
Chapter 72 - Variant of rainbow virus

But this person is too weak, and even the lightest compact laser gun is not stable.

Lu Bixing’s mild eyes fell on his mottled face, spreading his hands as far as possible to show that he was harmless.

Until the other person looked a little calmer, he whispered, “You look like you need help. Take the liberty to ask, are you infected with the rainbow virus now? Where did you get it?”

Lu Bixing realized that the tone of this sentence had been quite gentle. Unexpectedly, instead of playing a soothing role, he stimulated the other side. The laser muzzle that had been directed at him had already fallen. Upon hearing this, he raised his head fiercely, and the gunman suddenly tightened: “How do you know that this is a rainbow virus?”

Lu Bixing immediately realized that he was too eager to track down the source of the rainbow virus and said the wrong thing: “Calm, I will explain to you slowly, in fact …”

But the other party was already a bird of surprise, and he didn’t listen to him at all. The man’s throat seemed to contain a rusty iron piece, and his expression became more and more stubborn. He hysterically interrupted Lu: “You know this is a rainbow virus, why dare you come over? Do n’t be afraid of the rainbow virus, how can you not be afraid of the rainbow virus? You must be theirs! ”

This logic is gone.

Lu Bixing: “I … hey!”

“Shut up, shut up!” The other roared, firing at him indiscriminately.

At such a short distance, the laser gun was not so easy to hide away. Fortunately, the man shook his hand so badly that the gun was not aimed and rubbed from Lu Bixing’s head, leaving a burnt mark on the pale wall.

Lu Bixing said heartily that this kind of goods is a civil servant with no procedures at all, no chance to appeal, and the death penalty will be imposed.

However, “do not talk to people who hold guns”, the principle is still understood by principal Lu. He did not plan to try the laser gun in person, and quickly rolled on the spot. Keeping myself, Dong hides in Tibet.

The gunman’s eyes were congested, like a living ghost, holding the laser gun in both hands, and slamming all the way. The chasing and landing of the gun must be stubborn, and the broken factory door was quickly broken into pieces. At this moment, the window behind him was suddenly People smashed open, and Lin Jingheng, who was on the other side of the factory building, directly broke through the corridor window and turned in.

General Lin was not a civilized man who would treat patients with sickness. He smashed the glass fragments of his face and covered his face. The man subconsciously protected his head, and before his hands were raised, his chest was pushed out with his knees.

Normal people can experience stomach bleeding on the spot, let alone a patient. He flew out and slammed into the wall behind him. The rotten skin was like rotten fruit skin, and it broke when rubbed. The blood stained a long stroke on the pale wall, the elbow of the arm holding the gun. After being smashed, the laser gun flew uncontrollably several meters away, and Lu Bixing stepped on it.

Lin Jingheng choked his neck across a coat and pinned him to the ground. The gunman’s eyes were cracking, and the dying fish kept beating. His throat made a retching motion, and his eyes were rolled straight.

Lu Bixing: “Lin!”

Lin Jingheng tilted his head expressionlessly, so he let go a little, and quickly searched the whole body of the person. The metal detector “Ding Dong” on his personal terminal rang into a piece, and then a pair of electromagnetic handcuffs, Two laser guns and a small-knife knife, even weapons, threw two piles.

Lu Bixing hurriedly threw down the broken door and ran over. He looked down at the man in tragic condition, took a sigh of relief, and there was a puddle of small wind over his back molars.

In his impression, although Lin Jingheng always seemed unhappy, he was very tempted to provoke him. He jumped up and down all day long and did not see him angry, and because Lin Jingheng often hurt others, he occasionally gave people an illusion. , As if he was just a “mouth of heart”. Until he witnessed this situation, Lu Bixing didn’t believe it. The big killer cultivated by the Alliance Military Commission did not have any personal problems within half a minute. He couldn’t do anything, maybe it was just because of … .

Lin Jingheng stepped on the man, struck out a disinfection spray from his own medicine box, sprayed it around in and out, and picked up the documents found on the prisoner through the detached coat: “Yu William … … The Superintendent of the Eighth Galaxy Guard? The officer is not young, I think you bought this card. “

Mr. Attorney vomited a bitter sour water and vomited nothing.

“The General Administration of Eighth Galaxy guards on the capital Xinglai, it seems that it is not a post that requires frequent interstellar business trips. Why are you here?” Lu Bixing asked, “When Prince Gloria invaded the eighth galaxy, were you performing special escorts? task?”

“There are not many **** missions of the General Administration of Security. The targets are generally foreign guests and senior officials. There is usually no foreign guest in the ghost place of the eight galaxy … so the Chief Executive just left Gloria for a tour?” Lin Jingheng said meaningfully, “Oh, that What a coincidence. “

In one sentence, he hinted that the high-level government of the eighth galaxy government had suspicion of having foreign enemies. Although Superintendent Yu was beaten into a bear like a “five body”, he still struggled to raise his head and glared at him.

Lu Bixing busy asked: “Where is the Chief Executive, where is the person?”

The inspector stubbornly stiffened his neck and said nothing.

“This is General Lin from the Alliance,” Lu Bixing patiently talked to him, “We have captured the star and are cleaning up the remaining pirates of the eighth galaxy. In the case of the police, I just explained that you do n’t listen. I know the rainbow virus and dare to approach you because I was infected once when I was a kid. With antibodies, we are really not Star Pirates. “

Superintendent Yu—Because of the bad smell, I finally calmly listened to the words.

In the late stage of the rainbow virus, it will cause high fever and mania. He is grilled with charcoal, and it is difficult to look at Lu through the blurred vision.

Born from the heart, Lu Bixing smiled all day long. Over time, he naturally has a very kind temperament. It is said that ancient people can judge a person’s age from the traces of time because of aging too quickly. Of course, modern times do not work. People under 200 years old look almost the same. The return of the eighth galaxy to the Alliance was 140 years ago. If he was born before 136, then the saying that “he was infected with the rainbow virus when he was a child” is reasonable.

Yu Williams is doubtful.

Lu Bixing pointed to himself: “Do I look a lot like the star-killers?”

Yu William’s stone shoulders relaxed slightly.

“Sorry for using violence against you, please believe that we are just out of self-defense.” Lu Bixing glanced at Lin Jingheng, Lin Jingheng heard the phrase “infection with rainbow virus”, staring at him without blinking, his eyes were scary.

Lu Bixing: “General, raise your noble feet.”

Lin Jingheng then lifted his foot and stood on the side with his pockets.

Lu Bixing continued to ask, “Do you have a companion, how many people, how did you get infected with the rainbow virus? Superintendent, you know that now is a special period, what happens if the virus spreads, how many people will die?”

As William climbed up strenuously, his lips wriggled slightly. “After we escaped, we picked this place. This old factory is heavily polluted. No one will come nearby. They are all in a closed basement.”

Lin Jingheng said coolly, “It seems that Your Excellency knows that the rainbow virus is a severe infectious disease. Then, did you send people to the Galaxy City business district to intentionally retaliate against society?”

“He hit ‘Block’, which can prevent the virus from spreading to other people within 48 hours … We only have this shot, and the total length is almost out of reach. Send him out for help.” Yu Weiwei whispered, “We I dare not go to hospitals and epidemic prevention stations, the medical system can still operate normally, and … we don’t know that the pirates on Daystar have already left, afraid of exposing their tracks … so I want to try my luck on the black market … “

Who knows that the end of the dead end is even worse.

These public officials did not know the depth of the black market, and they were deceived. Of course, it was nothing to deceive, but the blocking needle was about to expire. This time, when they realized that 48 hours had passed. , It is tantamount to severing their only hope for external help.

Lin Jingheng: “Go.”

At this time, his personal terminal shook, and Baiyin Jiu arrived.

Lin Jingheng turned over slightly and Shen Sheng commanded: “All those who have not been injected with comprehensive antibodies have moved back. They urgently blocked this area and sent some medical cabins to the basement of the factory. In addition, I also need some emergency for the rainbow virus. Antibody, speed. “

Generally, only front-line personnel need the regular injection of comprehensive antibodies. After the police inspector listened, he looked at him doubtfully, and asked a little in a tone: “The alliance’s defense line is tightened. How can there be armed in the eighth galaxy, which army do you have?”

Even if it was the eighth galaxy chief, it would be rude to speak like this.

However, Lin Jingheng, who is soft and hard, does not dare to say that he must be “arrogant”. He is a leader in the entire league and thought, “Which onion are you?”

So he didn’t raise his eyelids: “Shouldn’t ask as little as possible, so much nonsense!”

In the late stage of the rainbow virus, due to the infection of the brain, some people will fall into a coma, and some will have a temperament and irritability. Yu Jingdu obviously belongs to the irritable breed. He stared at Lin Jingheng, his voice suddenly raised eight Degree: “What are you terrible? Where were you when Gloria Star was bombed? Where were you when the three planets were slaughtered and pirates raged?”

Lu Bixing heard a puff in his heart and was about to kneel to the intermittent rabies patient.

Lin Jingheng’s face really cooled down.

“We … we are hungry, we ca n’t pay for a few months,” Governor Yu wiped his face and wiped off one of his face, his flesh was blurry, but he did n’t seem to feel the pain and let the blood flow to his mouth Here, “In order to report to the military commissioner, the president went to Votor in person, and the government funds could not even afford the toll … Every time the Union Assembly convened the eight major galaxies, he had to fight for them and rush in a hurry. Hurry up before the meeting … We just want to ask the Military Commission to upgrade the anti-missile system of the eighth galaxy, because we are facing the front lines of extraterrestrial pirates, and other galaxies are clamoring for military autonomy. We dare not make peace, nor do we. Dare to get involved in the battle of your superiors, just want to protect yourself, just want to protect yourself, does anyone care? General, in your eyes, are we not humans? “

“General,” Lu Bixing rushed in front of Lin Jingheng’s opening, quickly blocked between two people, tried to divert Lin Jingheng’s attention, and quickly said, “Rainbow virus is a purely synthetic virus. It disappeared after the” big disinfection “that year, reasonably speaking, for nothing It shouldn’t be resurrected. It’s terrifying to think about it carefully. Governor Yu, you haven’t rushed to lead the way, your friend may be in danger for another second. If the complications are serious, even antibodies are too late! You Want to kill Chief Chief? “

Governor Yu returned to God, stared at Lin Jingheng fiercely, holding his broken arm and walking forward without saying a word.

Turan probably brought a Mecha convoy and quickly carried out the task of blockade and isolation.

A huge sterilizing spray gun sprayed white mist to the sky at the edge of the blockade, and then quickly combined with a large amount of water vapor with special technology, followed by a layer of clouds brewing with local rainwater. With a light curtain, the herds of crows were startled, their voices were hoaring hoarsely, their wings spread towards the edge of the night sky, and the desolate old factory building was rarely hustle and bustle.

The sound of the hard military boots coming from near and far, the footsteps were neatly made as if they were alone, and a group of soldiers were driving here with the medical cabin.

Lin Jingheng suddenly raised a mean corner of his mouth, and rushed to the ground to wave his hand: “Don’t avoid contradictions, you have to change anytime, anywhere and muddy problems. So William, let me listen carefully.”

“First, his introduction to me was inaccurate. To be precise, I should be a general of the ‘predecessor’ alliance. Five years ago, I had retired from the alliance, and the team number was also cancelled. According to the military security law of the alliance, See, the legitimacy of our armed forces is not much better than that of Prince Gloria Guards. You question me less about the league’s shit, but you ca n’t ask. “

“Second, if I remember correctly, you have come back and played this broken report for decades. The total length has changed 860 like a joke, the alliance is still ignoring you, and you are still It ’s ridiculous to beg for alliances without mercy? The government ’s authority is limited, speaking is not as effective as triads, and taxes and fees cannot be collected. Why not independence, why not find another way? The entire alliance, air control everywhere, nowhere is your eight galaxy so easy to get mecha, you have the ability to build your own armed forces, what you want, why not go by yourself Take it, and beg for those who look down on you? “

This man usually cherishes words like gold. When he poke someone’s pain, his mouth is like an accelerator, and the policeman shuddered without knowing whether he was angry or ashamed.

“Then don’t blame others for looking down on you,” Lin Jingheng turned back and beckoned the medical team that chased him up. “You’re right, in the eyes of the Alliance, the people in the eighth galaxy are not humans, otherwise you think? You are not too young, have you ever seen the census coming to the eight galaxy? “

The smile on Lu Bixing’s face disappeared rarely, interrupting him forcefully: “Lin!”

Lin Jingheng took a deep look at him and shut up. For a moment, he found that he had said these words intentionally in front of Lu Bixing, and deliberately shaken off the side of his most mixed, garbage, and least things, for fear that Lu Bixing misunderstood what his advantages were, and saying these words, he There was an indescribable pleasure in my heart, and I was secretive.

Turan personally brought people in, and the silver nines in isolation suits stood still in front of him: “General!”

Lin Jingheng took the isolating clothes they sent and threw one to Lu Bixing, glanced at the stairwell leading to the basement, nodded slightly, Tulan waved his hands, and the silver nine lined up in a column, carrying the medical cabin, well. Run orderly to the basement.

Just then, William William said suddenly, “Because we believe in the Alliance!”

Lin Jingheng chuckled, skillfully and quickly put on the gown, and pulled down the mask to cover his face.

“One hundred … one hundred and thirty-six years, General Union Lu Xin regained the eighth galaxy, swept the interstellar pirates out of the territory, taught us to recite the Alliance Declaration of Freedom, and countless people voluntarily followed him. His life … voluntarily gave it to the Alliance, because we yearn for him, for the alliance he describes, freedom, equality, prosperity … he said ‘we will meet in no dark place’ (Note) … “

Lin Jingheng’s back ridged suddenly.

“What about others?” Yu William murmured. “Where is no dark place?”

After speaking, he seemed to be hollowed out by these words, and his back was slumped a little, leaning against the wall, slowly dragging his feet, and headed for the basement.

The basement is like an ancient tomb just dug up.

Yan Sihe’s door moved away, and even the isolation clothing could not stop the smell. Seven or eight human bodies could not see men, women, children, and children, all of them were horrified when they had been in the ground for more than three days. ——The situation of that skeleton man is good.

Rao was arrogant, and could not help but have a liver tremor: “Is this … alive?”

As soon as she spoke, a “corruption” in the corner seemed to lie to the corpse, struggling to sit up.

Turan was startled: “Oh!”

Yu William rushed to the ground, “President!”

There were eight people in the basement, six alive, and several medical capsules moved quickly, following weak infrared and brain waves, orderly injecting antibodies and disposing of the corpse.

Lu Bixing accidentally stepped on something, picked it up, and found it to be a wallet with bloodstains on the breastplate of the Chief Executive Officer of the Eighth Galaxy participating in the Alliance Parliament. The middle-aged man in the photo is kind-looking, smiling, and has a firm light in his eyes. Lu Bixing lifted his head and looked at the skull that was loaded into the medical cabin, and sighed.

Just then, several medical cabins suddenly lighted red.

Turan: “Hey, what’s the matter?”

“Antibody failed,” a mechanical sound made in the medical cabin, “The pathogenic virus is a variant of the rainbow virus, and the original antibody could not take effect-“

A chill surged along Lin Jingheng’s back spine, piercing the spine from the spine to the brain.

The author has something to say:

Note: We will meet where there is no darkness-“1984”

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