Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2652

Lin Yuan nodded after hearing Yue Hou’s words.

Lin Yuan understood Yue Hou’s decision very well, and Yue Hou’s decision was more in line with Lin Yuan’s perception of Yue Hou.

Lin Yuan had long thought that his master, Yue Hou, would not want people from other federations to migrate to Huiyao’s territory.

Once such a decision is made that other federation members move to the Huiyao Continent, it is bound to reduce the resources that every citizen of Huiyao can enjoy.

Safety issues will eventually prompt Hui Yao to make a decision to expel these people.

Lin Yuan has already figured this out, which is why Lin Yuan hesitates to integrate the five-dimensional world with the main world.

If there are enough areas to accommodate the citizens of the major federations who migrated to Huiyao, then Lin Yuan doesn’t need to worry about this matter!

Not to mention that Lin Yuan is also unwilling to allow the major federations to migrate to the Hanwen continent.

Firstly, this kind of migration will also bring hidden dangers to the safety of the Hanwen Continent and affect the current situation of the Hanwen Continent.

Secondly, all the land in the Haiwen Continent is not enough to accommodate the population of the major federations.

Three years later, although the area of ​​the sea between the Haiwen Continent and Huiyao is not large, there will be a steady stream of undead crawling towards the Haiwen Continent in this small area.

So if we consider these issues, the integration of the main world and the five-dimensional world seems to be the only solution to the problem.

Yue Hou saw Lin Yuan nodding his head, and after pondering for a moment, he made a proposal.

“Xiaoyuan, it’s better for us to contact Wangyang Labyrinth and let the people of Wangyang Labyrinth station near the Huiyao Continent.”

“Then lay that kind of metal slab on the bottom of the sea, so that Hui Yao and at least fifteen nearby continents are in a relatively safe state.”

“Otherwise those federations will definitely clamor for Hui Yao to solve the problem if they don’t have a suitable place to settle down after completing the migration!”

Yuehou’s proposal was a decision she had to make when she didn’t know that the dimensional world could merge with the main world.

It’s like there’s no way out.

However, in Lin Yuan’s view, Yuehou’s proposal was extremely difficult to realize.

First of all, it is difficult to communicate with Wang Yang Maze about this matter.

The Wangyang Labyrinth is very powerful, and the number of sea people under its management is tens of thousands of times larger than the number of humans.

Every decision in Wangyang Maze affects the whole body, and it is impossible to move the position casually in order to cooperate with Hui Yao’s plan.

After Wang Yang Maze learned about Tadian’s plan from Hui Yao, Wang Yang Maze readily expressed its willingness to cooperate with Hui Yao.

Without any bargaining, he agreed to Huiyao’s plan to bring other federal citizens to migrate, and sent all the island whales to assist Huiyao.

The Skyscroll Annex did play a benign role in it, but it was more due to the wisdom of the rulers of the Wangyang Labyrinth.

Wangyang Labyrinth agreed to the request of the human side, and there will definitely be requests from humans in the future.

Lin Yuan is going to be there in person when he is negotiating with Wangyang Labyrinth next time, and get in touch with the most powerful and secretive force in the ocean of the main world.

Secondly, laying metal rock slabs on the seabed is simply impossible to carry out and operate.

Lin Yuan is using the resources of the underground world to build metal rock slabs. The long-term accumulation of resources in the underground world allows Lin Yuan to easily create the metal rock slabs needed to lay the seabed.

But goblins have no way to go to the bottom of the sea.

Creatures like goblins are very afraid of water, even if there is a strong man in the ocean labyrinth to create an environment suitable for goblin activities and connect the goblins to the bottom of the sea.

Even hundreds of goblins couldn’t quickly complete the task of laying rock slabs.

Huiyao was able to complete the laying of the metal slate in more than a month because it was the result of the joint efforts of hundreds of millions of goblins.

Lin Yuan didn’t play tricks with Yue Hou, and said directly to Yue Hou.

“Master, I have something to ask for your opinion!”

“If this matter is implemented, it is likely to bring unknown risks. This unknown risk has a great probability of bringing disaster to the main world.”

“But once this matter is successfully completed, it can perfectly solve the problem you mentioned before.”

Lin Yuan was about to explain the specific situation to Yue Hou in detail, when he heard that Yue Hou had already said it in a firm tone.

“Xiaoyuan’s undead natural disaster is already a great disaster for the main world, and it is unknown whether the living in the main world can pass it on!”

“It’s hard not to overwhelm you. If there are other disasters in the main world, this disaster will affect us the living, and it may not be able to affect the undead!”

“What’s more, this matter can also solve the problems that must be solved at the moment.”

“Xiao Yuan, what is there to hesitate about!?”

Lin Yuan was stunned by Yuehou’s words for a moment, and Yuehou’s words made Lin Yuan completely feel Yuehou’s courage in acting.

Lin Yuan went so smoothly along the way, which made Lin Yuan hope that every decision he made would develop in the best direction.

Unwilling to take any imminent risks.

But in fact, risk is a very normal thing.

Almost every one of the strong men of the older generation came here at risk.

In the eyes of the older generation of strong people, risk is actually something that can be used.

This is like when preventing and treating cancerous spirits, Zhen Lingsi will always come up with another cancerous spirit to contain this cancerous spirit.

Yue Hou’s words dispelled Lin Yuan’s worries.

yes! What is there in this matter is worth hesitating!

Moreover, promoting the main world, which is a first-level world, to a second-level world is a matter of more advantages than disadvantages.

After making a decision, the anxiety in Lin Yuan’s heart completely disappeared.

Although there was no need to discuss with Yue Hou to make up his mind, Lin Yuan still explained the situation to Yue Hou seriously.

“Master, I don’t know if you know that the world can also be promoted like a spiritual thing?”

Lin Yuan’s words immediately attracted Yue Hou’s attention.

This question raised by Lin Yuan has never been heard before Yue Hou.

If other people said that to Yue Hou, Yue Hou would probably feel that the person who spoke was talking nonsense.

After all, Yuehou is already a small group of people standing at the top of the main world. There should be few things in this world that Yuehou has never even heard of!

But when these words came out of Lin Yuan’s mouth, he couldn’t help but believe it after a month.

Because Lin Yuan has now reached a level that is unimaginable a month later.

Yue Hou sat beside Lin Yuan and shook her head, feeling a familiar yet eerie feeling in her heart.

In the apse of Huiyue Hall two years ago, when he first accepted Lin Yuan as his disciple, he also raised a question, and Lin Yuan didn’t know the answer to the question.

Then help Lin Yuan answer it himself.

Now the situation is just reversed, the identities of the master and the apprentice have switched positions, and it becomes that I need to humbly ask Lin Yuan for advice!

This is enough to prove how much Lin Yuan has grown in the past two years.

There was no need for Yue Hou to ask, after Yue Hou shook his head, Lin Yuan had already actively explained.

“Master’s dimensional world will form dimensional cracks in the main world, bringing many disasters to the main world.”

“But in fact, all such things happen because the dimensional world is increasing the connection with the main world in this way.”

“Combining the currently known five-dimensional world with the main world, the main world, which is currently the first-level world, can be promoted to the second-level!”

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“I have completely controlled the five dimensional worlds, and I plan to use Huiyao as the core to allow the five dimensional worlds to integrate with the main world around the core of Huiyao.”

“Once the integration is completed, the land of the dimensional world can be settled by people who migrated from other federations.”

Yuehou’s eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Lin Yuan’s words.

Months later, Lin Yuan had never heard of what Lin Yuan said before.

But Lin Yuan’s explanation also made Yue Hou understand what was going on.

If it is true as Lin Yuan said, the area after the integration of the five-dimensional world and the main world is enough for the residents who migrated from the major federations to settle down.

In addition, the plan of Su Sheng of the Tadian Sleeper polluted the leylines of the main world, and the leylines of the dimensional world were not affected.

The leylines of the five-dimensional world can form a buffer zone for undead natural disasters.

The sea area of ​​the water world will also become the pure land where the marine creatures of the main world live.

Yue Hou is a smart person, and he has already thought through the specific situation and the pros and cons without too much explanation from Lin Yuan.

It’s just that when I think of the low IQ of the dimensional creatures, they are also extremely cruel.

After a month, I am afraid that these dimensional creatures will attack these federal citizens when other federal citizens who migrated settle down!

The strength of the federations varies. Not all federations are as powerful as the Glorious Federation, the Freedom Federation, and the Azure Federation.

The defense power of those federations without five-star builders is not even as strong as the defense power of a big city!

In this case, it is difficult for these federations to resist the attack of dimensional creatures.

Although the IQ of dimensional creatures is low, they will definitely gather groups of people to attack repeatedly when they eat flesh and blood and taste the sweetness!

Hearing Yue Hou’s concerns, Lin Yuan said with a smile.

“Master, what I mean by controlling the dimensional world is not just the strong man who controls the dimensional world, those weak dimensional creatures are also under my control!”

“Now that I have systematically managed these dimensional creatures, you don’t need to worry about those dimensional creatures attacking humans!”

“On the contrary, these dimensional creatures can also protect the safety of human beings when they are in danger.”

The big stone in my heart fell to the ground after hearing Lin Yuan’s words after a month.

At this time, like Lin Yuan, Yue Hou did not feel so much pressure in her heart.

In the case of human beings taking all defensive measures to the best, they only need to bear the catastrophe of the undead natural disaster and strive to survive this catastrophe!

There is no need to keep your heart closed in darkness.

Anxiety is bad for a decision maker, not good.

Suddenly one thing came to mind after a month, that is, Ta Dian also controls a dimensional world.

This dimensional world is called the world of the dead, which Lin Yuan mentioned before.

After a month, I always felt that this world of the dead had a lot to do with Su Sheng’s plan of the Sleeper.

Lin Yuan heard from Jingshen and Yushen that Tadian had traded dead spirits with the Freedom Federation.

The dead energy is stored in a special container handed over by Tadian to the Free Federation.

Tadian has never made such a transaction with Huiyao.

After learning about the situation a month later, he purposely investigated the dead energy in Huiyao’s territory.

A month later, it was discovered that the death energy in Huiyao territory had not been collected by Tadian.

Ta Dian wanted to use the death energy to infect the earth veins to cause this natural disaster of the undead, but the existing death energy in the main world alone would definitely not be able to do this.

Therefore, the source of Tadian’s death energy is very likely to be the world of the dead!

I heard from Lin Yuan that the promotion of the main world is only related to the five-dimensional world, and has nothing to do with the world of the dead.

This means that the world of the dead most likely does not belong to the main world.

And Tadian is also a group of strong men who descended from the outside world to the main world.

After figuring this out, Yue Hou didn’t ask Lin Yuan the corresponding questions.

If he can think about this matter clearly, Lin Yuan certainly knows it too.

Since I have no way to deal with this matter, there is no need to mention this matter to add pressure to Lin Yuan!

Yue Hou personally cooked a meal, and Yue Hou asked Lin Yuan after dinner.

“Will Xiaoyuan live on Qingyue Mountain tonight?”

Lin Yuan drank the tea in his cup after hearing the words, and said with a smile.

“Master, I plan to go to the Hanwen Continent and make some preparations in advance.”

“I’ll be back in about a week. When I come back, I hope you will take the lead in taking me to meet the people in Wangyang Labyrinth!”

“I have some things I want to negotiate with Wangyang Labyrinth, so that I can decide how big a circle should be drawn outside the Huiyao Continent to arrange the five-dimensional world!”

After a month, Lin Yuan was not forced to stay, knowing that Lin Yuan was the busiest person right now.

And what Lin Yuan has to do, other people can’t help at all!

There is no way to reverse the ground veins being polluted by dead air.

The purpose of Lin Yuan drawing this circle is to circle a piece of sea area and land as a training ground.

Let human beings be able to understand the undead in advance, and also record how many undead will appear in such an area.

Only in this way can we speculate to the greatest extent how long the undead natural disaster will last.

It’s also good to know whether the Sleeper’s resurrection plan is launched, whether these undead appear at the same time or come out of the ground little by little.

Only after mastering the corresponding information in advance can we be methodical in the face of this catastrophe.

“After Xiaoyuan and Wangyang Labyrinth have finished negotiating, are you going to integrate the five-dimensional world with the main world immediately!?”

“I suggest that you wait until the citizens of other federations arrive in Huiyao before proceeding!”

“For one thing, it saves other federal citizens from trekking on the land where the dimensional world is integrated.”

“Secondly, you said before that you are collecting a power related to faith.”

“I can just take this opportunity to collect beliefs for you from all the humans in the main world.”

“Creating a miraculous scene at a desperate moment, showing unimaginable power for ordinary people, is always the best way to collect beliefs!”

After talking about this month, I paused before continuing.

“After the major federations migrate towards Huiyao, there will probably be some hidden forces that will communicate with us humans.”

“If any special forces contact me at that time, I will notify you as soon as possible!”

“No matter what, Xiaoyuan, the master still said the same thing, don’t make yourself too tired!”

While talking, Yue Hou raised her hand to help Lin Yuan straighten his collar.

Lin Yuan would do this every time after sailing for months.

It’s just that every time Lin Yuan’s collar is tidied up, his mood changes a month later!

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