

Speaking Saturday, the elliptical mechs were mottled, and only the power pusher on one side flickered, like a fire in the dark, against the wind, and would not die.

Immediately afterwards, a mecha, which was also torn apart, followed him, and then the second and third …

Within five minutes, none of the ten mechs that had emptied the arsenal fell and all followed him.

Saturday ’s mixed feelings, so far, there is no more to say, he sent the coordinate direction to all teammates, and set off.

The pirates advanced very fast. At first it was just a small light spot on the anti-monitoring system. Later, the shadow of the mech appeared on the monitor. The pirate mech team did not arrive, and the energy response of the tsunami-like tsunami had pressed over them.

Later, the missile’s long-range sight could already see the opponent’s fuselage.

There are no small mechs in this group of pirates, and the vanguard is also a medium-sized fighter. Several heavy armors are in the finale of the Chinese army.

When facing far away, everyone in the self-defense force sounded a warning that the missile was locked.

Accelerated sharply on Saturday, and moths rushed towards the other side—when they were blown to pieces, they would obstruct each other ’s sight, generate a lot of energy disturbances, and interfere with the other ’s anti-missile system. Eleven missiles and The only four particle cannons left can be shot at once, even if only one pirate mech is shot down …

This is a bit ridiculous, because since ancient times, only the beasts of heaven and earth have been guarded.

Is there such a culvert in the base where some mice are raised?

Does it make any sense?

The other side suddenly fired.

On Saturday, the five senses and six senses stretched out along the spiritual net indefinitely, and I felt the vastness of the burial place.

Suddenly, the mech’s alarm stopped.

Thinking blankly on Saturday: “Did I get hit?”

However, he opened his eyes and found that the dazzling light exploded in front of him. A sudden wave of missiles collided with the pirates, and Kankan blocked the deadly missile tide not far from them.

Immediately, countless small mechs opened up a huge protective cover, blocking the aftermath of the explosion and debris as they did against the high-energy particle flow together.

At the same time, there was no undulating voice from Lin Jingheng in the communication channel.

“The patrol was damaged at too high a rate and was withdrawn from 0023.”

Saturday’s eye circles turned red.

Acceleration in the triple three was astonishing. The patrol had not had time to obey the order to withdraw. The spirit net of Zhanlu had been swept to the other striker’s side. The spirit net of the pirate forward fell over like wheat. Lin Jingheng did not stay, waiting for theirs. The backup pilot automatically withdrew when he tried to regain the spirit net. The fast-moving Pirate Pioneer was inevitably delayed, and at the same time, the base armed fired.

Although the base’s missile hit rate is low, fortunately, the opponent has a large target and was fixed by Lin Jing. This wave of missiles was blown up.

At the same time, Zhongsanli received a communication request from the enemy.

Zhan Lu: “Sir, the pirate wants to be with you …”

Lin Jingheng interrupted him with a cut: “Without talking, withdraw!”

With uneven bases, the retreat is always better than the offensive. With the order of Lin Jingheng, everyone disappeared collectively under the cover of the anti-tracking system, like a school of fish that had penetrated the sea.

The Prophet of Uzbekistan slammed the table angrily: “Scanning only to detect the jump points that the team has decoded, blasted them one by one, and violently pushed them, this hidden stuff!”

“Who …” Lin Jingheng said, “Wednesday or Friday, give me your spiritual network authority.”

He was afraid to argue on Saturday forcibly working day, and quickly gave up his authority, lest General Lin use violent means.

The path to the Self-Defense Force’s first flight to the Pirate Detective Squad immediately appeared on Zhongsan.

Lin Jingheng glanced away: “I am preparing to jump to port 0078, I have turned off the missiles and used particle guns.”

The Corsairs bulldozers approached their known transition point. With the orders of the prophet, dozens of missiles swarmed to that transition point. The huge energy almost caused a chain reaction in the surroundings, and part of the anti-tracking system’s channel was instantly exposed. .

At the same time, however, the explosion followed, and the base militants suddenly detoured to the pirate flanks and emerged from an encrypted jump point, without a word firing.

Hundreds of high-energy particle cannons constitute a wave of high-energy particle flow. Unlike nuclear missiles, particle cannons are much less affected by energy disturbances, and even a bunch of mallets can hit it accurately.

The pirate’s flanks seemed to be smashed by the wind, and they were instantly overturned.

And before they could react, the attackers sank again into the anti-tracking system.

This is guerrilla.

In the communications channel of the base armed group, there have never been such a mighty burst of cheers from the mountains and tsunami, and they talked about the two exciting and effective attacks just now.

Who knew that the next moment, there would be a warning that the missiles would be locked in the mechs.

Lin Jingheng said coldly, “I haven’t learned the terminology of communication? Whoever makes extra voices, I will knock them down.”

The communication channel can be heard.

Lu Bixing covered his face and thought, “I’m embarrassed!”

Anyway, he has come to this point, no matter whether he started the story with passion or not, he doesn’t want to let go.

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