
Chapter 71 - People of the Eighth Galaxy Alliance Government

But this is not the time to fight.

Technically speaking, the rainbow virus has indeed been conquered. If this is the era of peace, then even in the eighth galaxy like the sewer, the rainbow virus may not cause any serious consequences. But now it has reached the point where nutrition needles are used to exchange supplies. In the event of a large-scale spread of the plague, it is impossible to control the situation with the silver and human resources.

What’s more terrible is that this skeleton man caused panic in the narrow alleys and crowded crowds. Little vendors like bow-struck birds crawled away to avoid him, screaming and fear had spread the virus one step before spreading. The different trolleys and inadequate robots smashed into a ball, blocking the narrow lanes and leaking water. It was almost impossible to walk, and it would cause stepping.

Lin Jingheng reached out and pushed Lu Bixing to the corner. At the same time, he stepped on a sloping shed next to him and jumped up. He grabbed the outer window sill on the second floor, and threw himself up with both hands. The person peeping out of the window was shocked by General Lin who was suddenly stunned and sat on the ground with a buttock and ran away like a ghost.

The broken window sill, which has been in disrepair for a long time, had small cracks. It couldn’t help the weight of the adult man. Lin Jingheng stepped on it. The cracks on the window sill were ready to bloom. Some bound shirts did not affect his movements. Lin Jingheng stayed on the window sill for only a moment, and immediately rushed to a broken flagpole a few steps away. After the window sill that had been stepped on was smashed in this way, it fell directly into a small half. Earth and stone fell into the crowd, and unfortunately some of the recruits almost had the illusion of overturning the world, lest the world would create rumors on the ground without chaos: “Earthquake!”

The flagpole is not a fixed sea **** needle. Under the huge impact, it is difficult to distort the weight. Lin Jingheng climbed up the dumped flagpole with the unique balance of the space army. When it was close to the top, the iron flagpole was finally intolerable. The connecting part of the bracket was broken, and fell forward along the street, like an extraordinarily high pole in the pole vault, throwing Lin Jingheng out of people’s heads, directly “flying” through the flow of people blocking the road and hitting another building. In the stairwell on the sixth floor of the small building.

Lin Jingheng braced himself with both hands to dampen the shock, rolled into the stairwell, and jumped to the top of the building in three steps and two steps, chasing the skeleton from above.

When the turbulent crowds rushed in, Lu Bixing hugged a little boy who was too late to run, and raised his head high above him—when people ran forward in chaos, this kind of old just happened to be in front of the crowd. Juveniles can be easily overthrown, and once someone falls down, in such narrow alleyways, domino effects can occur.

People who can’t run fast on these two legs are not much safer than the Mustangs.

“Shhhhhhh!” Lu Bixing chuckled the little boy who smiled and put him on a high place, connected to the personal terminal of Yinhecheng Intranet, and hacked into the commercial street broadcast. Then, he put a The recording mini program became a microphone. I pulled out a pocket pistol from my pocket, set it to blasting mode, removed the muffler, fired three shots in the sky, and said loudly through the radio: “Stop in place, do n’t move We have antibodies to the rainbow virus! “

The crowd was calmed down by a sudden loud noise and briefly quieted.

Lu Bixing breathed a sigh of relief, and his voice came from the Commercial Street Radio: “Hello everyone, the Alliance Silver Fortress Silver Ninth Guard Corps has now recaptured the eighth galaxy and has just taken over the anti-Uruguayan base 300 miles away. The galaxy order, please don’t be alarmed. The emergency antibody to the rainbow virus is one of the military’s standing medicines. If there is an abnormal reaction, please seek medical treatment and quarantine immediately, and send it to the base for treatment. “

He speaks one word at a time, has a clear sense of strength, and is not aggressive, the crowd’s panic gradually recedes.

“This is a narrow alley, which can easily cause a stomping accident. I repeat, don’t panic, spread freely, and evacuate in an orderly manner,” said Lu Bixing. “Rainbow virus was not incurable as long as a hundred years ago. Please believe that the Alliance I won’t give up any citizen … Excuse me, let me go through it first. “

The people of the eighth galaxy have always been immune to the alliance ’s false rhetoric, but they saw Lu Bixing passing through the crowd, walking fast and hurriedly, and chasing the flow of the skeletons against the flow of people, as if they had not completely rainbow The virus looks serious.

This indifferent attitude is a very effective sedative.

“Fuck citizen, I haven’t heard that I’m a public, not a citizen.”

“What did he just say, and what legion was occupied by that base? Does that mean we are changing the government again?”

“This bitch-run government is more frequent than changing socks.”

“Who are you? What do you do in the league, do you talk?”

Lu Bixing gritted his ears with sneer and sarcasm, not angry or responding-he was in a mood to yell at him, pointing out that rationality was back, and finally he would not step on the child.

The pointing crowd gave him a passage. Lu Bixing passed smoothly, and saw Lin Jingheng beckoning him not far away, but the skeleton man flew away.

Lu Bixing said for a moment: “Why, is it a space field?”

Lin Jingheng contacted the base’s Baiyin Jiu, and said something to the other side, and nodded his head to the land-only then did the skull man see him fall from the sky, and he was so frightened that he started the space field and escaped.

The ground space field is very similar to the space jump, but the principle is different. The ground space field can be said to be a torture. Whoever wears it knows that the strong body has to be skinned, not to mention that the skeleton’s body has become rotten. That’s it.

“Crazy?” Lu Bixing raised his wrist and quickly collected the remaining energy radiation. “His state goes through, and he has to be divided by five horses when he landed-what time does the other party jump into the space field?”

Lin Jingheng: “The standard time is 13.52: 28.”

“Okay, you wait.” Lu Bixing slumped his sleeves and quickly simulated an energy decay model on his personal terminal. Time seemed to be frozen in his hands, and he traced the faint lines following the trace, and soon restored the skeleton man. The open space field and an accurate description are given-the ground space field usually has eleven to thirty-six parameters, and Lu Bixing’s personal terminal jumped out of the seventeen parameters of the space field.

“The destination is deduced.” Lu Bixing passed the coordinates to him. “I sent it to Captain Turan.”

Lin Jingheng slipped out of Wulan College that year and sent Lu Xin to flee. He used the space field because the space field is extremely difficult to track and is a major safety hazard. Many places will open interference signals for the space field. He had never seen such a coquettish operation.

“Nothing,” Lu Bixing shrugged. “This trick can only be within three minutes after the space field is opened. After more than three minutes, the energy decay is almost the same, and the surrounding climatic conditions will change. The tracking and positioning error often exceeds 50 kilometers. It doesn’t make sense. “

Lin Jingheng’s remote-controlled robotic vehicle stopped at the nearest intersection and entered the coordinates of Lu Bixing’s positioning: “Have you applied for a patent for this technology?”

“No,” Lu Bixing said, “this was a fun thing when I was young to run away from home.”

“Well, I will buy it out later, and pay your patent royalties every year according to A-level military technology.”

“Wow,” Lu Bixing followed him into the mech car, “General, then I’m considered by you?”

The voice faded, and the mech car seemed to be frightened by his words, and then “flyed” directly on the ground, and the huge acceleration shot the people in the car side by side on the back of the chair.

Lin Jingheng laughed because she was speechless for too many times, wondering whether she was angry or helpless.

Later, he pulled out the small storage compartment on the top of the car and saw that there was only one space field balancer left in it, so he pierced Lu Bixing like a thunderbolt.

As soon as Lu Bixing finished his addiction, he caught a shot, and “snapped” his throat: “Mr. Lin, if you are in a nursing school, you have to stay in grade for eight years!”

“The first galaxy has no nursing school, and medical science only has research directions.” Lin Jingheng said, “Sit firmly, I will open the space field.”

Everything around was beginning to distort. The energy changed drastically. The instruments on the armored vehicle made all kinds of harsh noises. Lu Bixing felt that his internal organs had been put in. The injected balance agent quickly took effect and isolated the sadness. Feeling, he seems to become a rubber man who can be casually pulled.

A few seconds later, the mech car passed through the space field, landed at the new coordinates, and immediately issued an overheating alarm. It almost stopped after jumping for a while on the ground, and the energy directly hit the bottom.

Lin Jingheng experienced the semi-finished space field quadrupling with the physical body tires, so he didn’t care about the impact, but he stepped a little when he got out of the car. He waited until Lu Bixing helped himself.

From the map, the location of the base is southwest of Galaxy City, and it should be north of Galaxy City.

This seems to be an old abandoned factory site. In front of them, there is a man-made small river ditch. There is a layer of untreated garbage floating on it. The ruined door is open, and a 67-meter-high clock tower stands next to it. Full of crows.

The clock on the bell tower is still walking faithfully, which is different from Lin Jingheng’s “standard time” and is the “private calendar” of the star. Because the autobiographical cycle of each planet is different, in fact, the planet has its own timekeeping method. “Standard Time” is only used for arrogant interstellar guests.

Lu Bixing himself likes to play with various strange techniques, so he often feels that there are several “secret weapons” in others’ pockets. Although he complains that the other party is crazy, he is optimistic that the skeleton people dare to wear the space field with their bare hands. Maybe it’s because they have some black technology props-such as a more stable balancer … until they pick up the man’s body under the big clock.

Countless crows hovered above the carrion and drooled, but none of them dared to come down and taste the first bite.

Lin Jingheng put on gloves and took off the skullman’s coat. It was found that his spine had been broken into pieces, and the whole person was twisted in a strange posture. The left arm was basically rotted. The impact on the ground Broken Kankan’s joints were broken, the forearm with the hand bone dropped more than ten meters away-still found under the guidance of the crow.

“Why?” Lu Bixing asked incomprehensibly. “Is he … didn’t he have time to hear what I said, and hurriedly opened the space field?”

Lin Jingheng said nothing.

When Lu Bixing shouted on the radio, in fact, they all heard it, and the Skeleton Man was just the space field opened after listening.

Because those grandiose words are too wishful thinking to beautify the people and the alliance, everyone looks strange to each other.

The Union Charter states that the Union will not abandon any one citizen.

And citizens of the eighth galaxy are not citizens.

Just as the Alliance collectively refers to all extraterrestrials as “pirates”, the eighth galaxy is a barren land between “civilized world” and “pirates”. The people in the eighth galaxy are not the interstellar pirates that everyone wins. However, they are savages with whom they are inextricably linked-almost the same as the cannibal tribes who drink blood from Rumao, and they are not of my kind.

In the center of the alliance, everyone knows that the eighth galaxy government is a symbolic meaning. The main task is to see and make up. The anti-missile system of the capital Gloria was still more than a hundred years ago, and Lu Xin had just regained the eighth galaxy’s fashion. One hundred and forty years, the vicissitudes of life have never been upgraded once.

Because of the semi-autonomous state of the eighth galaxy, many taxes and fees are difficult to collect, and the financial allocation of the alliance is sometimes absent, and the government often falls into the dilemma of no money to pay wages. Lin Jingheng pulled out a work permit from the dead, which read “Secretary-General of the Central Government of the Eighth Galaxy,” like five dollars bought at a flea market.

Lin Jingheng took off his gloves, pulled out the emergency medicine bag in the mech car, found the disinfection spray gun from it, and cleaned the dead body with the virus: “This is the case, I still start the space field and run here. There should be a companion. I Go in and see, you are waiting here. “

Lu Bixing didn’t listen to him, and just followed in.

Lu Bixing, who had just slicked his tongue, kept silent for a while, stepping on the grassy ground, he suddenly asked: “Lin, if a pirate invades on a large scale, you are still in the silver fortress, you will give up eight under the circumstances. Galaxy? “

“If I’m still in the Silver Fortress, Star Pirates won’t enter the alliance at all.” Lin Jingheng paused, without speaking with him, and outspoken, “As for the eighth galaxy, of course, it is also the territory of the alliance, but if necessary We will not stand still. A strategic temporary evacuation is acceptable. “

Lu Bixing: “If necessary, you will give up the eighth galaxy like you give up a desert, right? Not only you, but the alliance will also choose this way, the entire society’s ideology thinks so.”

Lin Jingheng acquiesced in acquiescence.

“Because we are savages in the desert, and our position is unclear, the Alliance is the Alliance, and the Pirates are the Pirates. The lack of soul and short wisdom, to talk to us about the Alliance Charter and the Declaration of Freedom, is to play against the cow.” Lu Bixing nodded, deep Take a breath and look towards the barren and open night … Lin Jingheng is not a smooth politician, he will not do those big and improper performances, and because he is used to jerk, he is too lazy to maintain the politically correct universal values, just take you Oneself, basically only respect objective facts, what to say and what.

Lu Bixing: “So … if Rainbow Virus really broke out on the star, Silver Nine would evacuate directly without wasting medical treatment … forget it, you don’t need to say, I understand, it is taken for granted.”

Just as no one thinks that animals should enjoy the same rights as humans except for extreme animal protection organizations-cats have no right to portraits, dogs have no right to privacy, mice in the laboratory have no right to freedom of speech, and the most elite troops in the alliance cannot Because chicken fever stays, this is taken for granted.

“Silver Nine is the smallest of the ten silver guards. It is a forward strike unit. It does not have the quality of large-scale rescue and disaster relief, nor does it have this public overall planning ability and material reserves,” said Lin Jingheng flatly. “If there is really no control With the outbreak of plague, direct evacuation is the only option. “

So it’s better not to happen this way, he thought, connected to the armored car with a personal terminal and opened the virus monitoring on the protective cover.

Strangely enough, however, there wasn’t much movement in the virus surveillance, instead the armed alarm turned on.

Lin Jingheng suddenly grabbed Lu Bixing’s shoulder and moved him to the side. At the same time, the laser gun hit Lu Bixing’s place where he stood, and Lin Jingheng’s sleeve was swept up with a layer of black. He swept back with a shot, and a cry came from behind the glass window of the old factory building. The two looked at each other quickly, and rushed in along the edge of the factory building.

Lu Bixing opened the broken door in the factory building and saw a person dripping with blood and running around the corner. The festering skin on the back of the neck was obviously infected with rainbow virus.

“Hey, wait, we are not pirates of the Anti-Uranian Conference,” Lu Bixing called him, “no evil!”

The other side turned a deaf ear.

Lu Bixing: “You are the eighth galaxy government, right?”

The man paced his feet, turned his head alertly, and landed with his muzzle.

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