Chapter 42: Discussions.

My left eye twitched.

“W… w…..What the hell HAPPENED HERE!?”

“Ah!, Mother!, please don’t be angry!”

I looked over to Arron, or should I say the corpse of Arron? His body was laid limp on the floor in a puddle of his own dried blood. Just how did he die? Was it murder? There was no sign of forced entry, and the girl was too pregnant to have killed him. I walked over to the corpse and turned it around. To my surprise, I found two larvae burrowing into his stomach.

“So that’s where you two were?” The larvae squealed as they felt my presence.

“Mother…. Help…..”

“Yes, yes, I'm coming.” I turned away from the other larvae. “But before that. Tell me what happened.”

“Agghhhhh Mother….. Please…. I feel another-”

“Noooo. I see 5 larvae. You're not due to give birth to the rest any time soon. So tell me or else.”

“No! Okay, Promise me you won't be mad.”

“That depends.”

She squirmed at my words.

“Well, what happened was….w


Several Hours Prior…….

“mmmMMPPPPHHH” *CLANG* *CLANG* *CLANG* The sound of metal pipes smacking into the wall went straight through me.

“Arron, stop..Mother will be back soon.”


The gag mother tied around him made him impossible to understand, but I got the message. Why was he so opposed to mother? Aaron pulled against the steel beam, causing it to creak and groan and then, with one powerful shunt, the pipe smacked into the wall, but it held firm.



Aaron pulled harder than he ever did before. And then, with one more shunt, The pipe smacked into the wall. However, this time, it broke off into several pieces. He was free.


Aaron quickly untied his hands and undid the gag. “FUCK!”He screamed into the air. Aaron took several deep breaths like he was a diver who had just come up for air after a long dive.

“I swear when I find that insect bitch she will pay!” He took a few more deep breaths.

“Come on! We need to go. We have to tell the guards about that freak!” He yelled. Aaron quickly scurried over to me and lifted me up to my feet. But something felt wrong. Freak? Who was the freak? Does he mean mother? Does he want to take me away from mother? Or worse, tell the guards about her. If the guards find Mother, what will they do? I…..i…..i might not see her again.

“No!” I dropped to the ground. “Don’t tell the guards! I DON’T WANT TO LOSE MOTHER AGAIN.”

“What?! Are you crazy? Look, that bitch ain’t your mother. We need to get you out of here, Sally. You're…. You're not well.”

He grabbed my hand, and I instantly pulled it away.


“No! You are trying to take me away from Mother after she just came back. I won't let you!”

“SALLY. ARGHAAA, FINE, STAY HERE, I’ll go get help.”

Aaron turned around and headed for the ladder. I got up as quickly as my body would let me.

“Stop! I won't let you take mother away from me.”

Aaron started making his way up. I quickly ran up to the ladder.

“Wait! STOP!”

I reached up and grabbed his leg. “Let go of me, SALLY!” He started kicking my hands, but I held on tight.

“Only if you stay here. Mother will be back soon.”

“Gah! What did that bitch do to your head!”

I pulled harder and harder. The ladder started to creak and groan.

“Sally, you need to stop. If you don’t, I’ll slip.”

“Nu-uh, you stay here! We can be happy!”

I pulled harder and harder. The croaking of the ladder was so loud that it felt like I was having nails driven into my brain. But I didn’t let go. I had to protect Mother!


The ground around us shook. My grip loosened, and so did Aaron. The unforgiving ground rushed towards me.

“AAAAHH!” I screamed as my hands moved to cover my face.

I landed hard with an uncaring thud. My body recoiled as waves of pain rocked through my body.

“Aaron? Are you okay?!”

I shook the pain away as I slowly sat up. I have to stop Aaron from going to the guards. I must protect mother. I slowly stood up to my feet and made my way to Aaron, who was lying on the ground still…Too still. My feet ground to a crawl.


He didn’t respond. I looked towards the wall, and there was a large red blood splatter.

“Oh no”


Diva Pov….

“I’m, sorry, momma. I didn’t mean to hurt him. I just wanted to stop him and then, and then,” Her eyes started to water. I quickly pulled her into a hug.

“It's okay. You did good. You protected me and the children. So don’t cry.” I pulled her deeper into my chest as she cried into my clothes. I don’t actually care about how she feels, but she must believe I do. However, her story is quite funny. What do they call it again? Crab mentality? One person will try to better themselves, but they get pulled back down again as soon as they try.

I patted her head; hehehe, it's nice to know she has truly become mine. As for Aaron, Judging from where that bloodstain is, he probably fell and cracked his head open on the wall. It was either the blood loss or the head trauma that killed him. Either way, it’s a benefit for me; even in death, he was still useful. As for the girl, if she was willing to go that far, what else would she do for me? I felt a sadistic grin grow as my mind filled with many unsavoury thoughts.

“Mother, your face…..It’s scary.”

“Hehehe, ignore that. Also thinking about it. I should give you a reward for all your good work .”


“Yes…. How would you  like to come live with Mother?”

“Live with mother…Yes! Of course! Yes! Thank you so so much!”

And just like that, she doesn’t care anymore. What a pitiful thing she is. As for living with me. A Mansion like that is going to need servants to run it.

“Come, let's go.”

I helped her up to her feet, and we made our way to the ladder. However, before I left, I quickly picked up all the newborns and placed them on Aaron's body. It wasn’t a lot of food, but it will suffice for now. I quickly scurried up the ladder and back into the office.

“Come on. I haven't got all day!”


She started climbing the ladder. I quickly dropped to my knees and gave her my hands. In no time, her pregnant body was up and out of the basement.

“Come, let’s leave quickly. Somebody important is wait-“


“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

I snapped my head around, and there was Andre. In an instant, my pincers shot out of my back.

“Easy, easy, easy,” He said, sticking his hands up. “I'm not here to cause trouble”.

“Why are you here.”

“I was just in the neighbourhood, And I thought-“

Something in my head snapped, and I lunged at this piece of shit. In one swift move, I grabbed his neck and shoved him into the wall.

“I’m not in the mood for jokes. WHY ARE YOU HERE!”


Suddenly, two large goons stepped inside.

“What the. LET HIM-“

“DON’T MOVE! If you do, I’ll crush his fucking throat.”

The 2 idiots looked between me and Andre. Fuck how did they find me! Fuck, fuck,FUCK! Suddenly, Andre raised his hands. “NO!” He spluttered out as my grip tightened. “Please….leave…”

The goons looked at me briefly before they slowly backed out of the office. He wrapped his hand around mine. “Please….let go….cant…..breathe”

I scowled at him before dropping him. “TALK!”

He took several deep breaths and rubbed the red marks on his neck. “That’s not a good way to treat your business partner, is it?”

“We are not business partners. Get to the point; why are you here!.”

“Alright, alright. A few of my eyes and ears on the ground told me they had seen a mysterious figure come in and out of here the last few days. I was just curious who it was.”

“Bullshit. What's your real reason?”

“Hehe, not much gets past you. Alright, we're looking for the people who blew up the ball. That event…. It's not good for business, you see. We were already struggling with the Ashdown now…. Who knows what will happen. I wasn’t lying about my eyes and ears spotting you. But the main reason we are here was because the sudden activity had something to do with the bombing. Turns out I was wrong…. Sorry”

I looked at him. His expression was very earnest. I interviewed many criminals as a detective. After a while, you get a feel for those who are lying and those telling the truth.

“Fine, I'll accept your answer, but if I find out you lied to me….”

“Yes, yes, I understand.” He took a deep breath and looked around the room. I looked behind. Sally was frozen like a statue. What's up with her?

 “Nice place you got here, very unassuming and very well hidden. Mind telling me what you got to hide.”

“About the bombing,” I deflected. “How close are you to finding the culprits?”

“Really, you’re not gonna tell me anything.”


“Have. You. Found. The. Culprits”

“Okay, okay. Fine.” He let out a deep sigh and, pulled out a cigarette and lit it. “No, we are not even close; in fact, coming here was our last lead. The bombers were organised. Whoever did this knew what they were doing and knew how to hide it well.”

“What about the Ashdowns? Are they okay?”

He shook his head. “The father, mother and daughter survived, but the son istevan………… he’s with ancestors now.”

I tried to hide my smirk. But it was hard. What can I say? I'm happy the annoying twerp is dead. However, a part of me feels bad for the mother. Losing a child is hard.

“I guess the bombers really did get one of the ashdowns?”

Andre blew a puff of smoke in the room. “What?”

“Oh, well, I guess I can tell you. During the bombing, I caught two guys talking about making sure at least one of the Ashdown was dead, something about their boss being pissed at them if they didn’t.”

“I see. And those guys, did you get their appearance? If you know what they look like, we can.”

I shook my head. “They are dead. I killed them both.”

“What?! Why?!” he said, flailing his hands.

“They threatened to kill my partner. I showed no remorse for people who do such a thing.”

“I see…..” He took another puff from the cigarette, “I understand more than you know.” His eyes went cold completely different to his usual scheming eyes. He sighed. “Well, this was a waste of time.” He said, heading towards the office exit.

“Earlier, you said business partners. What changed your tune? I thought you wanted to meet me first before we could become partners.

“Aren't we doing that now?”

I gave him a deadpan stare.

“Alright. If I could have let you in right then, I would have. I like you. I feel you and I could help each other.

“If that’s the case, what was all that stuff at the ball?”

He sighed. “Titus has a lot of sway in this town. Let's just say not much goes on without him knowing about it. On top of that, he has a load of trust issues. Even now, after 5 years, he still doesn’t fully trust me. So if I had suggested we let you in there, and then he would have thought something was up and would never let you in.”

“I see. Most of your logic makes sense. However, one thing doesn’t make sense. Why do you think it would be a good idea to partner with me? Hell, you don’t even know what I want. Hell, why do you trust me anyway? I could be scheming to kill you.”

“I have it on good authority. You won't do that.”

“Oh yeah. Whose authority is that?”

“Sorry, spoilers”

I rolled my eyes. There was no point pushing him on that. I could tell he would die before telling me a word.

“As for what you want…… well, what do you want? You don’t seem to be the type who wants money and money only.”

“You could possibly never help me with what I want.”

“Try me.”

“Fine. How about We both help each other. You scratch my back, and I scratch yours. If we like what we get. We can move forward in a more…. Cooperative relationship.

He thought about it for a while. “Fine. What do you want.”



“Lots and lots of women, preferably over 18. You help me with this and any small things in between. And then we are golden.”

“Small things like what.”

“Money, transport and connecting me with relevant people who can help me from time to time.”

“Fine. Your demands aren't unreasonable. It's just the woman thing is more Titus’s area than mine. However, I can help with transport and anything in between.”

“…..Fine. What do you want?”

 “Right now. I want you to find the people responsible for the Ashdown bombings.”


“Yes. I don’t care who did it, but think of it as a test of your skills to see if you can help me.”

Hmmmm…. His demand isn't unreasonable. I was gonna find the bombers anyway, but doing so with help would make it several times easier. But if he is using this as a test. What is a test for? Who is this “Authority,” And why do I feel like the only way I'm gonna get answers to these questions is by helping him. Fuck.

“Fine,” I said, raising my hand towards him. He looked at it briefly before shaking it.

“A pleasure doing business with you…..”

“Likewise.” He said with a smile.

“Now miss…..”


“Yes, how would you like me to help you go home. I can't imagine you planned to make her walk or carry her all the way home.

Yeaahhhhhhh…… didn’t have any plans to do that. I looked back to Sally, who was still stood like a statue. I looked at her body. She was in no condition to walk.

“Well, if you’re offering, I humbly accept.” One other question: those two idiots outside, are they valuable?”

“Not really… Why”

My face twisted in a smile. “Nothing. It's just all this talk has made me terribly hungry.”

Before Andre could respond, I slept through the office.

“Hiya!” I screamed as, In an instant, one of my pincers shot out of my back and into one of the bodyguard's heart. The attack was so fast his face didn’t even have time to register the pain before he dropped dead.


The other guy rushed me. I quickly pulled out my pincers, rolled to the side, and watched as he charged full speed into the wall.

“I’m over here, Dummy!”

 The man turned around, his face bright pink with rage as he charged at me again. I waited until the last moment, and as quick as I could, I ducked down and slid in between his legs. Seeing an opportunity,  I sprung up into the air, Shot all of my pincers out and wrapped his entire with them. The man tried to free himself, but I was stuck on him like an old piece of gum under a school desk. I Shuffled higher up his body Until I could see his neck. A big pulsing vein called out to me. I licked my lips as I dove right into his neck, straight through his jugular. Torrents of blood gushed out of him and into my body. I gulped down on the crimson goodness as much as I could. His body writhed as he tried to escape, but it was pointless. Soon, his movements grew increasingly sluggish until finally, he collapsed into an unconscious pile on the floor.


“Yes….. why did you do that?”

“Because I’m hungry, and I wanted to, and besides, you don’t want Titus to think we are close. The last thing I need is one of these guys talking.”

“I see.”

“Why don’t you go wait outside whilst I finish off this one. SALLY!”

“Yes, mother!”

“Go wait with Andre as I finish lunch.”

Before he could say anything, I started chowing down. I wasn’t lying when I said I was hungry. After the roller coaster of a morning I've had, I need this famished. Also, thinking about it, When was the last time I properly ate something? Bah, whatever, I've got my food, and that’s all that matters.

Some time later….

*Buurp* <That was good!>. I had made quick work of 1 of the big guys. I was tempted to eat the others, But I wasn’t the only mouth that needed feeding. I dragged the body towards the hole and carefully dumped it in.

<That will keep them fed for a day or two. But I will need to establish a self-sufficient food supply down here at some point. As fun as killing people on the street for food sounds, I have to keep a low profile>

I quickly shut the trapdoor. There were bloodstains all over the office floor. <Bah, where are the cleaners when I need them.> Questions will be raised if someone discovers this. Maybe I could….

I started channelling null mana to my hand but instantly cancelled it. Too dangerous. My control with this mana is not good enough to just erase the blood stains. Knowing my luck, I’ll put a whole in the ground

<I guess I'll just have to ask Andre if he can deal with this.>

I sighed as I made my way towards the main exit. Outside, there was a plain wooden carriage waiting. The driver turned to look at me. His face went white with horror. I looked down; my robe was covered head to toe in blood and bits of pink meat. My face twisted into a smile as I looked up towards him.  

“Will I have to kill you too?”


I took a step towards the driver, causing him to slowly back away.

“Can you not?”

I turned towards Andre, who held a bored expression on his face.

“I’m just kidding. I'm not that hungry anyway.”

He rolled his eyes. “Come on”

I gave the driver a wave as I climbed into his carriage.

“Are you always like this?”

“Normally, but this mask usually helps Restrain my more…… unsavoury characteristics.”

“I see…. May I have a look?”

“……… Fine. But if you break it..”

“Yes, yes, I know how this works.”

I placed the mask in his hand. Suddenly, The carriage lurched forward, and soon the warehouse began to disappear in the distance.

“Remarkable… Where did you find this?”

“I found it.”

“I feel like there is more to that story than you’re letting on, but I won't press further.”

He gave me back the mask. “You should have somebody look at it. Discover its inner workings. If it's possible, we may be able to replicate it. Copies of these items do sell very well.”

“I see. Do you have anyone in mind?”

“Well, I do have one person, but they are a little bit eccentric. But looking at you, I think you may hit it off. I’ll try to arrange a meeting.”

“Thank you. Speaking of your friends. I made quite the mass at my warehouse, do you-”

“Have any cleanup crews. Of course, I'll send them by and before you ask yes, I will tell them to not go in the basement.”

“And the driver…”

“he knows better than to blab about things he has seen. Snitches do receive a lot more than stitches.”

“Oooh, tell me.”

He rolled his eyes again. *SIGH* “Why do I feel like I'm gonna end up regretting this relationship?”

I chuckled. “Relax. I feel like this is the start of something amazing.”


Somewhere in Doonvatel…..

Audio Recording Start.

“Research log number 15: date 01/02/ XXXX.

 Recent experimentation on insect transmogrification has resulted in Nothing but catastrophic failures. Recent experimentation involving Extreme changes in dosages administered to the test subjects has given mixed.





As I was saying, the results have been mixed. Multiple subjects have shown a failure to adapt to the compounds when given. Maybe it has something to do with me testing on the bottom of the barrel when it comes to people. Ya-know the Drug addicts, whores and the terminally ill etc etc.

 I would like to get better subjects. Someone of royal blood, maybe, but alas, I lack the influence and power to do that. Another limiting factor is that of my purse strings. Perhaps I will have to take some jobs for the buffoon Titus or the maronic narcissist Andre. God, I don’t know what is worse.”

End recording.




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