Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2651

Soon the call was connected by Lin Yuan.

When answering the call from Su Yinren, Lin Yuan had just consumed all the aura crystals in hand.

The ultimate touch vine has successfully ignited the divine fire, and the divine fire of the ultimate touch vine is dark green full of vitality.

From the outside, the feeling it brings is almost the same as that of the living fire.

But this group of divine fire with vigorous vitality is a big killer.

Originally, Shi Ji was Lin Yuan’s personal bodyguard, but now the strength of Zhizhen Touch Vine is stronger than Shi Ji!

Zhizhen Chuteng’s current strength has reached the limit of the god fire powerhouse, and it is only one step away from the realm of the emperor.

In fact, the energy accumulated by Zhizhen Touching Vine by absorbing the pure aura is enough to launch an impact on the Realm Emperor God Realm.

However, due to the lack of realm accumulation of Zhizhen Touch Vine, it takes time to settle down if you want to improve again.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to grasp that power if the realm is raised hastily.

After a period of accumulation of Zhizhen Touching Vine, the realm stabilizes.

Then they can immediately launch an impact towards the realm of the emperor-level gods.

Hengyuan, who has been guarding by the side, was quite emotional when he saw this.

My own strength has been improved step by step over a long period of time, and every step I took was very bumpy.

Especially in the early stage, he experienced many near-death dangers.

As long as there was a little carelessness or a wrong choice at the time, it was very likely that I would be decomposed by the fungus in the swamp world and returned to the ecology.

However, under the cultivation of Lin Yuan, Zhizhen Touching Vine did not take any risks, and his strength increased rapidly at a speed that Hengyuan couldn’t understand.

It is obvious that the strength of Zhizhen Touching Vine is only a thin line away from his own, but Hengyuan has no admiration for the strength of Zhizhen Touching Vine in his heart.

What really made Hengyuan sigh was Lin Yuan’s method.

Lin Yuan is very satisfied with the promotion of Zhizhen Touch Vine.

According to Lin Yuan’s conversation with Zhizhen Chuteng, it doesn’t take too long for Zhizhen Chuteng to step into the realm of the imperial gods, three months is enough!

The strength of reaching the vine can just come in handy when dealing with the natural disasters of the undead.

Lin Yuan was in a very good mood, and when he picked up Su Yinren’s phone call, Lin Yuan’s tone was also somewhat cheerful.

“Master, my mind has been on the Dark Continent recently, ignoring your affairs.”

“I will train Lin Hope as soon as possible, and then arrange a few trustworthy subordinates to assist Lin Hope!”

“Liuxi, one of the Fourteen Nuts, is very talented in internal affairs.”

“As long as you give Liuxi some time to practice, Liuxi alone will be able to understand the affairs of the Dark Continent and the Sandbar Continent!”

Su Yinren’s evaluation of Liuxi did not deliberately raise Liuxi’s status as the Fourteen Suguo.

On the contrary, Su Yin people have always been quite conservative when evaluating their own people.

Among all the fourteen fruits, Liuxi is the one that is valued by the people of Su Yin the most, otherwise he would not be brought by his side.

Lin Yuan was stunned when he heard Su Yinren’s words, and after trying to figure out the meaning of Su Yinren’s words, he quickly understood what Su Yinren was thinking.

This made Lin Yuan both surprised and helpless.

Su Yinren probably felt that he had less communication with him recently, and he did not contribute to the process of building Huiyao’s fortifications, fearing that he might have some bad thoughts about it.

The convening of the Federation of Nations this time will definitely mention Huiyao’s project to defend against undead creatures.

Presumably it was this project that touched Su Yinren.

In fact, the only Sky City members who participated in this project were Lin Yuan and Liu Jie, and Bai Qinghuan who had just been reused by Lin Yuan.

Only three people managed hundreds of millions of goblins to complete the work, and even Wen Yu didn’t participate in it.

As for Lin Hope mentioned by Su Yinren, Lin Yuan did hand it over to Su Yinren for guidance and education.

But Lin Yuan actually didn’t have any definite requirements for Lin Hope.

At that time, Lin Yuan only wished Lin Hope a good wish.

Lin Yuan rescued Lin Hope because Lin Yuan didn’t want to watch a kind and pure soul being killed in a chaotic environment.

If Lin Xixi has this ability, Lin Yuan doesn’t mind letting Su Yin people hand over the Dark Continent and Sandbar Continent to Lin Xixi for management.

But if Lin Hope didn’t have this ability, it would depend on a group of capable people to assist Zuo Lin Hope.

Then there is really no need for Lin to wish to be the ruler of the Dark Continent and the Sandbar Continent.

Su Yinren is an internal affairs talent that Lin Yuan values ​​highly, ranking second among all the internal affairs talents under Lin Yuan.

It is more useful for Sky City than listening in the business field.

When he is really ready to go to the sky outside the clouds, Lin Yuan will definitely take Su Yin people there.

Even if the people of Su Yin are all focused on the development and management of the Dark Continent and Sandbar Continent, Lin Yuan will make demands on the people of Su Yin.

Lin Yuan felt that he had to give Su Yinren a reassurance.

Su Yinren is the kind of person with a very lively heart.

If you don’t give Su Yinren a reassurance, Su Yinren will always be entangled in this matter.

“Yin, I must have been serious about you before, otherwise I wouldn’t have allocated so many resources to you.”

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“Not to mention Zhai Wanmi will be arranged by your side!”

“Not only the Dark Continent, but you also put a lot of thought into the Sandbar Continent.”

“At the very least, you have guaranteed the survival and medical care of the people on the Sandbar Continent.”

“Right now, you only need to take the action of migrating people from the two continents. As for other issues, we have plenty of time to discuss other issues after the undead disaster begins!”

“If I’m not mistaken, the undead disaster will last at least hundreds of years!”

“Being able to curb this natural disaster of the undead within a thousand years, we have created a brilliant victory!”

Su Yinren on the other end of the phone pursed his lips when he heard Lin Yuan’s words.

It turns out that Lin Yuan’s expectation for this natural disaster of the undead is like this!

Lin Yuan actually felt that it would take at least hundreds of years to end this natural disaster of the undead.

For some special spiritual creatures, a thousand years is not too long a time.

But for human beings, a thousand years is the replacement of nearly a hundred generations.

After knowing that Lin Yuan valued his talent in internal affairs, Su Yinren had already spent more time on handling affairs.

He is far less concerned about improving his own strength than before.

The Su Yin people doubted whether their longevity could last until the end of the undead disaster.

Lin Yuan didn’t know Su Yinren’s doubts.

The lifespan of human beings or the lifespan of all things is from birth to aging, and to the end.

This is the way of reincarnation, and it was the same in Lin Yuan’s previous life.

But in this life, in addition to raising his strength to a supreme level, Lin Yuan can also use creatures like the Shouyuan Rat to improve his lifespan.

Recently, Lin Yuan has been asking Congming to take ten of the best Baiwen Beasts to study the Shouyuan Rat.

When Lin Yuan got the Shouyuan Rat for the second time, he found that the Shouyuan Rat with a bright red tail could reproduce.

It’s just that these Shouyuan rats with bright red tails can only give birth after absorbing enough pure aura.

In the end, several ready-made Shouyuan mice will be born with orange-red color.

Although it’s not known exactly how the bright red-tailed chipmunk came to be, it has been confirmed that the chipmunk is not the result of a random genetic mutation.

After half a year, Clever has researched some clues about the reproduction of Shouyuan rats.

Cleverly discovered that using pure life energy to induce a million young squirrels, about three to five squirrels with bright red tails would appear.

It has always been very difficult to select wisely, but the number of Shouyuan rats in Lin Yuan’s hands is constantly increasing.

Due to the difficulty of screening and the extremely high operating requirements for the life energy induction of young flower branch mice, this makes Shouyuan mice unable to be mass-produced.

Lin Yuan can’t be universal, but he can guarantee that every member of Sky City, including the servants in white, will have a Shouyuan Rat contract in the future to ensure the continuation of lifespan!

In addition to all the members of Sky City, Lin Yuan can also keep some of the lives that are bound to him.

Lin Yuan’s happiest achievement in the past six months is the achievement of studying the reproduction of Shouyuan rat.

After Su Yinren made this phone call with Lin Yuan, he no longer felt any pressure.

“Master, don’t worry, I will be able to handle these things right now!”

“I will communicate with the Godmother.”

“If there is a problem in communicating with the Godmother, I will report it to you!”

“Based on my understanding, the Goddess is actually not a good communicator.”

Su Yinren did not say such a thing to exclude the Godmother.

Godmother has no reputation in Lin Yuan.

Su Yinren would say this to Lin Yuan to say hello to Lin Yuan in advance.

To prevent the migration from being delayed due to problems in the negotiation with the Goddess.

Lin Yuan felt that he only cared about the Dark Continent and ignored the Sandbar Continent.

A sharp light flashed in Lin Yuan’s eyes when he heard the words.

“You can contact Bupo about this matter, and use Bupo’s relationship to communicate with the goddess.”

“If even Godmother can’t recognize the situation in this matter, set your mind right.”

“I will let the master of reincarnation who guards Buper deal with the goddess.”

“You can arrange the migration with peace of mind!”

After talking with Su Yinren for a while, Lin Yuan hung up the phone, and rushed back to Guiyuan Manor with Zhizhen Touch Vine.

Immediately, Lin Yuan entered the spirit lock space.

Clever has already explained to Hu Quan the effects and uses of various spiritual materials.

The design drawings of large-scale infrastructure are actually easier to draw than small-scale infrastructure.

The main design of large-scale infrastructure is the outline, while the small-scale infrastructure is the delicate beauty.

After drawing the design drawings, Hu Quan listed all the materials needed in detail.

Lin Yuan took Hu Quan’s list and read it over and said.

“There’s no need to bother to listen to help find these materials. I have a ready-made diamond-level spirit box containing those resources and hand them directly to you.”

“You are responsible for taking the spiritual material from it and using it directly!”

“There are some great king-level metal spirit materials in it. You can ask cleverness about the specific effects.”

“You can also use the metal spiritual material of the Great King level in infrastructure.”

In the past, Lin Yuan would not have dared to say such a thing.

Lin Yuan needs to use Mobius’s skill [real data] to investigate those king-level metal spirit materials, and then tell Cong Cong to record them.

But now that Clever has the skill [Analysis of True Knowledge], he can use this skill to clearly ascertain the actual effects of various spiritual materials!

Otherwise, let Lin Yuan go and tell Hu Quan the functions of these metal spiritual materials, Lin Yuan really doesn’t have such time.

Hu Quan was stunned by Lin Yuan’s words.

Big, big, big, the metal spiritual material of the king rank can also be used! ?

In Hu Quan’s eyes, lord-level metal spiritual materials are already extremely precious materials, and such spiritual materials are collected as strategic materials in Huiyao.

Hu Quan, the king-level metal spiritual material, has never touched a few pieces since he was born.

But now, Lin Yuan, the metal spirit material of the Great Sovereign Rank, allows himself to use it casually.

This level of leap is simply too big for Hu Quan.

However, since Lin Yuan said so, it proves that Lin Yuan does not lack resources at the level of the king-level metal spirit material.

Since Lin Yuan has allowed himself to use it, there is no reason for him not to dare to use it.

If the metal spiritual materials of the Maharaja class are added to the design of the Suo Ling space infrastructure, Hu Quan feels that his design drawings need to be changed again!

Although this will delay some construction progress, it can ensure that the lock spirit space is built to perfection.

Hu Quan also knew about the undead disaster that the main world was about to face.

The Scourge of the Undead takes a long time to resist.

I have plenty of time to carefully refine the lock spirit space.

Right now, this piece of land is roughly the size of a county town, and I can definitely turn it into a fairyland that can no longer be replicated in the world after spending a hundred years!

Just as Lin Yuan was about to talk to Hu Quan about his views on the construction of the Locking Space, Lin Yuan’s phone rang.

Seeing that the call was from Yue Hou, Lin Yuan knew that his master Yue Hou should have finished all the busy things right now.

So Lin Yuan went directly out of the spirit-locking space, and came to the apse of Huiyue Hall through the ethereal jellyfish’s skill [Node Teleportation].

Lin Yuan has been troubled by one thing recently, and that is whether to let the five-dimensional world merge with the main world immediately in order to deal with the natural disaster of the undead.

It will be really difficult for Lin Yuan to make a decision for a while.

Lin Yuan knew that his decision was related to the safety of the main world.

In case the main world is promoted from the first-level world to the second-level world, it will have to go through the catastrophe of nine deaths like the promotion of a spiritual creature! ?

Since he couldn’t make a decision for a while, Lin Yuan felt that he might as well ask his master Yue Hou for his opinion.

As a result, before Lin Yuan asked Yue Hou, Yue Hou had already asked Lin Yuan a difficult problem that could not be solved at the moment, but had to be solved!

“The migration of so many federations from Xiaoyuan to Huiyao will put a lot of pressure on Huiyao.”

“Huiyao Continent doesn’t give so many federal citizens land to live in.”

“Although we are doing something to save the whole world, this kind of redemption should not be based on infringing upon the interests of the glorious citizens!”

“If people from other federations are allowed to enter the Huiyao Continent at will, a series of security-related problems will occur, and the conflict will definitely intensify at that time!”

“But if these federations are not allowed to bring migratory people into the Huiyao Continent, there will be no suitable territory around Huiyao for these migratory people to stay.”

“What’s more, the continents are separated by the sea, and there will be countless undead resurrected and climbed onto the land in the sea!”

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